Can conservatives maintain their views on gay marriage?

So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.


Of course, some will, but eventually most Republicans will stop opposing it.

It's just math. Older Republicans (and Democrats), who oppose it, will die. Young Republicans, who support it, will replace them. And unless something really bad happens that is caused by gay marriage, their kids will support it too.

That happened with women. It happened with blacks. It will happen with gays.
It was 1948, as I recall, that California law was changed that had forbidden interracial marraige. If I remember correctly, the law was challanged in court by a couple, one of which was Chinese, and the other one was black.

Those that do not see the irony and similarity of this to the issue of gay marraige, still have one foot in the 20th century.

How opponents of gay marriage will be viewed 50 years from now.


Their grandkids will be so embarrassed.
Uh there are laws.. Ever hear of DOMA? You are the ones who are regulating who and who is not recognized by the government as officially married. So by stating in the eyes of the law two people can not be legally binded you are saying that two people dont have the right to file shared tax returns, they dont have the ability to make a decision on their significant others medical care, they cant eve get a couples discount at the local bed and breakfast.. Where is all this hate coming from?

And you think its gonna stop at 12 states? HA, see ya in 5 years when the counts at 20..

DOMA says the Federal Government will not force States to recognize same sex marriage in other states if the other state sanctions gay marriage. So no it doesn't regulate gay marriage, it specifically depowers the Federal Government from doing so. When you pass a law saying you wont regulate what individual states decide or force one states decision on another, you are hardly advocating more interference.

Besides, you clearly miss the point of the whole debate. There is absolutely no law preventing any homosexual couple from defining their relationship in whatever way they choose. There is no movement trying to prevent private citizens from making decisions concerning private relationships.

The debate is over whether the public should sanction these private relationships and regulate them. Until you are honest about what this debate is, you will never win.

And I can tell you where the hate is coming from: You. Stop trying to pretend adults can't disagree without hating being involves. Stop trying to pretend you want oppose hate when your posts are dripping with it.

Marriage has a specific definition that involves a union between both genders. Words mean something. You have no right to redefine words just because you feel like it. Nor do you have any right to force your definition on society through judicial fiat.
Im not going to support the regulation of Homosexual relationships. Nor am I going to call such a relationship a marriage any more than im going to start calling cats dogs.

Doesn't matter if the population goes another way. The beauty of the United States is we are allowed to stand for what's right even if the rest of the nation goes the wrong way.

Your right to hate those that you don't understand based upon ancient bigotry is protected by the constitution. The rest of us prefer to live in the real world.
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

so now people can't have different views according to you the fake republican?
stop yanking our chain you are have all the views and snobbery of a liberal..
wear it proud
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

so now people can't have different views according to you the fake republican?
stop yanking our chain you are have all the views and snobbery of a liberal..
wear it proud

Has it occurred to you that young Republicans are more liberal than their mentally fossilized elders? The old guard is dying off and the young turks have to deal with the realities that face them today. They are under no obligation to re-fight the battles that you have already lost.
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

so now people can't have different views according to you the fake republican?
stop yanking our chain you are have all the views and snobbery of a liberal..
wear it proud

Has it occurred to you that young Republicans are more liberal than their mentally fossilized elders? The old guard is dying off and the young turks have to deal with the realities that face them today. They are under no obligation to re-fight the battles that you have already lost.

yeah, he's learned as much about manners and respect for their elders as you did
so now people can't have different views according to you the fake republican?
stop yanking our chain you are have all the views and snobbery of a liberal..
wear it proud

Has it occurred to you that young Republicans are more liberal than their mentally fossilized elders? The old guard is dying off and the young turks have to deal with the realities that face them today. They are under no obligation to re-fight the battles that you have already lost.

yeah, he's learned as much about manners and respect for their elders as you did

There is no fool like an old fool is not just a platitude. Like everyone else elders need to EARN whatever respect they feel they are entitled to. A two-thirds majority of the nation disrespects the old fools who comprise the Tea Party.
Besides, you clearly miss the point of the whole debate. There is absolutely no law preventing any homosexual couple from defining their relationship in whatever way they choose. There is no movement trying to prevent private citizens from making decisions concerning private relationships.
That's not what the issue is, nobody cares how anybody defines a relationship. The issue is that same sex couples want to receive the same benefits that heterosexual couples receive by the act of being "married". The word "marriage" is not sacred, it just specifies that a couple live together and form a "family".

