Calls For Militant Escalation w/ Kavanaugh Confirmed - Conservatives should avoid, defend & laugh

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Good grief man. Are you psyhic? Doing Miss Cleo? Then you don't know when something bad is going to happen. You said "you're not going to be attacked by wildlife at Walmart". I posted a link to a bear running rampant at Walmart. You say don't take your gun to a dance recital...Nicole Brown Simpson was stabbed to death after returning from her daughters dance recital. Think she wishes she or Mr. Goldman had brought their gun? We'll never know.

We know Susan Hupp wishes SHE had her gun at the Luby's shooting in Kileen. There wasn't a shoot there before, she'd never needed her firearm for self defense before and it wasn't a "bad part of town" your stupid bullshit is totally invalid.

You don't know when you are going to need to defend yourself, your family or total strangers. Maybe tomorrow...maybe never. Like I said previously, what the fuck difference does it make whether I've had to use my firearm before. I've never used mt life insurance before either...only a complete moron thinks that's a valid excuse for not having it. Same with carrying a gun...just because you haven't needed it before has absolutely zero bearing on whether you'll need it in the future...that's the damn dumbest strawman ever erected.

Now, your last statement undoes you. "Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past".

I found the coward. The coward that feels so threatened and fearful of my legally carried firearm, that he would label me a coward to attempt to dissuade others from carrying a weapon wherever and whenever it was legal for them to do so? A classic case of psychological transference.

Assuage your fear fellow traveller. I am fully military trained with an assortment of firearm including the sidearm, and am fully proficient in safety, markmanship and maintenance.

You can now rejoin society.

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

Says the person so afraid that my legally carried firearm is going to jump out of it's holster and go on a rampage of it's own accord that he gets on the internet and anonymously labels an Army Veteran he doesn't know a coward multiple times for attempting to legally be as prepared as possible for the unexpected and attempt to protect himself, his family and any others he can. You must be very proud.

I'm not mad at you though, disappointed, but not're entitled to your opinion.
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If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Good grief man. Are you psyhic? Doing Miss Cleo? Then you don't know when something bad is going to happen. You said "you're not going to be attacked by wildlife at Walmart". I posted a link to a bear running rampant at Walmart. You say don't take your gun to a dance recital...Nicole Brown Simpson was stabbed to death after returning from her daughters dance recital. Think she wishes she or Mr. Goldman had brought their gun? We'll never know.

We know Susan Hupp wishes SHE had her gun at the Luby's shooting in Kileen. There wasn't a shoot there before, she'd never needed her firearm for self defense before and it wasn't a "bad part of town" your stupid bullshit is totally invalid.

You don't know when you are going to need to defend yourself, your family or total strangers. Maybe tomorrow...maybe never. Like I said previously, what the fuck difference does it make whether I've had to use my firearm before. I've never used mt life insurance before either...only a complete moron thinks that's a valid excuse for not having it. Same with carrying a gun...just because you haven't needed it before has absolutely zero bearing on whether you'll need it in the future...that's the damn dumbest strawman ever erected.

Now, your last statement undoes you. "Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past".

I found the coward. The coward that feels so threatened and fearful of my legally carried firearm, that he would label me a coward to attempt to dissuade others from carrying a weapon wherever and whenever it was legal for them to do so? A classic case of psychological transference.

Assuage your fear fellow traveller. I am fully military trained with an assortment of firearm including the sidearm, and am fully proficient in safety, markmanship and maintenance.

You can now rejoin society.

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

Says the person so afraid that my legally carried firearm is going to jump out of it's holster and go on a rampage of it's own accord that he gets on the internet and calls a Army Veteran he doesn't know a coward multiple times for attempting to legally be as prepared as possible for the unexpected. You must be very proud.

Nope. The gun won't jump out on it's own, but there have been lots of gun nuts who dropped their guns and killed even their own children. Lots of people who the right considered to be good guys with guns right up until they killed or injured an innocent person . I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of idiots with guns. If you think you have to have a gun for protection 24/7, you're either an idiot or a coward.
Nope. The gun won't jump out on it's own, but there have been lots of gun nuts who dropped their guns and killed even their own children. Lots of people who the right considered to be good guys with guns right up until they killed or injured an innocent person . I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of idiots with guns. If you think you have to have a gun for protection 24/7, you're either an idiot or a coward.

Hoist, meet petard...

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.
Nope. The gun won't jump out on it's own, but there have been lots of gun nuts who dropped their guns and killed even their own children. Lots of people who the right considered to be good guys with guns right up until they killed or injured an innocent person . I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of idiots with guns. If you think you have to have a gun for protection 24/7, you're either an idiot or a coward.

Hoist, meet petard...

