Call for boycott of the rose bowl parade

Everyone with a well functioning brain knows that a child cannot become "homo" by watching other "homos".

Don 't you know that?

So parents should let their toddlers watch R rated movies with a lot of violence and drugs? Of course not. Parents would not do that because they don't want their kids emulating that behavior. No different than fags getting married in a parade. No parent would wish that for their child. It's something they don't need to see.
Someone does not become gay because they see gays getting married.

But a child does things to get approval from adults, they see adult males or fe,ales kissing or acting like faggots the children will think it's acceptable acts, not realizing that it's an abnormal sick perverted act.
Everyone with a well functioning brain knows that a child cannot become "homo" by watching other "homos".

Don 't you know that?

So parents should let their toddlers watch R rated movies with a lot of violence and drugs? Of course not. Parents would not do that because they don't want their kids emulating that behavior. No different than fags getting married in a parade. No parent would wish that for their child. It's something they don't need to see.

And good parents wouldn’t allow their children to read your posts, because they don't want their kids emulating the hate and ignorance you and most others on the right exhibit toward gay Americans.

Haha. How typical of your type to resort to the "hate" and "ignorance" talking points. I speak the truth and you know it which is why you are resorting to such BS. Go find me one set of parents that hope their kids are gay. Also, go find me a set of parents who hope their kids grow up to have a heterosexual relationship of their own and even have kids. What will you find?
So parents should let their toddlers watch R rated movies with a lot of violence and drugs? Of course not. Parents would not do that because they don't want their kids emulating that behavior. No different than fags getting married in a parade. No parent would wish that for their child. It's something they don't need to see.
Someone does not become gay because they see gays getting married.

Possibly. But neither you nor anyone else can say for sure what makes a guy want to stick his package in another man's ass. But, that's not really the point is it?

The point is parents want to keep their kids away from behavior they don't want them to emulate. It's why they are selective in what their kids can watch on TV. It's why many parents would not want their kids watching homos getting married in a parade.

Just face it, homosexual behavior is not something parents would ever wish for their kids. That is a fact. That fact is not split along political party lines and it can never be voted down in an election.
You have no more choice in whether your kid is straight or gay than you do the color of their hair. You can dye it but it will always return to it's natural color. However, you can certainly screw up a kid so badly that they will never be happy by trying to make them into something their not.

The world is not what it was 50 years ago. You can't hide homosexuality from kids any more than you hide drug use. Doing so will only make them more curious. There're going to have friends, co-workers, and neighbors that are gay. Turning kids into homophobs won't serve them well in 21st century.
Its more than a little disturbing that so many people believe a person is wrong for wanting to control what their children are exposed to.

Some of you simply don't wish to live in a free society it seems
I ddn't see the parade. I saw some interviews with parade goers. The wedding float turned quite a few people off because it was sponsored by the AIDS Foundation and having two gay guys up there was distasteful.
So parents should let their toddlers watch R rated movies with a lot of violence and drugs? Of course not. Parents would not do that because they don't want their kids emulating that behavior. No different than fags getting married in a parade. No parent would wish that for their child. It's something they don't need to see.
Someone does not become gay because they see gays getting married.

But a child does things to get approval from adults, they see adult males or fe,ales kissing or acting like faggots the children will think it's acceptable acts, not realizing that it's an abnormal sick perverted act.


Being a faggot isn't one of them either.
Someone does not become gay because they see gays getting married.

Possibly. But neither you nor anyone else can say for sure what makes a guy want to stick his package in another man's ass. But, that's not really the point is it?

The point is parents want to keep their kids away from behavior they don't want them to emulate. It's why they are selective in what their kids can watch on TV. It's why many parents would not want their kids watching homos getting married in a parade.

Just face it, homosexual behavior is not something parents would ever wish for their kids. That is a fact. That fact is not split along political party lines and it can never be voted down in an election.
You have no more choice in whether your kid is straight or gay than you do the color of their hair.

Prove it.

You libtards keep saying that, but you never debate the scientific evidence; it's really a creed to you morons. You worship at the church of neoMarxist Ideology and think the rest of us uneducated because we disagree.

That is why discussing these topics with ignoramuses like you is never rational because you have no evidence, no reasons just repeated slogans and denunciations of bigotry, you closed minded prick.
due to gay marriage being shoved down people's throats despite the parade having nothing to do with social issues or politics. And the aids brigade denies there's an agenda. Read teh comments, they boast about how they love shoving it in people's faces.

