Can Catholics tell the difference?

between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

In my words: We believe spirit is a living substance and not nothing. We believe that god is very concrete present in a consecrated bread. It's better for everyone in the world to respect this belief. We remember our savior not only in words - we try to be in him and we try to take him in us in all dimensions of our existance.

why does it matter

Why does what matter?

If Catholics can tell the difference. Their ability to tell the difference doesn't effect the efficacy of it in the slightest.

Efficacy of what?

Or the Eucharist. If it has meaning what does it matter if they can recognize the change. If it doesn't who cares?
between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

Of course they can tell the difference.

When the unconsecrated bread is taken out of the tabernacle, the congregation stands up.

Only after the wafer made by human hands is consecrated, with a little mumbo-jumbo and an alakazam, the priests lifts it up, declares it to be the body of Christ, and then the congregation falls on its knees in deranged adoration before it.

I wonder why they can't perceive the evil that they are mixed up in by openly practicing idolatry and desecrating the teachings of Jesus, which is the Body of Christ, by reducing them into a lifeless material object that is worshiped as if it was a god, eaten, and then crapped down the toilet.

They must have eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear and a mind that cannot perceive, otherwise, if they were true to their professed dedication, they would reject the entire performance as the work of the devil.
'Catholic', meaning 'universal' is a ridiculous title for that denomination.
I understand English and the translation into that language of the Bible. No more is needed, and certainly not any 'priest' or intercessor.

A Catholic needs more than a bible and the english language, that's true. Life is much more easy for you.

between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

Of course they can tell the difference.

When the unconsecrated bread is taken out of the tabernacle, the congregation stands up.

Only after the wafer made by human hands is consecrated, with a little mumbo-jumbo and an alakazam, the priests lifts it up, declares it to be the body of Christ, and then the congregation falls on its knees in deranged adoration before it.

I wonder why they can't perceive the evil that they are mixed up in by openly practicing idolatry and desecrating the teachings of Jesus, which is the Body of Christ, by reducing them into a lifeless material object that is worshiped as if it was a god, eaten, and then crapped down the toilet.

They must have eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear and a mind that cannot perceive, otherwise, if they were true to their professed dedication, they would reject the entire performance as the work of the devil.

I heard this.

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between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

In my words: We believe spirit is a living substance and not nothing. We believe that god is very concrete present in a consecrated bread. It's better for everyone in the world to respect this belief. We remember our savior not only in words - we try to be in him and we try to take him in us in all dimensions of our existance.

why does it matter

Why does what matter?

If Catholics can tell the difference. Their ability to tell the difference doesn't effect the efficacy of it in the slightest.

Efficacy of what?

Or the Eucharist. If it has meaning what does it matter if they can recognize the change. If it doesn't who cares?

Depends how to see it. If you drove a long distance in your car and suddenly someone tells you now "There's no motor in your car" then this causes two problems. First problem: How to open the motor compartement? And if there should indeed no motor be inside - how for heavens sake did we drive about 2000 years without motor?

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