California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment

Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

I was almost ready to agree with you until I read that she had to translate her warnings because a lot of people on the bus didn't even understand English.

My grandparents came here to escape a genocide by the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

Neither one of them could speak english yet both of them were here legally. They came through Ellis Island.

Both my aunt and my dad were born and raised right here in America. They are American citizens by birth. Neither one of my grandparents could teach my aunt and dad english. My aunt and dad learned english when they went to public school then went home and taught it to my grandparents.

So what you're saying is that my grandparents, my aunt and my dad should have had to endure illegal searches and seizures just because they didn't speak english.

The founders of America which you conservatives scream you absolutely love, fought a revolutionary war to make sure no American ever has to endure what you are advocating.

What you and other conservatives are doing is spitting on the graves of everyone who fought for our nation, our constitution and freedom. That includes my dad who volunteered for and served in the the Army during the Korean war. My grandparents taught him he literally owed his life to America and he spent a lot of his life giving back to the nation that made it possible for his parents, his sister and him to be alive.
The article said that the boarding of the bus took place within 100 miles of the border because air miles are used, not road miles. The BP was well within their rights to search the bus under the law.

Also from the article.

However, the Fourth Amendment only allows law enforcement officials to enter business areas that are open to the public in the exercise of their duties - going anywhere else requires a warrant or consent.

Since Greyhound buses require a ticket to enter, they are not considered to be open to the public, and the agents' legal authority does not extend there.

Got anything else? Because now your hundred mile government regulation amounts to a hill of beans.

That technical limitation, if true, is what doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
How many times have THEY lectured us that these aren't the 1950s anymore?
After Cal. breaks into three new states the 'coastal LIB elites' are welcome to all the illegals they want.
The wonderful irony is when that happens and the Cartels take over their new state the first thing the Cartels will do is exterminate or enslave the LIBs.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

I was almost ready to agree with you until I read that she had to translate her warnings because a lot of people on the bus didn't even understand English.

My grandparents came here to escape a genocide by the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

Neither one of them could speak english yet both of them were here legally. They came through Ellis Island.

Both my aunt and my dad were born and raised right here in America. They are American citizens by birth. Neither one of my grandparents could teach my aunt and dad english. My aunt and dad learned english when they went to public school then went home and taught it to my grandparents.

So what you're saying is that my grandparents, my aunt and my dad should have had to endure illegal searches and seizures just because they didn't speak english.

The founders of America which you conservatives scream you absolutely love, fought a revolutionary war to make sure no American ever has to endure what you are advocating.

What you and other conservatives are doing is spitting on the graves of everyone who fought for our nation, our constitution and freedom. That includes my dad who volunteered for and served in the the Army during the Korean war. My grandparents taught him he literally owed his life to America and he spent a lot of his life giving back to the nation that made it possible for his parents, his sister and him to be alive.
I am a conservative and I appreciate that post, thank you
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

I was almost ready to agree with you until I read that she had to translate her warnings because a lot of people on the bus didn't even understand English.

My grandparents came here to escape a genocide by the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

Neither one of them could speak english yet both of them were here legally. They came through Ellis Island.

Both my aunt and my dad were born and raised right here in America. They are American citizens by birth. Neither one of my grandparents could teach my aunt and dad english. My aunt and dad learned english when they went to public school then went home and taught it to my grandparents.

So what you're saying is that my grandparents, my aunt and my dad should have had to endure illegal searches and seizures just because they didn't speak english.

The founders of America which you conservatives scream you absolutely love, fought a revolutionary war to make sure no American ever has to endure what you are advocating.

What you and other conservatives are doing is spitting on the graves of everyone who fought for our nation, our constitution and freedom. That includes my dad who volunteered for and served in the the Army during the Korean war. My grandparents taught him he literally owed his life to America and he spent a lot of his life giving back to the nation that made it possible for his parents, his sister and him to be alive.
Don't be such an idiot!
Your grandparents had to carry their 'papers' wherever they went.
They had to produce their papers when ANY LEO demanded to see them.
Do you REALLY think your grandparents 'had a problem' with the US Gov. enforcing the immigration laws?????????
Fucking wise up!
The millions of men and women who fought for this country DID NOT fight for a country where anyone could enter the country illegally and then expect the 'makers' to take care of them forever.
No one can convince me that an illegal who is willing to work for half what a legal worker earns is somehow a benefit to the country.
Please don't translate my words, into your words.

Address my point, or don't and move on.

Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.

You had no point. Nor do you have one now. Nor will you at the rate you're going.

Your thought, again, translates to this - "I want to justify the federal government overstepping the limited just powers granted to them and to violate the Individual rights guaranteed The People by the Constitution because I have a 'deeply-held view.''

