Can conservatives maintain their views on gay marriage?

I don't know what you think you have exposed. My lack of compassion for the unintelligent might as well be tattooed on my forehead and I love myself, no worries on that one.

You are wrong though, history does have sides. I've never even heard that it doesn't before. I can see this very clearly, it makes many people happy to hate gays and they will do everything they can to ensure that they cannot marry. If that is your intuition and you get some weird kick out of making people you will never know miserable, well than that's your thing. Im just going to keep fighting the good fight for human rights.

History has sides?

What side did it take in the 100 years war?

How about the War of the Roses?

Did history declare that England had the right to use Australia as a dumping ground for criminals?

You really should stop hating yourself for being stupid, and stop trying to argue that history, which is not a human being capable of choosing a side, has sides.

Morally speaking, yes!

Which side did it take in WW 2?
Civil Rights?
Women's suffrage?
how we view those who were on what we see as the wrong side of history is prevalent. How is Strom Thurman's reputation holding up after the civil rights movement? You will just be a part of that type of discussion. People will look back in history and see people like you the same way they view people today who picketed the acceptance of African Americans into university. Hate filled, ignorant, unintelligent, bigots.

History doesn't take sides any more than the sky does. Get over yourself, you sound more like Obama every time you post.
History has sides?

What side did it take in the 100 years war?

How about the War of the Roses?

Did history declare that England had the right to use Australia as a dumping ground for criminals?

You really should stop hating yourself for being stupid, and stop trying to argue that history, which is not a human being capable of choosing a side, has sides.

Morally speaking, yes!

Which side did it take in WW 2?
Civil Rights?
Women's suffrage?
how we view those who were on what we see as the wrong side of history is prevalent. How is Strom Thurman's reputation holding up after the civil rights movement? You will just be a part of that type of discussion. People will look back in history and see people like you the same way they view people today who picketed the acceptance of African Americans into university. Hate filled, ignorant, unintelligent, bigots.

But many Republicans still think Strom Thurman was a great American, probably because they agree with his racist views. You can't get them to realize their bigotry.

Idiots squared are still idiots.
History has sides?

What side did it take in the 100 years war?

How about the War of the Roses?

Did history declare that England had the right to use Australia as a dumping ground for criminals?

You really should stop hating yourself for being stupid, and stop trying to argue that history, which is not a human being capable of choosing a side, has sides.

Morally speaking, yes!

Which side did it take in WW 2?
Civil Rights?
Women's suffrage?
how we view those who were on what we see as the wrong side of history is prevalent. How is Strom Thurman's reputation holding up after the civil rights movement? You will just be a part of that type of discussion. People will look back in history and see people like you the same way they view people today who picketed the acceptance of African Americans into university. Hate filled, ignorant, unintelligent, bigots.

History doesn't take sides any more than the sky does. Get over yourself, you sound more like Obama every time you post.

That statement alone just verified your stupidity. You wouldn't understand the complexities of politics if it smacked you in the face. It isn't black and white even though that's how you see it.
I don't know what you think you have exposed. My lack of compassion for the unintelligent might as well be tattooed on my forehead and I love myself, no worries on that one.

You are wrong though, history does have sides. I've never even heard that it doesn't before. I can see this very clearly, it makes many people happy to hate gays and they will do everything they can to ensure that they cannot marry. If that is your intuition and you get some weird kick out of making people you will never know miserable, well than that's your thing. Im just going to keep fighting the good fight for human rights.

History has sides?

What side did it take in the 100 years war?

How about the War of the Roses?

Did history declare that England had the right to use Australia as a dumping ground for criminals?

You really should stop hating yourself for being stupid, and stop trying to argue that history, which is not a human being capable of choosing a side, has sides.

Morally speaking, yes!

Which side did it take in WW 2?
Civil Rights?
Women's suffrage?
how we view those who were on what we see as the wrong side of history is prevalent. How is Strom Thurman's reputation holding up after the civil rights movement? You will just be a part of that type of discussion. People will look back in history and see people like you the same way they view people today who picketed the acceptance of African Americans into university. Hate filled, ignorant, unintelligent, bigots.


Regardless how the Court might rule, in time all 50 states will be in compliance with the 14th Amendment concerning same-sex couples’ access to marriage law.

And indeed those who opposed equal protection rights for same-sex couples will be viewed by history just as those who opposed equal protection and due process rights for African Americans 50 years ago are viewed today.
Morally speaking, yes!

Which side did it take in WW 2?
Civil Rights?
Women's suffrage?
how we view those who were on what we see as the wrong side of history is prevalent. How is Strom Thurman's reputation holding up after the civil rights movement? You will just be a part of that type of discussion. People will look back in history and see people like you the same way they view people today who picketed the acceptance of African Americans into university. Hate filled, ignorant, unintelligent, bigots.

History doesn't take sides any more than the sky does. Get over yourself, you sound more like Obama every time you post.

That statement alone just verified your stupidity. You wouldn't understand the complexities of politics if it smacked you in the face. It isn't black and white even though that's how you see it.

I don't understand politics?

Tell me something, why should people prefer a free market? What are the advantages of free trade agreements? Educate and dazzle all of us with your brilliance.

Or keep pretending history, which is nothing more than everything that has ever happened, has sides.
History has sides?

What side did it take in the 100 years war?

How about the War of the Roses?

Did history declare that England had the right to use Australia as a dumping ground for criminals?

You really should stop hating yourself for being stupid, and stop trying to argue that history, which is not a human being capable of choosing a side, has sides.

Morally speaking, yes!

