Call for boycott of the rose bowl parade

Genesis 19
5 and they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may [c]have relations with them.”
6 But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him,
7 and said, “Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly.
8 Now behold, I have two daughters who have not [d]had relations with man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them [e]whatever you like; only do nothing to these men, inasmuch as they have come under the [f]shelter of my roof.”

That has absolutely nothing to do with being friendly to other people.
Well, Lott offered his virgin daughters to be raped by the strangers.

That's what happened when the angels got there...why were they there in the first place? It wasn't because "the gheys". The angels were there because S & G had been worshiping false gods, doing that idolatry thing, being inhospitable to strangers (like trying to rape them), not taking care of their poor and needy (you know, the kind of stuff that Jahesus feller actually talked about) and for general debauchery (not consenting adults vowing to love, honor and cherish each other for life).

So god sends angels to check out what's happening in town. The townsmen pour out and tell Lott to send the angels out to be raped (for the cheap seats; rape is a power's not consensual sex). Hero of the story, Lott, says "no, take my two young daughters and rape the shit out of them" (instead of the 15-18 foot beings made of light :doubt: ) God sees all this, gets pissed and rains fire and brimstone down. Lott escapes with just his daughters 'cause his wife is an idiot and then proceeds to screw them in the mountains.

How did gays get the bad rap out of this fucking story?!?
What does to have relations mean?
Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.

Where did you come up with these facts or is it just your opinion?

People aren't born gay they decide because they were influenced by people around them the weak minded individuals.
more bullshit from the low end of the gene pool..
nobody chooses to be gay...did you choose to be heterosexual?
another talking douche nozzle...
I love that some people didn't watch the absolutely gayest parade (way gayer than gay pride) in the history of parades...because there were gay people you knew were gay in it.

You know...if you close your eyes and plug your ears...the gay people disappear. :lol:

Don't trip!

I didn't watch it or the Garade I hope the float caught on fire.
Well, Lott offered his virgin daughters to be raped by the strangers.

That's what happened when the angels got there...why were they there in the first place? It wasn't because "the gheys". The angels were there because S & G had been worshiping false gods, doing that idolatry thing, being inhospitable to strangers (like trying to rape them), not taking care of their poor and needy (you know, the kind of stuff that Jahesus feller actually talked about) and for general debauchery (not consenting adults vowing to love, honor and cherish each other for life).

So god sends angels to check out what's happening in town. The townsmen pour out and tell Lott to send the angels out to be raped (for the cheap seats; rape is a power's not consensual sex). Hero of the story, Lott, says "no, take my two young daughters and rape the shit out of them" (instead of the 15-18 foot beings made of light :doubt: ) God sees all this, gets pissed and rains fire and brimstone down. Lott escapes with just his daughters 'cause his wife is an idiot and then proceeds to screw them in the mountains.

How did gays get the bad rap out of this fucking story?!?
What does to have relations mean?
relations is a euphemism....and you don't know what that is...
That's what happened when the angels got there...why were they there in the first place? It wasn't because "the gheys". The angels were there because S & G had been worshiping false gods, doing that idolatry thing, being inhospitable to strangers (like trying to rape them), not taking care of their poor and needy (you know, the kind of stuff that Jahesus feller actually talked about) and for general debauchery (not consenting adults vowing to love, honor and cherish each other for life).

So god sends angels to check out what's happening in town. The townsmen pour out and tell Lott to send the angels out to be raped (for the cheap seats; rape is a power's not consensual sex). Hero of the story, Lott, says "no, take my two young daughters and rape the shit out of them" (instead of the 15-18 foot beings made of light :doubt: ) God sees all this, gets pissed and rains fire and brimstone down. Lott escapes with just his daughters 'cause his wife is an idiot and then proceeds to screw them in the mountains.

How did gays get the bad rap out of this fucking story?!?
What does to have relations mean?
relations is a euphemism....and you don't know what that is...

To have relations with a man or woman is to have sex.
So do us a favor and shut the fuck up.
I love that some people didn't watch the absolutely gayest parade (way gayer than gay pride) in the history of parades...because there were gay people you knew were gay in it.

You know...if you close your eyes and plug your ears...the gay people disappear. :lol:

Don't trip!

I didn't watch it or the Garade I hope the float caught on fire.
what a garade? ...
oh it's a halfwitism.
so you agree you don't know what norm or normal mean?
efinition of normal (adj)
Bing Dictionary
nor·mal[ náwrm'l ]
usual: conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom
healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy
occurring naturally: maintained or occurring in a natural state

norm: 1. an average level of achievement or performance, as of a group or person
2. a standard of achievement or behaviour that is required, desired, or designated as normal
3. (Sociology) sociol an established standard of behaviour shared by members of a social group to which each member is expected to conform.

they are the same....

expect another dodge in 5....4...3...2..1
Normal is truly in the eye of the beholder. Normal in San Francisco may not be normal in Macon Georgia. Normal today would certainly be abnormal 60 years ago and won't be normal 60 years from now.

