Cam Newton showed on that fumble what I thought he was

The press camera's didn't show it......but I wonder if he was also sagging his pants ghetto style? ..... :dunno:
He was a bit petulant during the post game interview. I truly believe theyfelt the game was in the bag long before opening kick off.
He reverted to the ghetto mentality when under pressure. ...... :cool:

I wouldn't go that far but it was noted that he was a bit of a crybaby a couple years ago.
I knew he couldn't hang with the BIG DOGS. Just another little boy who was showered as great because of his skin color? oh he's good, when he's not playing against a defense that is Number ONE
Next he will be claiming that he only lost the game because of "white privilege" ...... :cool:
I knew he couldn't hang with the BIG DOGS. Just another little boy who was showered as great because of his skin color? oh he's good, when he's not playing against a defense that is Number ONE

Oh stop it. Cam wasn't showered with praises of greatness b/c of skin color. He was showered with praises b/c despite playing poorly yesterday he still an amazing athlete as well as a good quarterback.
He showed us what he is at the post-game press conference.
You would never have seen this from Peyton Manning.
He went from Superman to The Incredible Sulk.

What a disgrace.....
This should go viral....
He gets pissy when people aren't kissing his ass 24/7.....
Kinda like that guy in the WH!!

I'm sure his feelings were hurt by some racial slight.
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Cam goes out of his way to tell everyone "Hey, look at me !" Then we he loses he runs and hides.
Cam will be back, great defensive game. Loved it. Both teams came to play, and left it on the field. Cam was rattled, shell shocked, by Denver's top rated defense which didn't disappoint. Nothing to be ashamed of. The question as to who the real Cam Newton is will be determined next season.

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