Calls For Texas Governor To Resign

That is why they call Tx a 'lone star" state, it has its own power grid and doesn't face federal regulations.
Yet they ask for Federal Help.

Texas wind turbines haven’t been equipped with the same winterization packages as those in the northern U.S., while machinery for other sources wasn’t as well insulated and struggled with water intake issues in the frigid temperatures.
Texas snowstorm wreaks havoc on state power grid | TheHill

Their pipelines are not insulated for cold weather and one of the largest refinery shut down but people want to blame this on wind turbines? Give me a break.

When you below temps and ice this can happen anywhere. I lived in a northern state and during an ice storm without power for days. I now live in Florida and have gone without power after a hurricane for almost two weeks with close to 100 degree temps. You just have to live with mother nature.

That is why they call Tx a 'lone star" state, it has its own power grid and doesn't face federal regulations.
Yet they ask for Federal Help.

Texas wind turbines haven’t been equipped with the same winterization packages as those in the northern U.S., while machinery for other sources wasn’t as well insulated and struggled with water intake issues in the frigid temperatures.
Texas snowstorm wreaks havoc on state power grid | TheHill

Their pipelines are not insulated for cold weather and one of the largest refinery shut down but people want to blame this on wind turbines? Give me a break.

When you below temps and ice this can happen anywhere. I lived in a northern state and during an ice storm without power for days. I now live in Florida and have gone without power after a hurricane for almost two weeks with close to 100 degree temps. You just have to live with mother nature.

Straw man argument....Nearly everything failed....Up to and including the magical "green energy".
Abbott was far from the firstRepublican to deploy such blatantly false talking points in response to the ongoing crisis in Texas, which has left at least 10 people dead. But the governor's decision to appear on Fox News and attack a policy that has not even been implemented as Texans resorted to burning their belongingsto keep their children warm was viewed as yet another example of his failed leadership.

Looks like green energy is getting firmly shoved up the rights ass. Which is amazing since that’s where their heads are.
Shows how you research, Abbott is a Democrat and I for one think he has done well for my state which is Texas. go back to your daddy’s basement where you can stay warm.

Don't think so.

Abbott is a republican.

Trump signed off on the last energy policy act that includes more carbon friendly power sources and production so suck it liar.
I hope the lib bubble that drives your self delusion never bursts

both reps and dems in washington deserve blame for this situation

But as you point out trump to his credit tried to expand fossil fuel production
Trump didn't do anything of the kind...The US was becoming independent when he became president and you don't search, find, drill and distill oil into gas overnight.
That is why they call Tx a 'lone star" state, it has its own power grid and doesn't face federal regulations.
Yet they ask for Federal Help.

Texas wind turbines haven’t been equipped with the same winterization packages as those in the northern U.S., while machinery for other sources wasn’t as well insulated and struggled with water intake issues in the frigid temperatures.
Texas snowstorm wreaks havoc on state power grid | TheHill

Their pipelines are not insulated for cold weather and one of the largest refinery shut down but people want to blame this on wind turbines? Give me a break.

When you below temps and ice this can happen anywhere. I lived in a northern state and during an ice storm without power for days. I now live in Florida and have gone without power after a hurricane for almost two weeks with close to 100 degree temps. You just have to live with mother nature.

Straw man argument....Nearly everything failed....Up to and including the magical "green energy".
And the traditional sources but you can only complain about a small percentage and not the large percentage because you are ignorant of life and the truth.
That is why they call Tx a 'lone star" state, it has its own power grid and doesn't face federal regulations.
Yet they ask for Federal Help.

Texas wind turbines haven’t been equipped with the same winterization packages as those in the northern U.S., while machinery for other sources wasn’t as well insulated and struggled with water intake issues in the frigid temperatures.
Texas snowstorm wreaks havoc on state power grid | TheHill

Their pipelines are not insulated for cold weather and one of the largest refinery shut down but people want to blame this on wind turbines? Give me a break.

When you below temps and ice this can happen anywhere. I lived in a northern state and during an ice storm without power for days. I now live in Florida and have gone without power after a hurricane for almost two weeks with close to 100 degree temps. You just have to live with mother nature.

Straw man argument....Nearly everything failed....Up to and including the magical "green energy".

