Calling 911 Is a Direct Expression of White Power & Privilege

First you ask a QUESTION, and then you proceed to speak basing your words on an affirmative answer to that QUESTION. If you don't know the answer to the QUESTION, how can you speak as though you have the answer ?
Well I suppose I could just proceed from what you've written, but it seems only fair to let you know what I'm citing thereby giving you the opportunity to clarify or dispute it. I was looking for some of my old conversations and you & I actually had a bit of a discussion going on which is why I have a profile of you and one other poster here. So when I say "aren't you the person"? I'm essentially saying "you're the person who said...".

With respect to someone being called a "dumbass" (and other psychologically injurious words), that is not the same as "being contradicted or disagreed with"

The former is malicious verbal abuse (and directed at a senior citizen ,a crime according to Florida statutes), which has to do with JUSTICE, not "vengeance"
Justice due to malicious verbal abuse? How so and what do you then call this? (cite the applicable Florida statute that you believe makes it unlawful for someone on the internet to call you a "dumbass" - who was the person by the way?)

In your words - "other psychologically injurious words"

You know perfectly well that when I said you need to be careful, I was talking about assuming you are more knowledgable than someone, when you may not be. And this is the second time I've explained this (some people need to be told twice)
Based on what you have presented thus far, I AM more knowledgeable than you are irrespective of how many more career years you have than me. And your previous explanation is exactly what I was referring to regarding people who seek vengeance when someone doesn't kowtow to their desires online. You're older than me, you're male, you're white and you're Hispanic - none of those attributes alone or in combination are going to garner you any respect from me especially due to all of the nasty things you've said about Black people in general, and several of the Black posters here on US Message Board, myself included. If anyone is abusing your "feeble" senior citizen mind it's the person who's telling you that you can take some type of legal action against someone for calling you a name all while you're behaving like a raging racist. I hope you aren't paying this person for their legal advice.

As for what you've been saying to me (a senior citizen in Florida), you might be in violation of the statute too (825.102), but I'm just interested I posting right now, not being computer cop.

Now that I think about it, I've tracked some fake cops to south/central Florida somewhere, maybe St. Pete, I'd have to locate and review the dossier, however I seriously doubt that I'm in violation of any Florida codes but if you want to make a federal case out of this, I have a couple of docket numbers and I can have the court issue the necesary documents to get the ball rolling.
Last edited:
I wish the law to be what the law is. The malicious enforcement of the law is what I have a problem with.

I have nothing to add to what I've said about Slager. He was railroaded by politicians pandering to a black majority voting district, as he acted in accordance with the law (Fleeing Felon rule)
And apparently you don't understand the difference between a rule and a law. Slager wasn't tried and found guilty, he pleaded to violating Scott's civil rights under color of law (Section 1983) but the judge sentenced him to what he felt was the more applicable charge of 2nd degree murder.

So how did he get railroaded? He could have gone to trial and no one made him accept a plea deal.
Protectionist, I've worked for several mortgage companies and was a little concerned when I noticed that they were entering into the database tables, both the race and sex of the applicants, as well as the race and sex of any co-signers so I researched why they were doing this. The following is a shortened version of the results I found

Government Monitoring Information Requirements Under the HMDA and the ECOA
By Aaron Thompson, Senior Examiner, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Government monitoring information (GMI) refers to the loan applicant demographic data creditors must collect under Regulation B, which implements the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), and Regulation C, which implements the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA), when consumers apply for certain mortgage loans. The regulatory requirement for lenders to collect such information dates back to 1977 when the Federal Reserve Board (Board) amended Regulation B to require creditors to collect monitoring information regarding age, sex, marital status, and race or national origin on home-purchase loans and refinancing transactions.1 The Board explained that this information would help federal regulators detect mortgage lending discrimination. Consumer groups also believed that this data would be valuable in detecting mortgage lending discrimination.2

Similarly, in 1989, the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act amended the HMDA to require creditors to collect race, sex, and income data from applicants for home mortgage loans to help identify discriminatory lending practices and facilitate enforcement of antidiscrimination statutes.3 In 2002, the Board amended Regulation C to conform the collection of race and ethnicity information to changes adopted by the Office of Management and Budget.4 Overall, the scope of the HMDA data collection requirements is broader than the ECOA’s requirement because the HMDA applies to all mortgage loans, including home-improvement loans.
I was conflicted when I read this because it seemed obvious to me that if racial and gender information is collected that would allow individuals to more easily discriminate against specific applicants based on these criteria.
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.