Which side did it take in WW 2?
Civil Rights?
Women's suffrage?
how we view those who were on what we see as the wrong side of history is prevalent. How is Strom Thurman's reputation holding up after the civil rights movement? You will just be a part of that type of discussion. People will look back in history and see people like you the same way they view people today who picketed the acceptance of African Americans into university. Hate filled, ignorant, unintelligent, bigots.

But many Republicans still think Strom Thurman was a great American, probably because they agree with his racist views. You can't get them to realize their bigotry.

Most racists of that era were Democrats led by Robert Byrd and his 54 day fillibuster against the Civil Rights Bill.
Morally speaking, yes!

Which side did it take in WW 2?
Civil Rights?
Women's suffrage?
how we view those who were on what we see as the wrong side of history is prevalent. How is Strom Thurman's reputation holding up after the civil rights movement? You will just be a part of that type of discussion. People will look back in history and see people like you the same way they view people today who picketed the acceptance of African Americans into university. Hate filled, ignorant, unintelligent, bigots.

But many Republicans still think Strom Thurman was a great American, probably because they agree with his racist views. You can't get them to realize their bigotry.

Most racists of that era were Democrats led by Robert Byrd and his 54 day fillibuster against the Civil Rights Bill.

The southern racists subsequently abandoned the Democratic party in droves and switched over to become Republicans where they still receive a warm welcome to this day.
But many Republicans still think Strom Thurman was a great American, probably because they agree with his racist views. You can't get them to realize their bigotry.

Most racists of that era were Democrats led by Robert Byrd and his 54 day fillibuster against the Civil Rights Bill.

The southern racists subsequently abandoned the Democratic party in droves and switched over to become Republicans where they still receive a warm welcome to this day.

God, I wish you would read a history book one of these days. Sheesh! This is too dumb to take seriously.
But many Republicans still think Strom Thurman was a great American, probably because they agree with his racist views. You can't get them to realize their bigotry.

Most racists of that era were Democrats led by Robert Byrd and his 54 day fillibuster against the Civil Rights Bill.

The southern racists subsequently abandoned the Democratic party in droves and switched over to become Republicans where they still receive a warm welcome to this day.

Every racist I know is a Democrat.
DOMA says the Federal Government will not force States to recognize same sex marriage in other states if the other state sanctions gay marriage. So no it doesn't regulate gay marriage, it specifically depowers the Federal Government from doing so. When you pass a law saying you wont regulate what individual states decide or force one states decision on another, you are hardly advocating more interference.

You left out Section 3 of DOMA which specifically regulates how the federal government treats legal Civil Marriages under federal law. It provides that the federal government will specifically discriminate against Civilly Married couples based on the gender composition of the couples.

It changed the way the federal government dealt with Civil Marriages for over 200 years. Prior to DOMA it recognized, for federal purposes, all legal Civil Marriages entered into under state law, after DOMA it on recognized some legal Civil Marriages.

So, with gay marriage now legal in 12 states support currently over 50% is there anyway conservatives can maintain their views on the matter? 26% rise in approval in just 15 years and the number shows no signs of stopping. Is there a legitimate argument or is this just the civil rights fight all over again where the older generation eventually caves into modernity.

Did they only poll Democrats?

Do you think that people's opinions can't "evolve"?
Most racists of that era were Democrats led by Robert Byrd and his 54 day fillibuster against the Civil Rights Bill.

The southern racists subsequently abandoned the Democratic party in droves and switched over to become Republicans where they still receive a warm welcome to this day.

God, I wish you would read a history book one of these days. Sheesh! This is too dumb to take seriously.

Are these the history books you are referring to?
But many Republicans still think Strom Thurman was a great American, probably because they agree with his racist views. You can't get them to realize their bigotry.

Most racists of that era were Democrats led by Robert Byrd and his 54 day fillibuster against the Civil Rights Bill.

The southern racists subsequently abandoned the Democratic party in droves and switched over to become Republicans where they still receive a warm welcome to this day.

Wrong again. "Subsequently" my ass. For many years after that Democrats from all over the country supported George Wallace.
In 1988 David Duke ran in the Democratic primary.
Southerners abandoned the Democratic party because Democrats support plundering their hard earned money to give to a growing moocher class.
It is real easy to be a liberal when you are spending other peoples money.
Government has grown so big under Democrats things go on such as the IRS scandal and almost all the government officials state in every instance "we did not know about it.
That is what us southerners oppose.
Nothing to do with racism which most people do not even know the definition of.
Wallace WAS a racist and only a fool believes racism was isolated in the south. Most all current neo Nazi skin head Aryan nation types are in the north and mid west.
They make rednecks that were racists from the south look like choir boys.
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There is nothing gay about it. America is among the most tolerant nations in the world but marriage among sodomites is repugnant and conservatives need not apologize for their beliefs.
The southern racists subsequently abandoned the Democratic party in droves and switched over to become Republicans where they still receive a warm welcome to this day.

God, I wish you would read a history book one of these days. Sheesh! This is too dumb to take seriously.

Are these the history books you are referring to?

I'm not sure I understand your point. You do know that Jim Crow was a democrat, right?
But many Republicans still think Strom Thurman was a great American, probably because they agree with his racist views. You can't get them to realize their bigotry.

Most racists of that era were Democrats led by Robert Byrd and his 54 day fillibuster against the Civil Rights Bill.

The southern racists subsequently abandoned the Democratic party in droves and switched over to become Republicans where they still receive a warm welcome to this day.

Most Southern racists 50 years ago were conservatives, whether democrats or republicans is irrelevant. And most racists today would self-identify as conservatives who vote republican.

Of course this doesn’t mean all conservatives are racists, or all republicans, for that matter. Nor does it mean conservatives or republicans condone racism.

But conservatives and republicans should find it troubling that the majority of racists are in the GOP, and feel most comfortable among conservatives.

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