California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus using the Fourth Amendment

Loser-----you want to DEFINE "white" for us? As far as I can SEE-----
most Mexicans in my city are CAUCASIONS------if they got lots of
AZTEC type features-------seem to me you gotta called them MONGOLIANS---
does Mongolian constitute one of the NEWFANGLES """ persons of color"""
The ruling class in Mexico is white. Those they are encouraging to leave for the USA are injun. They are, by definition, Asian (Oriental).

More importantly, they do not share our English history, language or culture. Furthermore, Mexico has always been in a state of war with us. Most will never assimilate. We owe them NOTHING. Certainly not a life among is.

The European-descended people who came to Texas broke their agreements with the Mexican government.

Texas declares independence - Mar 02, 1836 -

What I find the most interesting thing in this article is:

Under the terms of the agreement, the settlers were to be Catholics, but Austin mainly brought Protestants from the southern United States. Other U.S. settlers arrived in succeeding years, and the Americans soon outnumbered the resident Mexicans. In 1826, a conflict between Mexican and American settlers led to the Freedonia Rebellion, and in 1830 the Mexican government took measures to stop the influx of Americans. In 1833, Austin, who sought statehood for Texas in the Mexican federation, was imprisoned after calling on settlers to declare it without the consent of the Mexican congress. He was released in 1835.​

Go figure.
After Cal. breaks into three new states the 'coastal LIB elites' are welcome to all the illegals they want.
The wonderful irony is when that happens and the Cartels take over their new state the first thing the Cartels will do is exterminate or enslave the LIBs.

Don't hold your breath on that.

The idea of breaking California up into 3 different states has been around for decades. It was talked about in the 80s when I lived down there for a couple years.

Since then the measure has been on the ballot for the people to vote on three different times. Every single time it lost.

I don't make predictions but I won't be surprised at all if the people of California say NO to that stupid idea for the fourth time this fall.
That's the same sort of mindset that made the LIB MSM shit their pants on election night.
Forth time lucky?

I don't base it on any poll. I base it on historic facts.

I didn't say definitely that it will not pass. You on the other hand have proclaimed it will pass.

It's not always a good idea to count your chickens prematurely.

Two of those separate states would be able to sustain themselves. They're mostly liberal areas with good infrastructure, very good paying jobs and water.

One of those states which is the one that includes Fresno and the south eastern part of the state, is mostly farms, forest and rural areas. They depend heavily on the rest of the state for their revenues. They depend even more heavily on the rest of the state for their water. The farmers can't grow crops without the water from the northern part of the state. Their only option is desalinization from the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego.

And it just so happens to be a conservative part of the state.

So the liberals will be just fine. The conservatives will have to find a way to create an economic base and farming isn't enough to do that. They will also have to find a consistent and reliable source of water for all those farms. Or buy that water from those liberals they hate so very much but who sustain their way of life.

I don't know if the people in those areas have actually realized this but if they do, they will vote to keep the state in tact.

Conservatives have tried 3 times in the past to break the state up. They failed every time. You're going to have to tell all of us why the majority, who are liberals, have all of a sudden changed their minds.
Loser-----you want to DEFINE "white" for us? As far as I can SEE-----
most Mexicans in my city are CAUCASIONS------if they got lots of
AZTEC type features-------seem to me you gotta called them MONGOLIANS---
does Mongolian constitute one of the NEWFANGLES """ persons of color"""
The ruling class in Mexico is white. Those they are encouraging to leave for the USA are injun. They are, by definition, Asian (Oriental).

More importantly, they do not share our English history, language or culture. Furthermore, Mexico has always been in a state of war with us. Most will never assimilate. We owe them NOTHING. Certainly not a life among is.

The European-descended people who came to Texas broke their agreements with the Mexican government.