Well, as you know, white nationalists/social con's agenda is to always refer to "per capita" when they want to denigrate blacks, but they never want to use the same metric when it comes to something that would show favorably towards blacks.
It's extremely difficult to debate these ignorant people.
  • Thanks
Reactions: ATL
Well, as you know, white nationalists/social con's agenda is to always refer to "per capita" when they want to denigrate blacks, but they never want to use the same metric when it comes to something that would show favorably towards blacks.
When we write code you have to have a baseline and knowledge of the expected values in order to know if your code is returning the proper information. Which is why I have so many question regarding the statistics they use that allegedly show that black people are committing all of the America.

It's extremely difficult to debate these ignorant people.
Well they behave just like Trump, they create their own version of reality, defend their position to the death with a bunch of irrational and unreasonable arguments and when they're unable to advance their position any further they then go on the attack and claim to be the victim.

There are people currently practicing law that do exactly the same things that we see on these message boards and they are given automatic credibility simply because they are attorneys, irrespective of how ridiculous the reasoning of some of their arguments.
  • Thanks
Reactions: ATL
First you ask a QUESTION, and then you proceed to speak basing your words on an affirmative answer to that QUESTION. If you don't know the answer to the QUESTION, how can you speak as though you have the answer ?
Well I suppose I could just proceed from what you've written, but it seems only fair to let you know what I'm citing thereby giving you the opportunity to clarify or dispute it. I was looking for some of my old conversations and you & I actually had a bit of a discussion going on which is why I have a profile of you and one other poster here. So when I say "aren't you the person"? I'm essentially saying "you're the person who said...".

With respect to someone being called a "dumbass" (and other psychologically injurious words), that is not the same as "being contradicted or disagreed with"

The former is malicious verbal abuse (and directed at a senior citizen ,a crime according to Florida statutes), which has to do with JUSTICE, not "vengeance"
Justice due to malicious verbal abuse? How so and what do you then call this? (cite the applicable Florida statute that you believe makes it unlawful for someone on the internet to call you a "dumbass" - who was the person by the way?)
View attachment 197722

In your words - "other psychologically injurious words"
View attachment 197730

You know perfectly well that when I said you need to be careful, I was talking about assuming you are more knowledgable than someone, when you may not be. And this is the second time I've explained this (some people need to be told twice)
Based on what you have presented thus far, I AM more knowledgeable than you are irrespective of how many more career years you have than me. And your previous explanation is exactly what I was referring to regarding people who seek vengeance when someone doesn't kowtow to their desires online. You're older than me, you're male, you're white and you're Hispanic - none of those attributes alone or in combination are going to garner you any respect from me especially due to all of the nasty things you've said about Black people in general, and several of the Black posters here on US Message Board, myself included. If anyone is abusing your "feeble" senior citizen mind it's the person who's telling you that you can take some type of legal action against someone for calling you a name all while you're behaving like a raging racist. I hope you aren't paying this person for their legal advice.

As for what you've been saying to me (a senior citizen in Florida), you might be in violation of the statute too (825.102), but I'm just interested I posting right now, not being computer cop.

Now that I think about it, I've tracked some fake cops to south/central Florida somewhere, maybe St. Pete, I'd have to locate and review the dossier, however I seriously doubt that I'm in violation of any Florida codes but if you want to make a federal case out of this, I have a couple of docket numbers and I can have the court issue the necesary documents to get the ball rolling.
You know how it goes, its illegal in Korean civil code to look like a man, first , adultery is illegal, second, standing tall men can just about drag women by the arm to a favorite nightclub. Most white America was attempting to get to the spot of agreement that blacks in slavery in the south was status quo. Bunch of rappers make their money with the 1850s on , mostly angry word ******. I'm going to get the police on all of them because we already know its a crime!
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin

And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Their head is spinning because they are trying to manipulate numbers so hard, the numbers are getting pregnant.
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.

I used the data you provided and used,
to paint an inaccurate assessment of crime.

You provided data for crimes in 2016

Without breaking it down by individual categories....
Out of the total number of crimes made available,
Whites accounted for 69% of the crimes committed,
Blacks accounted for 29% of the crimes committed

You used those figures to corroborate your propaganda
All I did was put those figures in perspective

While the % of crime by whites is 69%,
white people make up 64% of the population,
while blacks make up 12% of the population,
they committed 29% of crimes committed

Here's what I did....I rounded off
the population totals by race, then √ by 3

200 million whites √ 3 = 70 million
(I used 70 million to make it easier,
which actually added 10 million whites)

30 million blacks √ by 3 = 10 million blacks

Then, I rounded up the crime totals

Whites...6 million
Blacks....3 million

So, 2 million crimes are committed by a white person
for every 70 million white people

1 million crimes are committed by a black person
for every 10 million black people

So, how many crimes are committed
by a white person, for every 10 million whites?
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.

