Can a union teacher be fired?

Can a union teacher be fired?

  • No. Never.

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Yes, under certain circumstances.

    Votes: 14 87.5%

  • Total voters
Yes, but there has to be gross raping a student in front of the class.....or voting for a Republican.
Tenure actually protected junior professors from their department heads. In the academic world, you publish or perish. In the past, if your department head did not like what your research was and what you were writing about, they could dismiss you.

Not exactly conducive to academic freedom and thought....

Now of course, its a political issue and corrupted by the the unions corrupt a lot of things.

But I'm sure the OP knew all this....didn't he?
Simple question.

Can a union teacher be fired?

I see a lot of people answering this incorrectly. So lets see who thinks what and get this cleared up already.

Not without an act of congress--they can't be fired. Some of you need to watch "Waiting for Superman."
The only issue isn't union teachers, but union principals and union administrators.
This shit runs deep.

Mrs. H. has been trying for 3 years to get back into the "system".
It ain't gonna happen.

Why not? Because she doesn't know somebody who knows somebody. And she's not related to somebody. And she doesn't go to the "church" of somebody.

And that- is the fucking truth of this. Don't buck me because I've seen it first hand.

Fuck that shit.
Here is the issue, why should anyone have such trouble to be fired. If you suck you should be fired. If you work for a dipshit who fires you then hires his step brother, well relax and his company will go down, unless he gets a bailout.
Simple question.

Can a union teacher be fired?

I see a lot of people answering this incorrectly. So lets see who thinks what and get this cleared up already.

Not without an act of congress--they can't be fired. Some of you need to watch "Waiting for Superman."

A Brief History of Tenure - TIME

The problem here is that the OP wanted to be adversarial without even understanding the debate.

In order to have a productive discussion (if that is what he wants) there must be one single agreed upon understanding of the issue.

Tenure is what keeps teachers from being fired if they need to be fired.

So, lets start with an understanding of what Tenure was, how it came about and why it was needed.

From there, we can discuss how it has been corrupted and why it needs to be reformed or eliminated.

I'll bet given those parameters, this thread will die a rapid death.

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