That's really what you're saying. You just don't know it because you clearly do not understand the right to freedom from government-over-man as it's laid out in the Constitution and Declaration.

Do yourself a favor and get yourself one of those safe space threads they were talking about around here. Invite all of your statist white nationalist friends to it and you all can talk about your 'deeply-held views' there.

You won't win in this thread. I guarantee it. Natty C is in the thread. :)
Trains, planes, trucks, and the like are licensed public carriers, and subject to the interstate commerce clauses and inspections, searches, or whatever from Federal officials, and state officials and local officials as well. A greyhound bus and other public carriers are not even remotely covered by the same legal status as your mommy's Yugo, no matter what some idiot said in a bar somewhere one time.
After Cal. breaks into three new states the 'coastal LIB elites' are welcome to all the illegals they want.
The wonderful irony is when that happens and the Cartels take over their new state the first thing the Cartels will do is exterminate or enslave the LIBs.

they will then move and then proceed to turn their new home into a shithole like they did the last place they lived. They're worse than the illegals, who are only here to steal or swindle and then go back home and open a whorehouse or something after they save up enough.
Well illegal search and seizure reminds me of redcoats smashing in doors looking for contraband tea. But NOW? After the bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma city , the school shootings and god knows how many serial killers hiding under the black robes of freedom, I am not afraid of being searched. It is a hypothetical issue. Why does it seem only pro dissident pro criminals fear this above and beyond rational objections? The rest of us aren't concerned with this issue in the slightest. Search me.
If you can't figure out for yourself why this is as ignorant as it is wrong, then there's no point trying to explain it to you.
shut up jones.....
Your whole schtick is shutting up people, isn't it? I figured out you are ignorant. But I would never tell you to shut your big fat ignorant moronic yap. Nope, drone on dingus. I don't care.
you have no idea why i said that do you? have been posting with jones for 7 years,figure it out,maybe then you will see who is ignorant....
Please don't translate my words, into your words.

Address my point, or don't and move on.

Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.

You had no point. Nor do you have one now. Nor will you at the rate you're going.

Your thought, again, translates to this - "I want to justify the federal government overstepping the limited just powers granted to them and to violate the Individual rights guaranteed The People by the Constitution because I have a 'deeply-held view.''

That's really what you're saying. You just don't know it because you clearly do not understand the right to freedom from government-over-man as it's laid out in the Constitution and Declaration.

Do yourself a favor and get yourself one of those safe space threads they were talking about around here. Invite all of your statist white nationalist friends to it and you all can talk about your 'deeply-held views' there.

You won't win in this thread. I guarantee it. Natty C is in the thread. :)

You've already lost, and don't realize it. No amount of bluster will change that.
I don't hate Freedom.

I hate the damage being done to my nation by out of control illegal immigration.

The damage being done to your country is by your out of control federal government. End the welfare magnet that attracts them and they will largely stop coming.

The answer is NOT to further trash the Constutution in favor of giving the federal government MORE leisure to violate it.


You're right except for the welfare thing.

They aren't coming for welfare.

They are coming for jobs.

The employers who hire them are breaking the law. When they do that the employers become criminals.

We don't have an illegal immigrant problem here.

We have an illegal employer problem. The government doesn't go after the employers who are just as criminal as those who come here illegally. Yet the government leaves those criminal employers alone.

If the government would actually enforce the laws regarding to those who hire them the problem would be nearly solved. All that needs to happen is for a few businesses and employers to be fully prosecuted to the fullest extent of our laws. Put them in prison. Slap them with huge fines, destroy their business and then never allow them to own a business again.

No employer will hire an undocumented worker. If there is no job for them to come to they won't come.

The problem is pretty much solved. It doesn't violate our constitution or laws. It doesn't cost billions of dollars.
But if we DID NOT have that COnstution for you stupid fks who want to get rid of it , this woman wouldn't have any gawd dam amendment to use Duuuuhhh that' how fkn retarded you ANTI American dumbasses are.

Instead the Government would have just shot her after telling her to sit down and shut the fk up...


SECOND OFF it isn't Conservatives zombie!

It's the :

and dumbed down morons who think Conservatives want police pull overs no they don't TARD it's you DEMOCRATIC HERPES who want that police staet bs.

RANT ^^^ on steroids (or drink). Such pathological anger and hate is disturbing and seems to have become epidemic since January 2017.
The employers who hire them are breaking the law. When they do that the employers become criminals.

We don't have an illegal immigrant problem here.

We have an illegal employer problem.