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

Lots of idiots with guns. You can find examples of their destruction in every town.
Nope. The gun won't jump out on it's own, but there have been lots of gun nuts who dropped their guns and killed even their own children. Lots of people who the right considered to be good guys with guns right up until they killed or injured an innocent person . I'm not scared of guns. I'm scared of idiots with guns. If you think you have to have a gun for protection 24/7, you're either an idiot or a coward.

Hoist, meet petard...

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

Lots of idiots with guns. You can find examples of their destruction in every town.

I can find examples of murders, rapes, maimings, beatings, home invasions, robberies, and every kind of armed criminal action against innocent persons in every town. And a lot more of those than the accidental shootings you're worried about. You're kinda proving MY point now.
Good point Dschrute3. Just wondering, how many out there have tried to get a concealed carry permit (if required) but have been thwarted? How many just haven't bothered or don't see the point & why? And if you are inclined to share, how many do carry on occasion?
I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.
Thankfully, despite a spate on new gun laws in VT, permits are non existent across the board. It's a little nuanced but what are the thoughts out there on single action (SA) & double action (DA) or both for concealed carry. Some lawyer friends of mine have encouraged me to CC double action only for liability purposes; that whole ("did you actually intend to pull the trigger or did you flinch / were you shaking") prosecutorial tact. Any of y'all have any thoughts on the matter...

For me, after seeing my cousin's 1911 go off after banging the wall. I'd say DA revolver with hammer on empty chamber. It's really not one of the cheaper options, I sure wish it was.

Newer guns won't do that...anything with a transfer bar can't go off when dropped. That Star BKM, built in the 70's, cannot be carried with a round chambered and the hammer down for that very reason. Supposed to carry them in condition one with the hammer cocked and the safety on.

I believe the newly manufactured 1911s have transfer bar safeties.

One of Taurus's guns was recently recalled for discharging when dropped...the G2, 111 or 24/7...have to look it up.
Good point Dschrute3. Just wondering, how many out there have tried to get a concealed carry permit (if required) but have been thwarted? How many just haven't bothered or don't see the point & why? And if you are inclined to share, how many do carry on occasion?
I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.
Thankfully, despite a spate on new gun laws in VT, permits are non existent across the board. It's a little nuanced but what are the thoughts out there on single action (SA) & double action (DA) or both for concealed carry. Some lawyer friends of mine have encouraged me to CC double action only for liability purposes; that whole ("did you actually intend to pull the trigger or did you flinch / were you shaking") prosecutorial tact. Any of y'all have any thoughts on the matter...

For me, after seeing my cousin's 1911 go off after banging the wall. I'd say DA revolver with hammer on empty chamber. It's really not one of the cheaper options, I sure wish it was.

Newer guns won't do that...anything with a transfer bar can't go off when dropped. That Star BKM, built in the 70's, cannot be carried with a round chambered and the hammer down for that very reason. Supposed to carry them in condition one with the hammer cocked and the safety on.

I believe the newly manufactured 1911s have transfer bar safeties.

One of Taurus's guns was recently recalled for discharging when dropped...the G2, 111 or 24/7...have to look it up.
'Missourian' U should contribute to the thread in Gen. Discussion 'Guns Guns & more Guns' U seem to have some good insights and that's what the thread was created for. I have a query on there that U might be able to weigh in on...
Good point Dschrute3. Just wondering, how many out there have tried to get a concealed carry permit (if required) but have been thwarted? How many just haven't bothered or don't see the point & why? And if you are inclined to share, how many do carry on occasion?

I pack just about everywhere I go except work…
Good point Dschrute3. Just wondering, how many out there have tried to get a concealed carry permit (if required) but have been thwarted? How many just haven't bothered or don't see the point & why? And if you are inclined to share, how many do carry on occasion?
I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.
Thankfully, despite a spate on new gun laws in VT, permits are non existent across the board. It's a little nuanced but what are the thoughts out there on single action (SA) & double action (DA) or both for concealed carry. Some lawyer friends of mine have encouraged me to CC double action only for liability purposes; that whole ("did you actually intend to pull the trigger or did you flinch / were you shaking") prosecutorial tact. Any of y'all have any thoughts on the matter...

For me, after seeing my cousin's 1911 go off after banging the wall. I'd say DA revolver with hammer on empty chamber. It's really not one of the cheaper options, I sure wish it was.

Newer guns won't do that...anything with a transfer bar can't go off when dropped. That Star BKM, built in the 70's, cannot be carried with a round chambered and the hammer down for that very reason. Supposed to carry them in condition one with the hammer cocked and the safety on.

I believe the newly manufactured 1911s have transfer bar safeties.

One of Taurus's guns was recently recalled for discharging when dropped...the G2, 111 or 24/7...have to look it up.

I may be old fashion but I prefer a 38 revolver

loaded with hollow points with the hammer on an empty chamber.

