Call for boycott of the rose bowl parade

Lol, obviously you do care, dimwit.

BTW, attendance has been sliding down since 2004's estimated 1,000,000 attendees. This year it was at around 700,000 and I cant find any numbers for the world wide viewership, but I'd bet that is down from 70,000,000 of last year unless they expanded the areas televised.

No one wants to see that gay marriage bullshit. That telecast has probably inspired m ore Jihadist to do suicide bombings than a thousand bombs dropped on Muslim villages.

You idiots have no idea how much you make the non First World countries despise us with that shit.

Boy, you just don't get it do you? The fact that you didn't watch it and made a stinky about it, got more people watching it. That's great!

Prove it, you fucking liar.

Did someone touch a nerve? :lol:
Stats on how many people viewed the parade are irrelevant and quite useless. My original point that no parent hopes their son or daughter is gay is the only truth that really matters. Parents who don't want their kids to view gay men getting married got to exercise that right, and that pisses off gay supporters everywhere.

Gays can hijack as many parades as they want and get gay marriage legalized in all 50 states and it will never change the fact that being gay is not the norm. It will never change the fact that a parent of a gay child is simply learning to cope with the news and not celebrating the news. It will never change the fact that in order for families to endure they must have heterosexual children. It will never change the fact that the majority of people in the world are sickened by two men kissing.

So feel free to do whatever you feel is necessary because it's a simple fact that will never change that a homosexual lifestyle is not something that will ever be the norm or pushed by parents. The "coming out of the closet" announcement will always be something that parents will dread.
Boy, you just don't get it do you? The fact that you didn't watch it and made a stinky about it, got more people watching it. That's great!

Prove it, you fucking liar.

Well, let's see...

Attendance from Wiki:

1890 - 2,000
2002 - 800,000 (1,000,000; drop blamed on 9/11.)
2004 - (1,000,000)
2009 - 700,000 (Pasadena had 1,000,000 visitors during the week of the parade.)
2011 - 700,000
2012 - 700,000 (with an estimated 70 million watching via worldwide television).
2013 - 700,000 (with 84 million watching via worldwide television)

Lol, you liar, those last numbers are not in the Wiki article, you put them in based on highly doubtful numbers from the parade organizers. Notice how they estimate 66% of 84,000,000 are US viewers, but the Neilson report only gives 15,000,000?

Lol, you pervs lie so much you cant keep your lies coordinated.
Boy, you just don't get it do you? The fact that you didn't watch it and made a stinky about it, got more people watching it. That's great!

Prove it, you fucking liar.

Did someone touch a nerve? :lol:

I am simply sick to death of you libtard liars, which Seabitch confirmed by using lies in her response.

Lol, you are your own worst enemy because you have no respect for Truth, integrity or your own damned selves.
Stats on how many people viewed the parade are irrelevant and quite useless. My original point that no parent hopes their son or daughter is gay is the only truth that really matters. Parents who don't want their kids to view gay men getting married got to exercise that right, and that pisses off gay supporters everywhere.

Gays can hijack as many parades as they want and get gay marriage legalized in all 50 states and it will never change the fact that being gay is not the norm. It will never change the fact that a parent of a gay child is simply learning to cope with the news and not celebrating the news. It will never change the fact that in order for families to endure they must have heterosexual children. It will never change the fact that the majority of people in the world are sickened by two men kissing.

So feel free to do whatever you feel is necessary because it's a simple fact that will never change that a homosexual lifestyle is not something that will ever be the norm or pushed by parents. The "coming out of the closet" announcement will always be something that parents will dread.

What you don't seem to get is that 2 gay people getting married will eventually be considered normal. As a matter of fact it already is among my children and their friends. They don't even bat an eye. It doesn't mean viewing a gay marriage will suddenly turn you gay. Homophobes have been proven to harbor latent homosexual urges and thats why they are so angry when confronted with what they are trying to hide. if you are not gay why would it upset you so?
Boy, you just don't get it do you? The fact that you didn't watch it and made a stinky about it, got more people watching it. That's great!

Prove it, you fucking liar.

Well, let's see...

Attendance from Wiki:

1890 - 2,000
2002 - 800,000 (1,000,000; drop blamed on 9/11.)
2004 - (1,000,000)
2009 - 700,000 (Pasadena had 1,000,000 visitors during the week of the parade.)
2011 - 700,000
2012 - 700,000 (with an estimated 70 million watching via worldwide television).
2013 - 700,000 (with 84 million watching via worldwide television)

Yeah right you don't care. There are SEVERAL people in this very thread who are calling people bigots because they don't want to see gays marry.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't be calling them bigots. See how that works? I get it that you don't want to watch Duck Dynasty, and I don't care, I make NO judgements on you for your choice. You certainly make judgements on me for mine if I say boycott the parade though, don't bother denying it, you have done exactly that in this thread.

