Calling 911 Is a Direct Expression of White Power & Privilege

Drop the racist beliefs that all blacks are getting killed by police because thy are not complying with police commands.

Are you calling me a racist? You wouldn't if you knew me. Throwing the race card to invalidate the other person's point of view is worn out. In the post Obama era, all it does is make you look lazy.

By law we do not just have to do whatever the police say.

OK. Not arguing here. But you might also want to consult the Law of Survival. You might want to use a huge amount of common sense and self restraint. Cops REGULARLY kill people they come into contact with. That tiny fact seems to be overlooked by many people.

When you come into contact with a cop for whatever reason, however minor the encounter starts, you need to keep the fact in the front of your mind that you are in a life and death situation and that thought alone should govern your actions.

This stupid little white boy got killed for essentially acting like a jerk. Had nothing to do with being white. He was just too stupid to live in our environment. The cop pulled him over for flashing his high beams. A few moments later he was dead. This is example A of an easily preventable death by cop.

There is no such thing as the race card. So if you are not racist you don't use terms racists use or believe the same things they do, such as playing the race card. Police need o be imprisoned for killing people. Every police shooting that ends up in a death should be treated as a murder and a jury trial should be held, not sham "investigations" by the police departments internal affairs division. The jury decides whether or not the shooting was justified based on the evidence only pertaining to the shooting and not police press releases trying to make people criminals in order bias to allow the community to agree with the killings.. It should not be a life or death situation when you are pulled over for a busted taillight.

Again, you need to understand that things operate differently for blacks than for whites. While you can say a white kid got killed for acting a jerk, therefore race has noting to do with it, that is the completely wrong assessment when you talk about things that happen to blacks given the reality that police departments have been shown to have serious racial bias and that racism is rampant in the justice system.

"...given the reality that police departments have been shown to have serious racial bias and that racism is rampant in the justice system."

But that has not been proven to be the reality. Don't beg the question.
IM2 is here with bells on his toes, still sniveling, wailing, gnashing of teeth about the big bad white people....even when shown statistics he refuses to acknowledge. What a loser.
Drop the racist beliefs that all blacks are getting killed by police because thy are not complying with police commands.

Are you calling me a racist? You wouldn't if you knew me. Throwing the race card to invalidate the other person's point of view is worn out. In the post Obama era, all it does is make you look lazy.

By law we do not just have to do whatever the police say.

OK. Not arguing here. But you might also want to consult the Law of Survival. You might want to use a huge amount of common sense and self restraint. Cops REGULARLY kill people they come into contact with. That tiny fact seems to be overlooked by many people.

When you come into contact with a cop for whatever reason, however minor the encounter starts, you need to keep the fact in the front of your mind that you are in a life and death situation and that thought alone should govern your actions.

This stupid little white boy got killed for essentially acting like a jerk. Had nothing to do with being white. He was just too stupid to live in our environment. The cop pulled him over for flashing his high beams. A few moments later he was dead. This is example A of an easily preventable death by cop.

There is no such thing as the race card. So if you are not racist you don't use terms racists use or believe the same things they do, such as playing the race card. Police need o be imprisoned for killing people. Every police shooting that ends up in a death should be treated as a murder and a jury trial should be held, not sham "investigations" by the police departments internal affairs division. The jury decides whether or not the shooting was justified based on the evidence only pertaining to the shooting and not police press releases trying to make people criminals in order bias to allow the community to agree with the killings.. It should not be a life or death situation when you are pulled over for a busted taillight.

Again, you need to understand that things operate differently for blacks than for whites. While you can say a white kid got killed for acting a jerk, therefore race has noting to do with it, that is the completely wrong assessment when you talk about things that happen to blacks given the reality that police departments have been shown to have serious racial bias and that racism is rampant in the justice system.

"...given the reality that police departments have been shown to have serious racial bias and that racism is rampant in the justice system."

But that has not been proven to be the reality. Don't beg the question.

It has been proven.

18 Examples Of Racism In The Criminal Legal System

Racism may well be the biggest crime in the criminal legal system. If present trends continue, 1 of every 4 African American males born this decade can expect to go to prison in his lifetime, despite the fact that the Census Bureau reports that the U.S. is 13 percent Black, 61 percent white and 17 percent Latino.

When Brown v Board of Education was decided in 1954, about 100,000 African Americans were in prison. Now there are about 800,000 African Americans in jails and prisons: 538,000 in prisons, and over 263,000 in local jails. Black men are nearly 6 times as likely to be incarcerated as white men and Hispanic men are 2.3 times as likely, according to the Sentencing Project.

