Calling S&P Amateurs not a good idea They just downgraded Freddie and Fannie

It can't help Washington to shit down S&P's throat can it now?

Surely liberals can even figure that out. What next?

I know. Hold a press conference and call S&P "terrorists and hostage takers".

That'll really help the situation right?
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

uhh, the government did whimper and cry over s & p's rating.

geithner's an idiot
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

I didn't say they were downgrading out of vindictiveness. You did.

I'm saying the reaction was completely outrageous and out of line. Let alone unprofessional.

It's one thing to lodge a protest. It's another whole ball game to assault S&P.

This was the time for wine and roses and cajoling and reassuring that the debt reduction could be accomplished.

But nooooooooooooooo. The Chicago punk like mentality that by screaming at someone you can make them change their mind is insane in this high stakes scenario.

May work on the campaign trail to go out and insult everyone you feel like but it doesn't work in the real world outside of U.S. politics.

If you want to talk unprofessional, let's start with the TP members of Congress. They had a chance to get 3-4 trillion in cuts for 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, but turned it down, because they signed a piece of paper. The only piece of paper that should have that kind of hold on them is the Constitution. The S&P action is a reflection on that refusal to accept fiscal sanity. The fact that the president had to try and jawbone S&P is simply a result of the TPers actions and Obama's attempt to mitigate the damage they've caused.


Beers from S&P says you won't stop spending and America won't make cuts.That's why you have the downgrade.

China says you won't stop spending and there is no more borrowing to be had.

Even freaking Putin called America a parasite on the global economy because you won't stop spending.


It's simple. And I provided the links in other posts.
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

I didn't say they were downgrading out of vindictiveness. You did.

I'm saying the reaction was completely outrageous and out of line. Let alone unprofessional.

It's one thing to lodge a protest. It's another whole ball game to assault S&P.

This was the time for wine and roses and cajoling and reassuring that the debt reduction could be accomplished.

But nooooooooooooooo. The Chicago punk like mentality that by screaming at someone you can make them change their mind is insane in this high stakes scenario.

May work on the campaign trail to go out and insult everyone you feel like but it doesn't work in the real world outside of U.S. politics.

If you want to talk unprofessional, let's start with the TP members of Congress. They had a chance to get 3-4 trillion in cuts for 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, but turned it down, because they signed a piece of paper. The only piece of paper that should have that kind of hold on them is the Constitution. The S&P action is a reflection on that refusal to accept fiscal sanity. The fact that the president had to try and jawbone S&P is simply a result of the TPers actions and Obama's attempt to mitigate the damage they've caused.

OH brother... please tell us you're not really as stupid as this post implies. I beseech thee.
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

I didn't say they were downgrading out of vindictiveness. You did.

I'm saying the reaction was completely outrageous and out of line. Let alone unprofessional.

It's one thing to lodge a protest. It's another whole ball game to assault S&P.

This was the time for wine and roses and cajoling and reassuring that the debt reduction could be accomplished.

But nooooooooooooooo. The Chicago punk like mentality that by screaming at someone you can make them change their mind is insane in this high stakes scenario.

May work on the campaign trail to go out and insult everyone you feel like but it doesn't work in the real world outside of U.S. politics.

If you want to talk unprofessional, let's start with the TP members of Congress. They had a chance to get 3-4 trillion in cuts for 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, but turned it down, because they signed a piece of paper. The only piece of paper that should have that kind of hold on them is the Constitution. The S&P action is a reflection on that refusal to accept fiscal sanity. The fact that the president had to try and jawbone S&P is simply a result of the TPers actions and Obama's attempt to mitigate the damage they've caused.

Fiscal sanity ? We haven't seen fiscal sanity in America for years. America is broke. We can quit puffing up like some giant ass toad. No one is buying it anymore. The "Wimpy Budget" of " I'll gladly pay you back tomorrow for a couple of trillion today" isn't working.
Credit is not real money.
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

I didn't say they were downgrading out of vindictiveness. You did.

I'm saying the reaction was completely outrageous and out of line. Let alone unprofessional.

It's one thing to lodge a protest. It's another whole ball game to assault S&P.

This was the time for wine and roses and cajoling and reassuring that the debt reduction could be accomplished.

But nooooooooooooooo. The Chicago punk like mentality that by screaming at someone you can make them change their mind is insane in this high stakes scenario.

May work on the campaign trail to go out and insult everyone you feel like but it doesn't work in the real world outside of U.S. politics.

If you want to talk unprofessional, let's start with the TP members of Congress. They had a chance to get 3-4 trillion in cuts for 1 trillion in revenue enhancements, but turned it down, because they signed a piece of paper. The only piece of paper that should have that kind of hold on them is the Constitution. The S&P action is a reflection on that refusal to accept fiscal sanity. The fact that the president had to try and jawbone S&P is simply a result of the TPers actions and Obama's attempt to mitigate the damage they've caused.

Can you perhaps tell us why any rational individual would even consider raising taxes in order to give the same irresponsible government that spent tax money on fraudulent medicare scams, turtle crossings and a study of the size of gay men's penis' size, more of our money to waste? Let them show us that they can be responsible with what they're already being given.
It can't help Washington to shit down S&P's throat can it now?

Surely liberals can even figure that out. What next?

I know. Hold a press conference and call S&P "terrorists and hostage takers".

