Can conservatives maintain their views on gay marriage?

You people like to throw out accusations like bigot, homophobe, etc etc
you are a snotty nosed kid who thinks you are better and smarter than your ELDERS..which seems to be pretty standard with the kids today, that is sad
oh you HATE ALL RIGHT, look who you put in your title...and how funny you call yourself a republican but the only people you ever ATTACK, are conservatives-Republicans

The people I attack are the stupid.. I believe that those who spew radical social policies under the garb of the Republican platform are more dangerous to the party than any democrat could ever be..
I Respect people who are not bigots..It doesn't matter your age..You could be 65 sand I would respect you..You could be 22 andan asshole and I wont, its pretty simple

Does that mean you hate yourself?

uhhh... ?
The people I attack are the stupid.. I believe that those who spew radical social policies under the garb of the Republican platform are more dangerous to the party than any democrat could ever be..
I Respect people who are not bigots..It doesn't matter your age..You could be 65 sand I would respect you..You could be 22 andan asshole and I wont, its pretty simple

Does that mean you hate yourself?

uhhh... ?

You are one of the most ignorant, and stupid, posters on the board. You think that it makes more sense to pander to people based on their skin color than to present them with a clear cut policy choice that will benefit them and their children. You actually believe that race matters more to people than integrity and self respect.

You should be slapping yourself silly every time you think.
Does that mean you hate yourself?

uhhh... ?

You are one of the most ignorant, and stupid, posters on the board. You think that it makes more sense to pander to people based on their skin color than to present them with a clear cut policy choice that will benefit them and their children. You actually believe that race matters more to people than integrity and self respect.

You should be slapping yourself silly every time you think.

Whoaaa.. I simply stated that those that are homophobic are on the wrong side of history and will be remembered that way. Who is talking about race here?
True, but if more people are for it, it will get passed.

Some politicians do that all the time. But I suppose that if you are truly against it, you would run on a platform against it - like many are doing now. And if more people are for it, those politicians against it, will lose.

But, most people that are against it, are not going to change their mind on it. They will have to accept it if it is passed, but they will continue to gripe and whine, like they do with ACA.

It will be past, but the ACA and same sex marriage are two totally different animals. My generation doesnt even talk about homosexuality because it is so common that its really a non issue among us. What will happen is when we start being elected to public office it will be quickly passed and moved out of the way for more important issues to be taken care of. The ACA needs help and a lot of it before it can start seeing similar support.

I think once the ACA is fully implemented and people begin to experience the benefits as opposed to what we had before, they will become more friendly toward it. There was the same type of controversy when Medicare was an issue, and now many Republicans, who are the ones that usually balk at every program that benefits the middle-class, are now fighting for Medicare to remain unchanged.

Not quite. Republicans want to change Medicare before it goes bankrupt. However, people near retirement don't have to worry about any changes. If, however, you are a younger person who wants Medicare when you get older then you better pray that Medicare changes soon or else it simply wont exist when you're ready to retire. Saying Republicans want Medicare unchanged is simply false.
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It will be past, but the ACA and same sex marriage are two totally different animals. My generation doesnt even talk about homosexuality because it is so common that its really a non issue among us. What will happen is when we start being elected to public office it will be quickly passed and moved out of the way for more important issues to be taken care of. The ACA needs help and a lot of it before it can start seeing similar support.

I think once the ACA is fully implemented and people begin to experience the benefits as opposed to what we had before, they will become more friendly toward it. There was the same type of controversy when Medicare was an issue, and now many Republicans, who are the ones that usually balk at every program that benefits the middle-class, are now fighting for Medicare to remain unchanged.

Not quite. Republicans want to change Medicare before it goes bankrupt. However, people near retirement don't have to worry about any changes. If, however, you are a younger person who wants Medicare when you get older then you better pray that Medicare changes soon or else it simply wont exist when you're ready to retire.

