California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment


The bus was from Bakersfield, which itself is little less than 80 miles from the coast, and no more than 90 miles from the edge of US territorial waters, or what Sec. 287. [8 U.S.C. 1357] defines as an "reasonable distance" from an "external boundary" or "territorial waters". That means that under federal law and US code, the bus and anyone on it were subject to ID verification. I don't think it matters how far the bus was from the border at the time of this incident, but I think the agents were in the right here. They were going based off of point of origination, not destination. That gave them the right to be there, and they were wrongfully denied the ability to enforce the law.

1) They were not forcefully searching anyone, they were searching a vehicle whose point of origination was well within the reasonable distance defined under Sec 287 (a)(3) of the INA.

2) Asking for verification of citizenship is not in and of itself unlawful search or seizure.

Yeah, unpopular opinion, but can people at least look at the law before screaming about constitutional rights?

You should remove that 'classical liberal' tag from under your av and replace it with 'rabid statist.' Respectfully. It would be more in-line with what you just wrote here.

If we want to be good conservatives, we have a very good guide. The Constitution.

The federal government is not that guide. Government, by its very existence, is force. It need only to exist to be feared.

If we want to be good conservatives, we have to ask what the role of government should be. The Framers asked that question, they had a Revolution, and they wrote a Constitution. They decided the proper role of government was to protect liberty. That government should be limided for liberty.

Again - Limited for Liberty.

Learn it. Love it. Live it.

If we want to be good conservatives, we have to ask what the role of government should be.

One of the primary roles is to secure the damn border.
Build the wall!!!
There WERE Spanish speaking people on that bus. That alone is probable cause. The loud mouthed African should have been arrested.
You sincerely believe speaking a foreign language establishes probable cause? It does not but it does seem to engender a lot of suspicion in the minds of some bigots who readily admit they have no idea what was being said because they don't themselves speak the language.

And before you get bent out of shape by my use of the word "bigot" here's the definition

Definition of bigot
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
And just for the record I am not pro-illegal immigration I'm simply an advocate for the upholding of all of our Constitutional rights, even the ones I don't presently agree with.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
Trumpanzees totally willing to roll over for these unConstitutional searches.

Yep, as long as they think it will keep brown people out of the country

I don't care how many "brown people" come to this country, as long as they come here legally. I don't see why this is so hard to understand.

Because Kondor3 refers to the illegal immigrants as "beaners".
Because Ray From Cleveland speaks of "preserving" the white race.

And these two are among the more moderate of Trump supporters.

But I hear you. About 70 times I have read where I am pro illegal immigrant. I am not. I am for not tarnishing America's reputation by breaking up families whenever we feel like it; warranted or not.
the hispanics and blacks call whites names just as bad, if not worse
That this women knew the law and was not afraid to stand up and defend her rights as well as the rights of everyone else on that bus is so astounding
There WERE Spanish speaking people on that bus. That alone is probable cause. The loud mouthed African should have been arrested.

The language one is speaking never, ever furnishes probable cause. And the lady who stepped forward is American, not African. There is at least an even chance that her ancestors arrived here before your's did, unless you are 100 percent Native American. Moreover, so much of the territory that later became part of the U.S. belonged to Mexico initially, making complaints about speaking Spanish somewhat ludicrous.
I am 100% Native American
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
Loser-----you want to DEFINE "white" for us? As far as I can SEE-----
most Mexicans in my city are CAUCASIONS------if they got lots of
AZTEC type features-------seem to me you gotta called them MONGOLIANS---
does Mongolian constitute one of the NEWFANGLES """ persons of color"""
The ruling class in Mexico is white. Those they are encouraging to leave for the USA are injun. They are, by definition, Asian (Oriental).

More importantly, they do not share our English history, language or culture. Furthermore, Mexico has always been in a state of war with us. Most will never assimilate. We owe them NOTHING. Certainly not a life among is.
When we have to start producing papers to travel within our own country...well China does it. We sure seem to be admiring the tactics of authoritarian states lately.
My experiences have been that if you're stopped by law enforcement and you're not in possession of some form of government issued identification then you can be detained or taken into custody until the police are able to "figure out" who you are.

I have a younger brother and as soon as he began outgrowing me I took him to the DMV and got him a state ID card before he was old enough and able to drive because I didn't want the police messing with him as a young black male.

