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can Americans deal with the truth?

lupuman34 said:
We all know that Basically Canada is the 51st American state, I mean lets say that we stopped all economic ties with Canada, Canada would shrivel up and waste away inside of 6 months

This is the bullshit we have to read...damn
a little originality would help out a bit. Most of these threads consist of one person claiming something credible that is wrong with the U.S...and then it's followed by countless replies insulting other nations for trivial things. Half of those have to do with the belittling of Canada. Obviously, Canada relies on trade with the U.S but I doubt if it were ceased, that the nation would be sent into economic chaos.

Stop repeating your damn selves

Your post belies your comments. If you have read through the threads as you claim, you would see your statements are false and I am sure there are plenty of Canadians on these boards that will tell you your summation is WRONG!
soulja said:
1. Why do all you americans portray jesus as white? Jesus was more like bin ladin or saddam hussein or any other middle easter person for that matter. His facial features were middleeastern and we all know his skin was brown. Matter of fact, all the known prophets from adam to prophet mohammed were brown? Why do you believe and on what basis do you believe that jesus was a white man? Or just like everything else, cuz u americans thinks so or want him to be white?

No one believes that Christ was white. But every culture throughout history represented Christ as looking like them. In China, Christ looks Asian, in Africa, He is sometimes portrayed as black. That is how people identified with Christ. Christianity is not about race, it is about faith and the salvation that comes from that faith. What does it matter what his color was? The important thing to Christians (which includes many Americans) is that He was the Son of God, born of a Virgin, He rose from the dead and will come again to judge the Living and The Dead

soulja said:
2. My second question is how come if you are black, you are african american, if asian than asian american or pakistaini than pakistanin american. How come i never hear a swedish american, or english american, or norwegian american, or even irish american? So that concludes that if you are white you are an american and if you are colored thats color+american??? Nice try americans!

My parents are known as being Italian-Americans and they are definitely white. Usually, the “-American” is applied to recent immigrants e.g. Asians, and in the case of my parents, Italians. Also the term “African-American” is recent. When I was younger, the term for African-Americans was either “Negro” or “Black” …. Many blacks started objecting to these terms and wanted to be called “African-American”, so we accomodated them. That sounds like showing respect for our fellow countrymen to me….So what’s your point? Seems to me that you’re trying to create an issue, when there is none.

soulja said:
you guys are just pissed off that you are not the 'king' of the world anymore. Your education is no match to the students in india, your workforce just complains and now china is becoming one of the largest if not the largest soon. Your time is up. People are learning the truth about who americans are? You might fool the rest of the world with your corny family movies and disnelyand crap but now the whole world is learning about how ignorant you reallly are? remember slavery? remeber hosing human beings with water? remember occupying iraq for no reason? you guys are falling apart. Your soldiers are killing themselves cuz they cant take the heat. The world is slowly realizing that there is a huge difference betwwen hollwood and a a real american

If you bothered taking your head out of your anus and fired up your brain, you’d soon realize just how ignorant your last paragraph is. America is the last super-power, it is still the “King” of the world (which Canada never was even close to being). We are the wealthiest nation in the world and in history. Many of the jobs in China and India exist because of American investment, those people are working for US companies. Our economy is one of the strongest in the world, with low inflation and low unemployment. The unemployment rate in Canada is around 7% and has come down from 8%. In fact, the Canadian government shows that the unemployment rate has remained about 7% since at least 2001!. The current unemployment rate in the US, a country with over twice the people as Canada, is currentlyaround 5.5% and has not been close to 7% in several years.

As for military might, we are still the strongest nation. NATO and the UN are always looking to us to solve their problems, e.g. Bosnia, Iraq and so on. The Iraq War just proved that. One of the biggest exports from our country is entertainment e.g. movies, TV shows and so on. The reason is that there is a high demand for them. One of the reasons that radical Moslems hate us so much is the export of our culture to their countries. As for being ignorant, American industry and technology is exported every day. We are the ones who walked on the moon, split the atom, and found the cure for Polio. Drugs produced by American companies are used all over the world, American technology is responsible for the Internet (developed by the US Dept of Defense), computers and software (Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Dell etc are all American owned companies). As for slavery and racial hatred, take a look at Africa, Europe and Asia….all three of those institutions are alive and well in those places today, yet you won't complain about it, because after all, White people aren't the ones involved. As for Iraq being an “unnecessary” war, your country was not attacked, so don't tell us when we should defend ourselves. Also tell the Iraqis that are now living in freedom, are going to school, have access to medical treatment and have rights for the first time in over a generation just how “unnecessary” that war really was. If your Mother, Father, Sister or Brother were hacked to pieces, raped or tortured by Saddam and his henchmen, you'd be singing a very different tune (and it would be "God Bless America" not "Oh Canada")

