Call for boycott of the rose bowl parade

nobody gave you license to ordain what is normal and what is not for all humans in the world.

You are a stupid little fuck, normal is what was intended, man woman adam and eve not adam and steve. So yes I do have the authority.

No you don't. God and Jesus both told you to love your enemies as you love yourself.

And God also loved Sodom and Gomorrah, ask any Christian theologian, lol, I can love like that.
There is nothing bigoted in not agreeing with a certain lifestyle choice. Whether we don't agree due to religious reasons or any other reason for that matter, we all have a right to our opinions. Would I be a bigot if I disagreed with the Polygamous lifestyle in parts of Utah?

Listen. You are not up to having a serious discussion on this topic. For me to spend any effort educating you on what is and is not bigotry....knowing that you were unable to enjoy a parade on television because it had a couple of gay people on a float....would be just too damned silly.

It is much better....for all concerned....if you just stay all warm and cozy in your bubble of ignorance....while I just hang out pointing and laughing at you. Trust me.
Bigotry is hatred of a certain group. I don't hate anyone and always use a civil tongue with everyone. I don't acknowledge certain lifestyle choices because of my faith. The first amendment allows me this freedom.

No, it isn't just's intolerance too.

Folks used the same faith you are using to justify slavery, segregation and anti miscegenation laws. They didn't hate blacks either...they just didn't see them as equal.
You are a stupid little fuck, normal is what was intended, man woman adam and eve not adam and steve. So yes I do have the authority.

No you don't. God and Jesus both told you to love your enemies as you love yourself.

And God also loved Sodom and Gomorrah, ask any Christian theologian, lol, I can love like that.

You're right...what he hated was their in hospitality.

"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy.

Sounds like America...and not because two guys got legally married on a float.
How did that boycott work out for ya?

Worked in my home and that filth never was on our TV screen.

Such a shame. Nice float even won an award.

Listen. You are not up to having a serious discussion on this topic. For me to spend any effort educating you on what is and is not bigotry....knowing that you were unable to enjoy a parade on television because it had a couple of gay people on a float....would be just too damned silly.

It is much better....for all concerned....if you just stay all warm and cozy in your bubble of ignorance....while I just hang out pointing and laughing at you. Trust me.
Bigotry is hatred of a certain group. I don't hate anyone and always use a civil tongue with everyone. I don't acknowledge certain lifestyle choices because of my faith. The first amendment allows me this freedom.

No, it isn't just's intolerance too.

Folks used the same faith you are using to justify slavery, segregation and anti miscegenation laws. They didn't hate blacks either...they just didn't see them as equal.

Racial slavery and segregation were focused on what a person was by BIRTH.

Defending the FACT that the Bible teaches homosexual behavior is SIN is based on observations of BEHAVIOR, you lying shit.
No you don't. God and Jesus both told you to love your enemies as you love yourself.

And God also loved Sodom and Gomorrah, ask any Christian theologian, lol, I can love like that.

You're right...what he hated was their in hospitality.

"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy.

No one ever interpreted that passage set as pertaining exclusively to 'inhospitality' until the main stream Protestant denominations were taken over by Identity Politics ideology and became pro-perv.

The tale of Sodom and Gomorrah is about general perversion and sin of all stripes, and St Paul elucidates further in the first chapter of Romans.

Do you libtards realize what liars you are shown to be when you twist scripture like that?

No, you don't, and thank God for it!

Bigotry is hatred of a certain group. I don't hate anyone and always use a civil tongue with everyone. I don't acknowledge certain lifestyle choices because of my faith. The first amendment allows me this freedom.

No, it isn't just's intolerance too.

Folks used the same faith you are using to justify slavery, segregation and anti miscegenation laws. They didn't hate blacks either...they just didn't see them as equal.

Racial slavery and segregation were focused on what a person was by BIRTH.

Defending the FACT that the Bible teaches homosexual behavior is SIN is based on observations of BEHAVIOR, you lying shit.

People do not choose their sexual orientation any more than their skin color. True, acting out upon our natural inclinations is a "behavior" just like you acting out on your attraction to members of the opposite sex is a behavior.

You are also attempting to deflect away from the's still bigotry no matter how you justify it. The people that were using the bible to justify slavery and segregation didn't think they were bigots either.
And God also loved Sodom and Gomorrah, ask any Christian theologian, lol, I can love like that.

You're right...what he hated was their in hospitality.

"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy.

No one ever interpreted that passage set as pertaining exclusively to 'inhospitality' until the main stream Protestant denominations were taken over by Identity Politics ideology and became pro-perv.