Texas declares independence - Mar 02, 1836 -

What I find the most interesting thing in this article is:

Under the terms of the agreement, the settlers were to be Catholics, but Austin mainly brought Protestants from the southern United States. Other U.S. settlers arrived in succeeding years, and the Americans soon outnumbered the resident Mexicans. In 1826, a conflict between Mexican and American settlers led to the Freedonia Rebellion, and in 1830 the Mexican government took measures to stop the influx of Americans. In 1833, Austin, who sought statehood for Texas in the Mexican federation, was imprisoned after calling on settlers to declare it without the consent of the Mexican congress. He was released in 1835.​

Go figure.

Yep. Immigration and "Assimiliation" did not work.

The Americans who moved into Mexico, remained American.

Mmmm, what lesson to learn from this, what lesson to learn....

That this women knew the law and was not afraid to stand up and defend her rights as well as the rights of everyone else on that bus is so astounding
There WERE Spanish speaking people on that bus. That alone is probable cause. The loud mouthed African should have been arrested.

The language one is speaking never, ever furnishes probable cause. And the lady who stepped forward is American, not African. There is at least an even chance that her ancestors arrived here before your's did, unless you are 100 percent Native American. Moreover, so much of the territory that later became part of the U.S. belonged to Mexico initially, making complaints about speaking Spanish somewhat ludicrous.
I am 100% Native American
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.

There are so many wacked-out theories circulating around these days that I have to ask this: Do you have a tribal background, i.e. all four of your grandparents can claim a tribal affiliation or are you just asserting that you are a "Native American" because you were born in a certain state, in the same manner that I can say that I am a "Native American" because I was born in New Jersey (and to two parents who both were born in New Jersey, not that this really matters), even though my ancestors came here from European countries?
Loser-----you want to DEFINE "white" for us? As far as I can SEE-----
most Mexicans in my city are CAUCASIONS------if they got lots of
AZTEC type features-------seem to me you gotta called them MONGOLIANS---
does Mongolian constitute one of the NEWFANGLES """ persons of color"""
The ruling class in Mexico is white. Those they are encouraging to leave for the USA are injun. They are, by definition, Asian (Oriental).

More importantly, they do not share our English history, language or culture. Furthermore, Mexico has always been in a state of war with us. Most will never assimilate. We owe them NOTHING. Certainly not a life among is.

The European-descended people who came to Texas broke their agreements with the Mexican government.

Texas declares independence - Mar 02, 1836 -

What I find the most interesting thing in this article is:

Under the terms of the agreement, the settlers were to be Catholics, but Austin mainly brought Protestants from the southern United States. Other U.S. settlers arrived in succeeding years, and the Americans soon outnumbered the resident Mexicans. In 1826, a conflict between Mexican and American settlers led to the Freedonia Rebellion, and in 1830 the Mexican government took measures to stop the influx of Americans. In 1833, Austin, who sought statehood for Texas in the Mexican federation, was imprisoned after calling on settlers to declare it without the consent of the Mexican congress. He was released in 1835.​

Go figure.

Yep. Immigration and "Assimiliation" did not work.

The Americans who moved into Mexico, remained American.

Mmmm, what lesson to learn from this, what lesson to learn....


That people should learn some history before running their mouths and trying to act superior.
That this women knew the law and was not afraid to stand up and defend her rights as well as the rights of everyone else on that bus is so astounding
There WERE Spanish speaking people on that bus. That alone is probable cause. The loud mouthed African should have been arrested.

The language one is speaking never, ever furnishes probable cause. And the lady who stepped forward is American, not African. There is at least an even chance that her ancestors arrived here before your's did, unless you are 100 percent Native American. Moreover, so much of the territory that later became part of the U.S. belonged to Mexico initially, making complaints about speaking Spanish somewhat ludicrous.
I am 100% Native American
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.