Oh yes, our military is standing up fine, it’s your military that isn’t doing much. It is easy to talk tough when you aren’t in harm’s way. I’d sure like to see what you’d do if you were in our soldiers’ place, getting shot at every day and living in constant danger. You'd probably soiling your undies. If you had half the character of those brave men and women you'd have 100 times the honor you currently possess. I’m sure if your country were attacked, the first thing you and your countrymen would do is ask the US for help.

I think I've given you more credit than you deserve, because I'm sure that you won't bother to try and understand anything that I've written. You've done such an excellent job of proving yourself a fool that to call you one would just be stating the obvious. You truly are what I'd call "An Ugly Canadian"
I didn't read most of the posts on this thread, so I don't know if I'm repeating something already said, but all I can say is what's in the bible, that Jesus' skin was "bronze" coloured. That's not white, but who cares? People identify with an idol which resembles them. In many African churches Jesus is black, even though Jesus wasn't African.
soulja 1. Why do all you americans portray jesus as white? Jesus was more like bin ladin or saddam hussein or any other middle easter person for that matter. His facial features were middleeastern and we all know his skin was brown. Matter of fact said:

I think this is a dilemma not only with America but also with colonial Europe. White Europeans historically have felt that a dark skinned people were inferior to them. A good example of this would be the views of Nazi Germany. I don’t think that whites all the way back from the time of the crusades to modern times have felt comfortable with portraying Jesus as dark skinned, with wooly black hair. So naturally the early ancestors of America would have brought these views with them. These are not solely American views.
In defense of religion and early America, I would site the American Civil war, fought over the issue of slavery. At the core of this debate was the argument that “all men where created equal under God” I admit that there are still people in our nation that are not comfortable with the issue of race. I can recall in my travels to other nations, that if you were not the right skin color or nationality you were not getting in the door of many establishments, this is not legal or tolerated in American society. We are actively working on improving racial, ethnic and religious tolerance. An example: In the work place if someone makes racial slurs, they typically face immediate termination. Educational training and poster in American work places typically promote the core values of diversity. Thanks to the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 we have suffered a significant setback to the promotion of diversity and tolerance. It is not uncommon to see many anti-terrorist, quasi, Arab and Muslim cartoons hanging on the wall of American workspaces. Our nation is more polarized now then in recent times.

2. My second question is how come if you are black, you are african american, if asian than asian american or pakistaini than pakistanin american. How come i never hear a swedish american, or english american, or norwegian american, or even irish american? So that concludes that if you are white you are an american and if you are colored thats color+american??? Nice try americans!

Those titles are generally used to define a sub-culture, meaning a culture within a culture. They are primarily used to define some one who is of non-European descent. People belonging to these sub cultures other then appearance tend to have different cultural distinctions then the European Americans. Such as cultural values, religious beliefs, food preferences. It’s just the ignorant people in our society who try to but a negative context on these subtitles. The Color +American would be viewed as a racial slur.

you guys are just pissed off that you are not the 'king' of the world anymore. Your education is no match to the students in india, your workforce just complains and now china is becoming one of the largest if not the largest soon. Your time is up. People are learning the truth about who americans are? You might fool the rest of the world with your corny family movies and disnelyand crap but now the whole world is learning about how ignorant you reallly are? remember slavery? remeber hosing human beings with water? remember occupying iraq for no reason? you guys are falling apart. Your soldiers are killing themselves cuz they cant take the heat. The world is slowly realizing that there is a huge difference betwwen hollwood and a a real american.