Unfortunately all of our experiences have not been the same.
stop talking about rights
free speech is limited
you can't just do anything you want
there are all kinds of laws limiting your ''rights'' can't flash a light at night [ when it's DARK ] outside in some states----spotlighting can't hunt when you want can't use certain weapons/etc to hunt
...there are many traffic laws--for safety of the community can't make a lot of noise in some areas

...they are NOT asking for papers like hitler--STFU about that--hitler wanted to kill/murder the jews/etc---extermination camps/work camps/etc
...ICE and Border Agents are trying to protect America --NOT murder/kill
..the nazis would take people in the night..they tortured people
this is not even close to the nazis---you have no idea of the history of the nazis
I've been posting this stuff for two years, ever since Trump started his campaign by telling America that he was going to deport 12 million illegal aliens, whether or not they were going about their business in a lawful manner. It is everyone's constitutional right to decline to answer questions without probable cause. It is the government's obligation to prove that someone is an illegal alien. We do NOT have to prove that we are NOT an illegal alien.

Wow, this clown is taking a beating in the comments section. You 'tards may be applauding him, but everyone else thinks he's a fool.
I've been posting this stuff for two years, ever since Trump started his campaign by telling America that he was going to deport 12 million illegal aliens, whether or not they were going about their business in a lawful manner. It is everyone's constitutional right to decline to answer questions without probable cause. It is the government's obligation to prove that someone is an illegal alien. We do NOT have to prove that we are NOT an illegal alien.

Wow, this clown is taking a beating in the comments section. You 'tards may be applauding him, but everyone else thinks he's a fool.

if you want to surrender your constitutional rights, be my guest. I don't choose to do so.
I've been posting this stuff for two years, ever since Trump started his campaign by telling America that he was going to deport 12 million illegal aliens, whether or not they were going about their business in a lawful manner. It is everyone's constitutional right to decline to answer questions without probable cause. It is the government's obligation to prove that someone is an illegal alien. We do NOT have to prove that we are NOT an illegal alien.

Wow, this clown is taking a beating in the comments section. You 'tards may be applauding him, but everyone else thinks he's a fool.

if you want to surrender your constitutional rights, be my guest. I don't choose to do so.

I dont find this in the Constitution.

I certainly don’t propose turning the US into an authoritarian state.

I’m genuinely do you propose we run 12-40 million illegals out?
Come on...let’s hear it.
We don’t. I doubt you would agree with any of my ideas but here goes.

Increase border security (you don’t need a wall for that).
Hire more immigration judges to minimize long wait times.
Have a rapid deportation process for those convicted of violent crimes.
Increase the number of work visas being granted. Like it or not, many of these people come because they are willing to do backbreaking work Americans won’t do. Ask the farmers and dairy farms.
That increases legal avenues, speeds up deportation decisions.

But I doubt you could stomach that.

well intentioned----but you just described a very POROUS border thru
which anyone who says I AM WILLING TO DIG DITCHES-----gets in

How is increasing border security a very porous border?

"work permit" qualification, constitutes a porous border
No. It does not. It is simp,y another type of visa,
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
The sweet Spanish lady's son belongs to MS13 and has gang raped and murdered his way to stardom.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
Times really are changing, princess. For the better. :11_2_1043:
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
Times are changing, princess. For the better. :11_2_1043:
They will get better, yes....though it may take time and hard work to undo all the damage of the past year and a half.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.
Times are changing, princess. For the better. :11_2_1043:
They will get better, yes....though it may take time and hard work to undo all the damage of the past year and a half.
It’ll take time before we see/understand all the benefits this current administration is accomplishing. I say that because President Trump has years of democrat mistakes to fix.

Until then, you and I can keep loving each other for who we are, and appreciating/respecting our differences. :)
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online
times have changed
we are at war with terrorists..during WW2, many rights were inhibited
...why don't you go make love and give fruit to the terrorists/illegals/invaders love them so much and HATE America
..illegals are ruining the US--you must love that....
You don’t love America. You love an outdated idea of America that was very white and very Christian. Times have changed.

For the better.

Hold on a minute...when did it become “outdated” to be likeminded, prosperous, productive and unified through common interests and language?
I suppose all unAmerican and or barely American immigrants like you would say that huh?

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