There are so many wacked-out theories circulating around these days that I have to ask this: Do you have a tribal background, i.e. all four of your grandparents can claim a tribal affiliation or are you just asserting that you are a "Native American" because you were born in a certain state, in the same manner that I can say that I am a "Native American" because I was born in New Jersey (and to two parents who both were born in New Jersey, not that this really matters), even though my ancestors came here from European countries?
I suspect its the latter. I am also a native American of European Decent. However, I would not be surprised if a DNA test would show some American Indian ancestry also.
That this women knew the law and was not afraid to stand up and defend her rights as well as the rights of everyone else on that bus is so astounding
There WERE Spanish speaking people on that bus. That alone is probable cause. The loud mouthed African should have been arrested.

The language one is speaking never, ever furnishes probable cause. And the lady who stepped forward is American, not African. There is at least an even chance that her ancestors arrived here before your's did, unless you are 100 percent Native American. Moreover, so much of the territory that later became part of the U.S. belonged to Mexico initially, making complaints about speaking Spanish somewhat ludicrous.
I am 100% Native American
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.

There are so many wacked-out theories circulating around these days that I have to ask this: Do you have a tribal background, i.e. all four of your grandparents can claim a tribal affiliation or are you just asserting that you are a "Native American" because you were born in a certain state, in the same manner that I can say that I am a "Native American" because I was born in New Jersey (and to two parents who both were born in New Jersey, not that this really matters), even though my ancestors came here from European countries?
the definition is right there--you can't deny it
I'm not Indian--I'm American -native American
There are so many wacked-out theories circulating around these days that I have to ask this: Do you have a tribal background, i.e. all four of your grandparents can claim a tribal affiliation or are you just asserting that you are a "Native American" because you were born in a certain state, in the same manner that I can say that I am a "Native American" because I was born in New Jersey (and to two parents who both were born in New Jersey, not that this really matters), even though my ancestors came here from European countries?

The ancestors of those you would prefer to call Native Americans came from somewhere else.
So please be sure to specify who needs to be where at what particular time to be "native".

Otherwise ... We are all Native Earthlings.

Last edited:
After Cal. breaks into three new states the 'coastal LIB elites' are welcome to all the illegals they want.
The wonderful irony is when that happens and the Cartels take over their new state the first thing the Cartels will do is exterminate or enslave the LIBs.

Don't hold your breath on that.

The idea of breaking California up into 3 different states has been around for decades. It was talked about in the 80s when I lived down there for a couple years.

Since then the measure has been on the ballot for the people to vote on three different times. Every single time it lost.

I don't make predictions but I won't be surprised at all if the people of California say NO to that stupid idea for the fourth time this fall.
That's the same sort of mindset that made the LIB MSM shit their pants on election night.
Forth time lucky?

I don't base it on any poll. I base it on historic facts.

I didn't say definitely that it will not pass. You on the other hand have proclaimed it will pass.

It's not always a good idea to count your chickens prematurely.

Two of those separate states would be able to sustain themselves. They're mostly liberal areas with good infrastructure, very good paying jobs and water.

One of those states which is the one that includes Fresno and the south eastern part of the state, is mostly farms, forest and rural areas. They depend heavily on the rest of the state for their revenues. They depend even more heavily on the rest of the state for their water. The farmers can't grow crops without the water from the northern part of the state. Their only option is desalinization from the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego.

And it just so happens to be a conservative part of the state.

So the liberals will be just fine. The conservatives will have to find a way to create an economic base and farming isn't enough to do that. They will also have to find a consistent and reliable source of water for all those farms. Or buy that water from those liberals they hate so very much but who sustain their way of life.

I don't know if the people in those areas have actually realized this but if they do, they will vote to keep the state in tact.

Conservatives have tried 3 times in the past to break the state up. They failed every time. You're going to have to tell all of us why the majority, who are liberals, have all of a sudden changed their minds.

Yeah, tell that to the rest of the states that do that on a daily basis. Ever been to Kansas? Iowa? Nebraska?
I've been posting this stuff for two years, ever since Trump started his campaign by telling America that he was going to deport 12 million illegal aliens, whether or not they were going about their business in a lawful manner. It is everyone's constitutional right to decline to answer questions without probable cause. It is the government's obligation to prove that someone is an illegal alien. We do NOT have to prove that we are NOT an illegal alien.

