California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment

Curious about something here...

Are we allowed to enforce our laws or not? Simple question.

Why are there so many barriers in place that prevent us from doing that? Yet again, simple question.

Yes, we can enforce our laws without trampling on the constitution
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

Liberties are lost daily through legislation and the like.
This is a liberty most good Americans would be willing to compromise if we could be assured that it would lead to the eradication of 12-40 million wetbacks. I guarantee it.
Curious about something here...

Are we allowed to enforce our laws or not? Simple question.

Why are there so many barriers in place that prevent us from doing that? Yet again, simple question.

Yes, we can enforce our laws without trampling on the constitution


The bus was from Bakersfield, which itself is little less than 80 miles from the coast, and no more than 90 miles from the edge of US territorial waters, or what Sec. 287. [8 U.S.C. 1357] defines as an "reasonable distance" from an "external boundary" or "territorial waters". That means that under federal law and US code, the bus and anyone on it were subject to ID verification. I don't think it matters how far the bus was from the border at the time of this incident, but I think the agents were in the right here. They were going based off of point of origination, not destination. That gave them the right to be there, and they were wrongfully denied the ability to enforce the law.

1) They were not forcefully searching anyone, they were searching a vehicle whose point of origination was well within the reasonable distance defined under Sec 287 (a)(3) of the INA.

2) Asking for verification of citizenship is not in and of itself unlawful search or seizure.

Yeah, unpopular opinion, but can people at least look at the law before screaming about constitutional rights?
Trumpanzees totally willing to roll over for these unConstitutional searches.

Yep, as long as they think it will keep brown people out of the country

I don't care how many "brown people" come to this country, as long as they come here legally. I don't see why this is so hard to understand.

Because Kondor3 refers to the illegal immigrants as "beaners".
Because Ray From Cleveland speaks of "preserving" the white race.

And these two are among the more moderate of Trump supporters.

But I hear you. About 70 times I have read where I am pro illegal immigrant. I am not. I am for not tarnishing America's reputation by breaking up families whenever we feel like it; warranted or not.
From the piece....

Smalls said the driver announced: 'We are being boarded by Border Patrol. Please be prepared to show your documentation upon request.'

Smalls said she stood up and began shouting: 'This is a violation of your Fourth amendment rights. You don't have to show them s***! This is illegal. We are not within 100 miles of an international border so that have no authority to ask you for anything. Tell them to f*** off!'

'Don't show them a gotdamn thing! We are not within 100 miles of a border so they have no legal right or jurisdiction here! Google it!'

That's beautiful. Good work, lady. That's how winning is done.
IF this were going on anywhere else, we would be asking the UN to send monitors into the country to make sure the government strong man isn't torturing the citizens of his nation.

Oh bullshit. This is common practice in every progressive country in the world. Try walking down the street in China someday. There are "minders" who do nothing all day but follow you around.

I have walked down the street in China. I have never been asked to show my papers to anybody except at the airport at immigration

I didn't say they would ask for your papers, I said there were "minders" following you. They are unobtrusive, but ever present.

The bus was from Bakersfield, which itself is little less than 80 miles from the coast, and no more than 90 miles from the edge of US territorial waters, or what Sec. 287. [8 U.S.C. 1357] defines as an "reasonable distance" from an "external boundary" or "territorial waters". That means that under federal law and US code, the bus and anyone on it were subject to ID verification. I don't think it matters how far the bus was from the border at the time of this incident, but I think the agents were in the right here. They were going based off of point of origination, not destination. That gave them the right to be there, and they were wrongfully denied the ability to enforce the law.

1) They were not forcefully searching anyone, they were searching a vehicle whose point of origination was well within the reasonable distance defined under Sec 287 (a)(3) of the INA.

2) Asking for verification of citizenship is not in and of itself unlawful search or seizure.

Yeah, unpopular opinion, but can people at least look at the law before screaming about constitutional rights?

You should remove that 'classical liberal' tag from under your av and replace it with 'rabid statist.' Respectfully. It would be more in-line with what you just wrote here.

If we want to be good conservatives, we have a very good guide. The Constitution.

