Calls to defund the FBI


After the Durham report becomes public with it's condemnation of the FBI and Justice Dept, I suspect the members of Congress and the American people will not be so generous with funding for Garland and Wray and their filthy political maneuvers.

The Durham report should motivate Congress to impeach Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray. Durham proves Trump was right-the Democrats pulled a hoax on the American public while Trump was President. It is a tribute to Donald Trump's dedication and effectiveness that he accomplished as much as he did while the Dumbocrats were trying to get rid of him.
Durham exposed the Dirty Democrat hoaxes.
Liberals absolutely screw up everything they touch.

The FBI use to be the world's premier law enforcement agency. Nowadays it is nothing more than an enforcement branch of the goddamn Democrat Party and that is despicable. It would be considered a joke but they do too much political evil to not be recognized as the shitheads they are.

It is a shame because most of the men that join the FBI are good people but the leadership has gone full Moon Bat crazy.

It should be dismantled. It has become America's KGB.
Will a leadership change really work or does the agency need to be dismantled?
No, unless the small fry who make up the majority of the FBI arrests the upper echelon of dickheads, nothing will change, expect the furniture, which will cost the taxpayer more money.
It has long been known all the major governmental institutions are corrupted at the top. Idon't agree with defunding we need these institutions to work for America. Nothing will change until the Democrats are removed from power. This is the list of leaders who MUST be removed if we are to have a chance at pulling out of this death spiral:

1. Garland
2. Wray
3. Myorkas
4. Gen. Milley
5. Blinken
6. Werfel (IRS head)
7. Letticia James
8. Alvin Bragg
9. Gascon
10. Buttigieg

Get these traitors out of office and replace them with leaders who put America first. If we don't do that, then we are all just spitting into the wind.

I agree, they should not and definitely will not defund the FBI. If there were 75% Right Wing Republican in both houses, they still would not defund the FBI. Anybody seeing it as a realistic possibility is just an extremist nut ball with unrealistic ideas and judgement.
That said, I doubt they clean house and put it under enough new management to accomplish anything good or even what they want, whether what they want would be good for the country or not.
The FBI use to be the world's premier law enforcement agency. Nowadays it is nothing more than an enforcement branch of the goddamn Democrat Party and that is despicable.
Good Grief.
Your life is now miserable solely because of (D) ?????....... LOLLOLLOLL
I agree, they should not and definitely will not defund the FBI. If there were 75% Right Wing Republican in both houses, they still would not defund the FBI. Anybody seeing it as a realistic possibility is just an extremist nut ball with unrealistic ideas and judgement.
That said, I doubt they clean house and put it under enough new management to accomplish anything good or even what they want, whether what they want would be good for the country or not.
The constant political activity of this agency has destroyed public confidence in this department.
The constant political activity of this agency has destroyed public confidence in this department.
Only the right wing public, for the most part. I am part of the public and like most of what they do. The vast majority of them are fine professionally minded people.
Only the right wing public, for the most part. I am part of the public and like most of what they do. The vast majority of them are fine professionally minded people.
The rank and file are professional but leadership is not.
The rank and file are professional but leadership is not.
There again, it is only "some" in leadership. Political hacks, like to paint with a broad brush, or maybe a roller or spray paint, to make sure their target is covered, whether everybody near gets painted likewise or not. Just sayin...:dunno:
There again, it is only "some" in leadership. Political hacks, like to paint with a broad brush, or maybe a roller or spray paint, to make sure their target is covered, whether everybody near gets painted likewise or not. Just sayin...:dunno:
Why have only conservatives been targeted by this agency?
Why have only conservatives been targeted by this agency?
Day and time, I suppose. Remember they were targeting people like Martin Luther King, Jr, and anti-Vietnam War hippies back in the 60s, along with the assassinations that were popular at the time. Late 70 was Watergate investigations. 80s and 90s were mostly crime fighting investigations (which they are pretty good at. Early 2000s were terrorist plots and financial crimes. They Fkd up big time, mid 2000s with schemes like weapon stings that were supposed to lead to the ringleaders, but only led to losing the weapons to the groups they were investigating and got stung, themselves, along with investigating newly defined hate crimes for DOJ. Election interference by outside powers have to be investigated, but they didn't do a particularly good job at it. All along the way though, they apprehended a lot of criminals of all sort, including political criminals, financial criminals, many violent offenders and helped with a good deal of human trafficking, drug rings, high profile murders, foreign agents, kidnappings, etc, getting many convictions and amassing enough evidence, many criminals (especially white collar) freely gave confessions, as they actually are good at what they do, when they stay in their lanes, and mostly do. When some don't, it is big news and the whole agency suffers for the missteps of the few.
There again, it is only "some" in leadership. Political hacks, like to paint with a broad brush, or maybe a roller or spray paint, to make sure their target is covered, whether everybody near gets painted likewise or not. Just sayin...:dunno:
Garland and Wray need to be impeached and replaced.
Not only did they participate in an attempted coup on Trump but they refuse now to cooperate with Congress investigations. THEY GO OUT

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