The debate is over whether the public should sanction these private relationships and regulate them. Until you are honest about what this debate is, you will never win.
The public, by majority, has already sanctioned these private relationships, but now we need the government to change the law to allow them to receive the same benefits.

And I can tell you where the hate is coming from: You. Stop trying to pretend adults can't disagree without hating being involves. Stop trying to pretend you want oppose hate when your posts are dripping with it.

Marriage has a specific definition that involves a union between both genders. Words mean something. You have no right to redefine words just because you feel like it. Nor do you have any right to force your definition on society through judicial fiat.
Nobody is redefining the word "marriage" just expanding the definition. And in this country, majority rules, so yes, if the majority feel that this is what it wants, it will happen. Maybe not right away, but eventually.
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

so now people can't have different views according to you the fake republican?
stop yanking our chain you are have all the views and snobbery of a liberal..
wear it proud

All the "snobbery" of a liberal? Now thats a righteous and sanctimonious attitude! :lol:
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

so now people can't have different views according to you the fake republican?
stop yanking our chain you are have all the views and snobbery of a liberal..
wear it proud

So you have to be a bigot in order to be a republican today? Geez can any one tell me why we cant seem to win an election anymore? Let me help you out here Stephanie and im going to be really blunt so I hope your geriatric ass can handle it. YOU and the rest of your radical conservatives are the reason we lost the last election and will continue to lose elections until we purge the stupid from this once upon a time great nation.. You force the sane to run on platforms they dont believe in or else pastor jim of the southern methodist baptist church of West Monroe Louisiana will tell his congregation that this man was sent by the devil!

Open your eyes to the world that is fucking around you. Homosexuality is normal today. Hating those who are gay for that reason makes you look like an ignorant ass who hasnt left the 1920's. Im tired of people telling me I cant be a Republican because I dont hate a certain group.. You ma'am are not a Republican, You are a bigot, nothing more, but im sure a whole lot less

Good day
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

I am confused, do you think the government has the power to control thoughts? Are they open to community influence? Do people lose freewill in crowds, or does it only happen when we are talking about homosexuality?
Angela Merkel opposes gay marriage but enjoys an approval rating close to 70%.

French conservatives have opposed both the civil unions law in 1999 and gay marriage in 2013, and they can win elections again.

In America, the most popular governor is a republican (Christie) that still opposes gay marriage. I bet he will change his position soon

So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

Yes, freedom of thought

If you believe in freedom you must feel disgusted with politicians like these:
NY State Senator Introduces Bill To Strip Boy Scouts Of Tax-Exempt Status | The New Civil Rights Movement
Chick-fil-A Controversy: Chicago, Boston Threaten Bans

Evetually, churches not providing blessings to same-sex marriages, will fall under attack too.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean free from consequences. That's a big truth. But when politicians and the government come into the picture, it has another name: bullying, blackmail...
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So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.


Gay marriage is another civil rights battle

I do not think that the division is based on the age, though.

It's based on those who are homophobic v those who aren't.
Angela Merkel opposes gay marriage but enjoys an approval rating close to 70%.

French conservatives have opposed both the civil unions law in 1999 and gay marriage in 2013, and they can win elections again.

In America, the most popular governor is a republican (Christie) that still opposes gay marriage. I bet he will change his position soon

So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

Yes, freedom of thought

If you believe in freedom you must feel disgusted with politicians like these:
NY State Senator Introduces Bill To Strip Boy Scouts Of Tax-Exempt Status | The New Civil Rights Movement
Chick-fil-A Controversy: Chicago, Boston Threaten Bans

Evetually, churches not providing blessings to same-sex marriages, will fall under attack too.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean free from consequences. That's a big truth. But when politicians and the government come into the picture, it has another name: bullying, blackmail...

Hyperbolic nonsense.

14th Amendment jurisprudence applies only to governmental entities, not private organizations.
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

so now people can't have different views according to you the fake republican?
stop yanking our chain you are have all the views and snobbery of a liberal..
wear it proud

So you have to be a bigot in order to be a republican today? Geez can any one tell me why we cant seem to win an election anymore? Let me help you out here Stephanie and im going to be really blunt so I hope your geriatric ass can handle it. YOU and the rest of your radical conservatives are the reason we lost the last election and will continue to lose elections until we purge the stupid from this once upon a time great nation.. You force the sane to run on platforms they dont believe in or else pastor jim of the southern methodist baptist church of West Monroe Louisiana will tell his congregation that this man was sent by the devil!

