Call out the Race Baiting Anti American DemonRATS for what they are.

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I am sick and tired of being called a racist by the race baiting left. Show me the "N" word, or other direct derogatory term. Creating racial discord for words like invasion, illegal immigrates, Muslims (not a race, it is a religion), etc. is just race baiting.

And white nationalists. OK, they exist, but I do not ever remember meeting any. All the Trump supporters I know are good decent Americans.

So I hope Trump remains "unpresidential" and specifically calls out the race baiting Anti-American Democrat presidential candidates as such.

While I understand the red flag issue, who defines it? Will veterans like me be on it just because we are veterans?

And more so, how can you be prosecuted in American with what you think? Who is the God that defines good and bad thought? It is not the US Government.

They've over used another one.

They have a clown car full of 2020 hopefuls and this is what they've sunk to.


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