I have already accepted that Medicare will not be there for me, I have also accepted the same about SS. Im still really young, but I do have a Roth that I put what I can into. I would like to see Medicare for my parents however, who are in there mid 40's. I think we need to raise the age that you can get it though in order stave off its impending death.
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

I didn't realize 90% of the black community and well over half the hispanic community were conservatives.
So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

I didn't realize 90% of the black community and well over half the hispanic community were conservatives.

Well this is a human rights issue, much like the civil rights movement. The older generation doesn't accept the changing world until they are ultimately phased out by the younger, more accepting youth. That's what will happen, its just a matter of when will the older generation realize this.
You may be right but then wouldn't that make this discussion more about generational attitudes as opposed to being a "conservative" thing.

Not really. I consider myself a conservative, but socially I lean to the middle. Young conservatives don't put that much into the gay rights debate because we consider it a non-issue. You can be conservative and also support marriage equality today.
You may be right but then wouldn't that make this discussion more about generational attitudes as opposed to being a "conservative" thing.

Not really. I consider myself a conservative, but socially I lean to the middle. Young conservatives don't put that much into the gay rights debate because we consider it a non-issue. You can be conservative and also support marriage equality today.

But that's my point. If young conservatives don't put that much stock into the gay rights debate because you consider it a non-issue then why did you structure your opinion to say being against gay rights is a conservative thing. You seem to be agreeing with me that it is a generational thing. The only problem I had with your original post was to target conservatives as opposed to generational attitudes. I agree that younger people tend to be for gay marriage but I just don't understand why you made your point by picking on us poor little conservatives.
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You may be right but then wouldn't that make this discussion more about generational attitudes as opposed to being a "conservative" thing.

Not really. I consider myself a conservative, but socially I lean to the middle. Young conservatives don't put that much into the gay rights debate because we consider it a non-issue. You can be conservative and also support marriage equality today.

But that's my point. If young conservatives don't put that much stock into the gay rights debate because you consider it a non-issue then why did you structure your opinion to say being against gay rights is a conservative thing. You seem to be agreeing with me that it is a generational thing. The only problem I had with your original post was to target conservatives as opposed to generational attitudes. I agree that younger people tend to be for gay marriage but I just don't understand why you made your point by picking on us poor little conservatives.

Oh, I understand now. I was a little lost for a second. It sort of is a conservative thing though.. I see all of the guys we elect go out there and waste our time and paper crusading against gay marriage and, they always have that (R) next to their name.. I just sit there and wish one day I could see a Republican introduce a bill in support of same sex marriage.
The best place to find folks to get them to think twice about their views on gay marriage is in the Republican Party.
And I see it happening SUDDEN LIKE.
My take is to discuss it civilly and ask them why they OPPOSE it. I find they have little to no real reason other than the "it is between a man and a woman".
Once I get them past it HAS NOT EFFECT ON THEIR MARRIAGE most all admit they do not OPPOSE IT.
They many not support it but if they do not oppose it Republicans gain a lot.
uhhh... ?

You are one of the most ignorant, and stupid, posters on the board. You think that it makes more sense to pander to people based on their skin color than to present them with a clear cut policy choice that will benefit them and their children. You actually believe that race matters more to people than integrity and self respect.

You should be slapping yourself silly every time you think.

Whoaaa.. I simply stated that those that are homophobic are on the wrong side of history and will be remembered that way. Who is talking about race here?

There you go again.

It is impossible to be on the wrong side of history, history doesn't take sides.

Only a bigot would call a homosexual that opposes same sex marraige homophobic.
Im sure the bigots of the 60's saw a "counter culture" rising against the civil rights movement, but that never happened. I'm sure the sexists of the early 20th century saw a "counter culture" against womens sufferage. Now today there is a "counter culture" rising against same sex marriage. 12 states down and many more have legislation waiting in the wings. History doesnt work backwards my friend, it only moves forward leaving the uneducated behind.

The only difference is the bigots are the ones trying to regulation homosexual relationships.

And considering the vast majority of the States have Constitutional Amendments defining marriage, if you think you are going to get more than 12 states, you aren't likely to see many more.