Why? Because our country has dramatically expanded our jails and prisons and there is deep racism built into every step of the criminal legal system. Some think the criminal legal system has big problems that need to be reformed. Others think the racism in the criminal legal system is helping it operate exactly as it has been designed to incarcerate as many black and brown people as possible.

Here are 18 examples of racism in parts of different stages of the system. Taken together, the racism in each of these steps accelerates the process of incarceration of African American and Latino males. Together, they demonstrate that racism may well be the biggest crime in the criminal legal system.

18 Examples Of Racism In The Criminal Legal System | HuffPost
IM2 is here with bells on his toes, still sniveling, wailing, gnashing of teeth about the big bad white people....even when shown statistics he refuses to acknowledge. What a loser.

What stats have I've been shown? Stats like these?

For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).

Since the sainted Fifties, America has seen rapid teenage population growth and dramatic shifts toward more single parenting, more lethal drugs and weapons, increased middle-aged (that is, parent-age) drug abuse and imprisonment, decreased incarceration of youth, decreased youthful religious affiliation, and more violent and explicit media available to younger ages. Horrifying, as the culture critics far Right to far Left—including Obama, who spends many pages and speeches berating popular culture as some major driver of bad youth behavior—repeatedly insist.

And after 50 years of all these terrible changes in American culture? Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.

In the last 20 years in particular, the FBI reports, rates of crime among African American youth have plummeted: All offenses (down 47%), drug offenses (down 50%), property offenses (down 51%), serious Part I offenses (down 53%), assault (down 59%), robbery (down 60%), all violent offenses (down 60%), rape (down 66%), and murder (down 82%).

New, 2012 figures from California’s Criminal Justice Statistics Center reveal that the state’s black youth show the lowest level of homicide arrest since statewide racial tabulations were first assembled in 1960. Nearly every type of offense—felony, misdemeanor, and status—is much rarer among black youth today than in past generations.

For example, FBI clearance and arrest tabulations now indicate black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nation’s homicides. See if you can find that vital perspective in any politician, expert, or major-media commentary.

Indeed, the statistics of California in 1990 were alarming:

  • 221 black youths were arrested for murder,
  • 4,235 for drug offenses
  • 6,884 for violent felonies,
  • 22,441 for all felonies, and
  • 45,703 for all offenses.
In 2012, in a California black-youth population of similar size (around 250,000 age 10-17) and a similarly complete statewide crime report:

  • 20 black youths were arrested for murder,
  • 1,019 for drug offenses
  • 2,886 for violent felonies,
  • 8,288 for all felonies, and
  • 24,889 for all offenses.
How can this mammoth decline not be front-page news—especially to inform the ongoing Trayvon Martin and Fruitvale murder discussions?

The sad reality is that authorities, academic experts, politicians, and geriatric-media reporters (the average age of news consumers is well over 50) of 2013 simply do not know how to deal with a young black population that is not committing shootings, robberies, drug mayhem, and gangsterisms in mass numbers—let alone one that is dramatically less criminal than the older generations deploring them.

America’s warped crime and social policy establishment badly needs black youth to be killers and thugs, to retreat into the comforts of 1990, nostalgia for a past that never existed, and smug, politically and fiscally profitable prophecies of demographic doom. In America of 2013, just as in 1913, feared scapegoats on which to blame social problems remain a hotter commodity than scientific analysis and effective policy.

Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests — Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice

You whites here get shown stats like this always and still lie to each other about that violent black criminal boogeyman. Loser.

Cooperate and comply with reasonable police requests for information and identification and you're on your way. Unless you are committing a crime. Then, there is a reason for you to be dealing with the consequences of your actions. The author seems to think blacks are unable to behave in a reasonable manner which I find quite odd and contrary to my own experience. I don't get this statement at all.
So it's inconceivable to you that some people do this just to fuck with black people?
I read this yesterday and this line caught my attention:

“Black interactions with police can too easily lead to trauma or death. In many situations, calling the police on a black person can be like tossing a grenade at them.”

Cooperate and comply with reasonable police requests for information and identification and you're on your way. Unless you are committing a crime. Then, there is a reason for you to be dealing with the consequences of your actions. The author seems to think blacks are unable to behave in a reasonable manner which I find quite odd and contrary to my own experience. I don't get this statement at all.

Blacks have done that and still die. Whites have pulled guns on police and have lived. Drop the racist beliefs that all blacks are getting killed by police because thy are not complying with police commands. By law we do not just have to do whatever the police say. You own experience may not be that of a black person. And that's the trouble with this discussion, whites refuse to understand that not everybody gets treated the same. That cops are humans and a lot of them are running around believing the same shit whites here believe about backs. But they have a gun and permission to end a life based on their discretion. And once they kill somebody they know all they have to do is say they felt threatened and the civilian enablers won't question while their departments will send them on a paid vacation until they finish a scam investigation that ends up justifying the killing.
Blacks have done that and still die. Whites have pulled guns on police and have lived.
And, your point is....what?