SoCal Woman Calls For Rose Parade Boycott Over Same-Sex Wedding Float « CBS Los Angeles

Get over yourself, and take your homophobic friends with you.

This is hilarious.

Militant homos are pushing their perversions into everyones faces and you think we need to get over ourselves because we don't want to watch Harry deep throat Steve?


You guys really have no clue how out of touch you really are. Sure, there is that 25-30% of the public that uncritically accepts everything the liberal talking heads tell them on TV and what they hear from libtard musicians, and they don't even realize the ideologies these people represent most of the time. They are so immersed in these media that these ideological freaks seem like 'most people' to them and they think they are just going with the flow. But they are not the majority by any means, to get even a slim majority the Big Lie Media has to pour into a topic 24/7 without stop then run some fake polls to support their claims, lol.
They always have been denied the right to marry just anyone. You cant marry your sister (disappointing many Dimbocraps), you cant have more than one spouse, you cant marry under age people, etc.

Why do you like making up these pointless claims of victimization?

No, apparently it is very relevant, bubba.

Lol, there is nothing bigoted about pointing out the facts and the use of reason following from those facts, ass hat.

Don't project, sissy-boy.


Nah, my last date with the lady I am now married to was to go to a bread and breakfast up in gold country in California.

Deliverance came out way before that, dude.

A "bread and breakfast"?

What happened? Did you mishear that the first time you heard it.....and nobody has been kind enough to correct you yet?

It is bed. Bed and breakfast.

You're right...what he hated was their in hospitality.

"Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had arrogance, abundant food, and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy.

Sounds like America...and not because two guys got legally married on a float.
Genesis 19
5 and they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may [c]have relations with them.”
6 But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him,
7 and said, “Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly.
8 Now behold, I have two daughters who have not [d]had relations with man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them [e]whatever you like; only do nothing to these men, inasmuch as they have come under the [f]shelter of my roof.”

That has absolutely nothing to do with being friendly to other people.
Well, Lott offered his virgin daughters to be raped by the strangers.

That's what happened when the angels got there...why were they there in the first place? It wasn't because "the gheys". The angels were there because S & G had been worshiping false gods, doing that idolatry thing, being inhospitable to strangers (like trying to rape them), not taking care of their poor and needy (you know, the kind of stuff that Jahesus feller actually talked about) and for general debauchery (not consenting adults vowing to love, honor and cherish each other for life).

So god sends angels to check out what's happening in town. The townsmen pour out and tell Lott to send the angels out to be raped (for the cheap seats; rape is a power's not consensual sex). Hero of the story, Lott, says "no, take my two young daughters and rape the shit out of them" (instead of the 15-18 foot beings made of light :doubt: ) God sees all this, gets pissed and rains fire and brimstone down. Lott escapes with just his daughters 'cause his wife is an idiot and then proceeds to screw them in the mountains.

How did gays get the bad rap out of this fucking story?!?
I love that some people didn't watch the absolutely gayest parade (way gayer than gay pride) in the history of parades...because there were gay people you knew were gay in it.

You know...if you close your eyes and plug your ears...the gay people disappear. :lol:

Don't trip!
I love that some people didn't watch the absolutely gayest parade (way gayer than gay pride) in the history of parades...because there were gay people you knew were gay in it.

You know...if you close your eyes and plug your ears...the gay people disappear. :lol:

Don't trip!

I love how you care if other people watched it.

Grow up. This is what grown ups do when they see something they don't want to see. They turn it off, or don't attend, or just ignore it.

Unlike you immature liberal freaks who run around screaming about anything you don't like should just be run off the air.

Very nice juxtaposition we have here in fact. Conservatives boycott a parade they don't like, meanwhile liberals scream that they want Phil off the air when he says something they don't like.

Yall need to grow up.
I love that some people didn't watch the absolutely gayest parade (way gayer than gay pride) in the history of parades...because there were gay people you knew were gay in it.

You know...if you close your eyes and plug your ears...the gay people disappear. :lol:

Don't trip!

I love how you care if other people watched it.

Grow up. This is what grown ups do when they see something they don't want to see. They turn it off, or don't attend, or just ignore it.

Unlike you immature liberal freaks who run around screaming about anything you don't like should just be run off the air.

Very nice juxtaposition we have here in fact. Conservatives boycott a parade they don't like, meanwhile liberals scream that they want Phil off the air when he says something they don't like.

Yall need to grow up.

I don't care that you didn't watch it. The fact that someone tried to boycott it probably got it more viewers...duh. Both the Rose Parade and A&E all thank you for the wonderful free advertising!
I love that some people didn't watch the absolutely gayest parade (way gayer than gay pride) in the history of parades...because there were gay people you knew were gay in it.

