Call for boycott of the rose bowl parade

The fact that you take being called a latent homosexual as an insult proves how in the closet you are. Come out. Its ok now. No one cares if you are gay.

But that's just the irony here. You made the insult. Or, at least that's what you thought you did. When you feel the need to insult me and others who disagree with you your first inclination is to call us homos. You throw around calling someone gay like it's a bad thing and terrible insult to someone. Hypocrite much? You essentially made my point for me. The homosexual lifestyle is not the norm, nor is it something families wish on their youngest. You are what you are, but only you and people of your ilk see it as an insult.

(btw... in terms of debating, this is game, set, match, you lose)

If you have to tell me I lost then you are definitely a loser. :lol:

I did not call you a homo. I said you were gay or a latent homosexual. You cannot read my mind so why do you assume I meant it as an insult? There was a study on it and it said specifically that people who were homophobic harbored latent homosexuality. Your mindset turned that into an insult. Face it you are gay.

The Roots Of Homophobia - Putting Freud To The Test | Assault On Gay America | FRONTLINE | PBS

Nice try at deflection by insult. But back to the point I've made. Homosexuality is not the norm and is something parents do not wish for their kids. Do you deny this? Can you find me even one set of hetero parents that hope their son or daughter is gay? It's not something any parent wishes for their kids which is why many won't watch the parade. If you find fault with this then that's your issue to deal with.
The fact that you take being called a latent homosexual as an insult proves how in the closet you are. Come out. Its ok now. No one cares if you are gay.

But that's just the irony here. You made the insult. Or, at least that's what you thought you did. When you feel the need to insult me and others who disagree with you your first inclination is to call us homos. You throw around calling someone gay like it's a bad thing and terrible insult to someone. Hypocrite much? You essentially made my point for me. The homosexual lifestyle is not the norm, nor is it something families wish on their youngest. You are what you are, but only you and people of your ilk see it as an insult.

(btw... in terms of debating, this is game, set, match, you lose)
false...what's is normal? lots of heterosexual life styles are not "normal"...normal is subjective...

Where did I say not normal?
But that's just the irony here. You made the insult. Or, at least that's what you thought you did. When you feel the need to insult me and others who disagree with you your first inclination is to call us homos. You throw around calling someone gay like it's a bad thing and terrible insult to someone. Hypocrite much? You essentially made my point for me. The homosexual lifestyle is not the norm, nor is it something families wish on their youngest. You are what you are, but only you and people of your ilk see it as an insult.

(btw... in terms of debating, this is game, set, match, you lose)
false...what's is normal? lots of heterosexual life styles are not "normal"...normal is subjective...

Where did I say not normal?

short term memory problems? or do you not understand " not the norm is just another way of saying not normal...
expect a dodge in 5....4...3...2..1
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But that's just the irony here. You made the insult. Or, at least that's what you thought you did. When you feel the need to insult me and others who disagree with you your first inclination is to call us homos. You throw around calling someone gay like it's a bad thing and terrible insult to someone. Hypocrite much? You essentially made my point for me. The homosexual lifestyle is not the norm, nor is it something families wish on their youngest. You are what you are, but only you and people of your ilk see it as an insult.

(btw... in terms of debating, this is game, set, match, you lose)

If you have to tell me I lost then you are definitely a loser. :lol:

I did not call you a homo. I said you were gay or a latent homosexual. You cannot read my mind so why do you assume I meant it as an insult? There was a study on it and it said specifically that people who were homophobic harbored latent homosexuality. Your mindset turned that into an insult. Face it you are gay.

The Roots Of Homophobia - Putting Freud To The Test | Assault On Gay America | FRONTLINE | PBS

Nice try at deflection by insult. But back to the point I've made. Homosexuality is not the norm and is something parents do not wish for their kids. Do you deny this? Can you find me even one set of hetero parents that hope their son or daughter is gay? It's not something any parent wishes for their kids which is why many won't watch the parade. If you find fault with this then that's your issue to deal with.

That sounds amazingly like "if you don't agree they you are just wrong". Is that what you are attempting to say?

I thought parents wished for their children to be happy regardless of their sexual preference. Are you denying this?
If you have to tell me I lost then you are definitely a loser. :lol:

I did not call you a homo. I said you were gay or a latent homosexual. You cannot read my mind so why do you assume I meant it as an insult? There was a study on it and it said specifically that people who were homophobic harbored latent homosexuality. Your mindset turned that into an insult. Face it you are gay.

The Roots Of Homophobia - Putting Freud To The Test | Assault On Gay America | FRONTLINE | PBS

Nice try at deflection by insult. But back to the point I've made. Homosexuality is not the norm and is something parents do not wish for their kids. Do you deny this? Can you find me even one set of hetero parents that hope their son or daughter is gay? It's not something any parent wishes for their kids which is why many won't watch the parade. If you find fault with this then that's your issue to deal with.

That sounds amazingly like "if you don't agree they you are just wrong". Is that what you are attempting to say?

I thought parents wished for their children to be happy regardless of their sexual preference. Are you denying this?

I posed the question first. It's a simple YES or NO. Do you know any parents, regardless of political party, that hope their kids are gay? Likewise, do you know any parents that hope their kids get into hetero marriages and provide them with grandkids?

YES or NO to each would suffice. Answer these questions honestly and you'll have your answer as to why people, and rightfully so, would boycott the parade.
false...what's is normal? lots of heterosexual life styles are not "normal"...normal is subjective...

