Camus on Trump

Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

For the billionth time I am happily retired, s******* dupe. When we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, lots of people are hurting. D u h. Can you see past the end of your nose? Lol

We don’t have the worst inequality ever. The poorest 20% have it far better today than the bottom 20% had it just a few decades ago.

Do you care about poor people, or do you just hate rich people?
Inequality is been about this bad twice before, in 1929 and during the gilded age, which is when you idiots think everything was grand. Read the good old days, they were terrible!
America has the worst inequality ever - Google Search
Inequality is been about this bad twice before, in 1929 and during the gilded age, which is when you idiots think everything was grand. Read the good old days, they were terrible!
America has the worst inequality ever - Google Search

I prefer that our government focuses on equal rights, rather than equal incomes.
And there you go again, who said anything about equal incomes, dumbass dope. I'm talking about equal opportunity, like before Reagan when we had basically free public universities many places... That was when Democrats and the greatest generation was in charge, now it is scumbag GOP Liars and their silly dupes like you.
it was surprising that the Nazis allowed the stranger to be released. he later disavowed it and broke with Sartre
Fuck off commie, you want total government control, ain't buying it.

Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

For the billionth time I am happily retired, s******* dupe. When we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, lots of people are hurting. D u h. Can you see past the end of your nose? Lol

Sorry dude, you seem to be deluded, no happy person bellyaches they way you do all the time. You might want to get out more, the country isn't nearly as bad as you try to paint it. You child like jealousy of people that have more money than you is very telling. BTW no need to respond, you'll just spew your usual tripe, don't want to hear it. We're done.

Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

For the billionth time I am happily retired, s******* dupe. When we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, lots of people are hurting. D u h. Can you see past the end of your nose? Lol

Sorry dude, you seem to be deluded, no happy person bellyaches they way you do all the time. You might want to get out more, the country isn't nearly as bad as you try to paint it. You child like jealousy of people that have more money than you is very telling. BTW no need to respond, you'll just spew your usual tripe, don't want to hear it. We're done.

The brainwashed dupes are well-known very happy idiots.... Ignorance is bliss. Of course when the Democrat is in office they are all sad LOL
The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Sure, totally misinformed check. What about huge tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, with crumbs for the rest? Thank God the Democrats have the house now to block his and Republican idiocy. All Republicans really want is tax cuts on the rich and cutting regulations so they can rob us all blind again. Enjoy.they have all kinds of ideas for screwing the non Rich that will never happen now. Ending Obamacare privatizing Social Security, ending EPA you name it. Sounds great if you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron...

Tax cuts equal normal.

Trump is not radical.
At this point, when the richest pay less than the middle class in taxes percentage wise it is absolutely ridiculous to give them more in tax cuts...

How tiny do you have to pretend the "rich" are to get those numbers.
That works for the 0.1% and the 1%...

Link please.
The most radical policy Trump has, is enforcing immigration law.

For you libs to pretend that anything about what he is doing it radical, is a lie.
Sure, totally misinformed check. What about huge tax cuts for the rich and giant corporations, with crumbs for the rest? Thank God the Democrats have the house now to block his and Republican idiocy. All Republicans really want is tax cuts on the rich and cutting regulations so they can rob us all blind again. Enjoy.they have all kinds of ideas for screwing the non Rich that will never happen now. Ending Obamacare privatizing Social Security, ending EPA you name it. Sounds great if you are an ignorant brainwashed functional moron...

Tax cuts equal normal.

Trump is not radical.
At this point, when the richest pay less than the middle class in taxes percentage wise it is absolutely ridiculous to give them more in tax cuts...

How tiny do you have to pretend the "rich" are to get those numbers.

Inequality is been about this bad twice before, in 1929 and during the gilded age, which is when you idiots think everything was grand. Read the good old days, they were terrible!
America has the worst inequality ever - Google Search

I prefer that our government focuses on equal rights, rather than equal incomes.
And there you go again, who said anything about equal incomes, dumbass dope.

And there you go again with your simplistic insults and idiotic denials of reality. You really are pretty useless here, franco - other than as a foil for Trumpsters.
Good government regulation to make capitalism Fair. Socialism not communism moron.

Capitalism was never intended to be fair, competition naturally creates winners and loser. People have equal opportunity, not equal abilities. Government will never change either, no matter how you commies try.

As soon as you call us commies, Everyone in the world outside your BS propaganda bubble knows you are a brainwashed fool. No sacrifice for the greedy idiot rich is too great, eh? As Mario Cuomo said, Reagan made it acceptable to blame the poor, code for blacks as well as lazy whites. Actually they don't exist as portrayed by you idiots. The GOP makes it more and more difficult to survive or prosper, but you blame it all on the victims... Great job scumbag GOP and silly racist dupes...

Damn you're pathetic, the only victims out there are the ones that chose to be and I don't know anyone who meets that description. So run out there and wear your victim hood proudly, and what ever it takes to make your lame ass more miserable, I'm all for it.

