Call to Believers: Prayer with this man for Forgiveness to come true


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
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Please Lord also keep safe all those in harms way in Boston,including the bomber,may he be taken alive to give him more time to see and experience the grace of your Son and salvation through him. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.
Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

Showing love for your enemies,It's a Christian thing.
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Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

Showing love for your enemies,It's a Christian thing.

I don't think the people and families he killed and maimed would pray for this animal.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

Showing love for your enemies,It's a Christian thing.

I don't think the people and families he killed and maimed would pray for this animal.

And understandably so. I imagine right now they would rip him to shreds,but if not one of those families,a little grace can be afforded.

Make no mistake I hate Islam,I hate what this jackwit did and I believe he should get his due process and hang. But Christ says I should try to love my enemies,well the best I can do to that effect is pray he lives and finds salvation through Christ and hope that's enough. I'm human,I'm angry,so I pray God can show the mercy I can't.

Look at the age of this guy. If he lives he will spend the rest of his miserable life thinking about how his vicious stupid actions ruined his life. He's 19,No matter what he does his life is going to suck. Hope he enjoys being the wife if his new cellmate cause he sure does look pretty.
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Showing love for your enemies,It's a Christian thing.

I don't think the people and families he killed and maimed would pray for this animal.

And understandably so. I imagine right now they would rip him to shreds,but if not one of those families,a little grace can be afforded.

Make no mistake I hate Islam,I hate what this jackwit did and I believe he should get his due process and hang. But Christ says I should try to love my enemies,well the best I can do to that effect is pray he lives and finds salvation through Christ and hope that's enough. I'm human,I'm angry,so I pray God can show the mercy I can't.

Look at the age of this guy. If he lives he will spend the rest of his miserable life thinking about how his vicious stupid actions ruined his life. He's 19,No matter what he does his life is going to suck. Hope he enjoys being the wife if his new cellmate cause he sure does look pretty.
easier said than done. Imagine what the parents of those little children who were crippled or had their arms or legs chopped off are going through. I don't see how one can pray for anything other than making every living day of this animal's life a living hell.
Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

I pray you serve the same fate
I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.
I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.

Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.
I don't think the people and families he killed and maimed would pray for this animal.

And understandably so. I imagine right now they would rip him to shreds,but if not one of those families,a little grace can be afforded.

Make no mistake I hate Islam,I hate what this jackwit did and I believe he should get his due process and hang. But Christ says I should try to love my enemies,well the best I can do to that effect is pray he lives and finds salvation through Christ and hope that's enough. I'm human,I'm angry,so I pray God can show the mercy I can't.

Look at the age of this guy. If he lives he will spend the rest of his miserable life thinking about how his vicious stupid actions ruined his life. He's 19,No matter what he does his life is going to suck. Hope he enjoys being the wife if his new cellmate cause he sure does look pretty.
easier said than done. Imagine what the parents of those little children who were crippled or had their arms or legs chopped off are going through. I don't see how one can pray for anything other than making every living day of this animal's life a living hell.

His life will be hell. I pray that God has mercy on all people because Gods wrath is the worse thing imaginable,something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy even if I think he deserves it.
Please honor this man's heartfelt prayer:

"Dzhokhar, If you're alive, turn yourself in and ask for forgiveness from the victims [and] the injured," he said. "He put a shame on our family. He put a shame on the entire Chechnyan ethnicity. Turn yourself in."

He added that he hadn't been in touch with the family for several years but would not say why.

