Calling out Mac1958

Of course I do. You would just rather make up your own simple reasons, rather than make the effort to think, rationally consider the perspective of others, and understand.

Such lack of fundamental human curiosity and intellectual humility is at the core of what's killing this country. That's up to you. Not much I can do about it.

Good Lord. You gave your opinion on 2 of the items in your list. In both cases, based on YOUR stated opinion, it would have made more sense for you to vote for Trump over Biden. What don't you understand about this?
Good Lord. You gave your opinion on 2 of the items in your list. In both cases, based on YOUR stated opinion, it would have made more sense for you to vote for Trump over Biden. What don't you understand about this?
Based on those two issues, and if all issues held the same weight of priority for me, you would be right.

But those are just two issues, and I hold different issues at different priority levels.

Life is a little more complicated than you would like it to be. Or, at least it is, outside of your world. That's not my fault.
Based on those two issues, and if all issues held the same weight of priority for me, you would be right.

But those are just two issues, and I hold different issues at different priority levels.

Life is a little more complicated than you would like it to be. Or, at least it is, outside of your world. That's not my fault.
You are so pious and can't help but to put others down quickly, signs of a weak-minded and unsure person, which is so predictable.
Based on those two issues, and if all issues held the same weight of priority for me, you would be right.

Which issue on your list has the highest priority and why was Biden the better choice to fulfill it?
Which issue on your list has the highest priority and why was Biden the better choice to fulfill it?
An issue that I never had to consider before 2016: A decent human being who respects and understands America's power, influence and importance, who understands that America is an incredibly diverse and complicated country, who doesn't insult Americans with non-stop comical hyperbole and bullshit, who understands America's role in the world and its history, who has a strong understanding and appreciation for the office of the President, who is humble enough to realize that answers can come from outside his little world.

In short, a leader who can think and see beyond himself. A decent adult who can at least act like one when necessary.

Never in my life has that even been a priority. Even a thought. It has always been assumed. Until 2016. That's priority #1 for me, before all the issues.

Thanks for actually asking.
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An issue that I never had to consider before 2016: A decent human being who respects and understands America's power, influence and importance, who understands that America is an incredibly diverse and complicated country, who doesn't insult Americans with non-stop comical hyperbole and bullshit, who understands America's role in the world and its history, who has a strong understanding and appreciation for the office of the President, who is humble enough to realize that answers can come from outside his little world.

In short, a leader who can think and see beyond himself. A decent adult who can at least act like one when necessary.

Never in my life has that even been a priority. Even a thought. It has always been assumed. Until 2016. That's priority #1 for me, before all the issues.

Thanks for actually asking.

This is exactly what I thought. None of those things speak to actual policy matters. They are all just feel good, touchy feely type things absent of any pragmatism. You are not alone as many others did the same. The result is we are left with a demented puppet whose handlers are out to bring the US down in their quest for control and one-world government. Biden's speech last night should have been scary to anyone paying attention. Their goal is to remove all opposition by any means necessary. Seems as the though the FBI is on board and the IRS is poised to join in with extra funding(and weapons).

Anyone that talks nice, policies aside, can gain the vote of much of the ignorant US. That is indeed sad.
Because I don't believe he's an authoritarian ideological fundamentalist. Obviously.

I know you do. He's Hitler 'n stuff.
Because I don't believe he's an authoritarian ideological fundamentalist. Obviously.

I know you do. He's Hitler 'n stuff.
^^ Ahahahahahahaha there we go.

The guy who promised he would never mandate COVID vaccines, then turned around and did exactly that. Getting millions fired from their jobs and losing their healthcare. Ruled unconstitutional in several different court cases.

Same guy who’s FBI used falsified information in order to spy on President-Elect Trump, and continued to do so during his Presidency. A White House that has been caught red-handed colluding with Big Tech platforms to silence opposition and censor any bad news stories on Dems.

“Not authoritarian”. LOL
^^ Ahahahahahahaha there we go.

The guy who promised he would never mandate COVID vaccines, then turned around and did exactly that. Getting millions fired from their jobs and losing their healthcare. Ruled unconstitutional in several different court cases.

Same guy who’s FBI used falsified information in order to spy on President-Elect Trump, and continued to do so during his Presidency. A White House that has been caught red-handed colluding with Big Tech platforms to silence opposition and censor any bad news stories on Dems.

“Not authoritarian”. LOL
Comparatively, yes.

Again, too complicated for you to understand that.
Comparatively, yes.

Again, too complicated for you to understand that.
There is nothing “complicated” about it. You voted for the biggest authoritarian asshole in US history, and you would again.

Now, tell us how you feel about Ukraine and how we should or should not be involved in it.
There is nothing “complicated” about it. You voted for the biggest authoritarian asshole in US history, and you would again.

Now, tell us how you feel about Ukraine and how we should or should not be involved in it.
Yes, we should be involved. Putin must be punished and deterred from future aggression.

Yes, we should be involved. Putin must be punished and deterred from future aggression.

Of course that is your simpleton answer, the exact same as the pro-warmongers in Washington. Predictable as fuck.
Of course that is your simpleton answer, the exact same as the pro-warmongers in Washington. Predictable as fuck.
That's one issue, and many Republicans would agree.

Next issue. Prove I'm a leftist.
27 pagescandcyou never debated the issue.

Any of em.

Just attacked others. Perfect example of the left these days.
Correct. I've given up on debate here. I wonder how many times I have to say that before it sinks into thick skulls.

I'm more than happy to explain my positions on the issues, for those ignorant rubes who insist that I'm a left winger.

But most of them just don't seem to have the balls to do that. So, I'll let them bitch and moan like old, miserable Karens.


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