Oh, and as for your stats, you have exactly zero proof of course that the gay marriage resulted in any more viewers.
i'm reciting the bible. Try one more time.
ok, the bible is legend not fact...

Well then what is your point in discussing sodom since in your mind it doesn't exist
it existed, you dumbfuck. all legends have a grain of truth in them....they become legend when fact is replaced by fantasy.
fact: The historicity of Sodom and Gomorrah is still in dispute by archaeologists, as little archaeological evidence has ever been found in the regions where they were supposedly situated. Strabo states that locals living near Moasada (as opposed to Masada) say that "there were once thirteen inhabited cities in that region of which Sodom was the metropolis". Strabo identifies a limestone and salt hill at the south western tip of the Dead Sea, and Kharbet Usdum ruins nearby as the site of biblical Sodom.[9]
Its more than a little disturbing that so many people believe a person is wrong for wanting to control what their children are exposed to.

Some of you simply don't wish to live in a free society it seems
kids will be exposed to events and actions that their parents will not approve's called real life.
it's a parent's job to "guide" not control what their kids experience to a point.
the question is when do parents as kids mature,begin to let the kids start to make their own choices?
Stats on how many people viewed the parade are irrelevant and quite useless. My original point that no parent hopes their son or daughter is gay is the only truth that really matters. Parents who don't want their kids to view gay men getting married got to exercise that right, and that pisses off gay supporters everywhere.

Gays can hijack as many parades as they want and get gay marriage legalized in all 50 states and it will never change the fact that being gay is not the norm. It will never change the fact that a parent of a gay child is simply learning to cope with the news and not celebrating the news. It will never change the fact that in order for families to endure they must have heterosexual children. It will never change the fact that the majority of people in the world are sickened by two men kissing.

So feel free to do whatever you feel is necessary because it's a simple fact that will never change that a homosexual lifestyle is not something that will ever be the norm or pushed by parents. The "coming out of the closet" announcement will always be something that parents will dread.

Homophobes have been proven to harbor latent homosexual urges and thats why they are so angry when confronted with what they are trying to hide. if you are not gay why would it upset you so?

Wow. You just exposed yourself as a gay hater. Like they say, haters will hate.
I ddn't see the parade. I saw some interviews with parade goers. The wedding float turned quite a few people off because it was sponsored by the AIDS Foundation and having two gay guys up there was distasteful.
on fox most likely.
you can be sure they (fox) combed through hundreds of parade goes to find the few that disapproved.

AHF’s Rose Parade History

Both AHF’s 2012 Rose Parade float — ‘Our Champion’, a tribute to Elizabeth Taylor for her tireless advocacy and work in the fight against AIDS, and AHF’s 2013 entry — ‘The Global Face of AIDS’, a global salute to AIDS Healthcare Foundation patients and medical staff from around the world, were honored with the Tournament of Roses’ ‘Queens Trophy’ for best use of roses on a float. AHF’s inaugural entry in the historic New Year’s Day parade in 2012 honoring Taylor was also the first float in the Tournament’s history that focused on the topic of HIV/AIDS. Fiesta Floats of Irwindale is envisioning and constructing AHF’s 2014 ‘Love is the Best Protection’ parade entry, as it did for AHF’s previous two entries.
I love how you care if other people watched it.

Grow up. This is what grown ups do when they see something they don't want to see. They turn it off, or don't attend, or just ignore it.

Unlike you immature liberal freaks who run around screaming about anything you don't like should just be run off the air.

Very nice juxtaposition we have here in fact. Conservatives boycott a parade they don't like, meanwhile liberals scream that they want Phil off the air when he says something they don't like.

Yall need to grow up.

I don't care that you didn't watch it. The fact that someone tried to boycott it probably got it more viewers...duh. Both the Rose Parade and A&E all thank you for the wonderful free advertising!

Lol, obviously you do care, dimwit.

BTW, attendance has been sliding down since 2004's estimated 1,000,000 attendees. This year it was at around 700,000 and I cant find any numbers for the world wide viewership, but I'd bet that is down from 70,000,000 of last year unless they expanded the areas televised.

No one wants to see that gay marriage bullshit. That telecast has probably inspired m ore Jihadist to do suicide bombings than a thousand bombs dropped on Muslim villages.

You idiots have no idea how much you make the non First World countries despise us with that shit.
just like jim bob to to leave out the main reason less people attended the
Stats on how many people viewed the parade are irrelevant and quite useless. My original point that no parent hopes their son or daughter is gay is the only truth that really matters. Parents who don't want their kids to view gay men getting married got to exercise that right, and that pisses off gay supporters everywhere.