20% green energy and mother nature so how does that work? You don't seem to understand an act of God overrides much of this. Everyone bitching and this shit happens somewhere damn near every year. I don't blame anyone for something that might happen in a state like TX every half century or so.

if there is any truth to that then it needs to be corrected
Maybe, maybe not. It's going to be expensive to do so and this is the kind of weather that only hits once in 50 years or 100 years? It might not be rational to spend that kind of money.

To me, it's much more rational to have more robust connections to the rest of the country to supply energy when your energy production goes down. That way you're not just "fighting the last war" so to speak.
I think we all have to look at this with an open mind and not be driven by excessive partisanship

But the winter storm has identified weaknesses that need to be corrected

maybe we will never see a colder winter than this

but who knows?
I think we all have to look at this with an open mind and not be driven by excessive partisanship

But the winter storm has identified weaknesses that need to be corrected

maybe we will never see a colder winter than this

but who knows?
Tell Governor Abbott who is trying to deflect blame to people who have nothing to do with this.
I think we all have to look at this with an open mind and not be driven by excessive partisanship

But the winter storm has identified weaknesses that need to be corrected

maybe we will never see a colder winter than this

but who knows?
Tell Governor Abbott who is trying to deflect blame to people who have nothing to do with this.
He's a Trump nut what else would they do?
Abbott is a friggin disgrace. A Governor who goes on Fox News to lie about the causes of electrical outages while his residents die has no business leading a state. He should resign. The next Governor, hopefully, will then deal with the crisis by focusing on the health and safety of his residents rather than lying to make political points.
While people were dying and suffering, he was telling Hannity how bad the Green New Deal would be.

GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
I am all for holding Abbott’s feet to the fire.

That’s what it takes to get any politicians attention

But he is not the energy czar of Texas.

That honor goes to ERCOT - Energy unReliability Council of Texas

They are not elected but do fall under the authority of the Texas Legislature.

So the first people with some explaining to do are elected officials from the governor down to senators and representatives

However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
I have heard much better explanations, and here is one. Try to get off the politics
of Trump.
This is a Texas problem since they have their own regulations, or not, to deal with
energy problems. It is surely not the fault of green energy. This governor is simply passing the buck instead of taking responsibility, much like Trump used to do.
"The extreme cold is causing the entire system to freeze up," said Jason Bordoff, a former energy official in the Obama administration and director of Columbia University's Center on Global Energy Policy. "All sources of energy are underperforming in the extreme cold because they're not designed to handle these unusual conditions."

The ripple effects are being felt around the nation as Texas' prolific oil-and-gas industry stumbles.
Abbott is a friggin disgrace. A Governor who goes on Fox News to lie about the causes of electrical outages while his residents die has no business leading a state. He should resign. The next Governor, hopefully, will then deal with the crisis by focusing on the health and safety of his residents rather than lying to make political points.
While people were dying and suffering, he was telling Hannity how bad the Green New Deal would be.

GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
I am all for holding Abbott’s feet to the fire.

That’s what it takes to get any politicians attention

But he is not the energy czar of Texas.

That honor goes to ERCOT - Energy unReliability Council of Texas

They are not elected but do fall under the authority of the Texas Legislature.

So the first people with some explaining to do are elected officials from the governor down to senators and representatives

However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
Failure of green energy to deliver as promised?? What exactly do you mean by this statement?
1/4 of Texas' electricity is supplied by those idiotic windmills....When they go down, it stresses the hell out of the rest of the grid.

You're being obtuse on purpose, aren't ya?
I asked two questions to stir discussion. If you consider that obtuse then I guess I’m obtuse.

why do you think the windmills went down?
They had to be shut down because they don't operate when covered with ice, nor do they work when the wind blows too hard.

These are not difficult things to find out on the interwebs....Why is you need pictures drawn in crayon for you?
I've found that many people on this board prefer to express and speak rather than listen and absorb so I prefer at times to simply ask questions and allow the people im conversing with to give their take on it... If that somehow offends or frustrates you then you don't have to engage with me.

