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can Americans deal with the truth?

Originally posted by soulja
Funny how you are the only one acknowledging jesus's middle eastern ethnicity? get my point yet?

I want you to do yourself a favour, go to your friends and family and ask them this question, what jesus white? I can guarantee you the will say yes. its past milleenium and u guys are still the most racist human beings on earth. America isnt required in the global economy. Thus proving that if it aint white, it aint right. Atleast to americans. Another thing how about someone answer the outsourcing issues that i've started or should i start a new deleicious thread.

Dear soulja, do me a favor and ask your therapist for better medication. And then ask your " fellow canucks" why they allow you to post such BS on their behalf. You are the single most moronic poster on ANY board I have ever had the displeasure to witness.
Originally posted by soulja
I've noticed on this message boards that there is alot of anti muslim, anti korean, anti canadian pretty much everything thats not american is wrong! (Yeah the whole world is wrong except americans on pretty much everything)!

americans come from every part of the world and from every different economic/social background and we have a wide range of views on every topic/subject-It's called freedom of speech!We americans have it and we use it which is a good thing.

I've also notice the ignorant comments about muslim ppl that i've read. I am not going to sit here and defend muslims or canadians for that matter because i know i'm talking to a bunch of slacked jawed yokels but i do 2 legitamate questions that will rock your boat!

What ignorant comments?If you were replying to my posts i only used the koran and hadith as sources to demonstrate that islam teaches violence and mohammed led an extremely violent life.These are facts and if you have a specific problem with anything I or another has written i'm sure we could provide you with the exact source and location so you could view it yourself.Why not defend them if you truly believe what we posted is wrong?either you are too lazy and apathetic to stand up for what you believe or you know what was posted is factual and are just being politically correct or you are the subject of the post and are responding with attacks instead of facts.

1. Why do all you americans portray jesus as white? Jesus was more like bin ladin or saddam hussein or any other middle easter person for that matter. His facial features were middleeastern and we all know his skin was brown. Matter of fact, all the known prophets from adam to prophet mohammed were brown? Why do you believe and on what basis do you believe that jesus was a white man? Or just like everything else, cuz u americans thinks so or want him to be white?

If you truly believe that most people think jesus was white you are sorely mistaken.Jesus was a jew living in Israel about 2000 years ago and most people know this and don't really care what he looked like (except maybe white supremacists).

2. My second question is how come if you are black, you are african american, if asian than asian american or pakistaini than pakistanin american. How come i never hear a swedish american, or english american, or norwegian american, or even irish american? So that concludes that if you are white you are an american and if you are colored thats color+american??? Nice try americans!

I believe we should not view ourselves as anything but americans but once again this is america and people can call themselves JOAN OF ARC or DESCENDANTS OF THE FIFTH RING OF SATURN for all i care.you know it's called FREEDOM!

you guys are just pissed off that you are not the 'king' of the world anymore. Your education is no match to the students in india, your workforce just complains and now china is becoming one of the largest if not the largest soon. Your time is up. People are learning the truth about who americans are?

They learn what the state controlled media let's them believe.Once again this is AMERICA and we have-liberals,conservatives,socialists,communists,christians,jews,muslims,satanists,people who marry and people who stay single.What one person believes is not what all people believe that would be like me saying since your post is idiotic all canadiens are stupid which isn't true.

You might fool the rest of the world with your corny family movies and disnelyand crap but now the whole world is learning about how ignorant you reallly are? remember slavery? remeber hosing human beings with water? remember occupying iraq for no reason? you guys are falling apart. Your soldiers are killing themselves cuz they cant take the heat. The world is slowly realizing that there is a huge difference betwwen hollwood and a a real american.

So you are saying America is the worlds worst human rights violator?What about the sudan,libya,china or iraq or how about the history of russia or germany?If you didn't realize there is a difference between hollywood and reality your more ignorant than i thought.

A real american = ignorant.

as compared to?

