Can anyone recommend another word for Classical Liberalism


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
I want a word that means the polar (diametric) opposite of Progressivism; however, I'd prefer not to use "Classical Liberalism" because then I get dipshits saying "Thomas Jefferson was a [modern] liberal" or modern conservatives who don't even continue reading what I write because they see the word "liberal."

I want a word that primarily indicates:

"Natural Rightism"
I want a word that means the polar (diametric) opposite of Progressivism; however, I'd prefer not to use "Classical Liberalism" because then I get dipshits saying "Thomas Jefferson was a [modern] liberal" or modern conservatives who don't even continue reading what I write because they see the word "liberal."

I want a word that primarily indicates:

"Natural Rightism"

Strict Constitutionalist
I want a word that means the polar (diametric) opposite of Progressivism; however, I'd prefer not to use "Classical Liberalism" because then I get dipshits saying "Thomas Jefferson was a [modern] liberal" or modern conservatives who don't even continue reading what I write because they see the word "liberal."

I want a word that primarily indicates:

"Natural Rightism"

Strict Constitutionalist

I need something that is purely philosophical, ie.

Anarchism vs Authoritarianism :::: Laissez-faire Capitalism vs Socialism :::: Progressivism vs [Classical Liberalism] ???
I want a word that means the polar (diametric) opposite of Progressivism; however, I'd prefer not to use "Classical Liberalism" because then I get dipshits saying "Thomas Jefferson was a [modern] liberal" or modern conservatives who don't even continue reading what I write because they see the word "liberal."

I want a word that primarily indicates:

"Natural Rightism"

There is nothing inherently wrong with what is described as classical liberalism. For a non-industrialized agrarian economy with a population dispersed over a wide area with no effective communications....the liberalism of our founders was the best available solution

The most liberal of their policies.....All men are created equal
I want a word that means the polar (diametric) opposite of Progressivism; however, I'd prefer not to use "Classical Liberalism" because then I get dipshits saying "Thomas Jefferson was a [modern] liberal" or modern conservatives who don't even continue reading what I write because they see the word "liberal."

I want a word that primarily indicates:

"Natural Rightism"

We know this is important. If you can just find a nice word that doesn't hint at the dark, selfish "smeagol-like soul that you can feel better about putting yourself out there.

Much like the grand old party, you need to work on the way you package your've no need to work on the ideology itself.

How hard can it be?
Natural rightism?

The other word to describe that state of affairs is ANARCHY.

Nature recognizes no Right but MIGHT

The ONLY inalienable right that nature grants the living in the right to die.

There is nothing inherently wrong with what is described as classical liberalism. For a non-industrialized agrarian economy with a population dispersed over a wide area with no effective communications....the liberalism of our founders was the best available solution

The most liberal of their policies.....All men are created equal

"All men are created equal" is a profoundly Conservative notion.

If rightwinger is claiming that principle as belonging to "liberalism" he must be thinking of what was considered "liberal" back in the days of the American Revolution and the Founding and the Framing. But since modern day conservatism has embraced the principles of the Founders and the Framers, the principle that "all men are created equal" is presently a very conservative notion.

And the principles enunciated by the Founders and the Framers are still the best solution. Today's liberals cannot acknowledge that what was good for a largely agrarian society then is still the best policy today for our more urbanized and industrial society. At least rightwinger comes close to admitting that present day "liberalism" is not on the same page with the "liberalism" of those by-gone days.
There is nothing inherently wrong with what is described as classical liberalism. For a non-industrialized agrarian economy with a population dispersed over a wide area with no effective communications....the liberalism of our founders was the best available solution

The most liberal of their policies.....All men are created equal

RIght, now that we are industrialized and carry cell phones it needs to be replaced with progressive fascism.

Say, is that a biggie coke in your hand.......
There is nothing inherently wrong with what is described as classical liberalism. For a non-industrialized agrarian economy with a population dispersed over a wide area with no effective communications....the liberalism of our founders was the best available solution

The most liberal of their policies.....All men are created equal

"All men are created equal" is a profoundly Conservative notion.

If rightwinger is claiming that principle as belonging to "liberalism" he must be thinking of what was considered "liberal" back in the days of the American Revolution and the Founding and the Framing. But since modern day conservatism has embraced the principles of the Founders and the Framers, the principle that "all men are created equal" is presently a very conservative notion.

