Calls For Militant Escalation w/ Kavanaugh Confirmed - Conservatives should avoid, defend & laugh

Let us all look at reality of what the Leftists actually HAVE done, and what they want------->

Are men and women equal under all law? Supposed to be, aren't they?

Well, let us see reality------------> How many friends of yours are divorced with children? Of those cases that you know of personally, how many of the husbands in YOUR opinion, should have been granted custody because the wife was off the rails? Of those cases, how many husbands actually HAVE custody?

Why is that?

Because although men and women were deemed EQUAL, in family court...…….even with the edict, it is NOT so! Statistics prove this out. 50%? 40%? Can I get even 20%?

Here is reality--------------> A married man goes out, has an affair, gets caught, loses his house, his kids, 1/2 or more of his 401k, pays massive amounts of child support or can end up in jail, and everyone says yay!

Now reverse it and change man to woman! What happens? EXACTLY THE SAME THING, he still loses it all, and everybody says, "to bad, to sad!"

That is the LEFTIST stamp on family court! And now what do they want to do---------> make it carry over to job interviews, and criminal justice. THE WOMAN IS ALWAYS CORRECT and to be believed, even if no evidence exists.

And so, some people would read what I have posted as anti woman. Think so? No it isn't, ask the 2nd wives of the men who got SCREWED and see what they think of how this stuff is handled, and who is always believed.

And yet, using logic, we know the LEFT is all phony-e-baloney about all of this. How? Because they are all for immigrants with little social grace of modern society, going into the UK and Switzerland, and raping their women. They actually try to cover it up so as not to make these places ANTI-IMMIGRATION or REFUGEE. Their talking points and narrative switch the instant it is an immigrant raping a woman with proof. They are NOT pro woman/female, all they really are is pro divide, and destroy. What they are actually attempting to do is-----------> use women liked they used Black America, tell them Republicans hate them, so vote for us!

And yet, all of us were born of women, many of us married, and yes; have daughters. This makes this a much harder sell to America, but they continue to try.

These people are SHAMEFULL, DISGUSTING, and truth be told LAUGHABLE, but they are DANGEROUS! They are trying to tear down our system of juris prudence, and replace it with police state courts. If we allow these people to win, then we deserve what we get, we really do!

This isn't about white males, black males, women, martians, Islam, or anything else. It is about EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW that governs us all.

If you do not vote, you have no right to bitch! You see what they are trying to do, and if that doesn't scare the hell out of you regardless of their phony protestations, then you have already conceded America!

WoW - That was a long way around the block to say absolutely nothing y'think? First of all, you just set forth a WHOLE bunch of generalizations. Divorce laws vary state by state and for the most part, men do make these laws so they may quite often, favor MEN. Some states call for equal distribution under the law aka "community property". Those are very few, and most states call for "equitable distribution" which is really the fairest way to go about it.

Comparing Equitable Distribution and Community Property for a Divorce

But even in liberal California, I have two male friends with primary CUSTODY of their children. The Moms are still around but were deemed unfit for anything other than visitation (weekends generally). One had a drug problem and the other just wasn't all that interested in being a Mom.

As far as your yammer about the evils of "liberalism" .. Spare me. And if you're going to get into the BS about how progressives gather in "angry mobs" ... spare me.

All that said, I did enjoy the rant. But try be pithier and back it up with examples next time around.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.

These are bullshit claims on your part, maufactured from whole cloth with no proof.

You add to it again, with no proof at all.

Keep up the good work.

Right. What specific "reasonable" fear do you think causes a person to think they need to be armed 24/7? You afraid of bears like the previous poster?

Hey, wake up asshole.

You said he was looking for a chance to use it.

Prove it or admit you are a total jerkwad.

With the obvious lack of a valid reason to carry a gun 24/7 there has to be some reason. Fear of bears is a pretty dumb way to try to justify most armed gun nuts.

No, shithead.

You were the one who stated that the poster you were addressing was just looking for a chance to use his/her gun.

With no proof whatsoever.

Ok. Here's your chance to explain what you are so afraid of that would justify being armed 24/7. There are only 2 reasons to justify being armed. Either you are afraid that you will have to use it, or you want to use it. Which is it?