As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white
were black

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white
were black

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white
were black
Drop the racist beliefs that all blacks are getting killed by police because thy are not complying with police commands.
Drop the race card and stop constantly and continuously,
spewing your racist propaganda, over and over and over,
and start GETTING REAL, by ACKNOWLEDGING the truth!

Because, the truth is....

Here, in Chicago...not Illinois, just Chicago,
in the month of May, alone....

Shot and killed: 44
Shot & Wounded: 264
Total Shot: 308
Total Homicides: 51

Last week, alone....(5/27 - 6/2)

Shot & Killed: 9
Shot & Wounded: 53
Total Shot: 62
Total Homicides: 10

So far, the number of people,
shot and killed, since January 1, 2018, is 174

Year to Date

Shot & Killed: 174
Shot & Wounded: 904
Total Shot: 1078
Total Homicides: 209

167, of the 174 shooting deaths,
were classified as a homicide

Of the 209 homicides,
83.1% were shot and killed

A black person was involved, in 73.6%
of the 83.1% of people, shot and killed

148 were victims
21 were assailants

...173 unknown assailants, accounted for,
5.5% of the 83.1% of gun related homicides

Of the 148 black people, shot and killed,
only 1 was killed by law enforcement,...
just yesterday, as a matter of fact

Of the 174 people shot and killed, 148 were black
Only 1, of the 148 black people killed, involved CPD
By law we do not just have to do whatever the police say. You own experience may not be that of a black person. And that's the trouble with this discussion, whites refuse to understand that not everybody gets treated the same.
NO...^ that's what is so troubling!

The failure of black America
acknowledging and addressing the real problems,
instead of having excuses and blaming race and slavery

The reason black thugs dont want to comply,
is because they want the police to rough them up
so they could file a lawsuit and cash in

There are African Americans and there are n1ggers
When decent black folks speak up and get honest,
and finally start a real discussion, then we'll know, BLM

The failure of white culture in America is in the fact they have people like you existing in it.
. Drop the racist beliefs that all blacks are getting killed by police because thy are not complying with police commands.

Why drop it, when that's exactly what has been happening ?
Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Laquan McDonald, Terrence Crutcher, etc , etc. These dum dums can't seem to get it, that if they don't keep their hands visible (and empty), they are going to pose a threat to the cop, and he's not going to gamble with his life, to accomodate you.

Nothing dumber than threatening somebody who's pointing a gun at you.

PS - blacks aren't the only ones who have been dumb (and then dead)

PPS - the news reporter also doesn't get it. He said the guy was "only" reaching behind him to pull up his basketball shorts> Well, guess what dude. When a cop is pointing a gun at you (and he has specifically told you to not reach behind you), you DON"T REACH BEHIND YOU (where your hands disappear from the cop's view)

I blame dumbass, ignorant, liberal, school teachers for not knowing & teaching this stuff in the schools.
Whites here just can't face the fact they get special rights and preferences others don't.
You can' seem to get it that blacks are the ones who have special rights and preferences that whites don't. (aka Affirmative Action)
. Drop the racist beliefs that all blacks are getting killed by police because thy are not complying with police commands.

Why drop it, when that's exactly what has been happening ?
Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Laquan McDonald, Terrence Crutcher, etc , etc. These dum dums can't seem to get it, that if they don't keep their hands visible (and empty), they are going to pose a threat to the cop, and he's not going to gamble with his life, to accomodate you.

Nothing dumber than threatening somebody who's pointing a gun at you.

PS - blacks aren't the only ones who have been dumb (and then dead)

PPS - the news reporter also doesn't get it. He said the guy was "only" reaching behind him to pull up his basketball shorts> Well, guess what dude. When a cop is pointing a gun at you (and he has specifically told you to not reach behind you), you DON"T REACH BEHIND YOU (where your hands disappear from the cop's view)

I blame dumbass, ignorant, liberal, school teachers for not knowing & teaching this stuff in the schools.

Wrong answer nut job.
Why is it that so many people only here at USMB claim not to know what a racist is?
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
Why is it that so many people only here at USMB claim not to know what a racist is?
I know what it is. Guys like YOU.

Actually it's those like you. For I'm not declaring that blacks are superior to whites. But you think whites are superior to blacks. You borrowed a post from stormfront about black privilege and how many times have you posted it here? 4-5? You were too scared to show the link as required by the rules because you knew it was from stormfront. Stormfront is a racist forum. Case closed.

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