Safe, reliable and ready to go in an instant.

I hope like hell I never have to use it

but I was a Boy Scout……

The libtards won’t get that…….

They were all brownies…………

I had an H&K 19 shot 9mm, it jammed once and I sold it.

Same thing with a Smith and Wesson ..
Good point Dschrute3. Just wondering, how many out there have tried to get a concealed carry permit (if required) but have been thwarted? How many just haven't bothered or don't see the point & why? And if you are inclined to share, how many do carry on occasion?
I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.
Thankfully, despite a spate on new gun laws in VT, permits are non existent across the board. It's a little nuanced but what are the thoughts out there on single action (SA) & double action (DA) or both for concealed carry. Some lawyer friends of mine have encouraged me to CC double action only for liability purposes; that whole ("did you actually intend to pull the trigger or did you flinch / were you shaking") prosecutorial tact. Any of y'all have any thoughts on the matter...

For me, after seeing my cousin's 1911 go off after banging the wall. I'd say DA revolver with hammer on empty chamber. It's really not one of the cheaper options, I sure wish it was.

Newer guns won't do that...anything with a transfer bar can't go off when dropped. That Star BKM, built in the 70's, cannot be carried with a round chambered and the hammer down for that very reason. Supposed to carry them in condition one with the hammer cocked and the safety on.

I believe the newly manufactured 1911s have transfer bar safeties.

One of Taurus's guns was recently recalled for discharging when dropped...the G2, 111 or 24/7...have to look it up.

I may be old fashion but I prefer a 38 revolver

loaded with hollow points with the hammer on an empty chamber.

Safe, reliable and ready to go in an instant.

I hope like hell I never have to use it

but I was a Boy Scout……

The libtards won’t get that…….

They were all brownies…………

I had an H&K 19 shot 9mm, it jammed once and I sold it.

Same thing with a Smith and Wesson ..

Nothing wrong with that. I've been on a revolver kick for a few years now. Got a case hardened Uberti Cattleman SAA clone that is totally impractical...and I love it. :D
How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Good grief man. Are you psyhic? Doing Miss Cleo? Then you don't know when something bad is going to happen. You said "you're not going to be attacked by wildlife at Walmart". I posted a link to a bear running rampant at Walmart. You say don't take your gun to a dance recital...Nicole Brown Simpson was stabbed to death after returning from her daughters dance recital. Think she wishes she or Mr. Goldman had brought their gun? We'll never know.

We know Susan Hupp wishes SHE had her gun at the Luby's shooting in Kileen. There wasn't a shoot there before, she'd never needed her firearm for self defense before and it wasn't a "bad part of town" your stupid bullshit is totally invalid.

You don't know when you are going to need to defend yourself, your family or total strangers. Maybe tomorrow...maybe never. Like I said previously, what the fuck difference does it make whether I've had to use my firearm before. I've never used mt life insurance before either...only a complete moron thinks that's a valid excuse for not having it. Same with carrying a gun...just because you haven't needed it before has absolutely zero bearing on whether you'll need it in the future...that's the damn dumbest strawman ever erected.

Now, your last statement undoes you. "Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past".

I found the coward. The coward that feels so threatened and fearful of my legally carried firearm, that he would label me a coward to attempt to dissuade others from carrying a weapon wherever and whenever it was legal for them to do so? A classic case of psychological transference.

Assuage your fear fellow traveller. I am fully military trained with an assortment of firearm including the sidearm, and am fully proficient in safety, markmanship and maintenance.

You can now rejoin society.

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

It's funny how you keep calling people cowards.

On an internet message board.

Why don't you go fuck yourself.
If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Good grief man. Are you psyhic? Doing Miss Cleo? Then you don't know when something bad is going to happen. You said "you're not going to be attacked by wildlife at Walmart". I posted a link to a bear running rampant at Walmart. You say don't take your gun to a dance recital...Nicole Brown Simpson was stabbed to death after returning from her daughters dance recital. Think she wishes she or Mr. Goldman had brought their gun? We'll never know.

We know Susan Hupp wishes SHE had her gun at the Luby's shooting in Kileen. There wasn't a shoot there before, she'd never needed her firearm for self defense before and it wasn't a "bad part of town" your stupid bullshit is totally invalid.

You don't know when you are going to need to defend yourself, your family or total strangers. Maybe tomorrow...maybe never. Like I said previously, what the fuck difference does it make whether I've had to use my firearm before. I've never used mt life insurance before either...only a complete moron thinks that's a valid excuse for not having it. Same with carrying a gun...just because you haven't needed it before has absolutely zero bearing on whether you'll need it in the future...that's the damn dumbest strawman ever erected.

Now, your last statement undoes you. "Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past".