Before you get all hyped up about your bs patriotic crap,

What's wrong with being patriotic or is it just you can't be patriotic if you are american?

address my first two question. I am positive that none of them will be answered because americans = ignorant.

you=ignorant do a little more research

The whole world is against you, how weird that us is the only country allowed to have WMDs hmmmm IGNORANT U ARE deaf dumb and blind

only country?france,great britain,china,russia,pakistan,israel to name a few.check your facts.we are free and we can live as we please without communist governments or muslim clerics dictating to us what to believe or how to act.You need to grow up.
Originally posted by cptpwichita

you guys are just pissed off that you are not the 'king' of the world anymore. Your education is no match to the students in india, your workforce just complains and now china is becoming one of the largest if not the largest soon. Your time is up. People are learning the truth about who americans are?

Who are American's? You sound as though you know something secret about them the rest of the world can't see - pls fill me in. As far as I can tell, they are no different from you or I. With a few exceptions, most people feel their country is the best, why can't they?

how weird that us is the only country allowed to have WMDs

Canada is a big supplier of materials used in making WMD and BCWMD. Canada also allows the US to store weapons here - ya know, just in case. Think of it this way, it's like stashing a bag of weed that really does belong to your friend. Even though it's not yours, you smoke as much as you want if you feel the need to - get it. Canada is supposed to be a nuclear free country, but we build them, and store them in our basements. If you are making comparisons, this is just as bad.

I've never thought Jesus was portrayed as white for some reason. If this is the perception I'm supposed to get, I don't think it's American's who started it, I would look towards Europe, namely Britian - just a guess.
Originally posted by Hannitized
This is my first time in the Anti-American Forum, and I have laughed so hard!! Thanks guys!
First of all - Darin, your family is beautiful!
Second, I'm not even going to answer Soulja's questions, because they've been answered over and over.
And last, I've heard this before that Americans are self-absorbed and don't know anything past the borders. My question is, what the hell are we supposed to know that we don't know? Is it that important to anyone NOT in this country whether I know how much they pay for milk in their country?
I have a husband, 2 kids, a job, a house to run, a life to worry about, why in the hell would I want to burden myself with more stress trying to figure out what's going on in other countries, when I barely know what's going on in my own town? And I'm not talking about the things going on like war, I know there's wars, but what do I need to know, that I don't know, that's pissing off other people in other countries?
Sorry, but this subject just irks me. I guess because I really don't understand the point of the question.

I totally understand this irkment. We live where we live. we struggle daily to support our families and often dont have time to keep on local events let alone international ones. Yet America is still one of the most giving nations in the world. How many third world countries do we support? How many education programs world wide to American citizens volentarily support and supply with materials and hours of dedication helping others? Its astounding the high ammount Americans give and yet are accused of not caring. I mean we only give our lives to liberating the world every generation.
Originally posted by NewGuy
If we wanted to get right down to brass tacks, we COULD make the argument that Americans need to know about how the EU will eat us alive very shortly through their socialist system gobling up other nations. The US is now in economic and political Jeopardy. We have liberals completely interwoven with EU politics, money, and law making so much so that some of our judges claim we need to follow THEIR laws.

Yeah we do have to worry about certain liberal Supreme Court justices of the Supreme court citing foriegn law to in the constitutionality of anti gay laws.

I disagree however, that we need to worry about the EU as a strong economic force precisely because it is a socailist system. Socialism never works. Im more worried about the Europeans who may face another holocaust because of socialism.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
I disagree however, that we need to worry about the EU as a strong economic force precisely because it is a socailist system. Socialism never works. Im more worried about the Europeans who may face another holocaust because of socialism.

Why would the Europeans face another holocaust? The Euro dollar is doing quit well, many countries who are considered enemies of the US are doing business with it, or have dumped it altogether.
Originally posted by Said1
Why would the Europeans face another holocaust? The Euro dollar is doing quit well, many countries who are considered enemies of the US are doing business with it, or have dumped it altogether.

Because of the socialist foundations to it. Because as there becomes one centralized power in Europe there is greater likely hood of some leader like Hitler rising up and taking control of all of it rather then having to take control of the individual nations of Europe. its dangerous.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Because of the socialist foundations to it. Because as there becomes one centralized power in Europe there is greater likely hood of some leader like Hitler rising up and taking control of all of it rather then having to take control of the individual nations of Europe. its dangerous.

