California's LA County Boycott Ban on Travel to Alabama

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Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
If this isn't more proof of the far Lefts Fascist leanings, then I don't know what is.
According to people from another state, if you do not agree with them then you have no democratic rights in their fascist world of dominating those states as their own, even when individual states have their own rights of governance and We live in a Democracy, they reject that Democracy if it opposes their view and their choices lost out in votes.
This is the way the left has been in all subjects not just abortion.
Whether preventing you from eating at a restaurant, or riding an elevator, or getting in your car, or having peaceful family outings, or whether getting punched for wearing red, having flags taken and stomped on, whatever the case it's been all about opposing oppinions forming that "our way or you can't exist attitude" by the people raised spoiled with no winner or loser sports and school exams.
This is Fascism forming on the left.
Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship (they think they are the only ones allowed to govern).
Fascists are against democracy (they won't allow the peoples votes to count if it opposes their power play and pay to play schemes).
If you gave these fascists your guns and they turned socialist then you will have a Meduro like situation instantly, because the left just can't control themselves and we have been seeing scarey little tastes of it the past few years.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.
So? Leftards in LA thinks it’s important.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.
So? Leftards in LA thinks it’s important.
It's important because they are trying to export their stupidity. There ought to be a wall around the place.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.
So? Leftards in LA thinks it’s important.
It's important because they are trying to export their stupidity. There ought to be a wall around the place.
Yes you know best. So anyone who disagrees with you, is stupid and needs to be silenced.

I suspect you do not even understand how tyrannical your position is.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Actually you mean Dems, the big cities in AL are primarilly Dems, the Abortion matter is through Pro-life Dems in
bi-partisan with Religious conservatives there. Basically you made fun of "the stupid Dems".
I agree no LA county chooses Alabama as a destination to vacation or live, however, who wants to visit
The pretentious land of Human Feces, Isis mask wearing Berkley firestarters, serial killers, tent cities, MS-13, Pelosi Billboards, community of people
Charlie Sheen gave aids to, can't water your lawn or fill your pool, surfer IQ- Duuuude!, Valley Girl IQ-fur sure!, Muscle Beach IQ, Botox puffer fish lips and scarey botched plastic faces, sanctuary cities, shores lined with dead seals, earth quake, mud slide, excessive fires, and traffic jams.
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You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
George Wallace was a Democrat. Joe Namath went to Alabama. I would be more worried about someone coming from California-they might bring one of those illegal diseases-typhus, mumps, ebola.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.
hmm I have been to LA and Alabama, I would much rather live in Alabama
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.

I guarantee the people of Alabama are not upset that the Cali crowd won't be visiting.

I think the Department of Defense should be instructed to start moving military facilities out of the states like California whenever possible. That way we can begin construction on the new border wall between California and the rest of America.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.

But they don't shit in the street as Californians do.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.

I guarantee the people of Alabama are not upset that the Cali crowd won't be visiting.

I think the Department of Defense should be instructed to start moving military facilities out of the states like California whenever possible. That way we can begin construction on the new border wall between California and the rest of America.

Better to move troops into the cities and repatriate the damn place.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.

I guarantee the people of Alabama are not upset that the Cali crowd won't be visiting.

I think the Department of Defense should be instructed to start moving military facilities out of the states like California whenever possible. That way we can begin construction on the new border wall between California and the rest of America.
Funny, I thought the same thing, if Cali want's to secede with open borders we need to contain the actors and actresses fleeing to the sane side of the country and keep the newly accepted residents out unless they wait in line legally like every other applicant seeking lawful residence here.
Back in the sixties and early seventies California was a great place to visit. Loved to go there. Was last there a few years ago and I would say Tijuana would be a better tourist destination. Liked Alabama. Nice area. Some areas are economically depressed but you run across that in almost all states.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.
Spoken like a true bigoted fascist.
I was born and raised there, the only thing they have going for them is at least they are not Mississippi.
hmm I have been to LA and Alabama, I would much rather live in Alabama
i'll stay in texas.
You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.

You ever been to Alabama? There is literally no reason for anyone to go there. They are breeding an extra stupid kind of republican there because everyone with brains or ambition has been leaving for generations.

Why is their black population rate 5 times what California's is?
If this isn't more proof of the far Lefts Fascist leanings, then I don't know what is.
According to people from another state, if you do not agree with them then you have no democratic rights in their fascist world of dominating those states as their own, even when individual states have their own rights of governance and We live in a Democracy, they reject that Democracy if it opposes their view and their choices lost out in votes.
This is the way the left has been in all subjects not just abortion.
Whether preventing you from eating at a restaurant, or riding an elevator, or getting in your car, or having peaceful family outings, or whether getting punched for wearing red, having flags taken and stomped on, whatever the case it's been all about opposing oppinions forming that "our way or you can't exist attitude" by the people raised spoiled with no winner or loser sports and school exams.
This is Fascism forming on the left.
Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship (they think they are the only ones allowed to govern).
Fascists are against democracy (they won't allow the peoples votes to count if it opposes their power play and pay to play schemes).
If you gave these fascists your guns and they turned socialist then you will have a Meduro like situation instantly, because the left just can't control themselves and we have been seeing scarey little tastes of it the past few years.
I seem to recall similar arguments during the civil rights era. The South just wanted the rest of the country to leave them alone when they put police dogs and fire hoses against peaceful protestors.
If this isn't more proof of the far Lefts Fascist leanings, then I don't know what is.
According to people from another state, if you do not agree with them then you have no democratic rights in their fascist world of dominating those states as their own, even when individual states have their own rights of governance and We live in a Democracy, they reject that Democracy if it opposes their view and their choices lost out in votes.
This is the way the left has been in all subjects not just abortion.
Whether preventing you from eating at a restaurant, or riding an elevator, or getting in your car, or having peaceful family outings, or whether getting punched for wearing red, having flags taken and stomped on, whatever the case it's been all about opposing oppinions forming that "our way or you can't exist attitude" by the people raised spoiled with no winner or loser sports and school exams.
This is Fascism forming on the left.
Fascism is a form of government which is a type of one-party dictatorship (they think they are the only ones allowed to govern).
Fascists are against democracy (they won't allow the peoples votes to count if it opposes their power play and pay to play schemes).
If you gave these fascists your guns and they turned socialist then you will have a Meduro like situation instantly, because the left just can't control themselves and we have been seeing scarey little tastes of it the past few years.
I seem to recall similar arguments during the civil rights era. The South just wanted the rest of the country to leave them alone when they put police dogs and fire hoses against peaceful protestors.
But this is reversed in the way Cali is against the rights of Babies.

Let's do inventory of the left's rights it gives specific people and rights it denies others.
Left see's MS-13 and other gangs as having rights, illegal entrance including human traffickers and drug smugglers having rights, they see criminals in jail having rights, unvetted people from threatening regions that call to kill Americans have rights, etc...
Yet they don't see Babies having rights, Jews having equal rights, people wearing red hats having rights, President and country supporters having rights (like to eat at restaurants or ride elevators), people sporting the flag having rights, freedom of speach that is not in line with yours have no rights,
and office buildings with windows have no rights according to bat wielding masked teens.
And we won't get into the whole left's manic xenophobe of Russians which void Russian American citizens their rights, and anyone with merely a Russian sounding name like my Hebrew one, God forbid we should post opinions in this fascist censorship police state we live in due to such xenophobic attitudes.
You can't even order Russian dressing without a liberal waitress fuming, so you are forced to order thousand island dressing instead.
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