I found the coward. The coward that feels so threatened and fearful of my legally carried firearm, that he would label me a coward to attempt to dissuade others from carrying a weapon wherever and whenever it was legal for them to do so? A classic case of psychological transference.

Assuage your fear fellow traveller. I am fully military trained with an assortment of firearm including the sidearm, and am fully proficient in safety, markmanship and maintenance.

You can now rejoin society.

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

It's funny how you keep calling people cowards.

On an internet message board.

Why don't you go fuck yourself.

What would you call some idiot who is too afraid to face every day life without a gun to kill someone? With the exception of cops and military, NOBODY but drug dealers or hit men needs to be armed 24/7. Only a coward would think he did.

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Good grief man. Are you psyhic? Doing Miss Cleo? Then you don't know when something bad is going to happen. You said "you're not going to be attacked by wildlife at Walmart". I posted a link to a bear running rampant at Walmart. You say don't take your gun to a dance recital...Nicole Brown Simpson was stabbed to death after returning from her daughters dance recital. Think she wishes she or Mr. Goldman had brought their gun? We'll never know.

We know Susan Hupp wishes SHE had her gun at the Luby's shooting in Kileen. There wasn't a shoot there before, she'd never needed her firearm for self defense before and it wasn't a "bad part of town" your stupid bullshit is totally invalid.

You don't know when you are going to need to defend yourself, your family or total strangers. Maybe tomorrow...maybe never. Like I said previously, what the fuck difference does it make whether I've had to use my firearm before. I've never used mt life insurance before either...only a complete moron thinks that's a valid excuse for not having it. Same with carrying a gun...just because you haven't needed it before has absolutely zero bearing on whether you'll need it in the future...that's the damn dumbest strawman ever erected.

Now, your last statement undoes you. "Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past".

I found the coward. The coward that feels so threatened and fearful of my legally carried firearm, that he would label me a coward to attempt to dissuade others from carrying a weapon wherever and whenever it was legal for them to do so? A classic case of psychological transference.

Assuage your fear fellow traveller. I am fully military trained with an assortment of firearm including the sidearm, and am fully proficient in safety, markmanship and maintenance.

You can now rejoin society.

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

It's funny how you keep calling people cowards.

On an internet message board.

Why don't you go fuck yourself.

What would you call some idiot who is too afraid to face every day life without a gun to kill someone? With the exception of cops and military, NOBODY but drug dealers or hit men needs to be armed 24/7. Only a coward would think he did.

Maybe in the opinion you formed in your tiny little brain.

Fortunately, you don't get to set the standard or the rules.

Lot's of people have no issues with others being armed 24/7.

So, like I said....Fuck you.
Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Good grief man. Are you psyhic? Doing Miss Cleo? Then you don't know when something bad is going to happen. You said "you're not going to be attacked by wildlife at Walmart". I posted a link to a bear running rampant at Walmart. You say don't take your gun to a dance recital...Nicole Brown Simpson was stabbed to death after returning from her daughters dance recital. Think she wishes she or Mr. Goldman had brought their gun? We'll never know.

We know Susan Hupp wishes SHE had her gun at the Luby's shooting in Kileen. There wasn't a shoot there before, she'd never needed her firearm for self defense before and it wasn't a "bad part of town" your stupid bullshit is totally invalid.

You don't know when you are going to need to defend yourself, your family or total strangers. Maybe tomorrow...maybe never. Like I said previously, what the fuck difference does it make whether I've had to use my firearm before. I've never used mt life insurance before either...only a complete moron thinks that's a valid excuse for not having it. Same with carrying a gun...just because you haven't needed it before has absolutely zero bearing on whether you'll need it in the future...that's the damn dumbest strawman ever erected.

Now, your last statement undoes you. "Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past".

I found the coward. The coward that feels so threatened and fearful of my legally carried firearm, that he would label me a coward to attempt to dissuade others from carrying a weapon wherever and whenever it was legal for them to do so? A classic case of psychological transference.

Assuage your fear fellow traveller. I am fully military trained with an assortment of firearm including the sidearm, and am fully proficient in safety, markmanship and maintenance.

You can now rejoin society.

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

It's funny how you keep calling people cowards.

On an internet message board.

Why don't you go fuck yourself.

What would you call some idiot who is too afraid to face every day life without a gun to kill someone? With the exception of cops and military, NOBODY but drug dealers or hit men needs to be armed 24/7. Only a coward would think he did.

Maybe in the opinion you formed in your tiny little brain.

Fortunately, you don't get to set the standard or the rules.

Lot's of people have no issues with others being armed 24/7.

So, like I said....Fuck you.

Sorry, but you're not my type. I don't fuck crazies.
Sotomayor believes that owning a gun is not a basic human right. that is more terrifying than anything kavanaugh did

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