Can any of the lefties here

There's no lie. He took Iran and Hezbollah off the terrorist list. Iran has not conceded one thing, and in fact has boasted about that fact. And yet, are we not reaching an agreement with them right now? Is it a lie that Kerry is agreeing with their demands today? Kerry isn't going to leave that table until we have given Iran everything they need to terrorize the world with bombs for them and their friends.

Is there any question in any American's mind, regardless of party, that thinks empowering Iran is a deadly mistake? And yet Obama insists on it. Why? Forget party lines. Just using common sense, tell me why.
Yeah I disagree because the US is not the country negotiating the pact...
Yeah moon, we are. If we had walked away everybody would have walked away. And it will be us dangling an Iran nuke over Israel's head unless they do what we tell them to do. Sacrifice land to Hezbollah, also conspicuously taken off the terror list.

The consequence of this will be WW3.
explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran? Why do you think Iran having a nuke assembly line is a good thing? Iran is churning out terrorists, so of course Obama takes them off of the terrorist list. How come?

Um, how many of the 9/11 Hijackers were Iranian? Answer:0
How many of the 9/11 Hijackers were Saudi Arabian? Answer: 15.

Seems to me we had the wrong country on the terrorist watch list.

Okay, reality check time. Obama was able to get six nations to agree to a set of inspections and sanctions relief for Iran to both slow down their nuclear program (mostly a good thing) and to reintegrate the country into the nations of the region.

Both of these are actually good things. Iran is the richest and most populus country in the Gulf. It's a reality we have to deal with.

It's a reality we are creating. They have told us in no uncertain terms they do not intend to let anyone inspect anything. They have a history of that we can draw on. Nothing about this says slow down. They don't want to integrate, they want to dominate.
It's a reality we are creating. They have told us in no uncertain terms they do not intend to let anyone inspect anything. They have a history of that we can draw on. Nothing about this says slow down. They don't want to integrate, they want to dominate.

Okay, honey, iran is not Nazi Germany.

Maybe we need to get off our high horse and realize we are the shitheads in our relations with Iran.

We propped up the Shah for decades.

We hit the country with vicious sanctions.

We shot down an airliner full of women and children.
No they aren't Nazi Germany. Hitler didn't have a bomb. But imagine the destruction if he had. Iran producing bombs to sell is going to create a conflagration like hell with the lid off and we have no one but our Muslim president to thank for it. Him and his Muslim Spring Brotherhood advisors.
explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran? Why do you think Iran having a nuke assembly line is a good thing? Iran is churning out terrorists, so of course Obama takes them off of the terrorist list. How come?
Because he's a Muslim? Then again the question was for leftists and I'm on the right.
Not one perk, in fact, lots of drawbacks in helping arm a nation that wants to destroy ours. And others. And yet we insist on helping them reach their goal. And no one here can explain why that is. Man A wants to murder Man B. Should you give Man A a gun? Obama answered that question, "Yes." And we are Man B!
They are dancing in the streets over this gift from our Muslim president, while we protest cloth.
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“Can any of the lefties here explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran?”

Can any of your fellow rightists explain why you and most other conservatives are such prolific liars – this thread premise being one of many examples.

How is this a lie......been drinking again clayton...?
Derp. Derp.

Obama has been POTUS since January 2009. Have any nations developed nuclear weapons capability since he took office?

Still using the image of a Cuban American Senator in clownface.....racist....10.
explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran? Why do you think Iran having a nuke assembly line is a good thing? Iran is churning out terrorists, so of course Obama takes them off of the terrorist list. How come?
unless you dont live here he is your president too....yea i know you dont like the guy....too bad.....lots of presidents i did not like....Nixon,Carter,Reagan,Bush Jr and now this guy.....but they were elected,so they are your President....
“Can any of the lefties here explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran?”

Can any of your fellow rightists explain why you and most other conservatives are such prolific liars – this thread premise being one of many examples.
why dont you tell us why jones.....
explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran? Why do you think Iran having a nuke assembly line is a good thing? Iran is churning out terrorists, so of course Obama takes them off of the terrorist list. How come?

Only you and your fellow conservatives liars would believe that.
BTW I forgot, can you tell us what country did Obama takes off from terrorist list?
Being obama is a friend to Muslim terrorism probably Iran.
seriously?....he drones the hell out of them and he is their friend?....when those drones come for them,this is the image painted on the noses of the bomb.....the last thing many of his "friends" see.......

explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran? Why do you think Iran having a nuke assembly line is a good thing? Iran is churning out terrorists, so of course Obama takes them off of the terrorist list. How come?
unless you dont live here he is your president too....yea i know you dont like the guy....too bad.....lots of presidents i did not like....Nixon,Carter,Reagan,Bush Jr and now this guy.....but they were elected,so they are your President....

Never. Never never never my President. I don't like politicians in general, despite affiliation. But that man is a traitor to this nation and so underhanded that we should issue Nixon an apology.

“There's no lie.”

There is in fact a lie, your thread premise is a lie, and you're a liar.

And the only question remains: why do you and most others on the right feel the need to lie, do you even know you're lying, or do you know and just don't care.
If you don`t bomb the shit out of somebody or bully them into being humiliated you`re "bowing down"? The grownups are in charge these days and Gomer`s exiled on his fake ranch where he can`t do any harm. Hope and change is good. Live with it!
explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran? Why do you think Iran having a nuke assembly line is a good thing? Iran is churning out terrorists, so of course Obama takes them off of the terrorist list. How come?
unless you dont live here he is your president too....yea i know you dont like the guy....too bad.....lots of presidents i did not like....Nixon,Carter,Reagan,Bush Jr and now this guy.....but they were elected,so they are your President....

Never. Never never never my President. I don't like politicians in general, despite affiliation. But that man is a traitor to this nation and so underhanded that we should issue Nixon an apology.
ok he aint your guy.......i think the guy is a pretty piss poor leader here at home, were we can sure use one about now........but i dont think he is a willing to bet every president since 1850 has sold out the country in one way or another in some deal we dont know about....

“There's no lie.”

There is in fact a lie, your thread premise is a lie, and you're a liar.

And the only question remains: why do you and most others on the right feel the need to lie, do you even know you're lying, or do you know and just don't care.
tell us about it jones.....
explain why your president insists we bow down to Iran? Why do you think Iran having a nuke assembly line is a good thing? Iran is churning out terrorists, so of course Obama takes them off of the terrorist list. How come?

Only you and your fellow conservatives liars would believe that.
BTW I forgot, can you tell us what country did Obama takes off from terrorist list?
Being obama is a friend to Muslim terrorism probably Iran.
seriously?....he drones the hell out of them and he is their friend?....when those drones come for them,this is the image painted on the noses of the bomb.....the last thing many of his "friends" see.......

Pilots have had them in their sights and simply can't get the go ahead to bomb them. The impact we are having is about the same as Michelle holding up a sign that says, "# let the girls go". Wait till Iran starts producing bombs. You're going to see some global warming my friend.

That pic is Muslim Obama giving it to America.....

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