That'll really help the situation right?
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

uhh, the government did whimper and cry over s & p's rating.

geithner's an idiot

:rolleyes: S&P made a $2 Trillion dollar mistake. They aren't exactly credible.
It can't help Washington to shit down S&P's throat can it now?

Surely liberals can even figure that out. What next?

I know. Hold a press conference and call S&P "terrorists and hostage takers".

That'll really help the situation right?
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

uhh, the government did whimper and cry over s & p's rating.

geithner's an idiot

yea....hes probably pissed they made him look the fool after prognosticating in April, ala we would never be downgraded......*sigh* a mawkish minuscule mediocrity who cannot even manage turbo tax....are we a stupid people or what? :lol:
What the hell was the White House thinking letting everyone go around flapping their mouths off?

The bullying tactics of this White House is going to cause more and more people to fight back.

How unfreaking professional. But what else is new. And this is a really dangerous game these punks are playing.

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Standard & Poor’s cut Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s long-term ratings one notch on Monday.

S&P said the downgrades from the top-notch Triple-A were due to its lowering of the U.S. sovereign credit rating late on Friday.

“The downgrades of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflect their direct reliance on the U.S. government,” the rating agency said.

© Thomson Reuters

:rolleyes: It was only a matter of time. A Longgggg time..
S&P downgrades US debt

The market response? The price of US debt increases.
Now is this the SAME Standard and Poor which once told us that the bonds issued by Fanny and Freddy and other commercial banks on RE derivatives were good as gold?
Are you really stupid enough to expect the government to whimper and cry over S&P's rating?

If, as you say, that S&P is downgrading entities out of vindictiveness then you are an idiot to applaud them.

uhh, the government did whimper and cry over s & p's rating.

geithner's an idiot

:rolleyes: S&P made a $2 Trillion dollar mistake. They aren't exactly credible.

and that makes the whimpering and crying not have happened how?

try again
What the hell was the White House thinking letting everyone go around flapping their mouths off?

The bullying tactics of this White House is going to cause more and more people to fight back.

How unfreaking professional. But what else is new. And this is a really dangerous game these punks are playing.

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Standard & Poor’s cut Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s long-term ratings one notch on Monday.

S&P said the downgrades from the top-notch Triple-A were due to its lowering of the U.S. sovereign credit rating late on Friday.

“The downgrades of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflect their direct reliance on the U.S. government,” the rating agency said.

© Thomson Reuters

Looks like we're all going to hell in a bread basket donut?
That had nothing to do with it! Even my three year old knows that Fannie and Freddie are crap and should get downgraded to F!!!

The only one who doesn't believe so this cock-sucker (no pun intended)!

[ame=]‪Inside Look: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Now is this the SAME Standard and Poor which once told us that the bonds issued by Fanny and Freddy and other commercial banks on RE derivatives were good as gold?

Yes--they are more powerful than America.

Who owns them ?
What the hell was the White House thinking letting everyone go around flapping their mouths off?

The bullying tactics of this White House is going to cause more and more people to fight back.

How unfreaking professional. But what else is new. And this is a really dangerous game these punks are playing.

S&P cuts Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae

Standard & Poor’s cut Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae’s long-term ratings one notch on Monday.

S&P said the downgrades from the top-notch Triple-A were due to its lowering of the U.S. sovereign credit rating late on Friday.

“The downgrades of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflect their direct reliance on the U.S. government,” the rating agency said.

© Thomson Reuters

Looks like we're all going to hell in a bread basket donut?

No shit!

Now the left wing maniacs are crawling out of the closet in all their glory.

Check this out. Aye carumba they're freaking nuts.:lol:

Michael Moore to Obama: ‘Show some guts,’ arrest S&P head

By Victor Morton


The Washington Times

12:56 p.m., Monday, August 8, 2011
Michael MooreMichael Moore

Liberal firebrand Michael Moore called on President Obama to respond to the U.S. credit downgrade by arresting the leaders of the credit-ratings agencies.

On his Twitter feed Monday, the Oscar-winning film director also blamed the 2008 economic collapse on Standard & Poor’s — apparently because it and other credit-ratings agencies did not downgrade mortgage-based bonds, which encouraged the housing bubble and let it spread throughout the economy.

“Pres Obama, show some guts & arrest the CEO of Standard & Poors. These criminals brought down the economy in 2008& now they will do it again,” Mr. Moore wrote.
Now is this the SAME Standard and Poor which once told us that the bonds issued by Fanny and Freddy and other commercial banks on RE derivatives were good as gold?

And therein lies the conflict of interest. A credit rating agency's corporate value and worth is only as good as their perceived objectivity, and downgrading the US will conceivably have the US-based S&P gaining perceived objectivity across the globe after their credibility (for lack of a better term) took a hit in the subrime debacle. We can only hope this is as transparent to invenstors as it ought to be.

Still, the Administration should've seen this coming and so yes, they dropped the ball in allowing it to happen.
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Democrats obviously have a problem comprehending that we must stop spending more than we have. Only when we are paying the debt down will our rating go back to AAA. And I don't see anyone in Washington who understands this simple equation.
Democrats obviously have a problem comprehending that we must stop spending more than we have. Only when we are paying the debt down will our rating go back to AAA. And I don't see anyone in Washington who understands this simple equation.

The problem is that liberals view cutting spending as some kind of political concession to conservatives instead of the economic reality that it is and that the world is telling us WE MUST DO.

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