No, the left does not get to run the show and you don't get to set the conditions.

You make the statement with no proof. If you your proof the stupid assed either/or claim in your post....

You lost.

It's either want to use it, or have to use it. Rant all you want, but that's what it comes down to.

Don't need to rant at all.

You can't make your argument.

As usual......

Oh, I see Bullydoghound pooch! Then what you are saying is----------> Women aren't always right, or are to be believed! Who would of THUNK it, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, from the mouth of a far leftist liberal, I prove my point. I rest my case-)

"Bullydoghound pooch"? WoW - give me a minute to recover :lol:
No, women are not always right and men are not always right - It'd appear to be your contention that men are always right.
So that BS is your schtick - Not mine
Lookout - Those angry leftist mobs are creepin' up behind ya!


More crazy right wing accusations. You're not very smart, are you?
What's the matter, 'dawg, can't face REALITY?

Are you honestly trying to claim that Booker never admitted to groping a woman who never gave him permission to do so?

MAN UP, snowflake.......:bigboy:...and tell / acknowledge the proven TRUTH!

Cory Booker Criticized After His 1992 Admission of Groping Girl Resurfaces

Cory Booker’s 1992 column detailing ‘groping’ of high school friend resurfaces

In 1992, Cory Booker wrote of ‘groping’ a high school friend as they ‘fumbled upon a bed’ and issued a call for sexual respect

Sorry, but your right wing reality doesn't match reality outside your bubble.

Sorry, but your right wing reality doesn't match reality outside your bubble.

Cory Booker Criticized After His 1992 Admission of Groping Girl Resurfaces

Cory Booker’s 1992 column detailing ‘groping’ of high school friend resurfaces

In 1992, Cory Booker wrote of ‘groping’ a high school friend as they ‘fumbled upon a bed’ and issued a call for sexual respect

Do these links to news organizations reporting on how Booker ADMITTED so sexually assaulting a girl back in high school without her permission to touch her LOOK like they reside only in 'MY' bubble?

If you consider actual REALITY 'my bubble', then you are correct, you nut bag. Thanks for that demonstration of your serious mental malfunction....

Democrats screwed up by attacking Kavanaugh. Sure if he had been elected 2 weeks ago republicans would have viewed it as a win for TRUMP, it would have lasted a week or so and most likely faded. By attacking BK in such a vicious way and continuing to try and delegitimize his appointment they are only helping TRUMP to unit the never-TRUMPers,

Kavanaugh has done a fine job of de-legitimizing himself.
That’s Justice Kavanaugh to you.

View attachment 221538

Let us all look at reality of what the Leftists actually HAVE done, and what they want------->

Are men and women equal under all law? Supposed to be, aren't they?

Well, let us see reality------------> How many friends of yours are divorced with children? Of those cases that you know of personally, how many of the husbands in YOUR opinion, should have been granted custody because the wife was off the rails? Of those cases, how many husbands actually HAVE custody?

Why is that?

Because although men and women were deemed EQUAL, in family court...…….even with the edict, it is NOT so! Statistics prove this out. 50%? 40%? Can I get even 20%?

Here is reality--------------> A married man goes out, has an affair, gets caught, loses his house, his kids, 1/2 or more of his 401k, pays massive amounts of child support or can end up in jail, and everyone says yay!

Now reverse it and change man to woman! What happens? EXACTLY THE SAME THING, he still loses it all, and everybody says, "to bad, to sad!"

That is the LEFTIST stamp on family court! And now what do they want to do---------> make it carry over to job interviews, and criminal justice. THE WOMAN IS ALWAYS CORRECT and to be believed, even if no evidence exists.

And so, some people would read what I have posted as anti woman. Think so? No it isn't, ask the 2nd wives of the men who got SCREWED and see what they think of how this stuff is handled, and who is always believed.

And yet, using logic, we know the LEFT is all phony-e-baloney about all of this. How? Because they are all for immigrants with little social grace of modern society, going into the UK and Switzerland, and raping their women. They actually try to cover it up so as not to make these places ANTI-IMMIGRATION or REFUGEE. Their talking points and narrative switch the instant it is an immigrant raping a woman with proof. They are NOT pro woman/female, all they really are is pro divide, and destroy. What they are actually attempting to do is-----------> use women liked they used Black America, tell them Republicans hate them, so vote for us!

