Can conservatives maintain their views on gay marriage?

How does anyone know where the "majority of racists" are?

Usually by the sides they take in disputes between blacks/whites, laws they support, open criticism, racial jokes they make and the people that think they are funny and defend them, and generalizations made about blacks.

I've never met a Democrat/liberal that makes a racist joke without knowing whether I'm racist or not, but I lived in Alabama and many of my Republican friends did - never imagining that I wasn't racist like them.

I'm sure there are some racist in the Democratic Party, just like there are gays in the Republican Party, but you'll find more racists in the Republican party just like there probably are more gays that are Liberal.

I would also add that, in my opinion, the word "racism" has been politicized to such an extent that the word "racism" has become a Rorschach ink blot test in which different people see different things. "Racism" means what you want it to mean as opposed to having an exact definition we can all agree on. I think this is where a large part of our disagreements are derived.

Maybe that is part of the problem. Many Republican/conservatives don't think that telling racist jokes is racism, that generalizing about blacks being lazy and on welfare is racist.

It's not that hard to decipher what is racist and what is not, unless the person wants to make excuses.
Yes, but this is my point;

While the majority of the racists have been located in the south their political affiliation over time has been fickle. They switched sides following the civil rights legislation of the 1960's that Johnson (another Dem) was instrumental in passing.

Why would racists switch sides to a republican party who had more votes to pass Johnson's civil rights legislation that the democrats? You say democrats switched sides following the civil rights legislation. You fail to mention they switched sides 30 years later and their reasoning was propelled by economic issues and certain social issues such as abortion. Your race baiting doesn't hold up to fact or common sense.

It's a known fact that some Republicans in Congress switched sides because they weren't happy with the Democratic Party's pushing Civil Rights laws, such Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms , Trent Lott. The South had heavy Democratic strongholds in the South at the time that Johnson was pushing Civil Rights to curb discrimination. Most Republicans deny this and always bring out Robert Byrd, one of the Democrats who was racist but didn't switch to the Republican party, all around the same time the others did, to point out that it is Democrats who are racist, but Strom Thurmond, who switched over to the Republican party is historically one of the worst racists on record. He was so opposed to the Civil Rights Act that he has the record for the longest filibuster in history.

Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat,
was a pro-segregation Senator from South Carolina. He vehemently opposed passage of the Act with the longest (although ultimately unsuccessful) filibuster ever conducted by a single senator, speaking for 24 hours and 18 minutes. Cots were brought in from a nearby hotel for the legislators to sleep on while Thurmond discussed increasingly irrelevant and obscure topics, including his grandmother's biscuit recipe.[citation needed] Other southern senators, who had agreed as part of a compromise not to filibuster this bill, were upset with Thurmond. They believed his defiance made them look incompetent to their constituents. Other constituents were upset with their senators because they were seen as not helping Thurmond.

His (Lyndon Johnson) campaign received considerable support from former Democratic strongholds in the Deep South and even won Georgia, the last state of the contiguous United States to vote for the Republican presidential ticket while, conversely, Johnson won Alaska for the Democrats for the first (and only) time ever, as well Maine (for the first time since 1912) and Vermont for the first time since the Democratic Party was founded.

And about your vote count - where do you get your figures? It is true that the Republican vote was needed in order to pass it, but more Democrats voted in favor of it than Republicans both in the House and Senate.

Republicans voted in favor 138-34, and Democrats voted 152-96 in support. Democrats from northern states voted in favor 141- 4 and southern-state Democrats opposed the bill 92-11.
This left southern conservatives with only the filibuster tool to try to stop the bill.

On this extraordinary occasion, the Senate voted for cloture, 71-29 -- 44 Democrats and 27 Republicans voted in favor. Opposed were 23 Democrats and 6 Republicans.