For the billionth time I am happily retired, s******* dupe. When we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, lots of people are hurting. D u h. Can you see past the end of your nose? Lol

Sorry dude, you seem to be deluded, no happy person bellyaches they way you do all the time. You might want to get out more, the country isn't nearly as bad as you try to paint it. You child like jealousy of people that have more money than you is very telling. BTW no need to respond, you'll just spew your usual tripe, don't want to hear it. We're done.

Facts and truth are like that... I'm not jealous of anyone, I just don't like liars and thieves, the GOP in other words, super duper.
Inequality is been about this bad twice before, in 1929 and during the gilded age, which is when you idiots think everything was grand. Read the good old days, they were terrible!
America has the worst inequality ever - Google Search

I prefer that our government focuses on equal rights, rather than equal incomes.
And there you go again, who said anything about equal incomes, dumbass dope.

And there you go again with your simplistic insults and idiotic denials of reality. You really are pretty useless here, franco - other than as a foil for Trumpsters.
The reality is that the rich do not pay enough in taxes so we don't have the money to invest in our infrastructure and training. After 35 years that gives us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, and the worst deal in the modern world, thanks to you. And your scumbag GOP.
Inequality is been about this bad twice before, in 1929 and during the gilded age, which is when you idiots think everything was grand. Read the good old days, they were terrible!
America has the worst inequality ever - Google Search

I prefer that our government focuses on equal rights, rather than equal incomes.
And there you go again, who said anything about equal incomes, dumbass dope.

And there you go again with your simplistic insults and idiotic denials of reality. You really are pretty useless here, franco - other than as a foil for Trumpsters.
The reality is that the rich do not pay enough in taxes so we don't have the money to invest in our infrastructure and training. After 35 years that gives us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, and the worst deal in the modern world, thanks to you. And your scumbag GOP.

Forgive me for putting no stock at all in your conception of "reality".
The rich pay far more than middle class, in real dolllars and percent wise.
Sure, if you say so, super duper. Breaking news for stupid assholes like you... If you count all taxes, they pay the same as you percentage wise. We basically have a flat tax now, a giveaway to the rich that screws the rest of us. No money to invest in infrastructure or training education Etc. Before Reagan we spent twice as much on infrastructure and many states had basically free public university. Great job, super we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world. You are an idiot dupe of the greedy idiot rich.
Inequality is been about this bad twice before, in 1929 and during the gilded age, which is when you idiots think everything was grand. Read the good old days, they were terrible!
America has the worst inequality ever - Google Search

I prefer that our government focuses on equal rights, rather than equal incomes.
And there you go again, who said anything about equal incomes, dumbass dope.

And there you go again with your simplistic insults and idiotic denials of reality. You really are pretty useless here, franco - other than as a foil for Trumpsters.
The reality is that the rich do not pay enough in taxes so we don't have the money to invest in our infrastructure and training. After 35 years that gives us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, and the worst deal in the modern world, thanks to you. And your scumbag GOP.

Forgive me for putting no stock at all in your conception of "reality".
In what regard, brainwashed functional moron?
Inequality is been about this bad twice before, in 1929 and during the gilded age, which is when you idiots think everything was grand. Read the good old days, they were terrible!
America has the worst inequality ever - Google Search

I prefer that our government focuses on equal rights, rather than equal incomes.
And there you go again, who said anything about equal incomes, dumbass dope.

And there you go again with your simplistic insults and idiotic denials of reality. You really are pretty useless here, franco - other than as a foil for Trumpsters.
The reality is that the rich do not pay enough in taxes so we don't have the money to invest in our infrastructure and training. After 35 years that gives us the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, and the worst deal in the modern world, thanks to you. And your scumbag GOP.

Forgive me for putting no stock at all in your conception of "reality".
I respect and admire your imaginary opinion, brainwashed functional moron.
The rich pay far more than middle class, in real dolllars and percent wise.
Sure, if you say so, super duper. Breaking news for stupid assholes like you... If you count all taxes, they pay the same as you percentage wise. We basically have a flat tax now, a giveaway to the rich that screws the rest of us. No money to invest in infrastructure or training education Etc. Before Reagan we spent twice as much on infrastructure and many states had basically free public university. Great job, super we have the worst upward mobility and inequality ever and in the modern world. You are an idiot dupe of the greedy idiot rich.
We don’t have anywhere near a “flat tax”, you lying sack of shit. The bottom feeders pay zero taxes.
"The right to kill"? Granted lefties are genetically impaired when it comes to history but President Trump is a symbol of peace and prosperity compared to the bloody 20th century dominated by democrat politicians. Woodie Wilson promised that he would never send American boys to fight in a foreign war but he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to save France from the Hun. FDR fits the bill of a president who was truly afflicted of a vice that fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill. How many Americans died behind barbed wire after FDR issued the executive order to incarcerate American citizens without the right of due process?

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