We have never claimed to be the king of the world, but we do recognize the title of the worlds only Super Power. I think most Americans would agree that we are tired of being the world’s only superpower and policeman. It’s time for another nation to carry the torch of liberty. I think China would make an excellent candidate to be the champion of human rights and freedom throughout the world. I cans see them giving out billions in foreign aid and offering humanitarian assistance to Darfur, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia and any other country stricken by natural disaster, famine, disease or genocide.
I agree our education is shameful for a modern nation, I would blame this on the consumerist distraction that our young people face. Things like Music, television, pop culture and other nonsense that competes for their time. Hope that your society does not get caught up in this crap.
There has always been a fantasy aspect to Hollywood; if you believed Hollywood perception of America it would be a psychotic and unruly nation. Not entirely true. I agree with you on WMD we should actively promote them throughout the world to every civilized and uncivilized nation. It would solve all of our problems and bring great satisfaction to the religious freaks that say the world would be destroyed by fire.

A real american = ignorant.

Before you get all hyped up about your bs patriotic crap,

address my first two question. I am positive that none of them will be answered because americans = ignorant.

The whole world is against you, how weird that us is the only country allowed to have WMDs hmmmm IGNORANT U ARE deaf dumb and blind

There is allot of truth to what you say, I will try to address some of the topics you have covered.
Hold up, wait a minute, let us put some groove in it!

Is this Sister Soulja from the Liberal University Circuit of Multicultarally Outraged Individuals!

What a lukewarm version of outrage.
post by Karl Marx :
We are the wealthiest nation in the world and in history

wealthiest of the History ? History didn't begin in 1776, guy.

Venice was wealthiest in the XVth century.
Spain was wealthiest in the XVIth century.
France and England were wealthiet in the XVIIIth century.

France under the rule of Napoléon III, was maybe one of the weathiest nation all over the world : Germany ask for money afetr the defeat of 1870/71, everybody in Germany believed that it would take maybe 50 years for France to pay all....in 3 years, all was pay...

Roma was wealthiest in the Antiquity, Carthage aslo, during the IIIrd century before JC.

So, now, USA are wealth, maybe the wealthiest, but say that they are the wealthiest of the history.......

And even if it is right, the modern way of trade help this statistic...so, don't say that, about the History.

I’d sure like to see what you’d do if you were in our soldiers’ place, getting shot at every day and living in constant danger. You'd probably soiling your undies. If you had half the character of those brave men and women you'd have 100 times the honor you currently possess.

Not all the soldiers of the world react like the US ones....the british and french soldiers did operation of peace since decades, they never shot on civilians like you did.
In Bosnia, the brit/french soldiers did a great job.
the french Marine troops, not so well known than the Légion Etrangère, are all the same elite troops.
The brit/french soldiers are accustomed to the fire, the danger, the death...
the modern US army is not, like in Somalia 1993, or Iraq 2003/2004.
Some US troops are excellent of course, but the basic soldier, the young boy, he is not. Why ? the trainning is bad. When you see a report on TV showing a US soldier on an armoured vehicle, at the gunner post, with a discman, listening to music and shooting people...and when he said after that war is for him a video games.....I think that if he take a bullet in the stomach, he would see that in the real world there is no health pack....

So, I saw and see french and brit soldiers under the fire, they did and do a great job.

One of the biggest exports from our country is entertainment e.g. movies, TV shows and so on. The reason is that there is a high demand for them. One of the reasons that radical Moslems hate us so much is the export of our culture to their countries. As for being ignorant, American industry and technology is exported every day. We are the ones who walked on the moon, split the atom, and found the cure for Polio. Drugs produced by American companies are used all over the world, American technology is responsible for the Internet (developed by the US Dept of Defense), computers and software (Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Dell etc are all American owned companies)

So, for you, the USA create the modern world....

For the atom...You had Oppenheimer, but Einstein was german.
If you didn't have it, the Germans would have the nuke bomb before the USA, because their works were really advanced.
For the Moon : same thing : thank Von Braun and the important number of german scientist kidnapped by US troops in 1945, who help US, even when some were war criminals, US said nothing, if the scientist helped them.

For the US entertainment, it is well exported, but it is not a proof of the quality of the programms....USA TV shows are known to be dumb, for a large part of them, like Jerry Springer's one.
For the technological research : don't foregt France, Germany, UK.
Example : for the aerodynamic, it was a French who did the bigger part of the job, and without a big laboratory. The US scientist came to the same result several years after, but they had all the modern equipment of the time.

The cure for rabies was discover by Louis Pasteur, a french. the penicillin , by Alexander Fleming, a british...
SO, USA didn't discover all.
If you try to do the list of all the discover of USA....you can also try the same thing for France, UK, Germany....you will see, your list will be smaller...