The federal government is not that guide. Government, by its very existence, is force. It need only to exist to be feared.

If we want to be good conservatives, we have to ask what the role of government should be. The Framers asked that question, they had a Revolution, and they wrote a Constitution. They decided the proper role of government was to protect liberty. That government should be limided for liberty.

Again - Limited for Liberty.

Learn it. Love it. Live it.
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You should remove that 'classical liberal' tag from under your av and replace it with 'rabid statist.' Respectfully. It would be more in-line with what you just wrote here.

Being a classical liberal doesn't mean I have to completely disregard the law.
If we want to be good conservatives, we have a very good guide. The Constitution.

The Constitution says the government has the right to enforce a border. Its sovereignty. But I guess we have to let illegals and their children run roughshod all over America for the sake of generosity and compassion. Being a classical liberal means not only protecting the rights of those people, but also of the people they harm by breaching our sovereign borders.

I know the guide very well, and you don't have the ability to balance the rewards and consequences that guide sets forth.
The Constitution says the government has the right to enforce a border. Its sovereignty. But I guess we have to let illegals and their children run roughshod all over America for the sake of generosity and compassion. Being a classical liberal means not only protecting the rights of those people, but also of the people they harm by breaching our sovereign borders.

I know the guide very well, and you don't have the ability to balance the rewards and consequences that guide sets forth.

No. Government is a tool of The People. Government, like any other tool, whether it be a hammer, a plow, or a fork, is limited to its function and does no possess sovereign power.

And the Declaration clearly states that the gocvernment was created fo a specific, limited, dfuntion. That function, clearly stated, is to secure the safety and enjoyment of the rights of the people.
If we want to be good conservatives, we have to ask what the role of government should be.

Hmm, I don't want to be a "good conservative". I want to think freely. I want to hold whatever views I see fit and change them accordingly.

The role of the government is to enforce laws and protect its citizens. Are they doing that when they grant amnesty or allow sanctuary cities to fester within our borders?

I want to be a good American. Not a hearty fool.
Government, like any other tool,whether it be a hammer, a plow, or a fork, is limited to its function and does no possess sovereign power.

So, what happens when you saw the head off that hammer? Take the prongs off the plow or the fork? It's function becomes meaningless. It is rendered useless. The work of the carpenter and farmer are impeded.
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That function, clearly stated, is to secure the safety and enjoyment of the rights of the people.

Even if the Declaration were binding on US law (which it clearly isn't) I'm sure it meant the safety, security, and enjoyment of our citizens, not people who wantonly break our laws and disregard our borders.
With all due respect, Natural, you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about. Your argument reeks of emotion and contains very little reasoning. I'm being nice to you because this is the first time I have encountered you. But in the future, don't presume to lecture me about things you know very little about.

Ahh, but the morning is young, I have other things to do. Take care.
If we want to be good conservatives, we have to ask what the role of government should be.

Hmm, I don't want to be a "good conservative". I want to think freely. I want to hold whatever views I see fit and change them accordingly.

The role of the government is to enforce laws and protect its citizens. Are they doing that when they grant amnesty or allow sanctuary cities to fester within our borders?

I want to be a good American. Not a hearty fool.

You're entitled to your feels. But not to have them addressed.
With all due respect, Natural, you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about. Your argument reeks of emotion and contains very little reasoning. I'm being nice to you because this is the first time I have encountered you. But in the future, don't presume to lecture me about things you know very little about.

Ahh, but the morning is young, I have other things to do. Take care.

If you're wise, it will be the last. Respectfully.

Enjoy your morning.
With all due respect, Natural, you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about. Your argument reeks of emotion and contains very little reasoning. I'm being nice to you because this is the first time I have encountered you. But in the future, don't presume to lecture me about things you know very little about.

Ahh, but the morning is young, I have other things to do. Take care.

If you're wise, it will be the last. Respectfully.

Ha. Was that a challenge?

Accepted. Until we meet again!
The bus was from Bakersfield, which itself is little less than 80 miles from the coast, and no more than 90 miles from the edge of US territorial waters

Perhaps as the bird flies... maybe.

And who gets to define what a "reasonable distance" is?

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