And the principles enunciated by the Founders and the Framers are still the best solution. Today's liberals cannot acknowledge that what was good for a largely agrarian society then is still the best policy today for our more urbanized and industrial society. At least rightwinger comes close to admitting that present day "liberalism" is not on the same page with the "liberalism" of those by-gone days.

We are all created equal? This is blantantly absurd. You have the rich elite and the idiot peasants who would all kill themselves if it were not for the enlightened progressives.
There is nothing inherently wrong with what is described as classical liberalism. For a non-industrialized agrarian economy with a population dispersed over a wide area with no effective communications....the liberalism of our founders was the best available solution

The most liberal of their policies.....All men are created equal

"All men are created equal" is a profoundly Conservative notion.

If rightwinger is claiming that principle as belonging to "liberalism" he must be thinking of what was considered "liberal" back in the days of the American Revolution and the Founding and the Framing. But since modern day conservatism has embraced the principles of the Founders and the Framers, the principle that "all men are created equal" is presently a very conservative notion.

And the principles enunciated by the Founders and the Framers are still the best solution. Today's liberals cannot acknowledge that what was good for a largely agrarian society then is still the best policy today for our more urbanized and industrial society. At least rightwinger comes close to admitting that present day "liberalism" is not on the same page with the "liberalism" of those by-gone days.

If "All men are created equal" is an inherently conservative notion.....why did conservatives of the day fight so hard to oppose it?

But I do give todays conservatives credit for finally accepting the concept
There is nothing inherently wrong with what is described as classical liberalism. For a non-industrialized agrarian economy with a population dispersed over a wide area with no effective communications....the liberalism of our founders was the best available solution

The most liberal of their policies.....All men are created equal

"All men are created equal" is a profoundly Conservative notion.

If rightwinger is claiming that principle as belonging to "liberalism" he must be thinking of what was considered "liberal" back in the days of the American Revolution and the Founding and the Framing. But since modern day conservatism has embraced the principles of the Founders and the Framers, the principle that "all men are created equal" is presently a very conservative notion.

And the principles enunciated by the Founders and the Framers are still the best solution. Today's liberals cannot acknowledge that what was good for a largely agrarian society then is still the best policy today for our more urbanized and industrial society. At least rightwinger comes close to admitting that present day "liberalism" is not on the same page with the "liberalism" of those by-gone days.

We are all created equal? This is blantantly absurd. You have the rich elite and the idiot peasants who would all kill themselves if it were not for the enlightened progressives.

Not quite. They wouldn't kill themselves.
I want a word that means the polar (diametric) opposite of Progressivism; however, I'd prefer not to use "Classical Liberalism" because then I get dipshits saying "Thomas Jefferson was a [modern] liberal" or modern conservatives who don't even continue reading what I write because they see the word "liberal."

I want a word that primarily indicates:

"Natural Rightism"


[kon-sti-too-shuh-nl-ist, -tyoo-] Show IPA
an adherent or advocate of constitutionalism or of an existing constitution.

[kon-sti-too-shuh-nl-iz-uhm, -tyoo-] Show IPA
the principles of constitutional government or adherence to them.
constitutional rule or authority.

seems opposite to progressive to me
"All men are created equal" is a profoundly Conservative notion.

If rightwinger is claiming that principle as belonging to "liberalism" he must be thinking of what was considered "liberal" back in the days of the American Revolution and the Founding and the Framing. But since modern day conservatism has embraced the principles of the Founders and the Framers, the principle that "all men are created equal" is presently a very conservative notion.

And the principles enunciated by the Founders and the Framers are still the best solution. Today's liberals cannot acknowledge that what was good for a largely agrarian society then is still the best policy today for our more urbanized and industrial society. At least rightwinger comes close to admitting that present day "liberalism" is not on the same page with the "liberalism" of those by-gone days.

We are all created equal? This is blantantly absurd. You have the rich elite and the idiot peasants who would all kill themselves if it were not for the enlightened progressives.

Not quite. They wouldn't kill themselves.

Spread the word brother, we need to get people to join the left winged human extinction movement.

