Camus on Trump

By radical left, I am talking about the neo-Marxists that have taken over the Democrat Party and dominate main stream media with their PC bullshit and social justice terrorism. If you don’t fall into that category, good for you. But the quote you gave does describe them very well.

What of the radical right ?The ones who have their heads far up trumps butt < the ones responsible for the downfall of the republican party?

The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.
Therein lies my confusion. I'm not sure Camus ever witnessed a character like Trump. Mussolini seems closest to me, but I'm not sure he was a serial liar. No one can seriously argue that Trump has any respect for actual facts behind any of his statements - tweets. Be they on Kashoggi, trade, Ukraine, Hillary, election fraud, Judges, climate, fire prevention ........

Mussolini might actually have believe facism was the best political response to the Great Depression.
There were plenty of right-wing Frenchman in the 30s, especially opposing the popular front. Manny sympathized with the fascists in Germany and Italy, and that also happened here in the United States. Always a mistake.
YEah, but I assumed they were more or less sincere. The point is Trump is just not sincere. Even McConnel can't cut a bargain with him.
A threat? I suppose by the radical left you mean that small percentage of citizens who reside with you in the idiot fringe. I'm socially liberal, fiscally responsible and you are a foolish punk.

By radical left, I am talking about the neo-Marxists that have taken over the Democrat Party and dominate main stream media with their PC bullshit and social justice terrorism. If you don’t fall into that category, good for you. But the quote you gave does describe them very well.

What of the radical right ?The ones who have their heads far up trumps butt < the ones responsible for the downfall of the republican party?

The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Actually he's violating statute on applications for asylum
By radical left, I am talking about the neo-Marxists that have taken over the Democrat Party and dominate main stream media with their PC bullshit and social justice terrorism. If you don’t fall into that category, good for you. But the quote you gave does describe them very well.

What of the radical right ?The ones who have their heads far up trumps butt < the ones responsible for the downfall of the republican party?

The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Actually he's violating statute on applications for asylum

Considering the utter failure of that system as manifested in the caravans, that, if true, is still not radical.
It very much is a political topic, and your ignorance is palpable. Camus was French, but born and raised in Algeria and died when his Chauffeur crashed the car in which Camus was a passenger.

By the way, President Obama did not drone on and on, and Trump's use of our language is sophomoric, and I mean by that no better than the average or below average 9th grader.

You're being kind about Trump's vocabulary level:

Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ...
Mar 18, 2016 - Trump's grammar in speeches 'just below 6th grade level,' study finds ... Vocabulary and Grammatical Comparison (Carnegie Mellon University).

'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis ...
Jan 11, 2018 - 'Stable genius' Trump uses fourth-grade vocabulary, new analysis finds ... said it based its analysis on the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level metric, ...
He does that for his listeners, I'm pretty sure, because whenever he uses a big grownup word, he always stops to define it.
President Trump may be ivy league educated but being an accomplished multi-billionaire businessman does not mean shit when it comes to foreign affairs or foreign policy.

Ahahahaha I love it when the left tie themselves into knots. Okay, so now education and experience don't matter? Lets ask a former Dem president what he thinks about Obama shall we, Bill Clinton tell us what you think of Obama.

Bill Clinton: A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.
Bill Clinton: The only reason you are endorsing him (Obama) is because he's black. Let's just be clear.
Bill Clinton: Obama is incompetent.
Bill Clinton: Obama is an amateur who has no clue about how the world operates.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how to be president.
Bill Clinton: Obama doesn't know how the world works.
Quit chattering rubbish. For once, address the topic. Which is Trump's lack of knowledge of the job he now holds and his supreme overconfidence in his abilities and his opinions.

Trump backs up his boasts, THAT'S what drives you Dems mad. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, he backs up his boasts with totally fabricated "facts" that don't hold water. It's pathetic. You never can believe anything he says until you fact check it.

He backs up his boasts, indeeed.

Do you own your own jet, helicopter, and golf resort? :itsok: and :auiqs.jpg:

Deflection troll deflects yet again.
A threat? I suppose by the radical left you mean that small percentage of citizens who reside with you in the idiot fringe. I'm socially liberal, fiscally responsible and you are a foolish punk.