I used the data you provided and used,
to paint an inaccurate assessment of crime.

You provided data for crimes in 2016

Without breaking it down by individual categories....
Out of the total number of crimes made available,
Whites accounted for 69% of the crimes committed,
Blacks accounted for 29% of the crimes committed

You used those figures to corroborate your propaganda
All I did was put those figures in perspective

While the % of crime by whites is 69%,
white people make up 64% of the population,
while blacks make up 12% of the population,
they committed 29% of crimes committed

Here's what I did....I rounded off
the population totals by race, then √ by 3

200 million whites √ 3 = 70 million
(I used 70 million to make it easier,
which actually added 10 million whites)

30 million blacks √ by 3 = 10 million blacks

Then, I rounded up the crime totals

Whites...6 million
Blacks....3 million

So, 2 million crimes are committed by a white person
for every 70 million white people

1 million crimes are committed by a black person
for every 10 million black people

So, how many crimes are committed
by a white person, for every 10 million whites?

Figures do not lie, but liars do figure.
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.

I used the data you provided and used,
to paint an inaccurate assessment of crime.

You provided data for crimes in 2016

Without breaking it down by individual categories....
Out of the total number of crimes made available,
Whites accounted for 69% of the crimes committed,
Blacks accounted for 29% of the crimes committed

You used those figures to corroborate your propaganda
All I did was put those figures in perspective

While the % of crime by whites is 69%,
white people make up 64% of the population,
while blacks make up 12% of the population,
they committed 29% of crimes committed

Here's what I did....I rounded off
the population totals by race, then √ by 3

200 million whites √ 3 = 70 million
(I used 70 million to make it easier,
which actually added 10 million whites)

30 million blacks √ by 3 = 10 million blacks

Then, I rounded up the crime totals

Whites...6 million
Blacks....3 million

So, 2 million crimes are committed by a white person
for every 70 million white people

1 million crimes are committed by a black person
for every 10 million black people

So, how many crimes are committed
by a white person, for every 10 million whites?

Not the measurement. The measurement is how many crimes were committed total and out of the total number of crimes how many were committed by each race. Your measurement of crime is like saying the basketball team won because they took more shots even though the final score shows they scored fewer points.
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.

I used the data you provided and used,
to paint an inaccurate assessment of crime.

You provided data for crimes in 2016

Without breaking it down by individual categories....
Out of the total number of crimes made available,
Whites accounted for 69% of the crimes committed,
Blacks accounted for 29% of the crimes committed

You used those figures to corroborate your propaganda
All I did was put those figures in perspective

While the % of crime by whites is 69%,
white people make up 64% of the population,
while blacks make up 12% of the population,
they committed 29% of crimes committed

Here's what I did....I rounded off
the population totals by race, then √ by 3

200 million whites √ 3 = 70 million
(I used 70 million to make it easier,
which actually added 10 million whites)

30 million blacks √ by 3 = 10 million blacks

Then, I rounded up the crime totals

Whites...6 million
Blacks....3 million

So, 2 million crimes are committed by a white person
for every 70 million white people

1 million crimes are committed by a black person
for every 10 million black people

So, how many crimes are committed
by a white person, for every 10 million whites?

Figures do not lie, but liars do figure.
Figures do not lie, but liars do figure.
Au contraire

Figures do not tell the whole truth.
They only speak the truth for information that is available...

The same figures can tell more than 1 story

Case in point....

You stated, figures do not lie...well,
The figures show that, more white people
have been killed by law enforcement, than blacks.

...but liars do figure...well,
when faced with those figures,
you use other figures to discredit those figures

Black people commit more crimes than whites
More white people are killed by cops, than blacks
The overwhelming majority of blacks, are killed by blacks

No doubt about it...
There are bad cops, white and black.
I do not want to, nor, attempt to, deny you that.

