Calls for sleeping beauty to be banned because prince kisses princess without consent

Molestering a girl in her sleep? Obviously the Prince was a Democrat.


I bet you even think you're funny, trollboy

hint...not to anyone wh
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives

well, if your insane freaks at infowars say so.

demented. :cuckoo:
You fail. Stop attacking the source and prove the information is incorrect.

no... YOU FAIL.... and when the "source" is insane, it needs to be attacked as does anyone stupid or sick enough to subscribe to it as truth.

get a life. :cuckoo:

So you're saying Franken didn't molest that girl while she was sleeping, and wouldn't molest you too, if he had the chance?

You sure are a trusting soul. :laugh:
Jillian probably wishes a man would touch her in her sleep, hell....touch her period.

Nobody wants to touch her period. Not even her.
Molestering a girl in her sleep? Obviously the Prince was a Democrat.


I bet you even think you're funny, trollboy

hint...not to anyone wh
well, if your insane freaks at infowars say so.

demented. :cuckoo:
You fail. Stop attacking the source and prove the information is incorrect.

no... YOU FAIL.... and when the "source" is insane, it needs to be attacked as does anyone stupid or sick enough to subscribe to it as truth.

get a life. :cuckoo:

So you're saying Franken didn't molest that girl while she was sleeping, and wouldn't molest you too, if he had the chance?

You sure are a trusting soul. :laugh:
Jillian probably wishes a man would touch her in her sleep, hell....touch her period.

Nobody wants to touch her period. Not even her.
I don't doubt that.
Meh, let her sleep then.

Movie goers can watch Sleeping Beauty sleep for an hour and a half while lawyers stand around her and haggle about what the proper procedure is to obtain consent to kiss her and awaken her. I'm sure noone would want a refund after that thriller!

that would make a great stage performance
Meh, let her sleep then.

Movie goers can watch Sleeping Beauty sleep for an hour and a half while lawyers stand around her and haggle about what the proper procedure is to obtain consent to kiss her and awaken her. I'm sure noone would want a refund after that thriller!

that would make a great stage performance
It would make for a good mockery of PC stupidity.
Though Alex Jones should have said that the chemicals in the water are turning the frogs and fish into hermaphrodites instead of ghey....he was pretty much right.

And when they use the SOURCE as their only excuse to deny once again they have no idea how pathetically gawd dam STUPID these same assholes make themselves look , over and over and over because their LOW IQ LEVELS teaches them DON'T CLICK LINKS' run from the story the minute your leftist reject training teaches you to over certain names gawd these fkrs are stupid as fk!!!


Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives
ONE mother in a FOREIGN country goes off the rails and Mind Wars involves all leftists.
Feminists have had an issue with Sleeping Beauty for ages, but not because of the kiss. It's a reflection of females powerless without the "help" of the men around them.
I had a jumbo sized Disney illustrated version of that book when I was small, and I remember the pictures to this day of the wicked Malificent and the drop of blood falling from Sleeping Beauty's finger onto her embroidery as she sat doing her sewing.
Of course, the "bleeding" has been interpreted in various ways, as well. Most fairy tales in this vein are "coming of age" stories.
What about the guy who used a young ladies long hair to climb up to her bedroom so he could grope her? Was that physical abuse, sexual abuse or both?
Ummm, if she let down her long hair for him to climb up into her bedroom, wouldn't that be consensual?
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives
ONE mother in a FOREIGN country goes off the rails and Mind Wars involves all leftists.
Feminists have had an issue with Sleeping Beauty for ages, but not because of the kiss. It's a reflection of females powerless without the "help" of the men around them.
I had a jumbo sized Disney illustrated version of that book when I was small, and I remember the pictures to this day of the wicked Malificent and the drop of blood falling from Sleeping Beauty's finger onto her embroidery as she sat doing her sewing.
Of course, the "bleeding" has been interpreted in various ways, as well. Most fairy tales in this vein are "coming of age" stories.
All leftists are the same. They are all human refuse. Poor or rich, black or white...they're garbage people.
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives
ONE mother in a FOREIGN country goes off the rails and Mind Wars involves all leftists.
Feminists have had an issue with Sleeping Beauty for ages, but not because of the kiss. It's a reflection of females powerless without the "help" of the men around them.
I had a jumbo sized Disney illustrated version of that book when I was small, and I remember the pictures to this day of the wicked Malificent and the drop of blood falling from Sleeping Beauty's finger onto her embroidery as she sat doing her sewing.
Of course, the "bleeding" has been interpreted in various ways, as well. Most fairy tales in this vein are "coming of age" stories.
All leftists are the same. They are all human refuse. Poor or rich, black or white...they're garbage people.
Another zinger of an intelligent reply from the Right.
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives
ONE mother in a FOREIGN country goes off the rails and Mind Wars involves all leftists.
Feminists have had an issue with Sleeping Beauty for ages, but not because of the kiss. It's a reflection of females powerless without the "help" of the men around them.
I had a jumbo sized Disney illustrated version of that book when I was small, and I remember the pictures to this day of the wicked Malificent and the drop of blood falling from Sleeping Beauty's finger onto her embroidery as she sat doing her sewing.
Of course, the "bleeding" has been interpreted in various ways, as well. Most fairy tales in this vein are "coming of age" stories.
All leftists are the same. They are all human refuse. Poor or rich, black or white...they're garbage people.
Another zinger of an intelligent reply from the Right.
It's true, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Adherence to leftism is a good way to judge the usefullness and uselessness of an individual. Every leftist I have known has been a useless piece of shit. Even the ones with trust fund daddy money.
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives
ONE mother in a FOREIGN country goes off the rails and Mind Wars involves all leftists.
Feminists have had an issue with Sleeping Beauty for ages, but not because of the kiss. It's a reflection of females powerless without the "help" of the men around them.
I had a jumbo sized Disney illustrated version of that book when I was small, and I remember the pictures to this day of the wicked Malificent and the drop of blood falling from Sleeping Beauty's finger onto her embroidery as she sat doing her sewing.
Of course, the "bleeding" has been interpreted in various ways, as well. Most fairy tales in this vein are "coming of age" stories.
All leftists are the same. They are all human refuse. Poor or rich, black or white...they're garbage people.
Another zinger of an intelligent reply from the Right.
It's true, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Adherence to leftism is a good way to judge the usefullness and uselessness of an individual. Every leftist I have known has been a useless piece of shit. Even the ones with trust fund daddy money.

And a trust fund from daddy are usually the worst ones. The dumb fks expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

Better known as your ANTIFA idiots who want everything free. Imagine telling these loser to work for NO PAY. lmfao. These dumbasses don't even want to work when they do get paid.
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives
ONE mother in a FOREIGN country goes off the rails and Mind Wars involves all leftists.
Feminists have had an issue with Sleeping Beauty for ages, but not because of the kiss. It's a reflection of females powerless without the "help" of the men around them.
I had a jumbo sized Disney illustrated version of that book when I was small, and I remember the pictures to this day of the wicked Malificent and the drop of blood falling from Sleeping Beauty's finger onto her embroidery as she sat doing her sewing.
Of course, the "bleeding" has been interpreted in various ways, as well. Most fairy tales in this vein are "coming of age" stories.
All leftists are the same. They are all human refuse. Poor or rich, black or white...they're garbage people.
Another zinger of an intelligent reply from the Right.
It's true, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Adherence to leftism is a good way to judge the usefullness and uselessness of an individual. Every leftist I have known has been a useless piece of shit. Even the ones with trust fund daddy money.

And a trust fund from daddy are usually the worst ones. The dumb fks expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

Better known as your ANTIFA idiots who want everything free. Imagine telling these loser to work for NO PAY. lmfao. These dumbasses don't even want to work when they do get paid.
100% fact
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives
A question for who calls for the ban: Since when is there any sex in this film? And the reason why the kiss happened in the first place was to wake the princess up.

God bless you always!!!

JGalttroll is indeed a loser.


I'm not the one who lost last year, you were.

I continue to win every day. That magnificent bastard said that we'd be winning so much that we'd get tired of all the winning. We'd say "Please Mr. Trump: No more winning."

But I'm not tired of it yet. There's plenty more to come. :biggrin:
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives
ONE mother in a FOREIGN country goes off the rails and Mind Wars involves all leftists.
Feminists have had an issue with Sleeping Beauty for ages, but not because of the kiss. It's a reflection of females powerless without the "help" of the men around them.
I had a jumbo sized Disney illustrated version of that book when I was small, and I remember the pictures to this day of the wicked Malificent and the drop of blood falling from Sleeping Beauty's finger onto her embroidery as she sat doing her sewing.
Of course, the "bleeding" has been interpreted in various ways, as well. Most fairy tales in this vein are "coming of age" stories.
All leftists are the same. They are all human refuse. Poor or rich, black or white...they're garbage people.
Another zinger of an intelligent reply from the Right.
It's true, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Adherence to leftism is a good way to judge the usefullness and uselessness of an individual. Every leftist I have known has been a useless piece of shit. Even the ones with trust fund daddy money.