It's not as simple as that. Like you ranted before, the employer cannot discriminate against these Spanish speaking brown people because they SUSPECT they are here illegally with STOLEN or forged documents.

Your argument is part of the blame America and Americans tactic the antiwhite crowd loves to use against our own citizens. Criminalize AMERICANS while turning a blind eye to the invasion.
After Cal. breaks into three new states the 'coastal LIB elites' are welcome to all the illegals they want.
The wonderful irony is when that happens and the Cartels take over their new state the first thing the Cartels will do is exterminate or enslave the LIBs.

Don't hold your breath on that.

The idea of breaking California up into 3 different states has been around for decades. It was talked about in the 80s when I lived down there for a couple years.

Since then the measure has been on the ballot for the people to vote on three different times. Every single time it lost.

I don't make predictions but I won't be surprised at all if the people of California say NO to that stupid idea for the fourth time this fall.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

I was almost ready to agree with you until I read that she had to translate her warnings because a lot of people on the bus didn't even understand English.

My grandparents came here to escape a genocide by the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

Neither one of them could speak english yet both of them were here legally. They came through Ellis Island.

Both my aunt and my dad were born and raised right here in America. They are American citizens by birth. Neither one of my grandparents could teach my aunt and dad english. My aunt and dad learned english when they went to public school then went home and taught it to my grandparents.

So what you're saying is that my grandparents, my aunt and my dad should have had to endure illegal searches and seizures just because they didn't speak english.

The founders of America which you conservatives scream you absolutely love, fought a revolutionary war to make sure no American ever has to endure what you are advocating.

What you and other conservatives are doing is spitting on the graves of everyone who fought for our nation, our constitution and freedom. That includes my dad who volunteered for and served in the the Army during the Korean war. My grandparents taught him he literally owed his life to America and he spent a lot of his life giving back to the nation that made it possible for his parents, his sister and him to be alive.
Don't be such an idiot!
Your grandparents had to carry their 'papers' wherever they went.
They had to produce their papers when ANY LEO demanded to see them.
Do you REALLY think your grandparents 'had a problem' with the US Gov. enforcing the immigration laws?????????
Fucking wise up!
The millions of men and women who fought for this country DID NOT fight for a country where anyone could enter the country illegally and then expect the 'makers' to take care of them forever.
No one can convince me that an illegal who is willing to work for half what a legal worker earns is somehow a benefit to the country.

lots of people passing thru ELLIS ISLAND----were detained-----and some
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

I was almost ready to agree with you until I read that she had to translate her warnings because a lot of people on the bus didn't even understand English.

My grandparents came here to escape a genocide by the Ottoman Empire during WWI.

Neither one of them could speak english yet both of them were here legally. They came through Ellis Island.

Both my aunt and my dad were born and raised right here in America. They are American citizens by birth. Neither one of my grandparents could teach my aunt and dad english. My aunt and dad learned english when they went to public school then went home and taught it to my grandparents.

So what you're saying is that my grandparents, my aunt and my dad should have had to endure illegal searches and seizures just because they didn't speak english.

The founders of America which you conservatives scream you absolutely love, fought a revolutionary war to make sure no American ever has to endure what you are advocating.

What you and other conservatives are doing is spitting on the graves of everyone who fought for our nation, our constitution and freedom. That includes my dad who volunteered for and served in the the Army during the Korean war. My grandparents taught him he literally owed his life to America and he spent a lot of his life giving back to the nation that made it possible for his parents, his sister and him to be alive.
Don't be such an idiot!
Your grandparents had to carry their 'papers' wherever they went.
They had to produce their papers when ANY LEO demanded to see them.
Do you REALLY think your grandparents 'had a problem' with the US Gov. enforcing the immigration laws?????????
Fucking wise up!
The millions of men and women who fought for this country DID NOT fight for a country where anyone could enter the country illegally and then expect the 'makers' to take care of them forever.
No one can convince me that an illegal who is willing to work for half what a legal worker earns is somehow a benefit to the country.

I wanted to read your post but couldn't get past the total lies in the first sentences.

My grandparents didn't have to carry papers or show any papers to anyone during their lives. Except to drive a car or normal reasons why we show our ID.

No one demanded their ID just because they couldn't speak english for many years when they first got here. Or because they had very thick accents when they did speak english.

I don't know what nation you live in but here in the United States of America what you described never happened in my grandparents or parents lives.
I get the feeling a lot of stormfront white nationalist traffic comes through here.

And it is blatantly apparent that none of them understand what is clearly laid out in the Constitution and Declaration.

I get the feeling you’ve never read the Naturalization Act Of 1790. Out founders intent is crystal clear.
When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.

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