Why are you in favor of regulating their relationships? Dont you think they can determine their own relationships for themselves?

Treating people equally under law is bigotry now?
I understand what you're saying but there are many democrats that are still against gay marriage even though they may not advertise it as often. Let's not forget, Obama was against gay marriage less than a year ago. So don't give up hope.

Do anybody really believe Obama was against gay marriage?
I understand what you're saying but there are many democrats that are still against gay marriage even though they may not advertise it as often. Let's not forget, Obama was against gay marriage less than a year ago. So don't give up hope.

Do anybody really believe Obama was against gay marriage?

I can't speak for anybody else. I personally believe he was probably for gay marriage but being a typical politician he just lied to get elected. I have no proof though.
The best place to find folks to get them to think twice about their views on gay marriage is in the Republican Party.
And I see it happening SUDDEN LIKE.
My take is to discuss it civilly and ask them why they OPPOSE it. I find they have little to no real reason other than the "it is between a man and a woman".
Once I get them past it HAS NOT EFFECT ON THEIR MARRIAGE most all admit they do not OPPOSE IT.
They many not support it but if they do not oppose it Republicans gain a lot.

I tend to lean pro-gay marriage but I was against gay marriage about five years ago. There was no "sudden like" about it. However, you are talking about the republican party in general. If all you heard, in terms of being against gay marriage, was "it is between a man and a woman" then you have limited yourself to liberal blogs and MSNBC. Many, such as myself, who were against gay marriage wanted certain topics discussed. Such as, does allowing gay marriage change a society, and if so, then in what way? Does gay marriage alter traditional family values? If so, then in what way? If gay couples choose to adopt a child, does the child flourish in this environment or does he perish? If gay couples choose to decide to adopt a child does the child have a greater risk of being abused (i.e. the catholic church)? Some of these questions are certainly (according to many) absurd questions that only a fool would ask but political correctness is not what I am concerned with. Allowing gay marriage would mean allowing adoption and this is the particular part of the discussion I am most interested in. After reading many statistics and information (and yes, going by my own observations) I have felt better about the implementation of gay marriage.
I do not believe people against gay marriage however are the personification of evil and bigotry. Many religious people believe that homosexuality is immoral. Even though I disagree with these people (I'm an atheist) I am also aware that most of these people have given to far more charities and helped far more people than I would ever do.
This discussion, I believe, is not about good vs. evil or bigotry vs. enlightenment. It is a discussion about the ramifications of changing one of the most basic concepts mankind has ever held. Some concepts are worth saving. Some concepts aren't worth saving. Hence, the discussion. I happen to promote the discussion without promoting the name calling and anger that both sides engage in.
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You are one of the most ignorant, and stupid, posters on the board. You think that it makes more sense to pander to people based on their skin color than to present them with a clear cut policy choice that will benefit them and their children. You actually believe that race matters more to people than integrity and self respect.

You should be slapping yourself silly every time you think.

Whoaaa.. I simply stated that those that are homophobic are on the wrong side of history and will be remembered that way. Who is talking about race here?

There you go again.

It is impossible to be on the wrong side of history, history doesn't take sides.

Only a bigot would call a homosexual that opposes same sex marraige homophobic.

You can be on the wrong side of history.. The Nazis were on the wrong side of history, the KKK, slave owners. Plenty of people have been on the wrong side of history.
Are you telling me that you are a gay person who opposes gay marriage?
Whoaaa.. I simply stated that those that are homophobic are on the wrong side of history and will be remembered that way. Who is talking about race here?

There you go again.

It is impossible to be on the wrong side of history, history doesn't take sides.

Only a bigot would call a homosexual that opposes same sex marraige homophobic.

You can be on the wrong side of history.. The Nazis were on the wrong side of history, the KKK, slave owners. Plenty of people have been on the wrong side of history.
Are you telling me that you are a gay person who opposes gay marriage?

You can never be on the wrong side of history by standing for marriage and the family. Nor can you be on the wrong side of history by not empowering government to regulate more of the lives of your fellow citizens.

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