Wow, this clown is taking a beating in the comments section. You 'tards may be applauding him, but everyone else thinks he's a fool.

if you want to surrender your constitutional rights, be my guest. I don't choose to do so.

I dont find this in the Constitution.

Don't give up your day job to become an attorney.
Given the Trump ‘administration’s’ contempt for due process and the rule of law, it’s incumbent upon every person in the United States to know and exercise his rights and protected liberties, as this woman did.

These border patrol agents have been doing this for many, many years, even under the Obama administration.

Taking Greyhound? Papers, Please.

It is also done on Amtrak routes. Only under Trump is the left outraged.
Curious about something here...

Are we allowed to enforce our laws or not? Simple question.

Why are there so many barriers in place that prevent us from doing that? Yet again, simple question.
Such is the reprehensible conservative, who perceives our rights and protected liberties as "barriers."
A silly little protestor screaming on a bus and posting on social media! (ACLU campaign)
Did she throw vegan cookies at the border patrol? Maybe they disembarked because she acted like a nutcase or maybe she stank of California bought patchouli oil. She must have screamed "racism, racism!" of course. WOW!!! I truly doubt that this lady understands law or history. "Tiana Smalls, from California, was riding from Bakersfield to Las Vegas when border patrol agents stopped the bus and demanded to see documentation for everyone on board."

A 1953 federal regulation defined 'reasonable' to be within 100 air miles, rather than land miles, of a border. That would include the California-Nevada border.

Yermo, California (near Barstow)
from Calexico, California
19 h 11 min (226 miles)

I guess the BORDER PATROL are using their best discretion about what a reasonable proximity is.
Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

Too Bad the Illegals don’t

pay attention to our other laws.

How do you know they're "illegal" - the way they look, the language they speak...
Curious about something here...

Are we allowed to enforce our laws or not? Simple question.

Why are there so many barriers in place that prevent us from doing that? Yet again, simple question.

Once you guarantee the rights of a US Citizen to foreign nationals ...
Then there really is no difference between the two.

I mean you can fight over the semantics ... But someone who is legally protected as an US Citizen might as well be a legal citizen.
It's just going to take a little longer for them to bend it all the way around to that point.

Good for her. There needs to be a lot more of this in our country, patriots who actually stand up for our Constitutional rights and not cower in front of government thugs in uniforms. It amazes me how many conservatives who talk big about the Constitution think the practice of randomly stopping people and asking to see their papers is the definition of freedom

California woman forces Border Patrol agents off a Greyhound bus | Daily Mail Online

Too Bad the Illegals don’t

pay attention to our other laws.

How do you know they're "illegal" - the way they look, the language they speak...

When the border patrol enters a train or bus, they get ID from everyone, not just certain people. Standing up to the border patrol by this woman was commendable.


ACLU to Greyhound: Keep Border Patrol Off the Bus

Greyhound allows U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents to carry out random searches for undocumented immigrants on their buses without a warrant. The ACLU wants passengers left alone.

March 26, 2018
Charles Davis
Everyone within the jurisdiction of American law is protected under the constitution. If there is probable cause that a person is an illegal alien, American law enforcement authorities may detain, indict, and try them in a court of law. If they convicted of being an illegal alien, the Constitution AT THAT POINT no longer applies to that person.

Take away "probable cause" and law enforcement is blocked stone cold.
Curious about something here...

Are we allowed to enforce our laws or not? Simple question.

Why are there so many barriers in place that prevent us from doing that? Yet again, simple question.
Such is the reprehensible conservative, who perceives our rights and protected liberties as "barriers."
Lol Clayton. They had no constitutional rights before they came here illegally, why should they suddenly have any when they set foot on American soil afterwards?

Make sense? No. I don't think so.

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