Calls For Texas Governor To Resign

Abbott is a friggin disgrace. A Governor who goes on Fox News to lie about the causes of electrical outages while his residents die has no business leading a state. He should resign. The next Governor, hopefully, will then deal with the crisis by focusing on the health and safety of his residents rather than lying to make political points.
While people were dying and suffering, he was telling Hannity how bad the Green New Deal would be.

GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
I am all for holding Abbott’s feet to the fire.

That’s what it takes to get any politicians attention

But he is not the energy czar of Texas.

That honor goes to ERCOT - Energy unReliability Council of Texas

They are not elected but do fall under the authority of the Texas Legislature.

So the first people with some explaining to do are elected officials from the governor down to senators and representatives

However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
This has been brewing since Chimpola McShrub was Governor.

Fat federal subsidies, crony deals with the CCP (who make most of the goofy windmills), and oil men who supply the jillion gallons of lubricants and other assorted petroleum products to erect them and keep them running.

"Green energy" doesn't deliver the goods any better when neocon republicans are pimping them.
Abbott is a friggin disgrace. A Governor who goes on Fox News to lie about the causes of electrical outages while his residents die has no business leading a state. He should resign. The next Governor, hopefully, will then deal with the crisis by focusing on the health and safety of his residents rather than lying to make political points.
While people were dying and suffering, he was telling Hannity how bad the Green New Deal would be.

GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
I am all for holding Abbott’s feet to the fire.

That’s what it takes to get any politicians attention

But he is not the energy czar of Texas.

That honor goes to ERCOT - Energy unReliability Council of Texas

They are not elected but do fall under the authority of the Texas Legislature.

So the first people with some explaining to do are elected officials from the governor down to senators and representatives

However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
Failure of green energy to deliver as promised?? What exactly do you mean by this statement?
That is why they call Tx a 'lone star" state, it has its own power grid and doesn't face federal regulations.
Yet they ask for Federal Help.

Texas wind turbines haven’t been equipped with the same winterization packages as those in the northern U.S., while machinery for other sources wasn’t as well insulated and struggled with water intake issues in the frigid temperatures.
Texas snowstorm wreaks havoc on state power grid | TheHill
No Penelope
Like all other States, we have a pretty even split between Liberal Democrats who want to nationalize uniform policy for individuals through federal govt vs Conservative Republicans and Libertarians who believe in fixing problems democratically to keep control of resources LOCAL to people and states.

This problem can and should be resolved locally as much as possible, and only authorize to federal govt where everyone agrees.

The problem was ERCOT underestimated the loss of energy production from the freeze, and was only used to problems during hotter months with heat waves.

Yes, this needs to be fixed and the negligence in not scheduling and warning consumers of extended blackouts will require corrections as well as compensation for losses.

But the last thing we need is to "politicize" this crisis for partisan exploitation that already screwed up the pandemic response.

We need to solve problems in the most sustainable effective ways that encourage investment in democratic self govt so that federal govt also runs as cost effectively as possible.

Half the state may lack faith and run to federal govt to solve everything.

But that doesn't supercede the rights and responsibilities of the people who believe we should be enforcing that same authority directly ourselves.

These are not the same approaches Penelope

The REAL Conservatives push for maximum ability of all people to achieve equal protections through self govt, and at most, temporary BUT NOT PERMANENT assistance from federal govt.

As with the approach that Jesse Jones from Houston brought to federal govt for the recovery from the Great Depression, the economic support through govt was intended to be TEMPORARY welfare ONLY, for two years, until states could return to being self sustaining without federal help.

But social security, public housing, and other programs continued beyond that because bureaucrats kept using the federal support without implementing means of weaning people and programs off the federal funding and returning to local support.

To this day, Conservatives and Libertarians are still fighting to remove these TEMPORARY social programs from federal govt, while Democrats and other liberal progressives and socialists want to keep them there.

You are right, there are SOME liberal Republicans playing the same career politics as Democrats and not weaning states off federal funds, but prolonging the process while these politicians benefit either way.