What Were the Republican and Democratic Votes That Passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964? | eHow

When the civil rights bill passed, 63% of the democrats supported it in congress and 85% of the republicans. There were far more democrats in the house and senate which is why one must point at the percentages, otherwise, numbers are useless. We know many pro segregationists stayed in the democratic party like Al Gore Sr, William Fullbright, Bobby Byrd (high ranking member of the KKK), etc.
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So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

Yeah just as a lot of old folks eventually ended up realizing that they were racist the old folks will also end up realizing that they are homophobic as well. Nothing to do with conservative though. This is a religious thing not a conservative thing.
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How does anyone know where the "majority of racists" are?

Usually by the sides they take in disputes between blacks/whites, laws they support, open criticism, racial jokes they make and the people that think they are funny and defend them, and generalizations made about blacks.

I've never met a Democrat/liberal that makes a racist joke without knowing whether I'm racist or not, but I lived in Alabama and many of my Republican friends did - never imagining that I wasn't racist like them.

I'm sure there are some racist in the Democratic Party, just like there are gays in the Republican Party, but you'll find more racists in the Republican party just like there probably are more gays that are Liberal.

IF that is the way it works Democrats who appear on MSNBC must think everyone there is a racist.
Usually by the sides they take in disputes between blacks/whites, laws they support, open criticism, racial jokes they make and the people that think they are funny and defend them, and generalizations made about blacks.

I've never met a Democrat/liberal that makes a racist joke without knowing whether I'm racist or not, but I lived in Alabama and many of my Republican friends did - never imagining that I wasn't racist like them.

I'm sure there are some racist in the Democratic Party, just like there are gays in the Republican Party, but you'll find more racists in the Republican party just like there probably are more gays that are Liberal.

This is all hypothesis of course but you may be right. There may be more racists in the republican party such as there are more terrorists and anti-semitism in the democratic party but we should not generalize groups for the actions and thoughts (and jokes) of an individual.

How do you figure there are more terrorists and anti-semitism in the Democratic party?

And, it's not just "one" individual, making racist jokes in the Republican party - more leaders in the Republican party have been quoted with their racist comments than Democratic leaders.

Are These 5 White Politicians Racists (Or Just Bigots)? | Breaking News for Black America

Racist politicians make a joke of Tampa - The Oracle: University of South Florida

Top 12 racist politicians of modern history | Alternet

Republican congressman calls Senator John McCain's Twitter joke 'racist' | News OK

Obama Impersonator Tells Racist Jokes at Republican Conference

Liberal terrorist group are a dime a dozen. The Earth Liberation Front, The Weather Underground, The Animal Liberation Front, The Black Liberation Army,etc. I didn't know this was debatable. Remember the 60's? The love affair between anit-semitism and some on the left is also well known. Occupy Wall Street's Anti-Semitism Condemned
By the way, I never suggested that liberal sites don't accuse republicans of bigotry so I don't really understand the need for your links. To be honest though, I noticed a link or two that did talk about well known democratic racists like Robert Byrd so I'll give those sites some credit for honesty. I do believe there is racism in both parties but to suggest racism tends to be more republican than democrat is just an attempt at name calling. Nothing more.
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Why would racists switch sides to a republican party who had more votes to pass Johnson's civil rights legislation that the democrats? You say democrats switched sides following the civil rights legislation. You fail to mention they switched sides 30 years later and their reasoning was propelled by economic issues and certain social issues such as abortion. Your race baiting doesn't hold up to fact or common sense.

It's a known fact that some Republicans in Congress switched sides because they weren't happy with the Democratic Party's pushing Civil Rights laws, such Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms , Trent Lott. The South had heavy Democratic strongholds in the South at the time that Johnson was pushing Civil Rights to curb discrimination. Most Republicans deny this and always bring out Robert Byrd, one of the Democrats who was racist but didn't switch to the Republican party, all around the same time the others did, to point out that it is Democrats who are racist, but Strom Thurmond, who switched over to the Republican party is historically one of the worst racists on record. He was so opposed to the Civil Rights Act that he has the record for the longest filibuster in history.

Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat,
was a pro-segregation Senator from South Carolina. He vehemently opposed passage of the Act with the longest (although ultimately unsuccessful) filibuster ever conducted by a single senator, speaking for 24 hours and 18 minutes. Cots were brought in from a nearby hotel for the legislators to sleep on while Thurmond discussed increasingly irrelevant and obscure topics, including his grandmother's biscuit recipe.[citation needed] Other southern senators, who had agreed as part of a compromise not to filibuster this bill, were upset with Thurmond. They believed his defiance made them look incompetent to their constituents. Other constituents were upset with their senators because they were seen as not helping Thurmond.

His (Lyndon Johnson) campaign received considerable support from former Democratic strongholds in the Deep South and even won Georgia, the last state of the contiguous United States to vote for the Republican presidential ticket while, conversely, Johnson won Alaska for the Democrats for the first (and only) time ever, as well Maine (for the first time since 1912) and Vermont for the first time since the Democratic Party was founded.

And about your vote count - where do you get your figures? It is true that the Republican vote was needed in order to pass it, but more Democrats voted in favor of it than Republicans both in the House and Senate.

Republicans voted in favor 138-34, and Democrats voted 152-96 in support. Democrats from northern states voted in favor 141- 4 and southern-state Democrats opposed the bill 92-11.
This left southern conservatives with only the filibuster tool to try to stop the bill.

On this extraordinary occasion, the Senate voted for cloture, 71-29 -- 44 Democrats and 27 Republicans voted in favor. Opposed were 23 Democrats and 6 Republicans.

What Were the Republican and Democratic Votes That Passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964? | eHow

When the civil rights bill passed, 63% of the democrats supported it in congress and 85% of the republicans. There were far more democrats in the house and senate which is why one must point at the percentages, otherwise, numbers are useless. We know many pro segregationists stayed in the democratic party like Al Gore Sr, William Fullbright, Bobby Byrd (high ranking member of the KKK), etc.

The point being is that it was a Democratic Bill, and that didn't sit well with those who were racist in the Democrtic party, and why they changed to the Republican party. Not because of the votes but because who initiated it.

As for Byrd being a high ranking member of the KKK, he at least apologized and recognized the error of his ways. Strom Thurmond never did. The saddest part was that while he was so against blacks, he fathered a child with a black teenage girl that was his housekeeper. Today it would be considered pedophilia, or maybe even rape. That ought to tell you a little about his character.
It's a known fact that some Republicans in Congress switched sides because they weren't happy with the Democratic Party's pushing Civil Rights laws, such Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms , Trent Lott. The South had heavy Democratic strongholds in the South at the time that Johnson was pushing Civil Rights to curb discrimination. Most Republicans deny this and always bring out Robert Byrd, one of the Democrats who was racist but didn't switch to the Republican party, all around the same time the others did, to point out that it is Democrats who are racist, but Strom Thurmond, who switched over to the Republican party is historically one of the worst racists on record. He was so opposed to the Civil Rights Act that he has the record for the longest filibuster in history.

Strom Thurmond, then a Democrat,
was a pro-segregation Senator from South Carolina. He vehemently opposed passage of the Act with the longest (although ultimately unsuccessful) filibuster ever conducted by a single senator, speaking for 24 hours and 18 minutes. Cots were brought in from a nearby hotel for the legislators to sleep on while Thurmond discussed increasingly irrelevant and obscure topics, including his grandmother's biscuit recipe.[citation needed] Other southern senators, who had agreed as part of a compromise not to filibuster this bill, were upset with Thurmond. They believed his defiance made them look incompetent to their constituents. Other constituents were upset with their senators because they were seen as not helping Thurmond.

His (Lyndon Johnson) campaign received considerable support from former Democratic strongholds in the Deep South and even won Georgia, the last state of the contiguous United States to vote for the Republican presidential ticket while, conversely, Johnson won Alaska for the Democrats for the first (and only) time ever, as well Maine (for the first time since 1912) and Vermont for the first time since the Democratic Party was founded.