By radical left, I am talking about the neo-Marxists that have taken over the Democrat Party and dominate main stream media with their PC bullshit and social justice terrorism. If you don’t fall into that category, good for you. But the quote you gave does describe them very well.

What of the radical right ?The ones who have their heads far up trumps butt < the ones responsible for the downfall of the republican party?

The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Sure, totally misinformed check. What about huge tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, with crumbs for the rest? Thank God the Democrats have the house now to block his and Republican idiocy. All Republicans really want is tax cuts on the rich and cutting regulations so they can rob us all blind again. Enjoy.they have all kinds of ideas for screwing the non Rich that will never happen now. Ending Obamacare privatizing Social Security, ending EPA you name it. Sounds great if you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron...
By radical left, I am talking about the neo-Marxists that have taken over the Democrat Party and dominate main stream media with their PC bullshit and social justice terrorism. If you don’t fall into that category, good for you. But the quote you gave does describe them very well.

What of the radical right ?The ones who have their heads far up trumps butt < the ones responsible for the downfall of the republican party?

The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Sure, totally misinformed check. What about huge tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, with crumbs for the rest? Thank God the Democrats have the house now to block his and Republican idiocy. All Republicans really want is tax cuts on the rich and cutting regulations so they can rob us all blind again. Enjoy.they have all kinds of ideas for screwing the non Rich that will never happen now. Ending Obamacare privatizing Social Security, ending EPA you name it. Sounds great if you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron...

Tax cuts equal normal.

Trump is not radical.
What of the radical right ?The ones who have their heads far up trumps butt < the ones responsible for the downfall of the republican party?

The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.
Therein lies my confusion. I'm not sure Camus ever witnessed a character like Trump. Mussolini seems closest to me, but I'm not sure he was a serial liar. No one can seriously argue that Trump has any respect for actual facts behind any of his statements - tweets. Be they on Kashoggi, trade, Ukraine, Hillary, election fraud, Judges, climate, fire prevention ........

Mussolini might actually have believe facism was the best political response to the Great Depression.
There were plenty of right-wing Frenchman in the 30s, especially opposing the popular front. Manny sympathized with the fascists in Germany and Italy, and that also happened here in the United States. Always a mistake.
YEah, but I assumed they were more or less sincere. The point is Trump is just not sincere. Even McConnel can't cut a bargain with him.
He has been listening to Fox for 3 years at least now, who knows what he is sincere about... It certainly is easy to take over the Republican Party, all you have to do is parrot the garbage propaganda and Hate....
Once again, why don't you move to a country that offers a nanny, which you obviously need. I'm a grown man, I take care of myself and my family, no nannies required.

I don't give a s*** about you I'm talking about the people of the United States.Republican assholes just love making life is expensive and difficult as possible for them. Question is are you an a****** or Dupe? Ok

Fuck off commie, you want total government control, ain't buying it.

Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

By radical left, I am talking about the neo-Marxists that have taken over the Democrat Party and dominate main stream media with their PC bullshit and social justice terrorism. If you don’t fall into that category, good for you. But the quote you gave does describe them very well.

What of the radical right ?The ones who have their heads far up trumps butt < the ones responsible for the downfall of the republican party?

The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Actually he's violating statute on applications for asylum

Actually the supreme court said he could do things like that to prevent adverse effects on the country.

Also a clear, concise and accurate evaluation of the previous squatter at 1600 Pennsylvania.

But somehow it was (D)ifferent when that ignoramus who fancied himself a know-it-all ran the show.
B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!
What of the radical right ?The ones who have their heads far up trumps butt < the ones responsible for the downfall of the republican party?

The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Sure, totally misinformed check. What about huge tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, with crumbs for the rest? Thank God the Democrats have the house now to block his and Republican idiocy. All Republicans really want is tax cuts on the rich and cutting regulations so they can rob us all blind again. Enjoy.they have all kinds of ideas for screwing the non Rich that will never happen now. Ending Obamacare privatizing Social Security, ending EPA you name it. Sounds great if you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron...