And yet, all of us were born of women, many of us married, and yes; have daughters. This makes this a much harder sell to America, but they continue to try.

These people are SHAMEFULL, DISGUSTING, and truth be told LAUGHABLE, but they are DANGEROUS! They are trying to tear down our system of juris prudence, and replace it with police state courts. If we allow these people to win, then we deserve what we get, we really do!

This isn't about white males, black males, women, martians, Islam, or anything else. It is about EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW that governs us all.

If you do not vote, you have no right to bitch! You see what they are trying to do, and if that doesn't scare the hell out of you regardless of their phony protestations, then you have already conceded America!

I'm pretty sure I know a lot more about the problems of determining custody than you ever will. I got custody of my daughter when she was 5 and she is now just a few months from receiving her medical degree. You're right that women have had advantages in custody determination, but that is changing drastically. Mostly because more men are finally willing to do what is best for the child instead of what is best for their career.
Your absurd remark about liberals being in favor of raping women, as well as the rest of your post is just the ramblings of another insane hateful right wing nut job

That dude is boopshoot crazy. Reading his ramble was kind of like riding the Tilt-a-Whirl at the county fair after two corny dogs and a Slurpee.
I really try my best to slip briefly into the intellectual thought process (machinations) of Anti-2Aers. What I come up with is the false presumption that the ironclad, enshrined, Constitutional rights of an armed citizenry, that "shall not be infringed" doesn't actually exist. They seem to overlook this fundamental underpinning in their presumption as they seek to turn back the clock to the years prior to 1776 and rewrite our Constitution. As a given, they seem to presume that our Constitution was a mistake & there should be a draconian constraint and oversight of the citizenry's access and possession of firearms; they feel righteous in their extemporaneous rectification, whether Congressional avenues are utilized or NOT, IMHO.

Yup....Democrats certainly seem to have second thoughts about ratification.
Bullshit. You carry it every day in hopes that you will find a chance to use it. A sneeze guard is actually used regularly.

And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.
Let us all look at reality of what the Leftists actually HAVE done, and what they want------->

Are men and women equal under all law? Supposed to be, aren't they?

Well, let us see reality------------> How many friends of yours are divorced with children? Of those cases that you know of personally, how many of the husbands in YOUR opinion, should have been granted custody because the wife was off the rails? Of those cases, how many husbands actually HAVE custody?

Why is that?

Because although men and women were deemed EQUAL, in family court...…….even with the edict, it is NOT so! Statistics prove this out. 50%? 40%? Can I get even 20%?

Here is reality--------------> A married man goes out, has an affair, gets caught, loses his house, his kids, 1/2 or more of his 401k, pays massive amounts of child support or can end up in jail, and everyone says yay!

Now reverse it and change man to woman! What happens? EXACTLY THE SAME THING, he still loses it all, and everybody says, "to bad, to sad!"

That is the LEFTIST stamp on family court! And now what do they want to do---------> make it carry over to job interviews, and criminal justice. THE WOMAN IS ALWAYS CORRECT and to be believed, even if no evidence exists.

And so, some people would read what I have posted as anti woman. Think so? No it isn't, ask the 2nd wives of the men who got SCREWED and see what they think of how this stuff is handled, and who is always believed.

And yet, using logic, we know the LEFT is all phony-e-baloney about all of this. How? Because they are all for immigrants with little social grace of modern society, going into the UK and Switzerland, and raping their women. They actually try to cover it up so as not to make these places ANTI-IMMIGRATION or REFUGEE. Their talking points and narrative switch the instant it is an immigrant raping a woman with proof. They are NOT pro woman/female, all they really are is pro divide, and destroy. What they are actually attempting to do is-----------> use women liked they used Black America, tell them Republicans hate them, so vote for us!

And yet, all of us were born of women, many of us married, and yes; have daughters. This makes this a much harder sell to America, but they continue to try.

These people are SHAMEFULL, DISGUSTING, and truth be told LAUGHABLE, but they are DANGEROUS! They are trying to tear down our system of juris prudence, and replace it with police state courts. If we allow these people to win, then we deserve what we get, we really do!

