Can Catholics tell the difference?

Did Jesus say, "Every month or so when you eat bread, think of me"?

You remember nearly the correct sentence. Not bad for 2000 years. I guess the bible helped you to remember. Was one of our best ideas to make a bible although Jesus said not "Make a bible".

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between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

Holy wafer taste tests? :)
Does "Holy" have a distinct flavor?

How about Holy Water--Does it taste like water, or does it have a subtle kick like Grey Goose?

Drove cross-country way back one summer. Sought refuge and rest in a variety of churches. Filled a canteen with holy water to make my Tang. Tasted like regular ol' tap water to me. :)
between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

Holy wafer taste tests? :)
Does "Holy" have a distinct flavor?

How about Holy Water--Does it taste like water, or does it have a subtle kick like Grey Goose?

Drove cross-country way back one summer. Sought refuge and rest in a variety of churches. Filled a canteen with holy water to make my Tang. Tasted like regular ol' tap water to me. :)

I guess "getting drunk on the Holy Ghost" is a figment of speech
between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

Holy wafer taste tests? :)
Does "Holy" have a distinct flavor?

How about Holy Water--Does it taste like water, or does it have a subtle kick like Grey Goose?

Drove cross-country way back one summer. Sought refuge and rest in a variety of churches. Filled a canteen with holy water to make my Tang. Tasted like regular ol' tap water to me. :)
Probably the Tang was not 'Poontificated'.
It's not exactly something to be made fun of or ridiculed. :slap:

You're right. Not when 'God created himself then talked to himself a lot' could be made fun and ridiculed instead. ;)
Always hoping next time you pop up you will have changed shirts. : |

---- but as for your comment ---

Certain percentage of atheists (like yourself) appear to find the notion of God to be so unimaginable because of particulars like ** How can God be three persons in one? *** How can God make a virgin birth? *** How can there be no other intelligent life out there?, etc.

And yet on the other hand, it is nothing for these same people to accept without any hesitation that *** life just sprang up from rocks *** these DNA molecules then somehow just organized themselves into living organisms that are capable of reproducing and turning themselves into more advanced animals *** matters so unbelievably complex and ingenious as nervous systems, livers, eyes, lungs, ears, brains, etc. all came to be because of some mindless process with no intelligent thought or design behind it.

Pardon me for finding you and yours so impossible to understand, or to even believe exist in this modern age.
Jesus left no writings, 'Zaang...'

Do you have any ideas as to why he didn't?
Any birth is a miracle

Natural occurring events are not considered miracles

Das Wunder ist nicht ein Widerspruch zu den Naturgesetzen, sondern ein Widerspruch zu dem, was wir von diesen Gesetzen wissen.
(The wonder is not a contradiction to the natural laws but a contradiction to this what we know about this laws)


Augustinus (*354 +430 AD)

“People travel to wonder
at the height of the mountains,
at the huge waves of the seas,
at the long course of the rivers,
at the vast compass of the ocean,
at the circular motion of the stars,
and yet they pass by themselves
without wondering. ”

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Hey--Virgin births are not miracles

You do understand that, right turzovka?

No, not necessarily. But it hardly causes me the slightest consternation that Jesus was born as Scripture says. It is those who doubt the existence of God that cite these kinds of details which makes them scoff or roll their eyes. It is but one example of all kinds of claims they cannot get themselves to accept.

So was that the only point you were trying to make?
between consecrated bread/wafer and unconsecrated? Why or why not?

In my words: We believe spirit is a living substance and not nothing. We believe that god is very concrete present in a consecrated bread. It's better for everyone in the world to respect this belief. We remember our savior not only in words - we try to be in him and we try to take him in us in all dimensions of our existance.

why does it matter

Why does what matter?

If Catholics can tell the difference. Their ability to tell the difference doesn't effect the efficacy of it in the slightest.

Efficacy of what?

Hey--Virgin births are not miracles

You do understand that, right turzovka?

No, not necessarily. But it hardly causes me the slightest consternation that Jesus was born as Scripture says. It is those who doubt the existence of God that cite these kinds of details which makes them scoff or roll their eyes. It is but one example of all kinds of claims they cannot get themselves to accept.

So was that the only point you were trying to make?

Not just

I needed that out of the way to let you know that no atheist nor scientist has made a claim that things went "Poof" into existence.