I see your point, and i must agree it's possible, but wouldn't bigger problems stem from individual nations and terms of membership? As in certain powers they may have to hand over to the EU?
Originally posted by Said1
I see your point, and i must agree it's possible, but wouldn't bigger problems stem from individual nations and terms of membership? As in certain powers they may have to hand over to the EU?

I hate to add this because there will be rolling eyes, but when Biblical text mentions "the beast" and his horns, that is the illustration of the leader and the form of government at the time of his reign. It is nearly identical to the EU. -And what isn't identical, the EU is trying to get identical such as a core group of 10, and a 2 speed policy making system.
Originally posted by NewGuy
I hate to add this because there will be rolling eyes, but when Biblical text mentions "the beast" and his horns, that is the illustration of the leader and the form of government at the time of his reign. It is nearly identical to the EU. -And what isn't identical, the EU is trying to get identical such as a core group of 10, and a 2 speed policy making system.

:rolleyes: Just kidding :D Several African nations are trying to form a similar insitution. I forget who the founding nations are, but they're making progress. Of course there are some regimes they are going to have trouble with, but I'm sure they can be overthrown with a little help;)
Originally posted by cptpwichita
Originally posted by soulja
I've noticed on this message boards that there is alot of anti muslim, anti korean, anti canadian pretty much everything thats not american is wrong! (Yeah the whole world is wrong except americans on pretty much everything)!

americans come from every part of the world and from every different economic/social background and we have a wide range of views on every topic/subject-It's called freedom of speech!We americans have it and we use it which is a good thing.

I've also notice the ignorant comments about muslim ppl that i've read. I am not going to sit here and defend muslims or canadians for that matter because i know i'm talking to a bunch of slacked jawed yokels but i do 2 legitamate questions that will rock your boat!

What ignorant comments?If you were replying to my posts i only used the koran and hadith as sources to demonstrate that islam teaches violence and mohammed led an extremely violent life.These are facts and if you have a specific problem with anything I or another has written i'm sure we could provide you with the exact source and location so you could view it yourself.Why not defend them if you truly believe what we posted is wrong?either you are too lazy and apathetic to stand up for what you believe or you know what was posted is factual and are just being politically correct or you are the subject of the post and are responding with attacks instead of facts.

1. Why do all you americans portray jesus as white? Jesus was more like bin ladin or saddam hussein or any other middle easter person for that matter. His facial features were middleeastern and we all know his skin was brown. Matter of fact, all the known prophets from adam to prophet mohammed were brown? Why do you believe and on what basis do you believe that jesus was a white man? Or just like everything else, cuz u americans thinks so or want him to be white?

If you truly believe that most people think jesus was white you are sorely mistaken.Jesus was a jew living in Israel about 2000 years ago and most people know this and don't really care what he looked like (except maybe white supremacists).

2. My second question is how come if you are black, you are african american, if asian than asian american or pakistaini than pakistanin american. How come i never hear a swedish american, or english american, or norwegian american, or even irish american? So that concludes that if you are white you are an american and if you are colored thats color+american??? Nice try americans!

I believe we should not view ourselves as anything but americans but once again this is america and people can call themselves JOAN OF ARC or DESCENDANTS OF THE FIFTH RING OF SATURN for all i care.you know it's called FREEDOM!

you guys are just pissed off that you are not the 'king' of the world anymore. Your education is no match to the students in india, your workforce just complains and now china is becoming one of the largest if not the largest soon. Your time is up. People are learning the truth about who americans are?

They learn what the state controlled media let's them believe.Once again this is AMERICA and we have-liberals,conservatives,socialists,communists,christians,jews,muslims,satanists,people who marry and people who stay single.What one person believes is not what all people believe that would be like me saying since your post is idiotic all canadiens are stupid which isn't true.

You might fool the rest of the world with your corny family movies and disnelyand crap but now the whole world is learning about how ignorant you reallly are? remember slavery? remeber hosing human beings with water? remember occupying iraq for no reason? you guys are falling apart. Your soldiers are killing themselves cuz they cant take the heat. The world is slowly realizing that there is a huge difference betwwen hollwood and a a real american.