Why do you think the windmills didn't operate in ice? They have windmills all over the world that operate in weather conditions much colder and more windier than what's occurred in Texas over the past week.
From what I've read it has something to do with cooling systems and pumps to take in outside water being inoperable.
if there is any truth to that then it needs to be corrected
I'm in Texas right now. Many of the older homes have furnaces that are powered by heat pumps that operate like Colfax explained. When the pipes freeze it takes away both the heat and the water, which many people are dealing with right now. They have electricity but no heat and water. This is only a fraction of the problem, the grids being shut down are effecting many more residents but I wanted to point this out as it seemed relevant to what you two were just talking about.
The US was becoming independent when he became president and you don't search, find, drill and distill oil into gas overnight.
Obama did his best to limit fossil fuel production and trump reversed that policy with executive orders to finish the Keystone pipeline and open Anwar for oil production

Now biden comes along and he wants to go back to the obama years
Abbott was far from the firstRepublican to deploy such blatantly false talking points in response to the ongoing crisis in Texas, which has left at least 10 people dead. But the governor's decision to appear on Fox News and attack a policy that has not even been implemented as Texans resorted to burning their belongingsto keep their children warm was viewed as yet another example of his failed leadership.

Looks like green energy is getting firmly shoved up the rights ass. Which is amazing since that’s where their heads are.

Interesting nearly twice as much energy from fossil fuel was off line than wind in Texas yet they blame the windmills. It's no only dishonest but just downright disgusting.

We have countless windmills in my state. Most of them are on the east side of the state where we get frigid temperatures for months on end every year. It's normal.

When those windmills first came on line they generated more energy than the existing grid could handle. So we voted to increase our taxes to build a new grid.

The only thing that causes power outages here is the wind storms. The windstorms knock trees into power lines. The lines go down and have to be repaired. The windmills themselves don't stop generating power.

So what Texas claims about their windmills is total garbage. Especially since nearly twice as much fossil fuel energy was off line in Texas than wind. They only lost 16 mw of wind yet the lost 30 mw of fossil generated energy. They blame wind. How dishonest.

The way the energy is set up in Texas is a total joke. They didn't join the electrification in the FDR years. They are basically on their own and at the mercy of private electrical companies. The government allows those private companies to generate just enough energy in Texas to keep prices at a certain high level. So that the private companies have a monopoly and the people have no say. They have to buy electric insurance, whatever that is, yet they are literally freezing to death.

Meanwhile, our windmills keep generating energy all year long no matter what sub zero temperatures and no matter how many months.

We have more energy than we use so we sell it to neighboring states for a profit.

We also have the second lowest energy rates in the nation.

We have no coal or oil fuel generated energy in my state. It's generated by water, wind, solar, natural gas and a small nuclear facility in the middle of no where for the few farmers there.

Texas has been totally controlled and run by republicans for literally decades yet they blame all their failures on liberals who have absolutely no power in that state. The republicans in that state have made sure of that with their gerrymandering to reduce liberal and democratic representation in their state government to nearly zero.

Whatever happens in Texas is 100% the fault and responsibility of republicans.

The sad thing, the people of Texas will reelect that governor. They get what they want and I have absolutely no sympathy for them.

I just want them to stop lying.
GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
Yes, since they cannot run on their actual platform, given how unpopular it is. It has been the same for 50-60 years. Southern Strategy, abortion, scary gays and trans people, scary communists who care about the environment, scary brown people invading from the South. Rinse, repeat.
That is why they call Tx a 'lone star" state, it has its own power grid and doesn't face federal regulations.
Yet they ask for Federal Help.

Texas wind turbines haven’t been equipped with the same winterization packages as those in the northern U.S., while machinery for other sources wasn’t as well insulated and struggled with water intake issues in the frigid temperatures.
Texas snowstorm wreaks havoc on state power grid | TheHill

That is because private companies own and generate that energy and there is very little regulation.

A private company has to make a profit. So they do all they can to generate revenues to create that profit.

Upgrades, proper maintenance, proper winterization and proper regulation isn't profitable. In fact, it costs which eats into profits.

Which is why none of the proper maintenance, winterization and upgrades have happened.

The fact that Texas allows that is disgusting but not surprising.

There are some things that shouldn't be privatized. That should be owned and controlled by the people. Energy one of them.

I also find it disgusting that the first thing Texas did was run to the federal government to bail them out. Again.

The people of Texas not only want the system they have but are proud of it. They have elected a republican government for decades so they want this.

I have no sympathy for them.

I just wish they would stop lying.
The same green new deal vomit that caused the plight in Texas caused green new deal vomit in California's blackouts last summer. We do not have our own grid. We just have a green grid that doesn't work either.

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