But that is why both parties are split. Because there ARE Conservatives in both R and D parties OPPOSED to the dependence on federal govt. If you notice, the REAL Conservatives from Hannity to Levin denounce and distance themselves from Liberal Republicans that compromise Constitutional limits and prolong the liberal abuses of federal govt for social legislation that formally belongs to people and state jurisdiction.

It is not fair or accurate to say the same people calling for independence are calling federal govt to step in. You are right that this IS contradictory, and that's why Conservative Republicans yell so much about hypocrite sellouts corrupting the party by defeating their own values.

If we the people enforce the Constitution directly instead of relying on feds, we become our own govt.

That is the end goal of Conservative approaches, not more dependence but returning to independence, as before the Great Depression and consequent legislation created temporary federal support programs that were never agreed on as permanent.
So you want to rid people of electricity because you didn't like the feds building infrastructure like they did during the depression?
Abbott is a friggin disgrace. A Governor who goes on Fox News to lie about the causes of electrical outages while his residents die has no business leading a state. He should resign. The next Governor, hopefully, will then deal with the crisis by focusing on the health and safety of his residents rather than lying to make political points.
While people were dying and suffering, he was telling Hannity how bad the Green New Deal would be.

GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
I am all for holding Abbott’s feet to the fire.

That’s what it takes to get any politicians attention

But he is not the energy czar of Texas.

That honor goes to ERCOT - Energy unReliability Council of Texas

They are not elected but do fall under the authority of the Texas Legislature.

So the first people with some explaining to do are elected officials from the governor down to senators and representatives

However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
This has been brewing since Chimpola McShrub was Governor.

Fat federal subsidies, crony deals with the CCP (who make most of the goofy windmills), and oil men who supply the jillion gallons of lubricants and other assorted petroleum products to erect them and keep them running.

"Green energy" doesn't deliver the goods any better when neocon republicans are pimping them.
Then I suggest you reference the US Energy Policy Act of 2020 signed by Trump and then you have the US Energy Policy Act of 2005 where Bush signed off.. Both acts call for more green energy innovations backed by the US govt.
This has been brewing since Chimpola McShrub was Governor.
Yes, just about the same time clinton and wacko greenies were running washington

the voters of Texas are going to demand answers and that means pressure on all the elected officials to apply common sense solutions rather than greenie pie-in-sky bullshit

so abbott and the nominally republican legislature will make drastic changes or they will be out of a job in the next election
Then I suggest you reference the US Energy Policy Act of 2020 signed by Trump and then you have the energy policy act of 2005 where Bush signed off.. Both acts call for more green energy innovations backed by the US govt.
The greenies make a good argument and have grossly misled the country on energy policy
Hey Einstein's, the green energy is not the problem in Texass it is the half assed construction of infrastructure that wasn't prepared to handle a storm like this in Texass....
Then I suggest you reference the US Energy Policy Act of 2020 signed by Trump and then you have the energy policy act of 2005 where Bush signed off.. Both acts call for more green energy innovations backed by the US govt.
The greenies make a good argument and have grossly misled the country on energy policy
Trump signed off on the last energy policy act that includes more carbon friendly power sources and production so suck it liar.
However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
The vast majority of electricity generation that went offline due to the cold weather was coal, gas and nuclear.

It seems Texas’s just didn’t prepare their electricity generation for weather such as this. That probably is a rational decision. This is a very unusual storm and that kind of preparation is expensive. That being said, their inability to get enough energy from outside their grid is a HUGE weak point and is squarely on decisions made by the Texas government.
Trump signed off on the last energy policy act that includes more carbon friendly power sources and production so suck it liar.
I hope the lib bubble that drives your self delusion never bursts

both reps and dems in washington deserve blame for this situation

But as you point out trump to his credit tried to expand fossil fuel production
Abbott is a friggin disgrace. A Governor who goes on Fox News to lie about the causes of electrical outages while his residents die has no business leading a state. He should resign. The next Governor, hopefully, will then deal with the crisis by focusing on the health and safety of his residents rather than lying to make political points.
While people were dying and suffering, he was telling Hannity how bad the Green New Deal would be.

GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
I am all for holding Abbott’s feet to the fire.

That’s what it takes to get any politicians attention

But he is not the energy czar of Texas.

That honor goes to ERCOT - Energy unReliability Council of Texas

They are not elected but do fall under the authority of the Texas Legislature.

So the first people with some explaining to do are elected officials from the governor down to senators and representatives

However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
Failure of green energy to deliver as promised?? What exactly do you mean by this statement?
1/4 of Texas' electricity is supplied by those idiotic windmills....When they go down, it stresses the hell out of the rest of the grid.

You're being obtuse on purpose, aren't ya?

if there is any truth to that then it needs to be corrected
Maybe, maybe not. It's going to be expensive to do so and this is the kind of weather that only hits once in 50 years or 100 years? It might not be rational to spend that kind of money.

To me, it's much more rational to have more robust connections to the rest of the country to supply energy when your energy production goes down. That way you're not just "fighting the last war" so to speak.
Abbott is a friggin disgrace. A Governor who goes on Fox News to lie about the causes of electrical outages while his residents die has no business leading a state. He should resign. The next Governor, hopefully, will then deal with the crisis by focusing on the health and safety of his residents rather than lying to make political points.
While people were dying and suffering, he was telling Hannity how bad the Green New Deal would be.

GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
I am all for holding Abbott’s feet to the fire.

That’s what it takes to get any politicians attention

But he is not the energy czar of Texas.

That honor goes to ERCOT - Energy unReliability Council of Texas

They are not elected but do fall under the authority of the Texas Legislature.

So the first people with some explaining to do are elected officials from the governor down to senators and representatives

However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
Failure of green energy to deliver as promised?? What exactly do you mean by this statement?
1/4 of Texas' electricity is supplied by those idiotic windmills....When they go down, it stresses the hell out of the rest of the grid.

You're being obtuse on purpose, aren't ya?
I asked two questions to stir discussion. If you consider that obtuse then I guess I’m obtuse.

why do you think the windmills went down?
Abbott was far from the firstRepublican to deploy such blatantly false talking points in response to the ongoing crisis in Texas, which has left at least 10 people dead. But the governor's decision to appear on Fox News and attack a policy that has not even been implemented as Texans resorted to burning their belongingsto keep their children warm was viewed as yet another example of his failed leadership.

Looks like green energy is getting firmly shoved up the rights ass. Which is amazing since that’s where their heads are.
Shows how you research, Abbott is a Democrat and I for one think he has done well for my state which is Texas. go back to your daddy’s basement where you can stay warm.
Abbott is a friggin disgrace. A Governor who goes on Fox News to lie about the causes of electrical outages while his residents die has no business leading a state. He should resign. The next Governor, hopefully, will then deal with the crisis by focusing on the health and safety of his residents rather than lying to make political points.
While people were dying and suffering, he was telling Hannity how bad the Green New Deal would be.

GQP politicians know is to toss out scare tactics and conspiracies, because they know it works for the base.
I am all for holding Abbott’s feet to the fire.

That’s what it takes to get any politicians attention

But he is not the energy czar of Texas.

That honor goes to ERCOT - Energy unReliability Council of Texas

They are not elected but do fall under the authority of the Texas Legislature.

So the first people with some explaining to do are elected officials from the governor down to senators and representatives

However I still have not heard a better explanation for the immediate problem than the failure of green energy to deliver as promised
Failure of green energy to deliver as promised?? What exactly do you mean by this statement?
1/4 of Texas' electricity is supplied by those idiotic windmills....When they go down, it stresses the hell out of the rest of the grid.

You're being obtuse on purpose, aren't ya?
I asked two questions to stir discussion. If you consider that obtuse then I guess I’m obtuse.

why do you think the windmills went down?
They had to be shut down because they don't operate when covered with ice, nor do they work when the wind blows too hard.

These are not difficult things to find out on the interwebs....Why is you need pictures drawn in crayon for you?

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