Can conservatives name a specific stance of Elizabeth Warren they don't like?

I feel like the right hates her simply because republicans in office do. If you dislike her, then name a stance of hers you don't like. Otherwise, admit you dislike her for the sake of disliking her.

If you were intelligent, you would want her as president.

I have a severe dislike of people who lie on job applications. I have a severe dislike of individuals who have worked in higher education. I have a severe dislike of ALL politicians from New England (where I live).

I don't want her as Senator from my state, nevermind POTUS.
Put in another way, what specific issues of Warren's should conservatives agree with? I don't know everything she stands for, maybe there is something? Give it your best shot.
I feel like the right hates her simply because republicans in office do. If you dislike her, then name a stance of hers you don't like. Otherwise, admit you dislike her for the sake of disliking her.

If you were intelligent, you would want her as president.

What's intelligent about wanting a lying POS for president? She acted as an attorney without a MA law license, she railed against predatory bankers yet was involved with flipping schemes of foreclosed properties, she lied about NA status to gain admission to schools....

She's an asshole.. and of course as such, a leftwing darling.
I feel like the right hates her simply because republicans in office do. If you dislike her, then name a stance of hers you don't like. Otherwise, admit you dislike her for the sake of disliking her.
If you were intelligent, you would want her as president.
Says the mindless partisan bigot. :doh:

Elizabeth Warren on the Issues
Elizabeth Warren on Gun Control
  • Handguns kill 8 kids a day; why don't we mobilize? (Apr 2014)
  • Extend the federal assault weapons ban. (Jul 2012)
  • Supports gun control. (Aug 2011)
  • Voted YES on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets. (Apr 2013)
  • Supports restricting the Second Amendment. (Oct 2012)
  • Ban large-capacity ammunition. (Jan 2013)
None of these positions are held by a a rational, honest, thinking person.
Her support of Obama care,her very apparent lack of understanding,how the 2nd amendment works or why we have it.
Thats just two there are more.
Elizabeth Warren is one more Harvard liberal who doesn't have a clue about how economics works or the real world in other words...she's Barack Obama with tits.
Without addressing specifics, you are just ranting. Take yourself seriously.
I'm not interested enough in the lying Liberal bitch to study her platform. Suppose you list some of her pet programs and I'll see if there's anything I agree with.
Elizabeth Warren is one more Harvard liberal who doesn't have a clue about how economics works or the real world in other words...she's Barack Obama with tits.
Without addressing specifics, you are just ranting. Take yourself seriously.
I'm not interested enough in the lying Liberal bitch to study her platform. Suppose you list some of her pet programs and I'll see if there's anything I agree with.

I must admit, I don't know much of her.. I did see her on Conan, she seemed kinda dopey.
She did not lie on her job application.

She didn't? So she's proven her INDIAN heritage without me hearing about it? Or was that on a college application; which doesn't make it any better.
I dislike her for the following reasons:

1. She's a liar
2. She's a hypocrite
3. She's a socialist
She did not lie on her job application.

She didn't? So she's proven her INDIAN heritage without me hearing about it? Or was that on a college application; which doesn't make it any better.
She did not claim Native American heritage on her job application. You have been badly misinformed.
Not exactly....
"Warren first listed herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools Directory of Faculty in 1986, the year before she joined the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She continued to list herself as a minority until 1995, the year she accepted a tenured position at Harvard Law School."
I feel like the right hates her simply because republicans in office do. If you dislike her, then name a stance of hers you don't like. Otherwise, admit you dislike her for the sake of disliking her.

If you were intelligent, you would want her as president.

The slimy liberal bitch thinks people are too stupid to make their own decisions and run their own lives, I suspect in your case she may be right.
For the rest of us, not so much.
I feel like the right hates her simply because republicans in office do. If you dislike her, then name a stance of hers you don't like. Otherwise, admit you dislike her for the sake of disliking her.

If you were intelligent, you would want her as president.

The slimy liberal bitch thinks people are too stupid to make their own decisions and run their own lives, I suspect in your case she may be right.
For the rest of us, not so much.
I don't expect we'll see Billy respond to any of the posts that directly answer his challenge.
Pick any position Warren takes and its almost a certainty she is wrong. She also wants no interest on student loans.

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