And about your vote count - where do you get your figures? It is true that the Republican vote was needed in order to pass it, but more Democrats voted in favor of it than Republicans both in the House and Senate.

Republicans voted in favor 138-34, and Democrats voted 152-96 in support. Democrats from northern states voted in favor 141- 4 and southern-state Democrats opposed the bill 92-11.
This left southern conservatives with only the filibuster tool to try to stop the bill.

On this extraordinary occasion, the Senate voted for cloture, 71-29 -- 44 Democrats and 27 Republicans voted in favor. Opposed were 23 Democrats and 6 Republicans.

What Were the Republican and Democratic Votes That Passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1964? | eHow

When the civil rights bill passed, 63% of the democrats supported it in congress and 85% of the republicans. There were far more democrats in the house and senate which is why one must point at the percentages, otherwise, numbers are useless. We know many pro segregationists stayed in the democratic party like Al Gore Sr, William Fullbright, Bobby Byrd (high ranking member of the KKK), etc.

The point being is that it was a Democratic Bill, and that didn't sit well with those who were racist in the Democrtic party, and why they changed to the Republican party. Not because of the votes but because who initiated it.

As for Byrd being a high ranking member of the KKK, he at least apologized and recognized the error of his ways. Strom Thurmond never did. The saddest part was that while he was so against blacks, he fathered a child with a black teenage girl that was his housekeeper. Today it would be considered pedophilia, or maybe even rape. That ought to tell you a little about his character.

The south was a democratic strong hold 30 years after the passing of the civil rights bill. The further left the democratic party got, the more southern democrats joined the republican party. LBJ got a higher percentage of republican votes than democrat's votes for the civil rights bill. None of these facts suggest that evil racist democrats turned into evil racist republicans.
Yes, Byrd at least apologized and recognized the error of his ways (even though he never seemed to outgrow the need to use the N-word). Yes, Strom Thurmond was a racist who fathered a child with a black teenage girl. Here's my theory, They were both scumbags. Unlike others, I am not so blinded by partisanship that I excuse one racist of my party while attacking the racist in another party. I will hate both racists equally. I will also continue to make judgements based on evidence and fact as opposed to holding an opinion based on revisionist history derived from partisan anger, dishonesty and fear.
Why are you giving me quotes from wikipedia and liberal talking points? Why are you talking about the Moral Majority? The Moral Majority was a small part of a larger movement that started much earlier. Now you bring up the "southern strategy" which is nonsense. You've devolved this conversation into revisionist history and changing of topics while buttressing your race baiting with trite and shallow racial conspiracy theories.

So all HISTORICAL FACTS are dismissed because they are just "liberal talking points" even though you cannot provide a single one of your own to prove either your own "nonsense" or disprove what has been provided with substantiated links. Have a nice day.

You're silly.

Ad hominems are not a substitute for substantive factual responses. Thank you for tacitly conceding your point. Have a nice day.
So all HISTORICAL FACTS are dismissed because they are just "liberal talking points" even though you cannot provide a single one of your own to prove either your own "nonsense" or disprove what has been provided with substantiated links. Have a nice day.

You're silly.

Ad hominems are not a substitute for substantive factual responses. Thank you for tacitly conceding your point. Have a nice day.

Thank you for tacitly conceding that you're a big bag of silly.
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Can conservatives maintain their views on gay marriage?

Privately, yes – legally, no.

As private citizens and in the context of private organizations such as religious institutions, conservatives are free to maintain their hate of same-sex couples and ignorance of equal protection rights. In jurisdictions that obey the 14th Amendment, where same-sex couples are allowed to access marriage law, no private citizen or religious entity can be compelled to recognize or acknowledge same-sex couples as married.

On the other hand, conservatives may not seek to prevent same-sex couples from exercising their equal protection rights through legislative measures

Conservatives need to understand, however, that their continued animus toward same-sex couples will have eventual negative political fallout.

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