But, the truth of the matter is, as long as yous,
remain fixated on the miniscule occurrences,
and continue to have excuses, instead of dealing with reality....
Nothing will change.... nothing changes if nothing changes

I don't have a problem with color,
I have a problem with scum.... whatever the race

We learn what we live and live what we learn,
and choose whether or not we will live differently

Do you ever think about the whites
who stood alongside MLK Jr?
What they sacrificed and endured,
to denounce what they saw as wrong?

White voters helped elect the first black president...
Did they not?

Life is not fair....
Life is 10% of what happens
and 90% of how you deal with it

It is what it is

Blaming the past, for the reality of the present,
is a pathetic travesty, to say the least.
And, your point is....what?

As of, May 3, 2018, 425 people,
have been shot and killed by law enforcement

176 were white (should be closer to 327 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 51 at 12% of the population)

In 2017, 987 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

457 were white (should be closer to 760 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 118 at 12% of the population)

In 2016, 963 people, were shot and killed by law enforcement

466 were white (should be closer to 741 at 77% of the population)
were black (should be closer to 115 at 12% of the population)
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.

I used the data you provided and used,
to paint an inaccurate assessment of crime.

You provided data for crimes in 2016

Without breaking it down by individual categories....
Out of the total number of crimes made available,
Whites accounted for 69% of the crimes committed,
Blacks accounted for 29% of the crimes committed

You used those figures to corroborate your propaganda
All I did was put those figures in perspective

While the % of crime by whites is 69%,
white people make up 64% of the population,
while blacks make up 12% of the population,
they committed 29% of crimes committed

Here's what I did....I rounded off
the population totals by race, then √ by 3

200 million whites √ 3 = 70 million
(I used 70 million to make it easier,
which actually added 10 million whites)

30 million blacks √ by 3 = 10 million blacks

Then, I rounded up the crime totals

Whites...6 million
Blacks....3 million

So, 2 million crimes are committed by a white person
for every 70 million white people

1 million crimes are committed by a black person
for every 10 million black people

So, how many crimes are committed
by a white person, for every 10 million whites?

Not the measurement. The measurement is how many crimes were committed total and out of the total number of crimes how many were committed by each race. Your measurement of crime is like saying the basketball team won because they took more shots even though the final score shows they scored fewer points.
Not the measurement. The measurement is how many crimes were committed total and out of the total number of crimes how many were committed by each race.
Okay then.....
More white people are killed by cops than blacks

So, what is the beef with blacks?
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.

I used the data you provided and used,
to paint an inaccurate assessment of crime.

You provided data for crimes in 2016

Without breaking it down by individual categories....
Out of the total number of crimes made available,
Whites accounted for 69% of the crimes committed,
Blacks accounted for 29% of the crimes committed

You used those figures to corroborate your propaganda
All I did was put those figures in perspective

While the % of crime by whites is 69%,
white people make up 64% of the population,
while blacks make up 12% of the population,
they committed 29% of crimes committed

Here's what I did....I rounded off
the population totals by race, then √ by 3

200 million whites √ 3 = 70 million
(I used 70 million to make it easier,
which actually added 10 million whites)

30 million blacks √ by 3 = 10 million blacks

Then, I rounded up the crime totals

Whites...6 million
Blacks....3 million

So, 2 million crimes are committed by a white person
for every 70 million white people

1 million crimes are committed by a black person
for every 10 million black people

So, how many crimes are committed
by a white person, for every 10 million whites?

Figures do not lie, but liars do figure.
Figures do not lie, but liars do figure.
Au contraire

Figures do not tell the whole truth.
They only speak the truth for information that is available...

The same figures can tell more than 1 story

Case in point....

You stated, figures do not lie...well,
The figures show that, more white people
have been killed by law enforcement, than blacks.

...but liars do figure...well,
when faced with those figures,
you use other figures to discredit those figures

Black people commit more crimes than whites
More white people are killed by cops, than blacks
The overwhelming majority of blacks, are killed by blacks

No doubt about it...
There are bad cops, white and black.
I do not want to, nor, attempt to, deny you that.

But, the truth of the matter is, as long as yous,
remain fixated on the miniscule occurrences,
and continue to have excuses, instead of dealing with reality....
Nothing will change.... nothing changes if nothing changes

I don't have a problem with color,
I have a problem with scum.... whatever the race

We learn what we live and live what we learn,
and choose whether or not we will live differently

Do you ever think about the whites
who stood alongside MLK Jr?
What they sacrificed and endured,
to denounce what they saw as wrong?

White voters helped elect the first black president...
Did they not?

Life is not fair....
Life is 10% of what happens
and 90% of how you deal with it

It is what it is

Blaming the past, for the reality of the present,
is a pathetic travesty, to say the least.

