Can Bernie beat Trump?

Trumpism is much more destructive than Socialism!



Trumpism = never before seen prosperity and freedom.
Socialism = Can I have bread? Oh no, I am fine with the darker bread piece, I did not mean to take the white one. I am not a racist! Noooooooooooooo...
I like the current forms of socialism that we already have, but I think Bernie's brand of socialism is too extreme for America at this time. Plus, I think Bernie is a poor messenger. Socialism isn't one-size-fits-all. It comes in varying degrees and forms. Our existing socialist programs make our lives better. Can anyone honestly deny that? If so - please read through the following list and tell us which socialist programs you would like to live without:

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

Having a social program isn't socialism.

It's retarded to think anything the government does is socialism. Of course, in America the government should do as little as possible. Land of the free...

Funny. The role of government is to make our lives better and safe.

Nope. The role of government is to protect our freedoms to make OUR OWN lives better.

Okay, how does government do that? Downsizing and privatizing?

You get a copy of the Constitution. See the parts labeled "Articles"? The government does that shit, ONLY the stuff that's actually written. See the parts labeled "Amendments"? They respect that shit and keep their mitts off, ONLY the stuff that's actually written.

And there you go.

That leftists find the idea of actually following the Constitution funny tells you all you need to know about why Bernie won't beat Trump. The rest of America doesn't find the Constitution to be a source of amusement.
I agree that the electorate is changing - but Bernie is too far left for this time. America isn't there yet.
I think we are, or at least enough of us are.

By all means, run him and let's see. :D
I'm all in.

And I'm glad to hear it. I can't think of anyone's shock, outrage, and misery I will enjoy more than yours when he fails.
He won't fail.

Yes, yes. Keep setting yourself up for despair. Exactly what I want to hear.
You have been brainwashed. It doesn't not require brainwashing to think Bernie is a nut; it just requires listening to him. Stop mimicking those on the left who hate Donald Trump.
Why do want the ultra rich protected by government, but no one else? Are you a billionaire?

Straw man.
I suspect you don’t know the ultra rich have a powerful uncle that makes sure they are well cared for. Shouldn’t uncle help the poorest, rather than the richest?

Personally, I think the US government should work for the benefit of everyone who's a citizen or legal resident, but I'm not laboring under the crippling effects of self-righteous victimhood coupled with liver-eating envy.
LOL. You’re dreaming.

Perhaps, but I'd rather dream of freedom than dream of enslaving people to benefit myself, the way you do.
You should never say never but IMHO Bernie Sanders will have a very difficult time unseating Donny if the current economic and social conditions hold.

According to Gallup 90% of Americans say they are satisfied with their personal lives (January 2020), and when Gallup broke that down by different areas of their personal lives (2019) the numbers are equally overwhelmingly positive.
Satisfaction With Personal Life

Given the positive feelings that the vast majority of Americans are showing with the status quo, why would they vote to replace the POTUS with a radical 78 year socialist? I could see this as a possibility if we were back in 2008 in the midst of economic and social turmoil, but now?

What strategy would a Sanders campaign pursue? "I know you think you're satisfied but you're too stupid to know that you shouldn't be" ?

The wildcard factor is of course Donny, being the pompous ass that he is, doing something idiotic to beat himself but barring that or a complete economic or social meltdown, I'd put Comrade Sanders chances of winning a General Election in the slim to very slim category.
The number one issue is HC and affordability, and Bernie's plan is to take away your plan and raise your taxes to put you on Medicare. He says you'll save money on copay and deductible … even though Medicare has 20% copays and the prescript coverage has people buying supplemental policies or skipping meds.

It's a fascinating plan of attack for Bernie, in that it puts him in opposition to labor unions, who are usually some of the biggest Democrat supporters.

What's "fascinating" about it ?

It's the same fucking plan of attack the leftwing dingbats have been spouting for decades, namely FULL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF HEALTH INSURANCE FUNDED BY EATING THE "RICH"! 'CAUSE DENMARK! , maybe someday these wannabe Soviet Cosmonauts will ask somebody other than a hyperactive kindergartner on crack what their plan to "fix" healthcare should be.:cool:

Read my fucking post instead of knee-jerking. What's fascinating about it is that Bernie thinks he's going to win by alienating the Democrat Party's core constituencies. It's like watching a slow-motion train wreck.
Why do want the ultra rich protected by government, but no one else? Are you a billionaire?