This isn't about white males, black males, women, martians, Islam, or anything else. It is about EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW that governs us all.

If you do not vote, you have no right to bitch! You see what they are trying to do, and if that doesn't scare the hell out of you regardless of their phony protestations, then you have already conceded America!

WoW - That was a long way around the block to say absolutely nothing y'think? First of all, you just set forth a WHOLE bunch of generalizations. Divorce laws vary state by state and for the most part, men do make these laws so they may quite often, favor MEN. Some states call for equal distribution under the law aka "community property". Those are very few, and most states call for "equitable distribution" which is really the fairest way to go about it.

Comparing Equitable Distribution and Community Property for a Divorce

But even in liberal California, I have two male friends with primary CUSTODY of their children. The Moms are still around but were deemed unfit for anything other than visitation (weekends generally). One had a drug problem and the other just wasn't all that interested in being a Mom.

As far as your yammer about the evils of "liberalism" .. Spare me. And if you're going to get into the BS about how progressives gather in "angry mobs" ... spare me.

All that said, I did enjoy the rant. But try be pithier and back it up with examples next time around.

Right. What specific "reasonable" fear do you think causes a person to think they need to be armed 24/7? You afraid of bears like the previous poster?

Hey, wake up asshole.

You said he was looking for a chance to use it.

Prove it or admit you are a total jerkwad.

With the obvious lack of a valid reason to carry a gun 24/7 there has to be some reason. Fear of bears is a pretty dumb way to try to justify most armed gun nuts.

No, the left does not get to run the show and you don't get to set the conditions.

You make the statement with no proof. If you your proof the stupid assed either/or claim in your post....

You lost.

It's either want to use it, or have to use it. Rant all you want, but that's what it comes down to.

Don't need to rant at all.

You can't make your argument.

As usual......

Oh, I see Bullydoghound pooch! Then what you are saying is----------> Women aren't always right, or are to be believed! Who would of THUNK it, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, from the mouth of a far leftist liberal, I prove my point. I rest my case-)

Wow. You're drifting a little bit there, aren't you?

Odd one that :)

Not that unusual. RWNJs are used to their talking heads bouncing around among several different subjects to keep things confused and not be too specific about the questionable logic that forms their opinions. That is why right wingers can always quote their specific talking points, but can rarely give a rational reason to believe them. Right wing idiots seem to think that is the way to win a discussion.
Not that unusual. RWNJs are used to their talking heads bouncing around among several different subjects to keep things confused and not be too specific about the questionable logic that forms their opinions. That is why right wingers can always quote their specific talking points, but can rarely give a rational reason to believe them. Right wing idiots seem to think that is the way to win a discussion.

I see that Imawhosure (whatever that means) is being written off by Cons as a Dem troll.
Guess they're a tad embarrassed by one of their own. :)
And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Welcome to the age of fear and loathing under Trump. To keep the base ginned up, unreasonable fears about brown people, black people, Muslims, angry mobs of Dems and the dangers to men of victimized women must be stoked - Facts be damned.

Which Ideology Has Inspired The Most Murders In Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil?
And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

A couple of more sentences and I think you'd have committed just about every logical fallacy in the book.
OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Welcome to the age of fear and loathing under Trump. To keep the base ginned up, unreasonable fears about brown people, black people, Muslims, angry mobs of Dems and the dangers to men of victimized women must be stoked - Facts be damned.

Which Ideology Has Inspired The Most Murders In Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil?

Don't have any fear at all.

If anything, I trust them more now than ever because it would seem law enforcement is providing a little more stability (except, of course, in Portland where somebody poisoned the water and everyone has lost their mind).
How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Welcome to the age of fear and loathing under Trump. To keep the base ginned up, unreasonable fears about brown people, black people, Muslims, angry mobs of Dems and the dangers to men of victimized women must be stoked - Facts be damned.

Which Ideology Has Inspired The Most Murders In Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil?

Don't have any fear at all.

If anything, I trust them more now than ever because it would seem law enforcement is providing a little more stability (except, of course, in Portland where somebody poisoned the water and everyone has lost their mind).

