Cambridge Analytica caught in video sting

I know that Cambridge Analytica has already been in the news this week, with the revelation that they harvested significant amounts of facebook data, but this is apparently an entirely different story that also broke today.

Cambridge Analytica, for those who don't know, is a conservative "data management" firm owned by the Mercer family (and formerly run by Steve Bannon) with a fairly shady history of psy-ops in regard to elections all around the world. It appears that a reporter from Channel 4 News in England recently recorded a "sting" meeting with the CEO of Cambridge Analytica, in which that CEO made a number of offers to entrap and blackmail a hypothetical political opponent, including suggesting sending Ukrainian hookers to someone's house and filming it (to release via shell organizations on twitter), and various other shady things.

There is apparently more to come, tomorrow - which directly involves the work they did for Donald Trump.

Revealed: Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians

And of course you ignore the fact that Facebook knew that obama's campaign did the same thing....and said it was okay since Facebook was on their side.....but let's not tell the truth, that would show the democrats are asshats...
I know that Cambridge Analytica has already been in the news this week, with the revelation that they harvested significant amounts of facebook data, but this is apparently an entirely different story that also broke today.

Cambridge Analytica, for those who don't know, is a conservative "data management" firm owned by the Mercer family (and formerly run by Steve Bannon) with a fairly shady history of psy-ops in regard to elections all around the world. It appears that a reporter from Channel 4 News in England recently recorded a "sting" meeting with the CEO of Cambridge Analytica, in which that CEO made a number of offers to entrap and blackmail a hypothetical political opponent, including suggesting sending Ukrainian hookers to someone's house and filming it (to release via shell organizations on twitter), and various other shady things.

There is apparently more to come, tomorrow - which directly involves the work they did for Donald Trump.

Revealed: Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians

And of course you ignore the fact that Facebook knew that obama's campaign did the same thing....and said it was okay since Facebook was on their side.....but let's not tell the truth, that would show the democrats are asshats...

For the thousandth fucking time.

Go back and read the OP.

This thread isn't about facebook. This is a different story entirely.
This was more than "digital outreach".

Oh yeah? How so?
Read the OP, dope.

I read it AND watched the video, asshole.

Then why ask such a dumbass question then?

Because you said it's "the same operations as the Russians" and I wanted to know what you meant by that.

Then ask that question.
The tactics described in the video are straight out of the Russian "kompromat" playbook. They were planning to distribute it using the the same personal data they collected and used to target their fake news crap.

I wonder where the Russians obtained their targeting data for their operations?
Oh yeah? How so?
Read the OP, dope.

I read it AND watched the video, asshole.

Then why ask such a dumbass question then?

Because you said it's "the same operations as the Russians" and I wanted to know what you meant by that.

Then ask that question.
The tactics described in the video are straight out of the Russian "kompromat" playbook. They were planning to distribute it using the the same personal data they collected and used to target their fake news crap.

I wonder where the Russians obtained their targeting data for their operations?

The russians did not invent the concept of obtaining damaging material on an opponent to sully their reputation. That's literally what the DNC was doing with Fusion GPS and I'm sure I could easily find reports of similar behavior in other elections prior to that. Why are we acting surprised? We all know politics is a dirty business not for the faint of heart.
Read the OP, dope.

I read it AND watched the video, asshole.

Then why ask such a dumbass question then?

Because you said it's "the same operations as the Russians" and I wanted to know what you meant by that.

Then ask that question.
The tactics described in the video are straight out of the Russian "kompromat" playbook. They were planning to distribute it using the the same personal data they collected and used to target their fake news crap.

I wonder where the Russians obtained their targeting data for their operations?

The russians did not invent the concept of obtaining damaging material on an opponent to sully their reputation. That's literally what the DNC was doing with Fusion GPS and I'm sure I could easily find reports of similar behavior in other elections prior to that. Why are we acting surprised? We all know politics is a dirty business not for the faint of heart.

Yes but this isn't happening in a vacuum either. They were running the same sort of bot operations as the Russians. This is a firm that Bannon once ran. Taken within the broader context of the interference operations of the Russians, it's a hell of a coincidence.

There is no comparison on the Dem side.
You tell ‘em, theDoctorisIn!
If they don’t want to swallow the BS you’re offering, they can fuck off! lol

Now I'll ask a little bit less politely.

Stop trolling this thread.
I’ll stop disagreeing with you.

You are welcome to disagree all you want.