"I'm ready to kneel in front of them and ask their forgiveness," Tsarni said of the victims of his nephews' crime. "I respect this country; I love this country ... this country that gives everybody chance to be treated like human being."
Boston Marathon bomber manhunt: Suspect flees, authorities lift lockdown
Dear Heavenly Father: I know that for one righteous person praying so humbly as this man, your Grace can save the entire village and bring everyone to salvation by example. Please honor this man's obedient heartfelt prayer in your son's name Jesus Christ. Please unite hands and hearts around the world around this man and his family and country, and please cast out any divisive fearful thought or influence that is not of you, to embrace and protect the people under the loving grace and sacrifice of your son Christ Jesus. Please lift all hearts with forgiveness and healing in the Holy Spirit, and please vanquish all false pride and false fears with repentance and understanding that the power of your unconditional love, in its most gentle and humble influences, is greater in power than the worst things we can experience on earth. Please touch the hearts and minds of the people responsible, and everyone around them, and guide us all to receive your liberating truth and justice which will bring lasting peace on earth.
In Jesus Christ please unite us in prayer, Amen.
I pray they crucify and torture him until the last drop of blood and last heartbeat, for what he and his brother did to people and families.

I pray you serve the same fate

If I plant a bomb that kills and maims innocent people who came with their families to celebrate a nice sporting event, then yes, I would deserve that fate. Sicko.
And understandably so. I imagine right now they would rip him to shreds,but if not one of those families,a little grace can be afforded.

Make no mistake I hate Islam,I hate what this jackwit did and I believe he should get his due process and hang. But Christ says I should try to love my enemies,well the best I can do to that effect is pray he lives and finds salvation through Christ and hope that's enough. I'm human,I'm angry,so I pray God can show the mercy I can't.

Look at the age of this guy. If he lives he will spend the rest of his miserable life thinking about how his vicious stupid actions ruined his life. He's 19,No matter what he does his life is going to suck. Hope he enjoys being the wife if his new cellmate cause he sure does look pretty.
easier said than done. Imagine what the parents of those little children who were crippled or had their arms or legs chopped off are going through. I don't see how one can pray for anything other than making every living day of this animal's life a living hell.

His life will be hell. I pray that God has mercy on all people because Gods wrath is the worse thing imaginable,something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy even if I think he deserves it.
He will receive Gods wrath in the after life. But you can at least make this animal's remaining living days as close to hell as possible.
I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.
I am not a Christian douchebag. I wouldn't talk about hypocrisy, terrorist ass licker.
I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.

Jesus is the son of God/is God. We are human.

We get angry,we blow off steam with words not bombs like the jackasses you are defending. Our words may not be pretty but your muslim friends can still kiss their children,who are in one piece, goodnight. Right now there are families who aren't so lucky because of muslim nut jobs who blew up,of all things,a peaceful marathon.

That "we are human" is such bullshit. You so-called Christians want blood for blood.

Jesus said turn the other cheek. Talking about torturing a murderer is not blowing off steam it what Christians today naturally think. I am sorry but I feel for every time I hear Christians on this board speak about Christ then in the same breathe speak about another religion or call for the torture or destruction of another person of a different faith I want to puke
If you are not a christian, then you should not be in this thread. Right?
Let them be. Sheesh. Start your own thread.
I again say some of you so-called Christians are so hypocritical. You follow Christ who advocated peace yet you pray for a person to be tortured? What about justice? What about advocating our supposed impartial judicial system? yet you want torture? You're no better than the extremist Muslims that hate you. Each time you wish more pain on another I pray you have the same fate whether its you or your family and that is my sincerest opinion.
I am not a Christian douchebag. I wouldn't talk about hypocrisy, terrorist ass licker.

Whatever you are you're a piss poor excuse for a human. Do the world a favor and put a bullet in the chamber and point and squeeze at yourself.
If you are not a christian, then you should not be in this thread. Right?
Let them be. Sheesh. Start your own thread.

No dummy. I am having the same attitude as so called Christians or whoever calling for retribution when this man needs justice. Then an idiot calls me a "terrorist ass licker" so I am quite justified in my hostility
If you are not a christian, then you should not be in this thread. Right?
Let them be. Sheesh. Start your own thread.

No dummy. I am having the same attitude as so called Christians or whoever calling for retribution when this man needs justice. Then an idiot calls me a "terrorist ass licker" so I am quite justified in my hostility

Excuse me?? Dummy?? I was not addressing you. I was addressing Roudy.

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