Gays can hijack as many parades as they want and get gay marriage legalized in all 50 states and it will never change the fact that being gay is not the norm. It will never change the fact that a parent of a gay child is simply learning to cope with the news and not celebrating the news. It will never change the fact that in order for families to endure they must have heterosexual children. It will never change the fact that the majority of people in the world are sickened by two men kissing.

So feel free to do whatever you feel is necessary because it's a simple fact that will never change that a homosexual lifestyle is not something that will ever be the norm or pushed by parents. The "coming out of the closet" announcement will always be something that parents will dread.

Homophobes have been proven to harbor latent homosexual urges and thats why they are so angry when confronted with what they are trying to hide. if you are not gay why would it upset you so?

Wow. You just exposed yourself as a gay hater. Like they say, haters will hate.

Homophobes have been proven to harbor latent homosexual urges and thats why they are so angry when confronted with what they are trying to hide. if you are not gay why would it upset you so?

Wow. You just exposed yourself as a gay hater. Like they say, haters will hate.


No. I read it fine. Asclepias just bashed gays. Haters will hate.
Stats on how many people viewed the parade are irrelevant and quite useless. My original point that no parent hopes their son or daughter is gay is the only truth that really matters. Parents who don't want their kids to view gay men getting married got to exercise that right, and that pisses off gay supporters everywhere.

Gays can hijack as many parades as they want and get gay marriage legalized in all 50 states and it will never change the fact that being gay is not the norm. It will never change the fact that a parent of a gay child is simply learning to cope with the news and not celebrating the news. It will never change the fact that in order for families to endure they must have heterosexual children. It will never change the fact that the majority of people in the world are sickened by two men kissing.

So feel free to do whatever you feel is necessary because it's a simple fact that will never change that a homosexual lifestyle is not something that will ever be the norm or pushed by parents. The "coming out of the closet" announcement will always be something that parents will dread.

Homophobes have been proven to harbor latent homosexual urges and thats why they are so angry when confronted with what they are trying to hide. if you are not gay why would it upset you so?

Wow. You just exposed yourself as a gay hater. Like they say, haters will hate.

The fact that you take being called a latent homosexual as an insult proves how in the closet you are. Come out. Its ok now. No one cares if you are gay.
Homophobes have been proven to harbor latent homosexual urges and thats why they are so angry when confronted with what they are trying to hide. if you are not gay why would it upset you so?

Wow. You just exposed yourself as a gay hater. Like they say, haters will hate.

The fact that you take being called a latent homosexual as an insult proves how in the closet you are. Come out. Its ok now. No one cares if you are gay.

But that's just the irony here. You made the insult. Or, at least that's what you thought you did. When you feel the need to insult me and others who disagree with you your first inclination is to call us homos. You throw around calling someone gay like it's a bad thing and terrible insult to someone. Hypocrite much? You essentially made my point for me. The homosexual lifestyle is not the norm, nor is it something families wish on their youngest. You are what you are, but only you and people of your ilk see it as an insult.

(btw... in terms of debating, this is game, set, match, you lose)
Wow. You just exposed yourself as a gay hater. Like they say, haters will hate.

The fact that you take being called a latent homosexual as an insult proves how in the closet you are. Come out. Its ok now. No one cares if you are gay.

But that's just the irony here. You made the insult. Or, at least that's what you thought you did. When you feel the need to insult me and others who disagree with you your first inclination is to call us homos. You throw around calling someone gay like it's a bad thing and terrible insult to someone. Hypocrite much? You essentially made my point for me. The homosexual lifestyle is not the norm, nor is it something families wish on their youngest. You are what you are, but only you and people of your ilk see it as an insult.

(btw... in terms of debating, this is game, set, match, you lose)
false...what's is normal? lots of heterosexual life styles are not "normal"...normal is subjective...
Wow. You just exposed yourself as a gay hater. Like they say, haters will hate.

The fact that you take being called a latent homosexual as an insult proves how in the closet you are. Come out. Its ok now. No one cares if you are gay.

But that's just the irony here. You made the insult. Or, at least that's what you thought you did. When you feel the need to insult me and others who disagree with you your first inclination is to call us homos. You throw around calling someone gay like it's a bad thing and terrible insult to someone. Hypocrite much? You essentially made my point for me. The homosexual lifestyle is not the norm, nor is it something families wish on their youngest. You are what you are, but only you and people of your ilk see it as an insult.

(btw... in terms of debating, this is game, set, match, you lose)

If you have to tell me I lost then you are definitely a loser. :lol:

I did not call you a homo. I said you were gay or a latent homosexual. You cannot read my mind so why do you assume I meant it as an insult? There was a study on it and it said specifically that people who were homophobic harbored latent homosexuality. Your mindset turned that into an insult. Face it you are gay.
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