You know...if you close your eyes and plug your ears...the gay people disappear. :lol:

Don't trip!

I love how you care if other people watched it.

Grow up. This is what grown ups do when they see something they don't want to see. They turn it off, or don't attend, or just ignore it.

Unlike you immature liberal freaks who run around screaming about anything you don't like should just be run off the air.

Very nice juxtaposition we have here in fact. Conservatives boycott a parade they don't like, meanwhile liberals scream that they want Phil off the air when he says something they don't like.

Yall need to grow up.

I don't care that you didn't watch it. The fact that someone tried to boycott it probably got it more viewers...duh. Both the Rose Parade and A&E all thank you for the wonderful free advertising!

Lol, obviously you do care, dimwit.

BTW, attendance has been sliding down since 2004's estimated 1,000,000 attendees. This year it was at around 700,000 and I cant find any numbers for the world wide viewership, but I'd bet that is down from 70,000,000 of last year unless they expanded the areas televised.

No one wants to see that gay marriage bullshit. That telecast has probably inspired m ore Jihadist to do suicide bombings than a thousand bombs dropped on Muslim villages.

You idiots have no idea how much you make the non First World countries despise us with that shit.
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I love how you care if other people watched it.

Grow up. This is what grown ups do when they see something they don't want to see. They turn it off, or don't attend, or just ignore it.

Unlike you immature liberal freaks who run around screaming about anything you don't like should just be run off the air.

Very nice juxtaposition we have here in fact. Conservatives boycott a parade they don't like, meanwhile liberals scream that they want Phil off the air when he says something they don't like.

Yall need to grow up.

I don't care that you didn't watch it. The fact that someone tried to boycott it probably got it more viewers...duh. Both the Rose Parade and A&E all thank you for the wonderful free advertising!

Lol, obviously you do care, dimwit.

BTW, attendance has been sliding down since 2004's estimated 1,000,000 attendees. This year it was at around 700,000 and I cant find any numbers for the world wide viewership, but I'd bet that is down from 70,000,000 of last year unless they expanded the areas televised.

No one wants to see that gay marriage bullshit. That telecast has probably inspired m ore Jihadist to do suicide bombings than a thousand bombs dropped on Muslim villages.

You idiots have no idea how much you make the non First World countries despise us with that shit.

Boy, you just don't get it do you? The fact that you didn't watch it and made a stinky about it, got more people watching it. That's great! More people saw two handsome men vowing to honor and cherish each other for life because YOU closed your eyes and plugged your ears. Gays everywhere thank you!
I don't care that you didn't watch it. The fact that someone tried to boycott it probably got it more viewers...duh. Both the Rose Parade and A&E all thank you for the wonderful free advertising!

Lol, obviously you do care, dimwit.

BTW, attendance has been sliding down since 2004's estimated 1,000,000 attendees. This year it was at around 700,000 and I cant find any numbers for the world wide viewership, but I'd bet that is down from 70,000,000 of last year unless they expanded the areas televised.

No one wants to see that gay marriage bullshit. That telecast has probably inspired m ore Jihadist to do suicide bombings than a thousand bombs dropped on Muslim villages.

You idiots have no idea how much you make the non First World countries despise us with that shit.

Boy, you just don't get it do you? The fact that you didn't watch it and made a stinky about it, got more people watching it. That's great!

Prove it, you fucking liar.
Lol, obviously you do care, dimwit.

BTW, attendance has been sliding down since 2004's estimated 1,000,000 attendees. This year it was at around 700,000 and I cant find any numbers for the world wide viewership, but I'd bet that is down from 70,000,000 of last year unless they expanded the areas televised.

No one wants to see that gay marriage bullshit. That telecast has probably inspired m ore Jihadist to do suicide bombings than a thousand bombs dropped on Muslim villages.

You idiots have no idea how much you make the non First World countries despise us with that shit.

Boy, you just don't get it do you? The fact that you didn't watch it and made a stinky about it, got more people watching it. That's great!

Prove it, you fucking liar.

Well, let's see...

Attendance from Wiki:

1890 - 2,000
2002 - 800,000 (1,000,000; drop blamed on 9/11.)
2004 - (1,000,000)
2009 - 700,000 (Pasadena had 1,000,000 visitors during the week of the parade.)
2011 - 700,000
2012 - 700,000 (with an estimated 70 million watching via worldwide television).
2013 - 700,000 (with 84 million watching via worldwide television)

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