Straw man.
I suspect you don’t know the ultra rich have a powerful uncle that makes sure they are well cared for. Shouldn’t uncle help the poorest, rather than the richest?

Personally, I think the US government should work for the benefit of everyone who's a citizen or legal resident, but I'm not laboring under the crippling effects of self-righteous victimhood coupled with liver-eating envy.
LOL. You’re dreaming.

Perhaps, but I'd rather dream of freedom than dream of enslaving people to benefit myself, the way you do.
LOL. You think this is freedom, when our government is of, by, and for the .1%. Really?

Picture tells the story don’t it?
Straw man.
I suspect you don’t know the ultra rich have a powerful uncle that makes sure they are well cared for. Shouldn’t uncle help the poorest, rather than the richest?

Personally, I think the US government should work for the benefit of everyone who's a citizen or legal resident, but I'm not laboring under the crippling effects of self-righteous victimhood coupled with liver-eating envy.
LOL. You’re dreaming.

Perhaps, but I'd rather dream of freedom than dream of enslaving people to benefit myself, the way you do.
LOL. You think this is freedom, when our government is of, by, and for the .1%. Really?

Picture tells the story don’t it?

Considering that I 1) don't accept your premise as fact no matter how many times you assert that it is, and 2) don't view rich people as foreigners . . .

Do the math.
I really don't think so! I welcome any credible views to the contrary. Here is what I think:

1. If Bernie wins the democratic primary - we'll likely have four more years of Trump*.

2. If Bernie loses the democratic primary - his supporters will likely not support the winner. Trump* wins.

3. Therefore, either way, it looks good for Trump*.

4. I'm watching Bloomberg very closely.
none of them running can beat Trump and the Democrats know it
I suspect you don’t know the ultra rich have a powerful uncle that makes sure they are well cared for. Shouldn’t uncle help the poorest, rather than the richest?

Personally, I think the US government should work for the benefit of everyone who's a citizen or legal resident, but I'm not laboring under the crippling effects of self-righteous victimhood coupled with liver-eating envy.
LOL. You’re dreaming.

Perhaps, but I'd rather dream of freedom than dream of enslaving people to benefit myself, the way you do.
LOL. You think this is freedom, when our government is of, by, and for the .1%. Really?

Picture tells the story don’t it?

Considering that I 1) don't accept your premise as fact no matter how many times you assert that it is, and 2) don't view rich people as foreigners . . .

Do the math.
So, my picture didn’t help? Look closely.
Personally, I think the US government should work for the benefit of everyone who's a citizen or legal resident, but I'm not laboring under the crippling effects of self-righteous victimhood coupled with liver-eating envy.
LOL. You’re dreaming.

Perhaps, but I'd rather dream of freedom than dream of enslaving people to benefit myself, the way you do.
LOL. You think this is freedom, when our government is of, by, and for the .1%. Really?

Picture tells the story don’t it?

Considering that I 1) don't accept your premise as fact no matter how many times you assert that it is, and 2) don't view rich people as foreigners . . .

Do the math.
So, my picture didn’t help? Look closely.

So your response is, "You don't agree with me? That just means you didn't understand what I said"?

Alternatively, maybe you're about as deep as a Phoenix mud puddle, I understood you perfectly, and I continue to think you're a jackass.
LOL. You’re dreaming.

Perhaps, but I'd rather dream of freedom than dream of enslaving people to benefit myself, the way you do.
LOL. You think this is freedom, when our government is of, by, and for the .1%. Really?

Picture tells the story don’t it?

Considering that I 1) don't accept your premise as fact no matter how many times you assert that it is, and 2) don't view rich people as foreigners . . .

Do the math.
So, my picture didn’t help? Look closely.

So your response is, "You don't agree with me? That just means you didn't understand what I said"?

Alternatively, maybe you're about as deep as a Phoenix mud puddle, I understood you perfectly, and I continue to think you're a jackass.
Thank you for your kind words.