So, 'd bye.
Sleep well, proud US patriot
padisha emperor said:
post by Karl Marx :

wealthiest of the History ? History didn't begin in 1776, guy.

Venice was wealthiest in the XVth century.
Spain was wealthiest in the XVIth century.
France and England were wealthiet in the XVIIIth century.

France under the rule of Napoléon III, was maybe one of the weathiest nation all over the world : Germany ask for money afetr the defeat of 1870/71, everybody in Germany believed that it would take maybe 50 years for France to pay all....in 3 years, all was pay...

Roma was wealthiest in the Antiquity, Carthage aslo, during the IIIrd century before JC.

So, now, USA are wealth, maybe the wealthiest, but say that they are the wealthiest of the history.......

And even if it is right, the modern way of trade help this statistic...so, don't say that, about the History.

Not all the soldiers of the world react like the US ones....the british and french soldiers did operation of peace since decades, they never shot on civilians like you did.
In Bosnia, the brit/french soldiers did a great job.
the french Marine troops, not so well known than the Légion Etrangère, are all the same elite troops.
The brit/french soldiers are accustomed to the fire, the danger, the death...
the modern US army is not, like in Somalia 1993, or Iraq 2003/2004.
Some US troops are excellent of course, but the basic soldier, the young boy, he is not. Why ? the trainning is bad. When you see a report on TV showing a US soldier on an armoured vehicle, at the gunner post, with a discman, listening to music and shooting people...and when he said after that war is for him a video games.....I think that if he take a bullet in the stomach, he would see that in the real world there is no health pack....

So, I saw and see french and brit soldiers under the fire, they did and do a great job.

So, for you, the USA create the modern world....

For the atom...You had Oppenheimer, but Einstein was german.
If you didn't have it, the Germans would have the nuke bomb before the USA, because their works were really advanced.
For the Moon : same thing : thank Von Braun and the important number of german scientist kidnapped by US troops in 1945, who help US, even when some were war criminals, US said nothing, if the scientist helped them.

For the US entertainment, it is well exported, but it is not a proof of the quality of the programms....USA TV shows are known to be dumb, for a large part of them, like Jerry Springer's one.
For the technological research : don't foregt France, Germany, UK.
Example : for the aerodynamic, it was a French who did the bigger part of the job, and without a big laboratory. The US scientist came to the same result several years after, but they had all the modern equipment of the time.

The cure for rabies was discover by Louis Pasteur, a french. the penicillin , by Alexander Fleming, a british...
SO, USA didn't discover all.
If you try to do the list of all the discover of USA....you can also try the same thing for France, UK, Germany....you will see, your list will be smaller...

So, 'd bye.
Sleep well, proud US patriot

How much did Saddam and Chirac pay you to post that ignorant list (some of which id straight out of MM stupid movie)?
Im a Norwegian/Swedish (half breed )American, my grandparents on both sides were immigrants. I have a quote from a movie....A patriot is a person who loves the country they were born in, not one who blindly follows the people who run it. I love my country, it is so full of natural wonders and rich in cultural diversity.(albeit we are young and our culture is too) I feel like we are an experiment in freedom much like I feel the human race could prove to be an experiment of advanced????? life. We are floundering, because freedom requires tolerance. There is another quote .....to paraphase it "they came to get the.....Jews and I didnt say anything, and when they came for the ...Catholics, I didnt say anything and when they came for ......I didnt say anything and when they came for me there wasnt anyone left to say anything. That is sort of how I feel. A famous lawyer in our country was Eugene Debbs, he worked for all the underpriviledge and overworked when companies owned their workers ,and unions were a no/ no ,his final conclusion was sadly that he never achieved a right or advantage for any group that they didnt turn around and use it against another group. There is alot of fear in America, the campaign for President is filled with it. Some of us DO know what it is about. The day of 9-11 was no surprise to us. A very sad day I must say for a patriot that loves their country very much. Dont hate all of us, some of us are trying to make things better for the world community.
Im in for a quick comment about Jesus....Every religion seems to exploit or use an icon for worship....Jesus is an idea, how he is protrayed, black or brown or white, with a beard or without, is purely a cultural thing....I am not a religious person so I dont really understand your sensitivity, but I think Jesus should be in your heart if thats what you believe, and for that matter whatever you "believe" should probably come from the heart. No one is right or wrong on this until the rhetoric starts contradicting itself.
soulja said:
Well you want facts mr.greek american ( . .. . riiiiiiight) I encourage you to get in contact with cnn and discovery channel as the show alot of good biographies. Thats where they showed jesus too. Its funny how americans think jesus was white? Well whatever you americans dont like, simply change it! thats the way! . So yeah keep your swearing coming but please, do not answer my two simple questions(note the sarcasm!)