The tale of Sodom and Gomorrah is about general perversion and sin of all stripes, and St Paul elucidates further in the first chapter of Romans.

Do you libtards realize what liars you are shown to be when you twist scripture like that?

No, you don't, and thank God for it!


So, quoting scripture exactly is "twisting it"? :lol: Yeah, run with that. Keep believing that two cities were destroyed by the wrath of god because "the gheys".
No, it isn't just's intolerance too.

Folks used the same faith you are using to justify slavery, segregation and anti miscegenation laws. They didn't hate blacks either...they just didn't see them as equal.

Racial slavery and segregation were focused on what a person was by BIRTH.

Defending the FACT that the Bible teaches homosexual behavior is SIN is based on observations of BEHAVIOR, you lying shit.

People do not choose their sexual orientation any more than their skin color.

Yes, they do choose their sexual orientation, just like fat people mostly choose to be fat by eating a lot. Fat people don't think, 'Hwy, I wanna be FAT!', no, they think, 'Man, those fudge brownies sure look good! Thinks I'll eat five, no one is looking.'

Homosexuals are a part of the 30ish percent that enjoy sex for reasons the majority of the rest of us do not. Those reasons vary from person to person, but a lot of it is having power over another person, or they enjoy humiliating or inflicting sexual pain on a person, or they just have this perverse enjoyment of doing what is forbidden by God and Nature.

The exact reason doesn't really matter, but this segment of the population drifts from the relatively mild philanderer like Bill Clinton, to bisexuality like Hillary to exclusive homosexuality that a small 2% engage in, and each of these people change from year to year through their whole lives.

There is no organ in you body that defines a person as homosexual; only behavior does that.

True, acting out upon our natural inclinations is a "behavior" just like you acting out on your attraction to members of the opposite sex is a behavior.

You are also attempting to deflect away from the's still bigotry no matter how you justify it. The people that were using the bible to justify slavery and segregation didn't think they were bigots either.

No, it is not bigotry to say that theft is a sin, and it is not bigotry to say that using ones sexual organs in a way that nature never intended is also a sin.

BTW, I find it hilarious you don't realize how much blacks and hispanics hate it when you libtards compare them to homosexuals. roflmao
You're right...what he hated was their in hospitality.

"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy.

No one ever interpreted that passage set as pertaining exclusively to 'inhospitality' until the main stream Protestant denominations were taken over by Identity Politics ideology and became pro-perv.

The tale of Sodom and Gomorrah is about general perversion and sin of all stripes, and St Paul elucidates further in the first chapter of Romans.

Do you libtards realize what liars you are shown to be when you twist scripture like that?

No, you don't, and thank God for it!


So, quoting scripture exactly is "twisting it"? :lol: Yeah, run with that. Keep believing that two cities were destroyed by the wrath of god because "the gheys".

One must quote scripture in order to twist it, moron.

It is what is done with it that defines it as twisting or not.
Racial slavery and segregation were focused on what a person was by BIRTH.

Defending the FACT that the Bible teaches homosexual behavior is SIN is based on observations of BEHAVIOR, you lying shit.

People do not choose their sexual orientation any more than their skin color.

Yes, they do choose their sexual orientation, just like fat people mostly choose to be fat by eating a lot. Fat people don't think, 'Hwy, I wanna be FAT!', no, they think, 'Man, those fudge brownies sure look good! Thinks I'll eat five, no one is looking.'

Homosexuals are a part of the 30ish percent that enjoy sex for reasons the majority of the rest of us do not. Those reasons vary from person to person, but a lot of it is having power over another person, or they enjoy humiliating or inflicting sexual pain on a person, or they just have this perverse enjoyment of doing what is forbidden by God and Nature.

The exact reason doesn't really matter, but this segment of the population drifts from the relatively mild philanderer like Bill Clinton, to bisexuality like Hillary to exclusive homosexuality that a small 2% engage in, and each of these people change from year to year through their whole lives.

There is no organ in you body that defines a person as homosexual; only behavior does that.

True, acting out upon our natural inclinations is a "behavior" just like you acting out on your attraction to members of the opposite sex is a behavior.

You are also attempting to deflect away from the's still bigotry no matter how you justify it. The people that were using the bible to justify slavery and segregation didn't think they were bigots either.

No, it is not bigotry to say that theft is a sin, and it is not bigotry to say that using ones sexual organs in a way that nature never intended is also a sin.

It is bigotry when you try and deny equal access to laws because of your religious belief.