On the other hand, you are not welcome to constantly troll the thread with off-topic flame posts. If you actually want to discuss the topic of this thread, feel free.

Otherwise, knock it off, and go play somewhere else.
This was more than "digital outreach".

Oh yeah? How so?
Read the OP, dope.

I read it AND watched the video, asshole.

Then why ask such a dumbass question then?

Because you said it's "the same operations as the Russians" and I wanted to know what you meant by that.

i'll go out on a limb and guess that he meant it was the same operations as the russians
I know that Cambridge Analytica has already been in the news this week, with the revelation that they harvested significant amounts of facebook data, but this is apparently an entirely different story that also broke today.

Cambridge Analytica, for those who don't know, is a conservative "data management" firm owned by the Mercer family (and formerly run by Steve Bannon) with a fairly shady history of psy-ops in regard to elections all around the world. It appears that a reporter from Channel 4 News in England recently recorded a "sting" meeting with the CEO of Cambridge Analytica, in which that CEO made a number of offers to entrap and blackmail a hypothetical political opponent, including suggesting sending Ukrainian hookers to someone's house and filming it (to release via shell organizations on twitter), and various other shady things.

There is apparently more to come, tomorrow - which directly involves the work they did for Donald Trump.

Revealed: Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians

If this company were working for the dems, nothing would have happened.

If something like this had come up in the first year and a half of Obama's presidency, you conservatives would have been screaming for impeachment.

You are so full of it your eyes are brown.

Actually, my eyes are a nice deep blue that a lot of women seem to appreciate.

But, really, good job with the grade school insults you low born sperm burping colon jouster. I bet you spend your nights on the docks blowing longshoremen for candy bars and spare change.

OH MY GOSH! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sailor Mouth! :lol:

I haven't seen him in ages and ages, but you reminded me of a poster who used to post here named Maineman!!! Who was also a sailor, and could chew someone inside out, with simply his words! :eek:
Facebook? :21::21::21:

No, this thread isn't about Facebook.

Do you need help with reading?
You should actually look up the history .Facebook you bet and I’m still laughing

This thread isn't about facebook. There's another thread on that.

This thread is about what the OP says.

Feel free to go and read it.

If you don't want to discuss the topic of this thread, you're welcome to fuck off.
What is the point of thread?
No, this thread isn't about Facebook.

Do you need help with reading?
You should actually look up the history .Facebook you bet and I’m still laughing

This thread isn't about facebook. There's another thread on that.

This thread is about what the OP says.

Feel free to go and read it.

If you don't want to discuss the topic of this thread, you're welcome to fuck off.
What is the point of thread?

It's all in the OP. Feel free to read it.
I know that Cambridge Analytica has already been in the news this week, with the revelation that they harvested significant amounts of facebook data, but this is apparently an entirely different story that also broke today.

Cambridge Analytica, for those who don't know, is a conservative "data management" firm owned by the Mercer family (and formerly run by Steve Bannon) with a fairly shady history of psy-ops in regard to elections all around the world. It appears that a reporter from Channel 4 News in England recently recorded a "sting" meeting with the CEO of Cambridge Analytica, in which that CEO made a number of offers to entrap and blackmail a hypothetical political opponent, including suggesting sending Ukrainian hookers to someone's house and filming it (to release via shell organizations on twitter), and various other shady things.

There is apparently more to come, tomorrow - which directly involves the work they did for Donald Trump.

Revealed: Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians

If this company were working for the dems, nothing would have happened.


When you've got nothing to say, but can't help yourself anyway, why not make up some nonsensical counterfactuals and treat them as fact?

Spare us the phony moral outrage. This is only an issue because a GOP related company is involved. No more no less.

Thing is...we'll never know because it IS a GOP related Democrat related company pulled this kind of crap.

Even the right wing's made up evil incarnate, Fusion GPS, is looking like Mother Teresa at this point....!!! :eek:
No, this thread isn't about Facebook.

Do you need help with reading?
You should actually look up the history .Facebook you bet and I’m still laughing

This thread isn't about facebook. There's another thread on that.

This thread is about what the OP says.

Feel free to go and read it.

If you don't want to discuss the topic of this thread, you're welcome to fuck off.
What is the point of thread?
Your boy cheated, again, and had no problem using STOLEN GOODS....kinda like using the DNC and Clinton campaign manager's stolen emails....
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I only ask because coyote doesn’t make those mistakes. It’s one of the many reasons why I respect her.
All right kiddies...time to get back on topic. For the perpetually confused, that would be post #1in the thread.

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