That is a theist position. That is a theistic mind set. Transitions is an unknown word to theist who make the claims you do.

Of course you do not understand. You are to stuck in a "Poof, Poof, POOF" mindset to listen to others.

Life "Poof" out of rocks--that assumption would end any serious conversation about what atheist think.
Hey--Virgin births are not miracles

You do understand that, right turzovka?

No, not necessarily. But it hardly causes me the slightest consternation that Jesus was born as Scripture says. It is those who doubt the existence of God that cite these kinds of details which makes them scoff or roll their eyes. It is but one example of all kinds of claims they cannot get themselves to accept.

So was that the only point you were trying to make?

Not just

I needed that out of the way to let you know that no atheist nor scientist has made a claim that things went "Poof" into existence.

That is a theist position. That is a theistic mind set. Transitions is an unknown word to theist who make the claims you do.

Of course you do not understand. You are to stuck in a "Poof, Poof, POOF" mindset to listen to others.

Life "Poof" out of rocks--that assumption would end any serious conversation about what atheist think.
Yes, I know. I have heard it a thousand times before. Standard godless atheist answer = "we do not understand the process." Or an occasional "give it more time" answer.

Tell you what --- I will give you 500 quadrillion years and no rock will ever turn into a mouse. Nor will any old amoeba ever become a peacock. Bizarre. (Unless God so wills it, which the evidence strongly shows He did not.)
Hey--Virgin births are not miracles

You do understand that, right turzovka?

No, not necessarily. But it hardly causes me the slightest consternation that Jesus was born as Scripture says. It is those who doubt the existence of God that cite these kinds of details which makes them scoff or roll their eyes. It is but one example of all kinds of claims they cannot get themselves to accept.

So was that the only point you were trying to make?

Not just

I needed that out of the way to let you know that no atheist nor scientist has made a claim that things went "Poof" into existence.

That is a theist position. That is a theistic mind set. Transitions is an unknown word to theist who make the claims you do.

Of course you do not understand. You are to stuck in a "Poof, Poof, POOF" mindset to listen to others.

Life "Poof" out of rocks--that assumption would end any serious conversation about what atheist think.
Yes, I know. I have heard it a thousand times before. Standard godless atheist answer = "we do not understand the process." Or an occasional "give it more time" answer.

Tell you what --- I will give you 500 quadrillion years and no rock will ever turn into a mouse. Nor will any old amoeba ever become a peacock. Bizarre. (Unless God so wills it, which the evidence strongly shows He did not.)

Correction: I meant to say "godless evolutionist" not godless atheist. What I am getting at is those who claim there is no evidence for intelligent design of evolution. And I say reason and logic alone says impossible without it. Some who hold that position of no need for intelligent design for evolution, also may or could believe in God in other ways, not arguing that.
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if they cant tell the difference then its not true.
Kinda figured that's where you were going with this........ You aren't one of those who claim Catholics aren't Christians are ya?

If you've ever been to a Catholic Mass, and I'm sure you haven't, the priest consecrates the bread and the wine during the service. Pretty simple answer to your "question".

grew up cradle catholic for 25 years pal. I know exactly what they teach and its lies. There is no difference between a consecrated and unconsecrated eucharist. Why? Because Jesus is not in there.
if they cant tell the difference then its not true.
How do you determine that?

Understand, even if you can't distinguish between A and B, that, in itself, does not mean A and B are the same nor does it mean A and B are different.

What it means is that you lack sufficient information to draw a firm conclusion.

a consecrated and unconsecrated wafer under a microscope= NO difference. Understand yet?
if they cant tell the difference then its not true.
How do you determine that?

Understand, even if you can't distinguish between A and B, that, in itself, does not mean A and B are the same nor does it mean A and B are different.

What it means is that you lack sufficient information to draw a firm conclusion.

a consecrated and unconsecrated wafer under a microscope= NO difference. Understand yet?

And what says your microscope about parallel lines in mathematics? I will tell you: Line A is not existing because endless thin - line B is also not existing because every line in mathematics is always endless thin - so your microscope is not able to see a line and even if it could do so it could not see the point where the parallel lines are crossing each other in an endless distance far away from the current position of the microscope. Perhaps it is more sensefull to use a microscope for the job it is made for.

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