Portland Oregon? Googled and not finding any such story.
Btw - If you live there, better move before those angry mobs of progressives git ya :)
Let us all look at reality of what the Leftists actually HAVE done, and what they want------->

Are men and women equal under all law? Supposed to be, aren't they?

Well, let us see reality------------> How many friends of yours are divorced with children? Of those cases that you know of personally, how many of the husbands in YOUR opinion, should have been granted custody because the wife was off the rails? Of those cases, how many husbands actually HAVE custody?

Why is that?

Because although men and women were deemed EQUAL, in family court...…….even with the edict, it is NOT so! Statistics prove this out. 50%? 40%? Can I get even 20%?

Here is reality--------------> A married man goes out, has an affair, gets caught, loses his house, his kids, 1/2 or more of his 401k, pays massive amounts of child support or can end up in jail, and everyone says yay!

Now reverse it and change man to woman! What happens? EXACTLY THE SAME THING, he still loses it all, and everybody says, "to bad, to sad!"

That is the LEFTIST stamp on family court! And now what do they want to do---------> make it carry over to job interviews, and criminal justice. THE WOMAN IS ALWAYS CORRECT and to be believed, even if no evidence exists.

And so, some people would read what I have posted as anti woman. Think so? No it isn't, ask the 2nd wives of the men who got SCREWED and see what they think of how this stuff is handled, and who is always believed.

And yet, using logic, we know the LEFT is all phony-e-baloney about all of this. How? Because they are all for immigrants with little social grace of modern society, going into the UK and Switzerland, and raping their women. They actually try to cover it up so as not to make these places ANTI-IMMIGRATION or REFUGEE. Their talking points and narrative switch the instant it is an immigrant raping a woman with proof. They are NOT pro woman/female, all they really are is pro divide, and destroy. What they are actually attempting to do is-----------> use women liked they used Black America, tell them Republicans hate them, so vote for us!

And yet, all of us were born of women, many of us married, and yes; have daughters. This makes this a much harder sell to America, but they continue to try.

These people are SHAMEFULL, DISGUSTING, and truth be told LAUGHABLE, but they are DANGEROUS! They are trying to tear down our system of juris prudence, and replace it with police state courts. If we allow these people to win, then we deserve what we get, we really do!

This isn't about white males, black males, women, martians, Islam, or anything else. It is about EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW that governs us all.

If you do not vote, you have no right to bitch! You see what they are trying to do, and if that doesn't scare the hell out of you regardless of their phony protestations, then you have already conceded America!

WoW - That was a long way around the block to say absolutely nothing y'think? First of all, you just set forth a WHOLE bunch of generalizations. Divorce laws vary state by state and for the most part, men do make these laws so they may quite often, favor MEN. Some states call for equal distribution under the law aka "community property". Those are very few, and most states call for "equitable distribution" which is really the fairest way to go about it.

Comparing Equitable Distribution and Community Property for a Divorce

But even in liberal California, I have two male friends with primary CUSTODY of their children. The Moms are still around but were deemed unfit for anything other than visitation (weekends generally). One had a drug problem and the other just wasn't all that interested in being a Mom.

As far as your yammer about the evils of "liberalism" .. Spare me. And if you're going to get into the BS about how progressives gather in "angry mobs" ... spare me.

All that said, I did enjoy the rant. But try be pithier and back it up with examples next time around.

These are bullshit claims on your part, maufactured from whole cloth with no proof.

You add to it again, with no proof at all.

Keep up the good work.

Right. What specific "reasonable" fear do you think causes a person to think they need to be armed 24/7? You afraid of bears like the previous poster?

Hey, wake up asshole.

You said he was looking for a chance to use it.

Prove it or admit you are a total jerkwad.

With the obvious lack of a valid reason to carry a gun 24/7 there has to be some reason. Fear of bears is a pretty dumb way to try to justify most armed gun nuts.

Ok. Here's your chance to explain what you are so afraid of that would justify being armed 24/7. There are only 2 reasons to justify being armed. Either you are afraid that you will have to use it, or you want to use it. Which is it?

No, the left does not get to run the show and you don't get to set the conditions.

You make the statement with no proof. If you your proof the stupid assed either/or claim in your post....

You lost.

