Call to Christians: Consensus in Christ before we can reform Govt as a consequence

I doubt i am considered a Gnostic-I witness for YHWH(Jehovah) just as Jesus did( Revelation 1:5)--And as true servants did in the OT as well- Isaiah 43:10-- Isaiah 44:8
I would think that if you know something the other billion Christians don't, that would be gnosis and make you gnostic. But what do I know.
I would think that if you know something the other billion Christians don't, that would be gnosis and make you gnostic. But what do I know.

Its very important that JW's are uneducated. Its a basis for control of the congregants.

Growing Up Jehovah's Witness: 'Higher Education Is ...

Feb 19, 2017 · When it comes to education, not all religions are created equal. Jehovah's Witnesses have the lowest rate of formal education. And that can have a …
Its very important that JW's are uneducated. Its a basis for control of the congregants.
There has always been a thread within Christianity that this world is absolutely unimportant, only the next one and your place in it matters. Success in this life puts you at a disadvantage in the next. Something to do with camels and needles I think.
There has always been a thread within Christianity that this world is absolutely unimportant, only the next one and your place in it matters. Success in this life puts you at a disadvantage in the next. Something to do with camels and needles I think.

I am not speaking of prosperity but education.. JWs seek to isolate and control their congregants by keeping them ignorant.
There has always been a thread within Christianity that this world is absolutely unimportant, only the next one and your place in it matters. Success in this life puts you at a disadvantage in the next. Something to do with camels and needles I think.
I thought Jesus said: "My Kingdom is part of this World, and will be be established on Earth as soon as every elected office in America is held by Bible Thumping Republicans!"
I thought Jesus said: "My Kingdom is part of this World, and will be be established on Earth as soon as every elected office in America is held by Bible Thumping Republicans!"
Don't recall reading that translation of the Bible but it doesn't seem like that day is far off. I'm sure our theocracy will be much better than Iran's.
Gods knowledge isnt mystical

no, though metaphysical can seem mystical ... and may have that quality after all.

certainly no trinity, made up to tie the loose ends of their 4th century c bible of forgeries and fallacies. nor was the itinerant immortal, perhaps to have fulfilled the prescribed destiny for judicious admission to the heavens while living and if not most likely very close - having given their life for that belief.
It does appear to be a well-kept secret since so few know it.
Its there in abundance now. Most hate Gods truth. It exposes their wickedness. The reason they murdered Jesus and his followers back then.
Its there in abundance now. Most hate Gods truth. It exposes their wickedness. The reason they murdered Jesus and his followers back then.
Always nice to meet someone who knows Gods truth. The Romans executed Jesus because he proclaimed an end to the Roman Empire and they were not thrilled to hear it.
Always nice to meet someone who knows Gods truth. The Romans executed Jesus because he proclaimed an end to the Roman Empire and they were not thrilled to hear it.
Actually the one residing over Jesus trial found no fault in Jesus. It was practice to let one condemned one go during that period, He was hoping it was Jesus but Barrabas folks screamed the loudest for him. It was the Israelite spiritual leaders who were apostocised at that point who sent Jesus to be killed.
They never broke Gods laws, Yet One of those laws was to give a man 7 days to build a defense, Those tried Jesus the first night they hated him so much. And sent him to the romans to be executed. Do you know Why?
They had elevated themselves above Gods flock-They referred to them as Amharets( giving( spiritual) table scraps to the dogs)-- They lacked love and were haughty--They were expecting their Messiah when Jesus showed up, but in their false reasonings thought a mighty king was coming to do away with the Romans. Thus when a mere carpenters son showed up and told them of their errors, turned their hearts to hatred that an Amharet could possibly tell them anything. They lied about him all the way--Saying he received his power from satan, And it was impossible for Jesus and his apostles to be spiritual teachers, They didnt attend their schools of men. They as well claimed Jesus was saying he was God. But Jesus NEVER claimed that.
Actually the one residing over Jesus trial found no fault in Jesus.
Interesting that that is only found in the later Gospels and not in the earliest one. It is almost as if the story evolved over time to match the theology that likewise evolved. Curious.
Do you trust people to be in charge of govt? Do you rely on your party to defend your beliefs from other parties? What is the best way to get govt to reflect, represent and protect your beliefs and interests: by party or by direct representation in consensus decisions?