Can I hear a good Amen!!?
There is nothing inherently wrong with what is described as classical liberalism. For a non-industrialized agrarian economy with a population dispersed over a wide area with no effective communications....the liberalism of our founders was the best available solution

The most liberal of their policies.....All men are created equal

"All men are created equal" is a profoundly Conservative notion.

If rightwinger is claiming that principle as belonging to "liberalism" he must be thinking of what was considered "liberal" back in the days of the American Revolution and the Founding and the Framing. But since modern day conservatism has embraced the principles of the Founders and the Framers, the principle that "all men are created equal" is presently a very conservative notion.

And the principles enunciated by the Founders and the Framers are still the best solution. Today's liberals cannot acknowledge that what was good for a largely agrarian society then is still the best policy today for our more urbanized and industrial society. At least rightwinger comes close to admitting that present day "liberalism" is not on the same page with the "liberalism" of those by-gone days.

We are all created equal? This is blantantly absurd. You have the rich elite and the idiot peasants who would all kill themselves if it were not for the enlightened progressives.


A guy born with mental retardation or a with polio was not "equal" to an able bodied and brilliant person in that day and age or in any other.

But that is not the sense in which "created equal" was used.

The fuller explanation didn't require much waiting. They were equal in the sense that all men (and women) were endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable RIGHTS.

Lots of people deny even that. Like, in this very thread, we have folks talking about the only "right" which nature "recognizes." Nature, of course, is not sentient in and of itself (unless you are a believer in "Gaia" or such stuff). "Nature" doesn't "recognize" anything.

But as a society we (largely) accepted the notion that it was a basic and immutable principle that all people were born with a right to live, a right to liberty and freedom and a right to seek their own happiness. I am a conservative; so, I still believe those things are true.

And no. That does not mean that the rights translate fairly and squarely for all people into outcomes. Some people are unjustly denied the right to life itself. Some folks are denied liberty (and they were back then, too). And the right to even seek happiness (much less to actually obtain it) is denied to this very day to lots of people. None of that changes the fact that it is and was a right they had and should have. And to the extent that people are unjustly denied those things, that is where we have work to do to move closer to fulfilling them.

But we are still all created equal in the sense used in that phrase. And your agreement of disagreement with that precept is of no importance to me.
I want a word that means the polar (diametric) opposite of Progressivism; however, I'd prefer not to use "Classical Liberalism" because then I get dipshits saying "Thomas Jefferson was a [modern] liberal" or modern conservatives who don't even continue reading what I write because they see the word "liberal."

I want a word that primarily indicates:

"Natural Rightism"


There is nothing inherently wrong with what is described as classical liberalism.

[snip dubious claim]

The most liberal of their policies.....All men are created equal

"All men are created equal" is a profoundly Conservative notion.

[deleted unread - also to minimize embarrassment to the writer]

Wanted to see the part in red again.

The actual FACT is that "all men are created equal" is among the most novel - and LIBERAL - propositions ever put forth. That proposition was so radical it was deemed threatening to the established order or status quo (where by definition conservatives live or want to live) for some years before it changed everything.

More evidence of the profound failure of public education. People who should be able to honestly admit the facts don't even know them.
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I want a word that means the polar (diametric) opposite of Progressivism; however, I'd prefer not to use "Classical Liberalism" because then I get dipshits saying "Thomas Jefferson was a [modern] liberal" or modern conservatives who don't even continue reading what I write because they see the word "liberal."

I want a word that primarily indicates:

"Natural Rightism"

The fathers of modern liberalism from Martin Luther to Galileo to Hobbes and Locke et al, all understood and embraced limits on "natural rights". The most easily understood modern description of those limits is "Your right to swing your fist stops short of my jaw." Modern problems were mostly about "how far short" of the jaw until the rabble who co-opted the Democratic Party after 1972 began attempting to make it illegal to form a fist.

None of which should be construed by haflwit nutballs as supporting the idiotic notion Reagan's crowd did something respectable.

"Classic liberal" is going to have to do. There is no other description for a philosophy that did more to advance humanity than any other philosophy simply by freeing western culture from the absolute shackles of papist horseshit.
I like to look at Classical Liberalism as.........Liberal 1.0

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