Can Atheists be Moral?

And nowadays, it's gonna be a lot more serious than in prior days.

Do you really want that to happen? For a fake religion?
Instead of millions dead, we're looking at billions dead in future wars.

Just because of different beliefs in "God". What an asshole.... if he exists....
I've been trying to say that "God" is "EN.LIL". makes perfect sense then.

And our Lord is EN.KI. The one who created and protects us.
I hope you're seeing the truth ding. Sometimes you have to cry and laugh. It's not schizo, it's realizing reality.
According to John Gray, an atheist, the vocal fervour of today’s missionary atheism conceals a panic that religion is not only refusing to decline – but in fact flourishing.
Monism, which divides the human species into a hierarchy of racial groups, created an intellectual climate in which policies of racial slavery and genocide claimed a basis in science. Julian Huxley, proponent of “evolutionary humanism”, shared some of his views with monism and looked forward to a time when “backward” peoples would be remade in a western mould or else vanish from the world.
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You know I can find that quote, and that you didn't write it. I hate when people do that to try to make themselves look smart...

Ding, you basis on your religion is based on ancient Sumerian texts, that said a lot different than the OT rewrote. It falsifies your religion. Everything else that followed from the OT, is make-believe. That includes Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It's all wrong. Anything that came afterwards was due to rulers looking to take advantage of the religions, to create armies, to make themselves richer based on their fanatical fighters.
The original Sumerian texts, said nothing about killing others. It's just beautiful works about math and science and society. And about who taught them about all that shit. The Anunnaki.

Those are the original gods, but the Sumerians did not regard them as gods, just rulers.
By the late 1930's the rise of monism and eugenics was playing itself out, not because of scientific revelation but because of the rise of Nazism.
Who the Anunnaki were, is up for debate. I think they were ET's. But they also could have been a more advanced society on Earth, that taught the Mesopotamian society the rules of civilization. In that case, who taught the Anunnaki? I don't know. But they were obviously waaaay more advanced than the Sumerians at the time.
New atheists are doing the same thing today using the liberal values which western societies subscribe today by looking with contempt upon “backward” cultures that have not abandoned religion.
So even though the racial theories promoted by atheists in the past are no longer endorsed by atheists, they have still not renounced the conviction that human values must be based in science.
This Anunnaki story, is where your religion begins. And it has been changed or modified countless times to create all the different religions we have today. It's like the telephone game. Spread over 6000 years.
According to John Gray, "When organised as a movement and backed by the power of the state, atheist ideologies have been an integral part of despotic regimes that also claimed to be based in science, such as the former Soviet Union. Many rival moralities and political systems – most of them, to date, illiberal – have attempted to assert a basis in science. All have been fraudulent and ephemeral. Yet the attempt continues in atheist movements today, which claim that liberal values can be scientifically validated and are therefore humanly universal."
New atheists are doing the same thing today using the liberal values which western societies subscribe today by looking with contempt upon “backward” cultures that have not abandoned religion.
Yours is a backward religion. You don't even acknowledge the shit it took to get you here, the murders, the rapes, the abductions. To you, it's just "natural".

All prior sins are forgiven!
Not all atheists have been interested in propagating a new gospel, and some have been friendly to traditional faiths. Unfortunately, campaigning atheism is a missionary enterprise, which aims to convert humankind to a particular version of unbelief.
Not all atheists, even when they have been committed liberals, share the evangelical atheist's convictions.
And not too many years before that, they stopped burning women and children at the stake! But for hundreds of years, they tortured and raped and murdered millions of people during the Inquisition. Just for fun, and giggles.

That's your religions buddy. Face up to it and admit it. It is friggin evil shit.

You have an out. Just have your faith, and drop the religious mantra. Realize you have been lied to, but you still have faith in other parts of it.

Just don't kill or hate over it...
According to John Gray, "Roughly speaking, an atheist is anyone who has no use for the concept of God – the idea of a divine mind, which has created humankind and embodies in a perfect form the values that human beings cherish and strive to realise. Many who are atheists in this sense (including myself) regard the evangelical atheism that has emerged over the past few decades with bemusement. Why make a fuss over an idea that has no sense for you? There are untold multitudes who have no interest in waging war on beliefs that mean nothing to them. Throughout history, many have been happy to live their lives without bothering about ultimate questions. This sort of atheism is one of the perennial responses to the experience of being human."

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