California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment

IF this were going on anywhere else, we would be asking the UN to send monitors into the country to make sure the government strong man isn't torturing the citizens of his nation.

Oh bullshit. This is common practice in every progressive country in the world. Try walking down the street in China someday. There are "minders" who do nothing all day but follow you around.

Ok. And your point was what exactly?
Well illegal search and seizure reminds me of redcoats smashing in doors looking for contraband tea. But NOW? After the bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma city , the school shootings and god knows how many serial killers hiding under the black robes of freedom, I am not afraid of being searched. It is a hypothetical issue. Why does it seem only pro dissident pro criminals fear this above and beyond rational objections? The rest of us aren't concerned with this issue in the slightest. Search me.
If you can't figure out for yourself why this is as ignorant as it is wrong, then there's no point trying to explain it to you.
I want congressional hearing on what is driving sanctuary cities...We talk about Russian collusion, But I am not seeing a massive influx of Russians that only speak Russian and calling for voter ballots and sensitivity to "Russian Only" speakers. Russian illegal aliens aren't co-opting the job scape for Americans. Nope. Russians aren't using their children as pawns to excuse violating immigration laws. Um no. Hispanic Mexicans, well, damn. Anybody notice this Hispanic Mexican illegal alien bias disguised as progressive openminded liberal malarky ? Why haven't we as Americans go to vote on whether or not our cities become Hispanic sanctuaries? Bam, it just sort of happened. Yeah, like that. Think about it.
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Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
No problem there, they will have a Deputy working with them and he can call for ID cards and that will solve the problems she has.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
No problem there, they will have a Deputy working with them and he can call for ID cards and that will solve the problems she has.
Actually, if that was me, I would have relished border patrol agents questioning people. Only people with something to hide or liberals with an agenda would dare make this an issue. I got your papers. I mean, really. I do, so what is the big deal? The only thing illegals fear is fear itself...or perhaps fear of the authorities and immigration laws. I am not afraid.
... It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

It amazes me how many Rogressives prefer to throw their weight behind CRIMINALS rather than the defenders of Law & Order.

SeeConservatives care far more about Law & Order than your silly little idea of Freedom.
Well illegal search and seizure reminds me of redcoats smashing in doors looking for contraband tea. But NOW? After the bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma city , the school shootings and god knows how many serial killers hiding under the black robes of freedom, I am not afraid of being searched. It is a hypothetical issue. Why does it seem only pro dissident pro criminals fear this above and beyond rational objections? The rest of us aren't concerned with this issue in the slightest. Search me.
If you can't figure out for yourself why this is as ignorant as it is wrong, then there's no point trying to explain it to you.
shut up jones.....
I just saw a PBS documentary on the sixties , primarily the hippies and the Height- Ashbury summer of love. That is were America, let alone California was broken . Those perennial rebels, the boomers, always rebelling against common sense and anything.... You name it, the boomers grew to despise and fight it. Gravity, pants, immigration laws. Is it any wonder Californicorniland so incredulous as to allow anything but bans common sense? Because common sense hurts a relatively minor number of idiots... gays are like .007 percent, Mexicans are like gods know what because they breed like bunny rabbits. And they get sanctuary without any electoral process. Just because they are so wonderful.
Well illegal search and seizure reminds me of redcoats smashing in doors looking for contraband tea. But NOW? After the bombing of the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma city , the school shootings and god knows how many serial killers hiding under the black robes of freedom, I am not afraid of being searched. It is a hypothetical issue. Why does it seem only pro dissident pro criminals fear this above and beyond rational objections? The rest of us aren't concerned with this issue in the slightest. Search me.
If you can't figure out for yourself why this is as ignorant as it is wrong, then there's no point trying to explain it to you.
shut up jones.....
Your whole schtick is shutting up people, isn't it? I figured out you are ignorant. But I would never tell you to shut your big fat ignorant moronic yap. Nope, drone on dingus. I don't care.
I just saw a PBS documentary on the sixties , primarily the hippies and the Height- Ashbury summer of love. That is were America, let alone California was broken . Those perennial rebels, the boomers, always rebelling against common sense and anything.... You name it, the boomers grew to despise and fight it. Gravity, pants, immigration laws. Is it any wonder Californicorniland so incredulous as to allow anything but bans common sense? Because common sense hurts a relatively minor number of idiots... gays are like .007 percent, Mexicans are like gods know what because they breed like bunny rabbits. And they get sanctuary without any electoral process. Just because they are so wonderful.
Psst...the 60s were 50 years ago. It's like someone in the 70s wagging their fingers about the 1920s.
Well we need to back up here, plenty of so called Liberals think that allowing illegal immigration to the detriment of poor Americans and without democratic consent is perfectly acceptable.
I lived through the sixties. This entire "zeitgeist" of entitling illegal aliens is a direct outgrowth of the white boomers war on themselves. Poor little Mexican illegal aliens that (rich white boomers) exploit that they profit from , what a cynical load of tripe. Jesus Christ already. I don't know which is worse, the illegal aliens or their white overlord exploiters making this a political game. It's transparent a hell.
Thank you, Ms. Tiana Smalls. We will not allow our country to be turned into Nazi Germany. Way to go, Girl!
I lived through the sixties. This entire "zeitgeist" of entitling illegal aliens is a direct outgrowth of the white boomers war on themselves. Poor little Mexican illegal aliens that (rich white boomers) exploit that they profit from , what a cynical load of tripe. Jesus Christ already. I don't know which is worse, the illegal aliens or their white overlord exploiters making this a political game. It's transparent a hell.

No one is ‘entitling’ anyone to anything.

Just as all persons in the United States have a 4th Amendment right to be free from unwarranted searches and seizures, so too do all persons in the United States have a 5th Amendment right to due process of the law – including those undocumented; and just because an immigrant might be undocumented, doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’
Who the hell takes a bus to Vegas?

Oh... and good for her. Seriously.
Many Grannies take the bus on tour trips, yes indeed when the old husband kicks the bucket they drop their inheritance into a slot machine...At least when they ride that bus home they have their memories...
When I read for instance, that say, poor American are trash and are lazy. But Poor Mexicans! Yay for illegals...I am like ,wait a minute bub. So many things wrong there. Anti American poor stereotype VS glowing PRO Mexican illegal stereotypes. Ask yourself, to who's benefit is creating this artificial schism? Poor Mexicans or White business owners? Or perhaps a little of both. I have seen entire industries that were blue collar mixed race become just Mexican In a massive tidal waves. And sanctuary given to Mexican illegals with out voter's consent….I am thunderstruck, this should EVER have happened . But it has...
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