So you are saying America is the worlds worst human rights violator?What about the sudan,libya,china or iraq or how about the history of russia or germany?If you didn't realize there is a difference between hollywood and reality your more ignorant than i thought.

A real american = ignorant.

as compared to?

Before you get all hyped up about your bs patriotic crap,

What's wrong with being patriotic or is it just you can't be patriotic if you are american?

address my first two question. I am positive that none of them will be answered because americans = ignorant.

you=ignorant do a little more research

The whole world is against you, how weird that us is the only country allowed to have WMDs hmmmm IGNORANT U ARE deaf dumb and blind

only country?france,great britain,china,russia,pakistan,israel to name a few.check your facts.we are free and we can live as we please without communist governments or muslim clerics dictating to us what to believe or how to act.You need to grow up.

Wow, if you HATE America sooo much why not just say that. You are a fuckin loser and you should know that by now. Stay in the chitty loser country you come from and leave the great American people alone. Oh and we know your sorry assed country will call us when in trouble cause that is what they do.. I wish your " great country " could solve some of it's probs on it's own, but we know they are tooo pathetic to do even that... Cya and Fuck you!
This person is just mad because they know that our country could kick his/her countries a$$.They hate us because we are on top. It's lonely up here. Of course until we are needed to free someone or feed their people or give them money. I love living in the most powerful country in the world!!:clap: :clap1:
I'm not going to dignify his post by refuting every point he made, except to mention that the fact that Irish Americans never got slapped with that label is because they decided on "Drunken Americans." (j/k)

Originally posted by Hobbit
I'm not going to dignify his post by refuting every point he made, except to mention that the fact that Irish Americans never got slapped with that label is because they decided on "Drunken Americans." (j/k)


And we love them for that.:D
Originally posted by soulja
I've noticed on this message boards that there is alot of anti muslim, anti korean, anti canadian pretty much everything thats not american is wrong! (Yeah the whole world is wrong except americans on pretty much everything)! I've also notice the ignorant comments about muslim ppl that i've read. I am not going to sit here and defend muslims or canadians for that matter because i know i'm talking to a bunch of slacked jawed yokels but i do 2 legitamate questions that will rock your boat!

1. Why do all you americans portray jesus as white? Jesus was more like bin ladin or saddam hussein or any other middle easter person for that matter. His facial features were middleeastern and we all know his skin was brown. Matter of fact, all the known prophets from adam to prophet mohammed were brown? Why do you believe and on what basis do you believe that jesus was a white man? Or just like everything else, cuz u americans thinks so or want him to be white?

2. My second question is how come if you are black, you are african american, if asian than asian american or pakistaini than pakistanin american. How come i never hear a swedish american, or english american, or norwegian american, or even irish american? So that concludes that if you are white you are an american and if you are colored thats color+american??? Nice try americans!

you guys are just pissed off that you are not the 'king' of the world anymore. Your education is no match to the students in india, your workforce just complains and now china is becoming one of the largest if not the largest soon. Your time is up. People are learning the truth about who americans are? You might fool the rest of the world with your corny family movies and disnelyand crap but now the whole world is learning about how ignorant you reallly are? remember slavery? remeber hosing human beings with water? remember occupying iraq for no reason? you guys are falling apart. Your soldiers are killing themselves cuz they cant take the heat. The world is slowly realizing that there is a huge difference betwwen hollwood and a a real american.

A real american = ignorant.

Before you get all hyped up about your bs patriotic crap,

address my first two question. I am positive that none of them will be answered because americans = ignorant.

The whole world is against you, how weird that us is the only country allowed to have WMDs hmmmm IGNORANT U ARE deaf dumb and blind

not all americans say or believe those things...btw, when did african becoema a color (color plus american??)
Originally posted by deciophobic
not all americans say or believe those things...btw, when did african becoema a color (color plus american??)

I usually don't criticize spelling, because we all screw up when we're typing "at speed", but I would have fixed "becoema".:D

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