Where did I say not normal?

short term memory problems? or do you not understand " not the norm is just another way of saying not normal...
expect a dodge in 5....4...3...2..1

norm - definition of norm by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Nice try at deflection by insult. But back to the point I've made. Homosexuality is not the norm and is something parents do not wish for their kids. Do you deny this? Can you find me even one set of hetero parents that hope their son or daughter is gay? It's not something any parent wishes for their kids which is why many won't watch the parade. If you find fault with this then that's your issue to deal with.

That sounds amazingly like "if you don't agree they you are just wrong". Is that what you are attempting to say?

I thought parents wished for their children to be happy regardless of their sexual preference. Are you denying this?

I posed the question first. It's a simple YES or NO. Do you know any parents, regardless of political party, that hope their kids are gay? Likewise, do you know any parents that hope their kids get into hetero marriages and provide them with grandkids?

YES or NO to each would suffice. Answer these questions honestly and you'll have your answer as to why people, and rightfully so, would boycott the parade.

I'd have to say no just like I don't know any parents that wish their kids would be heterosexual. Now answer my question Do you know of any parents that do not want their children to be happy?
It's strange that so many people would object to a float in the Rose Parade because children might see it and become gay. That's about as silly as thinking kids will skip their video games, tv cartoons, football games, and hanging out with their friends to watch hours of flower floats. I would have to tie my kids down to make them watch the rose parade. What this is all about has nothing to do with kids seeing a float in the rose parade depicting gay marriage.

Is anyone so naive to believe that gay marriage is not discussed in currents events in schools, that children are not exposed to gay life styles on TV, in movies, and books and they don't have gay friends in school?
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Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.
Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.

Says you. But you seem like a pretty fucked up human being so I'm not sure why anything you say on the topic should be held as gospel.
Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.

Where did you come up with these facts or is it just your opinion?
It's strange that so many people would object to a float in the Rose Parade because children might see it and become gay. That's about as silly as thinking kids will skip their video games, tv cartoons, football games, and hanging out with their friends to watch hours of flower floats. I would have to tie my kids down to make them watch the rose parade. What this is all about has nothing to do with kids seeing a float in the rose parade depicting gay marriage.

Is anyone so naive to believe that gay marriage is not discussed in currents events in schools, that children are not exposed to gay life styles on TV, in movies, and books and they don't gay friends in school?

Gayness is transmitted by electrical signal via radio and TV. I thought everyone knew that?
That sounds amazingly like "if you don't agree they you are just wrong". Is that what you are attempting to say?

I thought parents wished for their children to be happy regardless of their sexual preference. Are you denying this?

I posed the question first. It's a simple YES or NO. Do you know any parents, regardless of political party, that hope their kids are gay? Likewise, do you know any parents that hope their kids get into hetero marriages and provide them with grandkids?

YES or NO to each would suffice. Answer these questions honestly and you'll have your answer as to why people, and rightfully so, would boycott the parade.

I'd have to say no just like I don't know any parents that wish their kids would be heterosexual. Now answer my question Do you know of any parents that do not want their children to be happy?

Correct, the answer is NO that parents do not wish their kids to be gay. Which means they want them to be heterosexual.

For your question, Do you know of any parents that do not want their children to be happy? Of course the answer is NO also. But that question comes AFTER someone comes out of the closet which is a completely different point than the one I am making.
It's strange that so many people would object to a float in the Rose Parade because children might see it and become gay.

No, what is strange is that you even care. Why do you care that parents may not want their kids to see two gay men getting married in a parade? Heck, I'll ask you the most common question asked during the gay marriage debate - How does it affect you at all if parents choose not to let their kids see this?
Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.
Ah, yes the slippery slope logical fallacy.
"It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal."
"And it we allow kids to hunt, the next thing you know they will be shooting people"
“And if we allow women to vote, what's next? Children voting? Farm animals voting?”
"If we allow blacks to marry whites, that means we have to allow people to marry dogs."
I posed the question first. It's a simple YES or NO. Do you know any parents, regardless of political party, that hope their kids are gay? Likewise, do you know any parents that hope their kids get into hetero marriages and provide them with grandkids?

YES or NO to each would suffice. Answer these questions honestly and you'll have your answer as to why people, and rightfully so, would boycott the parade.

I'd have to say no just like I don't know any parents that wish their kids would be heterosexual. Now answer my question Do you know of any parents that do not want their children to be happy?

Correct, the answer is NO that parents do not wish their kids to be gay. Which means they want them to be heterosexual.

For your question, Do you know of any parents that do not want their children to be happy? Of course the answer is NO also. But that question comes AFTER someone comes out of the closet which is a completely different point than the one I am making.

Thats called conjecture not a conclusion. Also I said I don't know anyone. My neighbor may want his kids to be gay but we have never discussed it. How ignorant of you to draw that conclusion based on incomplete anecdotal evidence. :lol:
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Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.

Where did you come up with these facts or is it just your opinion?

These are not ‘facts’ at all, just ignorance and hate.
so you agree you don't know what norm or normal mean?
efinition of normal (adj)
Bing Dictionary
nor·mal[ náwrm'l ]
usual: conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom
healthy: physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy
occurring naturally: maintained or occurring in a natural state

norm: 1. an average level of achievement or performance, as of a group or person
2. a standard of achievement or behaviour that is required, desired, or designated as normal
3. (Sociology) sociol an established standard of behaviour shared by members of a social group to which each member is expected to conform.

they are the same....

expect another dodge in 5....4...3...2..1
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Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.
since you already said you did not watch the parade...then you're talking out your ass...
Teaching children that it is normal for men to marry men and women to marry women, doesn't make them gay. It warps them into accepting other perversions as normal. Having the wedding on the AIDS Foundation float was just plain creepy.

Where did you come up with these facts or is it just your opinion?

People aren't born gay they decide because they were influenced by people around them the weak minded individuals.

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