They didn't show Jesus, they showed a representation of one man's opinion on what Christ would look like. Admittedly an anthropologist who has a good idea, but he certainly doesn't have a photograph.

Why is it you take an opinion piece done on CNN and report it as fact? It was Editorial, not news, and therefore based on opinion.

I know several Jews that are white and light-haired and some that have dark hair, the assumption that every Jew is dark-skinned and has dark hair is an incorrect assumption.
soulja said:
I've noticed on this message boards that there is alot of anti muslim, anti korean, anti canadian pretty much everything thats not american is wrong! (Yeah the whole world is wrong except americans on pretty much everything)! I've also notice the ignorant comments about muslim ppl that i've read. I am not going to sit here and defend muslims or canadians for that matter because i know i'm talking to a bunch of slacked jawed yokels but i do 2 legitamate questions that will rock your boat!

1. Why do all you americans portray jesus as white? Jesus was more like bin ladin or saddam hussein or any other middle easter person for that matter. His facial features were middleeastern and we all know his skin was brown. Matter of fact, all the known prophets from adam to prophet mohammed were brown? Why do you believe and on what basis do you believe that jesus was a white man? Or just like everything else, cuz u americans thinks so or want him to be white?

2. My second question is how come if you are black, you are african american, if asian than asian american or pakistaini than pakistanin american. How come i never hear a swedish american, or english american, or norwegian american, or even irish american? So that concludes that if you are white you are an american and if you are colored thats color+american??? Nice try americans!

you guys are just pissed off that you are not the 'king' of the world anymore. Your education is no match to the students in india, your workforce just complains and now china is becoming one of the largest if not the largest soon. Your time is up. People are learning the truth about who americans are? You might fool the rest of the world with your corny family movies and disnelyand crap but now the whole world is learning about how ignorant you reallly are? remember slavery? remeber hosing human beings with water? remember occupying iraq for no reason? you guys are falling apart. Your soldiers are killing themselves cuz they cant take the heat. The world is slowly realizing that there is a huge difference betwwen hollwood and a a real american.

A real american = ignorant.

Before you get all hyped up about your bs patriotic crap,

address my first two question. I am positive that none of them will be answered because americans = ignorant.

The whole world is against you, how weird that us is the only country allowed to have WMDs hmmmm IGNORANT U ARE deaf dumb and blind

1. the church, see vatican, portray jesus as white. the churches were founded in europe so go ask them. for my money jesus was a reasonable middle easterner teaching tolerance and peace unlike the current crop of wack jobs that see peace via the destruction of busses, pizza parlors and office buildings.

and B. it was the very minorites that you claim the 'whites' labled, that fought to be hypenenated. they didnt want to be called black, they wanted african-american, in order to retain double heritage.

for someone laying blame and responsibility, funny how racist you are :chains:
Before I respond I have to say that I have never read such rediculous nonesence in my entire life. I have to ask, How old are you and what level of education do you have?

soulja said:
I am not going to sit here and defend muslims or canadians for that matter because i know i'm talking to a bunch of slacked jawed yokels but i do 2 legitamate questions that will rock your boat!

Nice start to your thread. Insult everybody here that you can with the biggest generlaization. Exactly what is a "slack jawed yokel" because I don't think I could find a definition of that. At any rate, your superior tone to the last sentence has intrigued me to read on.

soulja said:
1. Why do all you americans portray jesus as white? Jesus was more like bin ladin or saddam hussein or any other middle easter person for that matter. His facial features were middleeastern and we all know his skin was brown. Matter of fact, all the known prophets from adam to prophet mohammed were brown? Why do you believe and on what basis do you believe that jesus was a white man? Or just like everything else, cuz u americans thinks so or want him to be white?