Did you ever think that MLK was murdered by a white man?

Did you take the time to understand hat 40 percent of white Americans on average voted for Obama in both elections?

So White voters did not help elect the first black president.

Drop the teflon history.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.

I used the data you provided and used,
to paint an inaccurate assessment of crime.

You provided data for crimes in 2016

Without breaking it down by individual categories....
Out of the total number of crimes made available,
Whites accounted for 69% of the crimes committed,
Blacks accounted for 29% of the crimes committed

You used those figures to corroborate your propaganda
All I did was put those figures in perspective

While the % of crime by whites is 69%,
white people make up 64% of the population,
while blacks make up 12% of the population,
they committed 29% of crimes committed

Here's what I did....I rounded off
the population totals by race, then √ by 3

200 million whites √ 3 = 70 million
(I used 70 million to make it easier,
which actually added 10 million whites)

30 million blacks √ by 3 = 10 million blacks

Then, I rounded up the crime totals

Whites...6 million
Blacks....3 million

So, 2 million crimes are committed by a white person
for every 70 million white people

1 million crimes are committed by a black person
for every 10 million black people

So, how many crimes are committed
by a white person, for every 10 million whites?

Not the measurement. The measurement is how many crimes were committed total and out of the total number of crimes how many were committed by each race. Your measurement of crime is like saying the basketball team won because they took more shots even though the final score shows they scored fewer points.
Not the measurement. The measurement is how many crimes were committed total and out of the total number of crimes how many were committed by each race.
Okay then.....
More white people are killed by cops than blacks

So, what is the beef with blacks?

More whites are killed in armed standoffs and shootouts with police.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis. What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.

Since you didn't cite the source of your data I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
I added my own comments to your number above in the parenthesis.
Yes, I see that....

Add your comments in your reply,
instead of altering the posts you are quoting!
What your numbers actually show is that blacks are killed by the police at a rate that is roughly twice their representation in the population, while whites are killed at roughly half of their representation in the population.
Omg...give my brain a rest!

Black population- 30 million
3 million committed a crime
less than 300 killed by law enforcement annually

White population- 200 million
6 million committed a crime
less than 500 killed by law enforcement annually

1 million crimes are committed by someone who is black
For every 10 million blacks

2 million crimes are committed by someone who is white
For every 70 million whites

Blacks commit 5x's more crime, then whites,
yet, 2x's more whites are killed by law enforcement
Since you didn't cite the source of your data
Oh, but I did...
I'm not going to go any further with analyzing the rest of the numbers you posted
That's fine...
but just the above should be enough to give any thinking person pause.
...because you are analytically challenged!

Your sad attempt to spin, made my head spin


Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.
Here we go again with the standard inaccurate assessment of crime.

I used the data you provided and used,
to paint an inaccurate assessment of crime.

You provided data for crimes in 2016

Without breaking it down by individual categories....
Out of the total number of crimes made available,
Whites accounted for 69% of the crimes committed,
Blacks accounted for 29% of the crimes committed

You used those figures to corroborate your propaganda
All I did was put those figures in perspective

While the % of crime by whites is 69%,
white people make up 64% of the population,
while blacks make up 12% of the population,
they committed 29% of crimes committed

Here's what I did....I rounded off
the population totals by race, then √ by 3

200 million whites √ 3 = 70 million
(I used 70 million to make it easier,
which actually added 10 million whites)

30 million blacks √ by 3 = 10 million blacks

Then, I rounded up the crime totals

Whites...6 million
Blacks....3 million

So, 2 million crimes are committed by a white person
for every 70 million white people

1 million crimes are committed by a black person
for every 10 million black people

So, how many crimes are committed
by a white person, for every 10 million whites?

Not the measurement. The measurement is how many crimes were committed total and out of the total number of crimes how many were committed by each race. Your measurement of crime is like saying the basketball team won because they took more shots even though the final score shows they scored fewer points.
Not the measurement. The measurement is how many crimes were committed total and out of the total number of crimes how many were committed by each race.
Okay then.....
More white people are killed by cops than blacks

So, what is the beef with blacks?

Of course. Numerically, white people by far outnumber those of other races of people killed by police based on relative population size, which makes sense.

But the standard argument in this forum is always tied to "per capita" rates.

Applying that logic, on average, UNARMED black people are far more likely on a per capita basis to be killed by police as opposed to unarmed white people.

There is no metric that disputes that fact.
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