California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment

The article said that the boarding of the bus took place within 100 miles of the border because air miles are used, not road miles. The BP was well within their rights to search the bus under the law.

Also from the article.

''A 1953 federal regulation defined 'reasonable' to be within 100 air miles, rather than land miles, of a border. That would include the California-Nevada border.

However, the Fourth Amendment only allows law enforcement officials to enter business areas that are open to the public in the exercise of their duties - going anywhere else requires a warrant or consent.

Since Greyhound buses require a ticket to enter, they are not considered to be open to the public, and the agents' legal authority does not extend there.''

Got anything else? Because now your hundred mile government regulation suddenly amounts to a hill of beans.
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Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

Too Bad the Illegals don’t

pay attention to our other laws.
The article said that the boarding of the bus took place within 100 miles of the border because air miles are used, not road miles. The BP was well within their rights to search the bus under the law.

Also from the article.

However, the Fourth Amendment only allows law enforcement officials to enter business areas that are open to the public in the exercise of their duties - going anywhere else requires a warrant or consent.

Since Greyhound buses require a ticket to enter, they are not considered to be open to the public, and the agents' legal authority does not extend there.

Got anything else? Because now your hundred mile government regulation amounts to a hill of beans.

That technical limitation, if true, is what doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
Too Bad the Illegals don’t

pay attention to our other laws.

ah!, can i be stagnant on sunday????? i never get the memo Correll

I don't hate Freedom.

I hate the damage being done to my nation by out of control illegal immigration.

The damage being done to your country is by your out of control federal government. End the welfare magnet that attracts them and they will largely stop coming.

The answer is NOT to further trash the Constutution in favor of giving the federal government MORE leisure to violate it.

ah!, can i be stagnant on sunday????? i never get the memo Correll


Not sure of your point, or how it relates to what I said.

Immigrants and out sourcing and the Trade Deficit are taking our jobs.

The income gap growth is being caused by the stagnation of Middle Class and Working Poor wages.
I don't hate Freedom.

I hate the damage being done to my nation by out of control illegal immigration.

The damage being done to your country is by your out of control federal government. End the welfare magnet that attracts them and they will largely stop coming.

The answer is NOT to further trash the Constutution in favor of giving the federal government MORE leisure to violate it.


Welfare is part of the problem, no doubt. But ignoring jobs is setting US up for failure.

Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.

This problem is fucking up the country.
Too Bad the Illegals don’t

pay attention to our other laws.


You liberals are Soooo ignorant…..

Mexicans aren’t stealing our Jobs..

They are taking the ones Americans

are too lazy and ornery to do….

Of course the Rich are getting Richer


The poor are poor because they Don’t

Have the Brains or Work Ethic to be otherwise…………
Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.

What that translates to is "I want to justify the federal government overstepping their just powers and to violate the rights guaranteed by the Constitution because I have a 'deeply-held view.'
We need more people like that young lady on that bus.

As was thought to have been said centuries ago, and demonstrated by Smalls on that bus, you do not need a Majority. You need an irate, tireless, Minority willing to start the brush fires of freedom in the minds of babes.

Good for her for lighting a spark on that day. And good for freedom on that day. People need to see other people stand up and defend their rights. People need to see freedom things.

We live in a world where grown men stand around and watch other men who've been sent with guns from the government ruthlessly killing citizens or beating them beyond function, yet we're gonna bash a brave young American lady who stood up and said no?

Get real.

That woman should be given a medal of honor. She did not consent!
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Funny how the trumpanzees are complaining now about how they can't find employees in the agricultural, fishing, and landscape businesses since the crackdown on migrants. Betcha the cleaning companies are having similar problems.

The welfare system was reformed a long time ago, but the morons weren't paying attention.

Amazing how many Good Little Nazis are willing to trash the Constitution.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
You've never heard me justify it.

Though reasonable cause still exists.
I want congressional hearing on what is driving sanctuary cities...We talk about Russian collusion, But I am not seeing a massive influx of Russians that only speak Russian and calling for voter ballots and sensitivity to "Russian Only" speakers. Russian illegal aliens aren't co-opting the job scape for Americans. Nope. Russians aren't using their children as pawns to excuse violating immigration laws. Um no. Hispanic Mexicans, well, damn. Anybody notice this Hispanic Mexican illegal alien bias disguised as progressive openminded liberal malarky ? Why haven't we as Americans go to vote on whether or not our cities become Hispanic sanctuaries? Bam, it just sort of happened. Yeah, like that. Think about it.

Maybe we should rip their kids from them and jail them.
Made in Russia, born in America: birth tourism booming in Miami
Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.

What that translates to is "I want to justify the federal government overstepping their just powers and to violate the rights guaranteed by the Constitution because I have a 'deeply-held view.'

Please don't translate my words, into your words.

Address my point, or don't and move on.

Letting some immigration agents on a bus to search for illegals, is better than letting the illegals move further into the country.
Funny how the trumpanzees are complaining now about how they can't find employees in the agricultural, fishing, and landscape businesses since the crackdown on migrants. Betcha the cleaning companies are having similar problems.

The welfare system was reformed a long time ago, but the morons weren't paying attention.

Amazing how many Good Little Nazis are willing to trash the Constitution.

do you have any citations supporting your contention that "trumpanzees"
are complaining of lack of persons willing to do agricultural, fishing,
landscaping and cleaning work?

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