Can any of the lefties here


“There's no lie.”

There is in fact a lie, your thread premise is a lie, and you're a liar.

And the only question remains: why do you and most others on the right feel the need to lie, do you even know you're lying, or do you know and just don't care.

Thing is calling someone a liar, doesn't refute what the person said. You need to offer facts that show the person's position as false. Then call them a liar.

C, Why would Iran not negotiate the goal of wiping Israel off the map? If they didn't plan on doing that, that would have been a good bartering issue for Iran to use. But not annihilating Israel was not even an option. Does that not tell you something about Iran's intentions?
And why would we want to help them achieve that endeavor seeing how devoted to it they are?
The other thing they boasted about was, no monitoring, not now not ever. Let's say they cave on that issue. When have they kept their word to us or the UN on that point? For every 1 they allowed access to, 3 more were operating underground. If that is a concession on Iran's part, it will stop with the 1st. nuke they produce. From there on it is armed rouge nation, not rouge individuals.

Keep this Muslim phrase in mind:
First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday.
First the Jew, then America. Those are the 2 days Jews and Christians set aside for the Lord.

So let me ask you. How do you turn that into, a nuclear Iran is a good thing for the world?
explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran? Why do you think Iran having a nuke assembly line is a good thing? Iran is churning out terrorists, so of course Obama takes them off of the terrorist list. How come?

Only you and your fellow conservatives liars would believe that.
BTW I forgot, can you tell us what country did Obama takes off from terrorist list?
Being obama is a friend to Muslim terrorism probably Iran.
seriously?....he drones the hell out of them and he is their friend?....when those drones come for them,this is the image painted on the noses of the bomb.....the last thing many of his "friends" see.......

Pilots have had them in their sights and simply can't get the go ahead to bomb them. The impact we are having is about the same as Michelle holding up a sign that says, "# let the girls go". Wait till Iran starts producing bombs. You're going to see some global warming my friend.

That pic is Muslim Obama giving it to America.....
thats not what Omar Khanotta said....

“There's no lie.”

There is in fact a lie, your thread premise is a lie, and you're a liar.

And the only question remains: why do you and most others on the right feel the need to lie, do you even know you're lying, or do you know and just don't care.
tell us why jones.....
No they aren't Nazi Germany. Hitler didn't have a bomb. But imagine the destruction if he had. Iran producing bombs to sell is going to create a conflagration like hell with the lid off and we have no one but our Muslim president to thank for it. Him and his Muslim Spring Brotherhood advisors.

Iran has never invaded any of its neighbors.

And it would be kind of crazy for Iran to expend half its GDP on building a bomb and then giving it to someone else.

We really need to stop letting the Zionists dictate our policy.
Not one perk, in fact, lots of drawbacks in helping arm a nation that wants to destroy ours. And others. And yet we insist on helping them reach their goal. And no one here can explain why that is. Man A wants to murder Man B. Should you give Man A a gun? Obama answered that question, "Yes." And we are Man B!
They are dancing in the streets over this gift from our Muslim president, while we protest cloth.

Except that you really haven't proven Iran is Man A.

Here's a better example.

Man B bullies Man A for years. Man A kicks Man B in the balls. Man B goes around having a hissy and gets Man C, D, E, F and G to go along with shunning man A. Man A has a pretty bad attitude towards Man B, and Especially his whiny little Jewish Friend, Man Z.

Man B finally figures out the rest of the neighbor sees he's being a jerk, and won't stop Man A from going to the gun store. NOr are they really impressed that Man A wants one little gun when Man B is armed like Charlton Heston's wet Dream and once shot Man J, some Asian dude he had already beaten the snot out of.

So Man B gets Men C, D, E, F and G to agree that Man A can have a gun, but we get to check his bullets on a regular basis. Man Z whines like a little bitch, but the rest of the neighborhood would really like Man A to get involved in the neighborhood again.

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