Calling out Mac1958

Dude its Death Chicken. What is that...WHAT IS THAT?!?!
Thanks TNHarley I was hoping to come here and find a good discussion but it looks like Mac1958 is a chicken Biden supporter that can't back up his words or actions.

I appreciate the attempt TN but looks like Mac can't perform.
It was hilarious because the reason i started this thread was because he said he wanted to be called out for a discussion. And look at him...
I even posted an old thread of telling another poster to "man up" and come to his callout thread and debate. Seriously..
I couldnt make this up if i tried :lol:
It was hilarious because the reason i started this thread was because he said he wanted to be called out for a discussion. And look at him...
I even posted an old thread of telling another poster to "man up" and come to his callout thread and debate. Seriously..
I couldnt make this up if i tried :lol:
He is just full of himself and is a lefty that pretends to be a Liberal. I am closer to being a liberal than he is.
It was hilarious because the reason i started this thread was because he said he wanted to be called out for a discussion. And look at him...
I even posted an old thread of telling another poster to "man up" and come to his callout thread and debate. Seriously..
I couldnt make this up if i tried :lol:
Nope. Never said that. Never have I asked people to start a thread so that we could "debate". Not once. Never. Ever.

Just for clarification, not that it will matter: I have had several Trumpsters call me a "commie" and any number of other left-wing type things. I've invited them all to start a thread, challenge me on the issues, and PROVE that I'm a left winger by my answers. None have. It's never been about "debate".

So, you're lying. You're a liar. And a child. But I already knew that.

But I appreciate all the desperate leg humping!

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