Open your eyes to the world that is fucking around you. Homosexuality is normal today. Hating those who are gay for that reason makes you look like an ignorant ass who hasnt left the 1920's. Im tired of people telling me I cant be a Republican because I dont hate a certain group.. You ma'am are not a Republican, You are a bigot, nothing more, but im sure a whole lot less

Good day

You people like to throw out accusations like bigot, homophobe, etc etc
you are a snotty nosed kid who thinks you are better and smarter than your ELDERS..which seems to be pretty standard with the kids today, that is sad
oh you HATE ALL RIGHT, look who you put in your title...and how funny you call yourself a republican but the only people you ever ATTACK, are conservatives-Republicans
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Most conservatives I know have no problem with gay marriage.
We focus on fiscal issues, honesty, integrity, character and community.
Everything that gay folks can and do have.
Religious beliefs do not make one a conservative.
so now people can't have different views according to you the fake republican?
stop yanking our chain you are have all the views and snobbery of a liberal..
wear it proud

So you have to be a bigot in order to be a republican today? Geez can any one tell me why we cant seem to win an election anymore? Let me help you out here Stephanie and im going to be really blunt so I hope your geriatric ass can handle it. YOU and the rest of your radical conservatives are the reason we lost the last election and will continue to lose elections until we purge the stupid from this once upon a time great nation.. You force the sane to run on platforms they dont believe in or else pastor jim of the southern methodist baptist church of West Monroe Louisiana will tell his congregation that this man was sent by the devil!

Open your eyes to the world that is fucking around you. Homosexuality is normal today. Hating those who are gay for that reason makes you look like an ignorant ass who hasnt left the 1920's. Im tired of people telling me I cant be a Republican because I dont hate a certain group.. You ma'am are not a Republican, You are a bigot, nothing more, but im sure a whole lot less

Good day

You people like to throw out accusations like bigot, homophobe, etc etc
you are a snotty nosed kid who thinks you are better and smarter than your ELDERS..which seems to be pretty standard with the kids today, that is sad
oh you HATE ALL RIGHT, look who you put in your title...and how funny you call yourself a republican but the only people you ever ATTACK, are conservatives-Republicans

The people I attack are the stupid.. I believe that those who spew radical social policies under the garb of the Republican platform are more dangerous to the party than any democrat could ever be..
I Respect people who are not bigots..It doesn't matter your age..You could be 65 sand I would respect you..You could be 22 andan asshole and I wont, its pretty simple
So you have to be a bigot in order to be a republican today? Geez can any one tell me why we cant seem to win an election anymore? Let me help you out here Stephanie and im going to be really blunt so I hope your geriatric ass can handle it. YOU and the rest of your radical conservatives are the reason we lost the last election and will continue to lose elections until we purge the stupid from this once upon a time great nation.. You force the sane to run on platforms they dont believe in or else pastor jim of the southern methodist baptist church of West Monroe Louisiana will tell his congregation that this man was sent by the devil!

Open your eyes to the world that is fucking around you. Homosexuality is normal today. Hating those who are gay for that reason makes you look like an ignorant ass who hasnt left the 1920's. Im tired of people telling me I cant be a Republican because I dont hate a certain group.. You ma'am are not a Republican, You are a bigot, nothing more, but im sure a whole lot less

Good day

You people like to throw out accusations like bigot, homophobe, etc etc
you are a snotty nosed kid who thinks you are better and smarter than your ELDERS..which seems to be pretty standard with the kids today, that is sad
oh you HATE ALL RIGHT, look who you put in your title...and how funny you call yourself a republican but the only people you ever ATTACK, are conservatives-Republicans

The people I attack are the stupid.. I believe that those who spew radical social policies under the garb of the Republican platform are more dangerous to the party than any democrat could ever be..
I Respect people who are not bigots..It doesn't matter your age..You could be 65 sand I would respect you..You could be 22 andan asshole and I wont, its pretty simple

Does that mean you hate yourself?

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