And a trust fund from daddy are usually the worst ones. The dumb fks expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

Better known as your ANTIFA idiots who want everything free. Imagine telling these loser to work for NO PAY. lmfao. These dumbasses don't even want to work when they do get paid.

We call them "Trust Fund Hippies" around here. They drive around in beat-to-crap Priuses and other hybrid cars. The cars always have a crapload of bumper stickers on the back that read "Coexist" with the funny characters, or rainbow flags. The man invariably has a man bun or is bald-headed with a long pigtail and the woman always has a "You can go to hell" scowl on her face. One or both usually have those large wooden rings in large holes in their earlobes.

They live in old renovated houses that they bought with their parent's money. Some even have "Black Lives Matter" signs in the yard, but they're always white. The yards seldom reflect style and grace of their older houses because they usually plant big weed garden in the front yard and call it a "natural habitat" or some such crap.

The one good thing I've found about these trust fund hippies is that they have no idea of value. I love going to their yard sales in the Spring, and raping them of their family heirlooms for pennies on the dollar. :biggrin:
JGalttroll is indeed a loser.


I'm not the one who lost last year, you were.

I continue to win every day. That magnificent bastard said that we'd be winning so much that we'd get tired of all the winning. We'd say "Please Mr. Trump: No more winning."

But I'm not tired of it yet. There's plenty more to come. :biggrin:
You lost this month, and you have been losing all year.

Trump has done almost nothing, and will do little in the future.
ONE mother in a FOREIGN country goes off the rails and Mind Wars involves all leftists.
Feminists have had an issue with Sleeping Beauty for ages, but not because of the kiss. It's a reflection of females powerless without the "help" of the men around them.
I had a jumbo sized Disney illustrated version of that book when I was small, and I remember the pictures to this day of the wicked Malificent and the drop of blood falling from Sleeping Beauty's finger onto her embroidery as she sat doing her sewing.
Of course, the "bleeding" has been interpreted in various ways, as well. Most fairy tales in this vein are "coming of age" stories.
All leftists are the same. They are all human refuse. Poor or rich, black or white...they're garbage people.
Another zinger of an intelligent reply from the Right.
It's true, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Adherence to leftism is a good way to judge the usefullness and uselessness of an individual. Every leftist I have known has been a useless piece of shit. Even the ones with trust fund daddy money.

And a trust fund from daddy are usually the worst ones. The dumb fks expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

Better known as your ANTIFA idiots who want everything free. Imagine telling these loser to work for NO PAY. lmfao. These dumbasses don't even want to work when they do get paid.

We call them "Trust Fund Hippies" around here. They drive around in beat-to-crap Priuses and other hybrid cars. The cars always have a crapload of bumper stickers on the back that read "Coexist" with the funny characters, or rainbow flags. The man invariably has a man bun or is bald-headed with a long pigtail and the woman always has a "You can go to hell" scowl on her face. One or both usually have those large wooden rings in large holes in their earlobes.

They live in old renovated houses that they bought with their parent's money. Some even have "Black Lives Matter" signs in the yard, but they're always white. The yards seldom reflect style and grace of their older houses because they usually plant big weed garden in the front yard and call it a "natural habitat" or some such crap.

The one good thing I've found about these trust fund hippies is that they have no idea of value. I love going to their yard sales in the Spring, and raping them of their family heirlooms for pennies on the dollar. :biggrin:
You do nothing of the sort.

You are just an unhappy soul unable to stop the future from coming.
Molestering a girl in her sleep? Obviously the Prince was a Democrat.


I bet you even think you're funny, trollboy

hint...not to anyone wh
You fail. Stop attacking the source and prove the information is incorrect.

no... YOU FAIL.... and when the "source" is insane, it needs to be attacked as does anyone stupid or sick enough to subscribe to it as truth.

get a life. :cuckoo:

So you're saying Franken didn't molest that girl while she was sleeping, and wouldn't molest you too, if he had the chance?

You sure are a trusting soul. :laugh:
Jillian probably wishes a man would touch her in her sleep, hell....touch her period.

my husband of more than 20 years would probably disagree with you. but I understand how misogynist losers like you have nothing so express your anger and frustration at anyone who isn't a failure like you are.

:thup: don't have a husband. Nobody believes that.
i do....

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