Tax cuts equal normal.

Trump is not radical.
At this point, when the richest pay less than the middle class in taxes percentage wise it is absolutely ridiculous to give them more in tax cuts...
I don't give a s*** about you I'm talking about the people of the United States.Republican assholes just love making life is expensive and difficult as possible for them. Question is are you an a****** or Dupe? Ok

Fuck off commie, you want total government control, ain't buying it.

Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

For the billionth time I am happily retired, s******* dupe. When we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, lots of people are hurting. D u h. Can you see past the end of your nose? Lol
Fuck off commie, you want total government control, ain't buying it.

Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

For the billionth time I am happily retired, s******* dupe. When we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, lots of people are hurting. D u h. Can you see past the end of your nose? Lol

We don’t have the worst inequality ever. The poorest 20% have it far better today than the bottom 20% had it just a few decades ago.

Do you care about poor people, or do you just hate rich people?
The difference is the radical right don’t run the Relublican Party and are irrelevant. If it wasn’t for the MSM squawking about them everyday, no one would notice them because they affect nothing.

Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Sure, totally misinformed check. What about huge tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, with crumbs for the rest? Thank God the Democrats have the house now to block his and Republican idiocy. All Republicans really want is tax cuts on the rich and cutting regulations so they can rob us all blind again. Enjoy.they have all kinds of ideas for screwing the non Rich that will never happen now. Ending Obamacare privatizing Social Security, ending EPA you name it. Sounds great if you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron...

Tax cuts equal normal.

Trump is not radical.
At this point, when the richest pay less than the middle class in taxes percentage wise it is absolutely ridiculous to give them more in tax cuts...

How tiny do you have to pretend the "rich" are to get those numbers.
Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Sure, totally misinformed check. What about huge tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, with crumbs for the rest? Thank God the Democrats have the house now to block his and Republican idiocy. All Republicans really want is tax cuts on the rich and cutting regulations so they can rob us all blind again. Enjoy.they have all kinds of ideas for screwing the non Rich that will never happen now. Ending Obamacare privatizing Social Security, ending EPA you name it. Sounds great if you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron...

Tax cuts equal normal.

Trump is not radical.
At this point, when the richest pay less than the middle class in taxes percentage wise it is absolutely ridiculous to give them more in tax cuts...

How tiny do you have to pretend the "rich" are to get those numbers.
That works for the 0.1% and the 1%...
Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

For the billionth time I am happily retired, s******* dupe. When we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, lots of people are hurting. D u h. Can you see past the end of your nose? Lol

We don’t have the worst inequality ever. The poorest 20% have it far better today than the bottom 20% had it just a few decades ago.

Do you care about poor people, or do you just hate rich people?
I dislike lying brainwashing thieving GOP rich. Democratic rich want to pay more in taxes along with the GOP Rich dumbass, and they are just fine.
Where is the Planet where you reside? Trump leads the Republican Party, and is in no particular order autocratic, chaotic, callous and alienates everyone who dares question his actions.

The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Sure, totally misinformed check. What about huge tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, with crumbs for the rest? Thank God the Democrats have the house now to block his and Republican idiocy. All Republicans really want is tax cuts on the rich and cutting regulations so they can rob us all blind again. Enjoy.they have all kinds of ideas for screwing the non Rich that will never happen now. Ending Obamacare privatizing Social Security, ending EPA you name it. Sounds great if you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron...

Tax cuts equal normal.

Trump is not radical.
At this point, when the richest pay less than the middle class in taxes percentage wise it is absolutely ridiculous to give them more in tax cuts...

How tiny do you have to pretend the "rich" are to get those numbers.
Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

For the billionth time I am happily retired, s******* dupe. When we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, lots of people are hurting. D u h. Can you see past the end of your nose? Lol

We don’t have the worst inequality ever. The poorest 20% have it far better today than the bottom 20% had it just a few decades ago.

Do you care about poor people, or do you just hate rich people?
Wake up and smell the coffee, super duper.
America has the worst inequality ever - Google Search

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