It's either want to use it, or have to use it. Rant all you want, but that's what it comes down to.

Don't need to rant at all.

You can't make your argument.

As usual......

Oh, I see Bullydoghound pooch! Then what you are saying is----------> Women aren't always right, or are to be believed! Who would of THUNK it, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, from the mouth of a far leftist liberal, I prove my point. I rest my case-)

"Bullydoghound pooch"? WoW - give me a minute to recover :lol:
No, women are not always right and men are not always right - It'd appear to be your contention that men are always right.
So that BS is your schtick - Not mine
Your side was the one who said that women are always right.

"Believe her"
Not that unusual. RWNJs are used to their talking heads bouncing around among several different subjects to keep things confused and not be too specific about the questionable logic that forms their opinions. That is why right wingers can always quote their specific talking points, but can rarely give a rational reason to believe them. Right wing idiots seem to think that is the way to win a discussion.

I see that Imawhosure (whatever that means) is being written off by Cons as a Dem troll.
Guess they're a tad embarrassed by one of their own. :)
Except he literally admitted that he is a Dem troll, idiot.

I realize that for all of us conservative nationalists, but especially for testosterone driven, red blooded American men, ANTIFA in an anathema to all that you hold dear & U want to to enter the fray fists first. There is far more to gain politically & ideologically at the ballot box by sitting back and letting the progressive swine showcase their insurrectionism! (please do be careful and prepared though)

If U really want to flip the proverbial 'bird' at them, don't engage them, let the authorities handle their wrath. They want nothing more than to drag U down to their depraved anarchistic level of mobocracy & there is a National constituency watching with MSM vultures waiting to pounce & fabricate lies. Aren't you really damn proud of the 'Proud Boys', their stalwart toughness and restraint in the face of the evil scum!!!

The AntiFa has always been organized and led by Facists to create conflict and divide people. To be the right-wings worst nightmare of extreme liberalism - thereby justifying white nationalist paranoia. 99% of liberals do not support the AntiFa in any way.
If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Welcome to the age of fear and loathing under Trump. To keep the base ginned up, unreasonable fears about brown people, black people, Muslims, angry mobs of Dems and the dangers to men of victimized women must be stoked - Facts be damned.

Which Ideology Has Inspired The Most Murders In Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Soil?

Don't have any fear at all.

If anything, I trust them more now than ever because it would seem law enforcement is providing a little more stability (except, of course, in Portland where somebody poisoned the water and everyone has lost their mind).

Portland Oregon? Googled and not finding any such story.
Btw - If you live there, better move before those angry mobs of progressives git ya :)

Actually, I used to live in another state (where they deal with them differently).

Would NEVER live in Oregon.


I realize that for all of us conservative nationalists, but especially for testosterone driven, red blooded American men, ANTIFA in an anathema to all that you hold dear & U want to to enter the fray fists first. There is far more to gain politically & ideologically at the ballot box by sitting back and letting the progressive swine showcase their insurrectionism! (please do be careful and prepared though)

If U really want to flip the proverbial 'bird' at them, don't engage them, let the authorities handle their wrath. They want nothing more than to drag U down to their depraved anarchistic level of mobocracy & there is a National constituency watching with MSM vultures waiting to pounce & fabricate lies. Aren't you really damn proud of the 'Proud Boys', their stalwart toughness and restraint in the face of the evil scum!!!

Nothing a bunch of Hells Angeles can't handle.
I really try my best to slip briefly into the intellectual thought process (machinations) of Anti-2Aers. What I come up with is the false presumption that the ironclad, enshrined, Constitutional rights of an armed citizenry, that "shall not be infringed" doesn't actually exist. They seem to overlook this fundamental underpinning in their presumption as they seek to turn back the clock to the years prior to 1776 and rewrite our Constitution. As a given, they seem to presume that our Constitution was a mistake & there should be a draconian constraint and oversight of the citizenry's access and possession of firearms; they feel righteous in their extemporaneous rectification, whether Congressional avenues are utilized or NOT, IMHO.

There is no such thing as "Anti-2Aers" except in the imagination of RWNJs like yourself. Oh wait here's a quote from one of your "Anti-2Aers""

“like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.” It is “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

His name was Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. I guess you'd consider him an anti-2Aer, huh?
And you can prove that ?