A friend of mine who keeps posting about forcing health care and social assistance by taxes and mandates through federal govt accused me of either brainwashing by or enabling of Republican capitalist abuses to deprive help from the poor. We both are well meaning Christians, but my friend does not see Corporate leaders or Conservative Republicans as equal people like us, who can and would fund and support smarter ways of providing help WITHOUT being forced to by govt and taxes. He is starting to post things I can reply to in order to explain why I believe in a better aporoach than political bullying and abuse of govt. See his latest post below, and my response here:

The same word can be translated as either "within" or "AMONG" US -- we establish God's Truth and Kingdom by agreement between and among us, by Matthew 18:15-20, especially when redressing grievances and sharing rebukes and corrections: Where 2 or 3 agree in Christ on anything touching the Earth it is done by our Father in Heaven. What we agree on locally replicates globally. What people agree on with each other is what our govt and institutions reflect collectively. So to stop people abusing oppressing or imposing on others, we need to stop imposing on them. To promote universal care for all by cost effective voluntary means, we need to practice what we preach. We cannot abuse govt to force our beliefs on others then wonder why this fails because others respond with equal political force to defend or impose their beliefs to protect their rights the same way. If we are Christians we should agree what is God's will and plans, before committing to enforce policies so we are all working together in the same direction. If Christians are divided against each other, that isn't God's universal truth: some personal bias is causing manmade division. We need to resolve that conflict first, receiving mutual corrections in Christ, in order to establish God's universal Truth Justice and Peace that heals relations and sets us free. James 5:16 Confess our faults one to another, and pray for one another, that we may be healed.

Let me guess. It's those evil democrats in the WH who are destroying your filthy religion. And trump made it his number one policy????
Grow up.
Always nice to meet someone who knows Gods truth. The Romans executed Jesus because he proclaimed an end to the Roman Empire and they were not thrilled to hear it.

Jesus didn't predict the end of the Roman empire.. He predicted the end of Temple Judaism and Jerusalem.
Jesus didn't predict the end of the Roman empire.. He predicted the end of Temple Judaism and Jerusalem.
I don't agree. Jesus was an apocalyptic Jew who believed God was about to set up his kingdom and Jesus and his disciples would rule. It would have spelt the end of Rome.

Beginning with Johannes Weiss and Albert Schweitzer, most scholars have believed that Jesus' apocalyptic teachings were the central message Jesus intended to impart.[20][21] Simultaneously, these scholars tend to see Jesus' prediction as mistaken[22] although some view it from the perspective of the conditional nature of judgement prophecy.[23][24] The major locus for Jesus' apocalyptic sayings in the Gospels is the Olivet Discourse in Mark 13 where "Jesus speaks as if Peter, James, and John will personally experience the parousia."[25] In the Gospel of Matthew, the major locus for Jesus' apocalyptic sayings is in Matthew 24:36-51.
I don't agree. Jesus was an apocalyptic Jew who believed God was about to set up his kingdom and Jesus and his disciples would rule. It would have spelt the end of Rome.

Beginning with Johannes Weiss and Albert Schweitzer, most scholars have believed that Jesus' apocalyptic teachings were the central message Jesus intended to impart.[20][21] Simultaneously, these scholars tend to see Jesus' prediction as mistaken[22] although some view it from the perspective of the conditional nature of judgement prophecy.[23][24] The major locus for Jesus' apocalyptic sayings in the Gospels is the Olivet Discourse in Mark 13 where "Jesus speaks as if Peter, James, and John will personally experience the parousia."[25] In the Gospel of Matthew, the major locus for Jesus' apocalyptic sayings is in Matthew 24:36-51.

Holy shit. Now I've heard it all.

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