Call for boycott of the rose bowl parade

Damn good at it too. Slurp!

You going to quit rooting for the Packers now that manly man Aaron Rodgers has been outed? I'll bet he sucks a mean dick too.

You go to be fucking kidding I would support a fucking liberal state like that they can go toi hell burn baby burn. really are a hateful little man, aren't you. Still hating on Uncle Bruce?

I'm just too fucking honest.
Faggots are deadly weapons infested with HIV and have no problem infecting other people.
"Tolerance" is a two way street. I support Phil Robertson's right to state his beliefs on homosexuality. I also support homosexuals who do the same. :thup:

I will be at the Rose Parade in a few days. Two fags getting married on a float will not take away any of my enjoyment of the event...

Now you've done it. Forever to be labeled a RINO (or worse, a Progressive). Don't you know real conservatives believe civil rights are not for gays, lesbians, blacks, Latinos or women.

You and the truth are far apart! Dumbass!:cuckoo:
Did the homos get married yet? Hopefully they don't consummate that perverse ceremony right on the spot. Wouldn't put it past the deviants.

Hey [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION],

Thanks so much for inviting this one to join us. He is a delightful soul. And so thoughtful! If there is anything this place needed, it was another man of such high intellect.

Here, I'll neg ya so you'll have a valid complaint against me ya pathetic whining little biotch. :lol:
Did the homos get married yet? Hopefully they don't consummate that perverse ceremony right on the spot. Wouldn't put it past the deviants.

Hey [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION],

Thanks so much for inviting this one to join us. He is a delightful soul. And so thoughtful! If there is anything this place needed, it was another man of such high intellect.
I second the motion. As a recent newcomer myself, it's great to see someone with good opinion and judgement.
Did the homos get married yet? Hopefully they don't consummate that perverse ceremony right on the spot. Wouldn't put it past the deviants.

Hey [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION],

Thanks so much for inviting this one to join us. He is a delightful soul. And so thoughtful! If there is anything this place needed, it was another man of such high intellect.
I second the motion. As a recent newcomer myself, it's great to see someone with good opinion and judgement.




You played me, didn't you. ;)
Did the homos get married yet? Hopefully they don't consummate that perverse ceremony right on the spot. Wouldn't put it past the deviants.

Hey [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION],

Thanks so much for inviting this one to join us. He is a delightful soul. And so thoughtful! If there is anything this place needed, it was another man of such high intellect.

Here, I'll neg ya so you'll have a valid complaint against me ya pathetic whining little biotch. :lol:

You use the neg feature?....Is that like a fag slap? I think I will have fun with you.
Hey [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION],

Thanks so much for inviting this one to join us. He is a delightful soul. And so thoughtful! If there is anything this place needed, it was another man of such high intellect.
I second the motion. As a recent newcomer myself, it's great to see someone with good opinion and judgement.




You played me, didn't you. ;)
I guess you could call me a compassionate conservative. :)
Hey [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION],

Thanks so much for inviting this one to join us. He is a delightful soul. And so thoughtful! If there is anything this place needed, it was another man of such high intellect.

Here, I'll neg ya so you'll have a valid complaint against me ya pathetic whining little biotch. :lol:

You use the neg feature?....Is that like a fag slap? I think I will have fun with you.

LOL! You go right ahead LL. Bear in mind that I'll be leaving in a couple of hours to take my 13 year old out for our monthly range time so it may just be you playing with yourself for a bit.

But that's not uncommon with you I would imagine. :lol:
Here, I'll neg ya so you'll have a valid complaint against me ya pathetic whining little biotch. :lol:

You use the neg feature?....Is that like a fag slap? I think I will have fun with you.

LOL! You go right ahead LL. Bear in mind that I'll be leaving in a couple of hours to take my 13 year old out for our monthly range time so it may just be you playing with yourself for a bit.

But that's not uncommon with you I would imagine. :lol:


It is a good idea for some people to do activities with their kids....for which they need hearing protection. The less they hear, the better.
Congratulations to the Happy Couple!

Suggestion to the homophobes - cut back on the gay porn before you blow a gasket.

Hey [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION],

Thanks so much for inviting this one to join us. He is a delightful soul. And so thoughtful! If there is anything this place needed, it was another man of such high intellect.

Here, I'll neg ya so you'll have a valid complaint against me ya pathetic whining little biotch. :lol:

You use the neg feature?....Is that like a fag slap? I think I will have fun with you.

Yeah, I bet you like getting bitch slapped too and pegged by a big ole boy, loll.
I guess you could call me a compassionate conservative. :)

Naw. What I'm calling you doesn't bear repeating in polite company. ;)
That's alright. As a man of faith (and, l would just turn the other cheek and not acknowledge it. :lol:

I wasn't referencing you when I mentioned polite company. You're rolling in the shit with the rest of the bigots and homophobes. :thup:

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