You are a left wing asshole who argues from positions that only carry what you "know".

You lose again.

OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Good grief man. Are you psyhic? Doing Miss Cleo? Then you don't know when something bad is going to happen. You said "you're not going to be attacked by wildlife at Walmart". I posted a link to a bear running rampant at Walmart. You say don't take your gun to a dance recital...Nicole Brown Simpson was stabbed to death after returning from her daughters dance recital. Think she wishes she or Mr. Goldman had brought their gun? We'll never know.

We know Susan Hupp wishes SHE had her gun at the Luby's shooting in Kileen. There wasn't a shoot there before, she'd never needed her firearm for self defense before and it wasn't a "bad part of town" your ridiculous bullshit is totally invalid.

You don't know when you are going to need to defend yourself, your family or total strangers. Maybe tomorrow...maybe never. Like I said previously, what difference does it make whether I've had to use my firearm before. I've never used my life insurance before either...only a complete moron thinks that's a valid excuse for not having it. Same with carrying a gun...just because you haven't needed it before has absolutely zero bearing on whether you'll need it in the future...that's the dumbest strawman ever erected.

Now, your last statement undoes you. "Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past".

I found the coward. The coward that feels so threatened and fearful of my legally carried firearm, that he would label me a coward to attempt to dissuade others from carrying a weapon wherever and whenever it was legal for them to do so? A classic case of psychological projection.

Assuage your fear fellow traveller. I am fully military trained with an assortment of firearm including the sidearm, and am fully proficient in safety, markmanship and maintenance.

You can now rejoin society.
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OK. How often have YOU used a gun to protect your family or mine?

How does that even hope to prove your accusation that someone (in particular) carries in the hopes of using it ?

Please explain that accusation and how you think it is all provable.

If your claimed fear has never happened, and it is no more likely to happen tomorrow than it did at any time in the past, You're either a coward, or nuts. Gun nuts get a nut imagining the wonderful day when they can be Dirty Harry, and save the day.
Man facing charges after attack on Starbucks barista, thwarted by licensed gun owner

Damn CCW's saving the day...grrr

Do you live in Salt Lake and frequent that particular Starbucks? If so, how often does someone need to use their gun there? How soon till it can reasonably be expected for a similar incident to happen there again? Just because an incident happened somewhere in the world doesn't mean you have a reasonable expectation of it happening to you. Would that Tsunami in Indonesia justify building a massive levee around Kansas City? Use a little common sense for once. Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past.

Good grief man. Are you psyhic? Doing Miss Cleo? Then you don't know when something bad is going to happen. You said "you're not going to be attacked by wildlife at Walmart". I posted a link to a bear running rampant at Walmart. You say don't take your gun to a dance recital...Nicole Brown Simpson was stabbed to death after returning from her daughters dance recital. Think she wishes she or Mr. Goldman had brought their gun? We'll never know.

We know Susan Hupp wishes SHE had her gun at the Luby's shooting in Kileen. There wasn't a shoot there before, she'd never needed her firearm for self defense before and it wasn't a "bad part of town" your stupid bullshit is totally invalid.

You don't know when you are going to need to defend yourself, your family or total strangers. Maybe tomorrow...maybe never. Like I said previously, what the fuck difference does it make whether I've had to use my firearm before. I've never used mt life insurance before either...only a complete moron thinks that's a valid excuse for not having it. Same with carrying a gun...just because you haven't needed it before has absolutely zero bearing on whether you'll need it in the future...that's the damn dumbest strawman ever erected.

Now, your last statement undoes you. "Your cowardice doesn't justify you endangering everyone you might walk past".

I found the coward. The coward that feels so threatened and fearful of my legally carried firearm, that he would label me a coward to attempt to dissuade others from carrying a weapon wherever and whenever it was legal for them to do so? A classic case of psychological transference.

Assuage your fear fellow traveller. I am fully military trained with an assortment of firearm including the sidearm, and am fully proficient in safety, markmanship and maintenance.

You can now rejoin society.

Got it. If something bad happens anywhere in the world, you are afraid it will likely happen to you. I can't imagine how tense you are being that much of a coward.

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