BTW, I find it hilarious you don't realize how much blacks and hispanics hate it when you libtards compare them to homosexuals. roflmao

We aren't comparing ourselves to blacks or other racial minorities. What is compared and comparable is the discrimination and bigotry...which is the same.
No one ever interpreted that passage set as pertaining exclusively to 'inhospitality' until the main stream Protestant denominations were taken over by Identity Politics ideology and became pro-perv.

The tale of Sodom and Gomorrah is about general perversion and sin of all stripes, and St Paul elucidates further in the first chapter of Romans.

Do you libtards realize what liars you are shown to be when you twist scripture like that?

No, you don't, and thank God for it!


So, quoting scripture exactly is "twisting it"? :lol: Yeah, run with that. Keep believing that two cities were destroyed by the wrath of god because "the gheys".

One must quote scripture in order to twist it, moron.

It is what is done with it that defines it as twisting or not.

Ah, so when I quote scripture exactly that states that those cities were destroyed, not for consenting adults having consensual congress with each other, but for how those cities were treating their poor and needy...I'm the one twisting i? Okey dokey.
People do not choose their sexual orientation any more than their skin color.

Yes, they do choose their sexual orientation, just like fat people mostly choose to be fat by eating a lot. Fat people don't think, 'Hwy, I wanna be FAT!', no, they think, 'Man, those fudge brownies sure look good! Thinks I'll eat five, no one is looking.'

Homosexuals are a part of the 30ish percent that enjoy sex for reasons the majority of the rest of us do not. Those reasons vary from person to person, but a lot of it is having power over another person, or they enjoy humiliating or inflicting sexual pain on a person, or they just have this perverse enjoyment of doing what is forbidden by God and Nature.

The exact reason doesn't really matter, but this segment of the population drifts from the relatively mild philanderer like Bill Clinton, to bisexuality like Hillary to exclusive homosexuality that a small 2% engage in, and each of these people change from year to year through their whole lives.

There is no organ in you body that defines a person as homosexual; only behavior does that.

No, it is not bigotry to say that theft is a sin, and it is not bigotry to say that using ones sexual organs in a way that nature never intended is also a sin.

It is bigotry when you try and deny equal access to laws because of your religious belief.

BTW, I find it hilarious you don't realize how much blacks and hispanics hate it when you libtards compare them to homosexuals. roflmao

We aren't comparing ourselves to blacks or other racial minorities. What is compared and comparable is the discrimination and bigotry...which is the same.

Any homosexual can marry a person of the opposite gender they want, so no one is denying anyone anything.

And yes, you just compared homosexuality to being black or Hispanic.

So, quoting scripture exactly is "twisting it"? :lol: Yeah, run with that. Keep believing that two cities were destroyed by the wrath of god because "the gheys".

One must quote scripture in order to twist it, moron.

It is what is done with it that defines it as twisting or not.

Ah, so when I quote scripture exactly that states that those cities were destroyed, not for consenting adults having consensual congress with each other, but for how those cities were treating their poor and needy...I'm the one twisting i? Okey dokey.

You stripped it o context and completely ignored the plain meaning of the story, lol, do you really think that your tactic of playing dumb is convincing to anyone that your claims have merit?

roflmao, thanks for the laughs on this cold Jan 2 day.
This thread, like many others, has degenerated into a childish "you too" contest and isn't worth following anymore.
I would not let my young son watch the parade. Let's cut to the chase here. No parent hopes their son or daughter is gay. It's not a lifestyle that I've ever heard any parent hope their child lives. With that said, no one knows what causes someone to be a homo. So I don't need my son watching something I don't really want him to be a part of.
No. We hope our children are healthy and well. And happy.

Gay people aren't happy in closets.

Gay people can do whatever they want. I'm just stating a fact and good reason why many parents my not want their children to watch gays in a parade.
Listen. You are not up to having a serious discussion on this topic. For me to spend any effort educating you on what is and is not bigotry....knowing that you were unable to enjoy a parade on television because it had a couple of gay people on a float....would be just too damned silly.

It is much better....for all concerned....if you just stay all warm and cozy in your bubble of ignorance....while I just hang out pointing and laughing at you. Trust me.
Bigotry is hatred of a certain group. I don't hate anyone and always use a civil tongue with everyone. I don't acknowledge certain lifestyle choices because of my faith. The first amendment allows me this freedom.

No, it isn't just's intolerance too.

Folks used the same faith you are using to justify slavery, segregation and anti miscegenation laws. They didn't hate blacks either...they just didn't see them as equal.
If I were intolerant, I would be insisting that they not have the parade. Instead I simply, and quietly decide not to watch it. Big difference.

If you decide not to attend a pro-Life rally, does that make you intolerant? Of course not.

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