Don’t you love this?
Perhaps, but I'd rather dream of freedom than dream of enslaving people to benefit myself, the way you do.
LOL. You think this is freedom, when our government is of, by, and for the .1%. Really?

Picture tells the story don’t it?

Considering that I 1) don't accept your premise as fact no matter how many times you assert that it is, and 2) don't view rich people as foreigners . . .

Do the math.
So, my picture didn’t help? Look closely.

So your response is, "You don't agree with me? That just means you didn't understand what I said"?

Alternatively, maybe you're about as deep as a Phoenix mud puddle, I understood you perfectly, and I continue to think you're a jackass.
Thank you for your kind words.

Don’t you love this?

That you're so out of real points that you think repeating the same mocked and discarded assertion will somehow make it truth THIS time? Yeah, I do love it.

Just a tip: billionaires aren't the reason you're a broke loser. Get over it.
LOL. You think this is freedom, when our government is of, by, and for the .1%. Really?

Picture tells the story don’t it?

Considering that I 1) don't accept your premise as fact no matter how many times you assert that it is, and 2) don't view rich people as foreigners . . .

Do the math.
So, my picture didn’t help? Look closely.

So your response is, "You don't agree with me? That just means you didn't understand what I said"?

Alternatively, maybe you're about as deep as a Phoenix mud puddle, I understood you perfectly, and I continue to think you're a jackass.
Thank you for your kind words.

Don’t you love this?

That you're so out of real points that you think repeating the same mocked and discarded assertion will somehow make it truth THIS time? Yeah, I do love it.

Just a tip: billionaires aren't the reason you're a broke loser. Get over it.
LOL. You cons are so damn similar and repetitive. Same old bs very f-ing time.

I’m independently wealthy. Retired at 55 because I could and living a great life. Unlike you, I see many of my fellow Americans suffering while the extreme rich get government protection. Unlike you, I don’t like this and want it changed.
Considering that I 1) don't accept your premise as fact no matter how many times you assert that it is, and 2) don't view rich people as foreigners . . .

Do the math.
So, my picture didn’t help? Look closely.

So your response is, "You don't agree with me? That just means you didn't understand what I said"?

Alternatively, maybe you're about as deep as a Phoenix mud puddle, I understood you perfectly, and I continue to think you're a jackass.
Thank you for your kind words.

Don’t you love this?

That you're so out of real points that you think repeating the same mocked and discarded assertion will somehow make it truth THIS time? Yeah, I do love it.

Just a tip: billionaires aren't the reason you're a broke loser. Get over it.
LOL. You cons are so damn similar and repetitive. Same old bs very f-ing time.

I’m independently wealthy. Retired at 55 because I could and living a great life. Unlike you, I see many of my fellow Americans suffering while the extreme rich get government protection. Unlike you, I don’t like this and want it changed.
Posts the same exact post 3 times.

Calls an entire group of people similar and repetitive. The irony.

It is rather funny how many interdependently wealthy people seem to spend their day here talking politics though. For some reason almost all of the .1% seem to be here...
So, my picture didn’t help? Look closely.

So your response is, "You don't agree with me? That just means you didn't understand what I said"?

Alternatively, maybe you're about as deep as a Phoenix mud puddle, I understood you perfectly, and I continue to think you're a jackass.
Thank you for your kind words.

Don’t you love this?

That you're so out of real points that you think repeating the same mocked and discarded assertion will somehow make it truth THIS time? Yeah, I do love it.

Just a tip: billionaires aren't the reason you're a broke loser. Get over it.
LOL. You cons are so damn similar and repetitive. Same old bs very f-ing time.

I’m independently wealthy. Retired at 55 because I could and living a great life. Unlike you, I see many of my fellow Americans suffering while the extreme rich get government protection. Unlike you, I don’t like this and want it changed.
Posts the same exact post 3 times.

Calls an entire group of people similar and repetitive. The irony.

It is rather funny how many interdependently wealthy people seem to spend their day here talking politics though. For some reason almost all of the .1% seem to be here...
Just hammering home my point. Do you get it yet?

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