There are few things that have damaged children more than to be declared abnormal which is a shame because the greatest people that have walked this earth certainly weren't normal.
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so you agree you don't know what norm or normal mean?
efinition of normal (adj)
Bing Dictionary
nor·mal[ náwrm'l ]
usual: conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom
healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy
occurring naturally: maintained or occurring in a natural state

norm: 1. an average level of achievement or performance, as of a group or person
2. a standard of achievement or behaviour that is required, desired, or designated as normal
3. (Sociology) sociol an established standard of behaviour shared by members of a social group to which each member is expected to conform.

they are the same....

expect another dodge in 5....4...3...2..1
Normal is truly in the eye of beholder. Normal in San Francisco may not be normal in Macon Georgia. Normal today would certainly be abnormal 60 years ago and won't be normal 60 years from now.

There are few things that have damaged children more than to be declared abnormal which is a shame because the greatest people that have walked this earth certainly weren't normal.
tell me about it! my mother was an absolute psycho about what was normal and what was not..
she's also a religious fanatic.
some irony there...
Has anyone asked the obvious question:

Instead of boycotting the Rose Bowl Parade, shouldn't we be celebrating that we live in a country where equal rights are guaranteed for all citizens?

Gay or straight, we all should have the Constitutionally guaranteed right to marry who we love.

THAT is what we should be thankful for.

Sure, the haters gotta hate but they'll survive and next time, we will be fighting for a right they value. Right?

See? I knew you'd understand. :)
so you agree you don't know what norm or normal mean?
efinition of normal (adj)
Bing Dictionary
nor·mal[ náwrm'l ]
usual: conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom
healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy
occurring naturally: maintained or occurring in a natural state

norm: 1. an average level of achievement or performance, as of a group or person
2. a standard of achievement or behaviour that is required, desired, or designated as normal
3. (Sociology) sociol an established standard of behaviour shared by members of a social group to which each member is expected to conform.

they are the same....

expect another dodge in 5....4...3...2..1
Normal is truly in the eye of beholder. Normal in San Francisco may not be normal in Macon Georgia. Normal today would certainly be abnormal 60 years ago and won't be normal 60 years from now.

There are few things that have damaged children more than to be declared abnormal which is a shame because the greatest people that have walked this earth certainly weren't normal.
tell me about it! my mother was an absolute psycho about what was normal and what was not..
she's also a religious fanatic.
some irony there...
We put way too much stock in being normal.
relations is a euphemism....and you don't know what that is...

To have relations with a man or woman is to have sex.
So do us a favor and shut the fuck up.

They cant shut up, BigReb, they have to keep posting till everyone else drops out so they can have their 'win', lol.
false! guys lost when the first state married the first gay couple...might be time to hate something else....
Normal is truly in the eye of beholder. Normal in San Francisco may not be normal in Macon Georgia. Normal today would certainly be abnormal 60 years ago and won't be normal 60 years from now.

There are few things that have damaged children more than to be declared abnormal which is a shame because the greatest people that have walked this earth certainly weren't normal.
tell me about it! my mother was an absolute psycho about what was normal and what was not..
she's also a religious fanatic.
some irony there...
We put way too much stock in being normal.
Normal is truly in the eye of beholder. Normal in San Francisco may not be normal in Macon Georgia. Normal today would certainly be abnormal 60 years ago and won't be normal 60 years from now.

There are few things that have damaged children more than to be declared abnormal which is a shame because the greatest people that have walked this earth certainly weren't normal.
tell me about it! my mother was an absolute psycho about what was normal and what was not..
she's also a religious fanatic.
some irony there...
We put way too much stock in being normal.

Funny thing about people.

They all want to be normal but no one wants to be average.

And way too often, we succeed at the wrong one.
I love that some people didn't watch the absolutely gayest parade (way gayer than gay pride) in the history of parades...because there were gay people you knew were gay in it.

You know...if you close your eyes and plug your ears...the gay people disappear. :lol:

Don't trip!

I didn't watch it or the Garade I hope the float caught on fire.
what a garade? ...
oh it's a halfwitism.

TWO faggots getting married that is what it is.
Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.

Where did you come up with these facts or is it just your opinion?

People aren't born gay they decide because they were influenced by people around them the weak minded individuals.

How do you know this? Are you gay? I was born heterosexual and knew I was attracted to girls before I even knew what that meant. No one taught me anything.
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