I am now less intrigued. This is point 1 of rocking my world and you have utterly failed in your attempt. Yes we all know that Jesus was from that region. He was in fact a Jew from that area. Yes his skin color was most likely dark and his hair even darker. I have seen pictures of jesus that are white, black, asian, etc. Why is it you believe that we Americans, as if you can generalize like this, think he was white? You do know that when you say "Americans" that we are a population of many races and religions, right? It is assinine to make such a remark believing that only white Americans are on this board

soulja said:
2. My second question is how come if you are black, you are african american, if asian than asian american or pakistaini than pakistanin american. How come i never hear a swedish american, or english american, or norwegian american, or even irish american? So that concludes that if you are white you are an american and if you are colored thats color+american??? Nice try americans!

See how I did that above. I used white American just for you. Sounds stupid to me. I believe that these groups of people want to call themselves those names. I don't use them myself nor should you. It only helps to promote segregation and that isn't what America is about although I am sure at this point you believe it to be. Your logic here is about at the level of a 4th grader. Did you even think of talking to some people about this before you posted?

soulja said:
you guys are just pissed off that you are not the 'king' of the world anymore. Your education is no match to the students in india, your workforce just complains and now china is becoming one of the largest if not the largest soon. Your time is up. People are learning the truth about who americans are? You might fool the rest of the world with your corny family movies and disnelyand crap but now the whole world is learning about how ignorant you reallly are? remember slavery? remeber hosing human beings with water? remember occupying iraq for no reason? you guys are falling apart. Your soldiers are killing themselves cuz they cant take the heat. The world is slowly realizing that there is a huge difference betwwen hollwood and a a real american.

We aren't looking to be king of the world even if that is your belief. But we are the super power of the world. Don't be jeleous.

There are more foriegn students coming to get their education here in America then in foriegn countries. What does that tell you?

You can bet that we are now letting the world know just who we are now that we have a real president in power instead of that neutered dog. And people are listening. It should tell you something that when America speaks the rest of the world has something to say about it. Wether its is positive or negative. If Canada spoke, it would be lucky if it got mentioned in the tabloids.

I am going to skip thru a few lines of rambling spew here to the soldiers killing themselves. What are you going on about here? Do you get this from the Iraqi minister of disinformation or what? Holy crap is all I can really say to this.

soulja said:
A real american = ignorant.

Before you get all hyped up about your bs patriotic crap,

address my first two question. I am positive that none of them will be answered because americans = ignorant.

The whole world is against you, how weird that us is the only country allowed to have WMDs hmmmm IGNORANT U ARE deaf dumb and blind

Wow, a new level of idiocy. The WHOLE world is against us. I don't see them knocking on our door. Did you ever notice that other countries do have WMD's? Ignorant is this entire post of yours. It exudes a lack of knowledge and understanding of current events. Please go read a newspaper and start interacting with some people outside of your one horse village you live in. Oh and thanks for rocking my world with this. I in pieces over here.

:salute: :salute: :salute:
Dangit, don't resurrect old threads. This thing died over 6 months ago for about the 4th time and I have no desire to revisit it. Just check the guy's profile. He's not even a registered user and will never read your post.
1. Why do all you americans portray jesus as white? Jesus was more like bin ladin or saddam hussein or any other middle easter person for that matter. His facial features were middleeastern and we all know his skin was brown. Matter of fact, all the known prophets from adam to prophet mohammed were brown? Why do you believe and on what basis do you believe that jesus was a white man? Or just like everything else, cuz u americans thinks so or want him to be white?

2. My second question is how come if you are black, you are african american, if asian than asian american or pakistaini than pakistanin american. How come i never hear a swedish american, or english american, or norwegian american, or even irish american? So that concludes that if you are white you are an american and if you are colored thats color+american??? Nice try americans!

First of all Jesus was the most perfect beautiful man ever created by God, doesn't matter what his skin color was/is, he was made perfect sinless

Secondly I have heard many times the phrase Irish American etc. So what? Doesn't matter big deal!!
Hobbit said:
Dangit, don't resurrect old threads. This thing died over 6 months ago for about the 4th time and I have no desire to revisit it. Just check the guy's profile. He's not even a registered user and will never read your post.
Oh stop crying.
Hobbit said:
Dangit, don't resurrect old threads. This thing died over 6 months ago for about the 4th time and I have no desire to revisit it. Just check the guy's profile. He's not even a registered user and will never read your post.
but letting such a quality thread like this one die would be a sin!

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