Can anyone explain what tanked Obama's polling?

When people woke up and realized 'The First Affirmative Action President' has a Socialist agenda intended to destroy America. When they realized Obama is nothing but a 'gamer' trying to make mommy and daddy happy. When they realized Obama is a congenital liar. When they realized Obama didn't have a clue how to behave himself among other world leaders. When they realized Obama would happily spend the US into default in order to buy LIB votes.
When they realized Obama is hiding his entrance applications and 'real' BC because if they were released he would face immediate impeachment.
I won't go into the 'closet gay'. He'll 'go there' after 'MO' kicks him out after they leave the White house.

to be honest, he actually never was hiding his agenda of fundamentally transforming America.

he declared it in 2008 openly - if one would LISTEN.

But people did not. Even the ones who had known the type all too well.
Was it the wonderful economy, everyone getting access to real health insurance, ending the wars in Iran and Afghanistan, and the way he is bringing down the deficit?

so what you're saying here is that the fact that he has had a steady growth in employment is a bad thing ... the fact that the market is the highest its ever been... the fact that he has cut deficit spending in half ... the fact that he brought unemployment down to 7% when stupid fucks like you realize this maybe you might realize that his polling is coming up... even higher right before the next election ...where you guys will lose big time ...the fact that his polling went down, no big deal ... the thing you should be concerned with is the republicans reelection polling which is in the toilet swirling down the drain.... where the dems, not so much... the only thing the right is trying to push now is that 1% of the population can't keep their insurance ... that's their best slam to the prez... when they all figure out how to get their problems taken care of and actually call someone at the health care, then find out what they will really get, I wonder if they will ever figure out how to do that yet, cause they haven't been able to figure out it was their inurance compant that canceled them ...the insurance companies thought the could get double the amount from them.. after all they are the 1% right wing dumbest people

No answer to the question, interesting.

By the way, does steady growth in employment mean barely noticeable?
Was it the wonderful economy, everyone getting access to real health insurance, ending the wars in Iran and Afghanistan, and the way he is bringing down the deficit?

The media has, for the first time, been forced to report negatively on Obama. They can cover a great deal for him, however, not when he shoots himself in the foot by so openly and obviously screwing over the American people. Sunshine can only drag his poll numbers lower.
"Sunshine can only drag his poll numbers lower."

Quote of the day. Did a president ever have so much to fear from the truth?
Was it the wonderful economy, everyone getting access to real health insurance, ending the wars in Iran and Afghanistan, and the way he is bringing down the deficit?

Obama like the last few presidents was elected by the 'swing voters.' People have been known to wake up and smell the coffee (or feces as the case may be.)
His lies.

They all lie. But most political lies only cost individuals a few cents or a few dollars at a time. Obama's new health care tax is costing some people up to a third of their monthly income.
Unfortunately for Obama, the chickens have come home to roost.
Even many democrats are running away from this guy.

Over my 65 years, I have come to respect the politician who is a skillful liar. They are ALL liars, but some have definite skill in the practice. Obama is no more and no less a liar than the rest. He just has no skill as a liar.
Was it the wonderful economy, everyone getting access to real health insurance, ending the wars in Iran and Afghanistan, and the way he is bringing down the deficit?

so what you're saying here is that the fact that he has had a steady growth in employment is a bad thing ... the fact that the market is the highest its ever been... the fact that he has cut deficit spending in half ... the fact that he brought unemployment down to 7% when stupid fucks like you realize this maybe you might realize that his polling is coming up... even higher right before the next election ...where you guys will lose big time ...the fact that his polling went down, no big deal ... the thing you should be concerned with is the republicans reelection polling which is in the toilet swirling down the drain.... where the dems, not so much... the only thing the right is trying to push now is that 1% of the population can't keep their insurance ... that's their best slam to the prez... when they all figure out how to get their problems taken care of and actually call someone at the health care, then find out what they will really get, I wonder if they will ever figure out how to do that yet, cause they haven't been able to figure out it was their inurance compant that canceled them ...the insurance companies thought the could get double the amount from them.. after all they are the 1% right wing dumbest people

David calm down....take it easy.....ok take a breath....ok?..... so... when is your next TV Show coming up?....i liked "Rules of Engagement" and Timmy were funny....:lol:
DOW's at an all-time high today, over 16,200. So ya, wonderful economy.

But if asking about latest polls, that's not hard: Obamacare.

Bush's and the NeoCon Christian Fascist policies nearly COMPLETELY destroyed the economy.

"The Dow's point gain for 2013 is greater than any other year on record. ... By November 20, 2008, it fell to 7,552.29, a new low"

Dow Jones Closing History

So Ya...Obamacare has OBVIOUSLY destroyed business.

You Tea Party bastiches are too stupid for words...AND NUMBERS...

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