Can Homophobia Be Cured?

My ladies have all been as "pleased as punch" ... thank you very much! :eusa_whistle:
Apparently Goddess_Ashtara requires more than than you can offer. Just be glad you haven't run across her like.

I prefer normal women ... she's not my type.
well, keep your preferences to yourself next time. Lest this is seen as an invitation to howey to discuss what he finds normal and sexually appealing and perhaps posts pictures onthe thread.
Tend to think homophobia doesn't even exist. Bigotry exists to be sure, but a phobia is a psychological term referring to an inordinant fear of something. Hating gays because they're gay isn't phobic behaviour, it's bigoted behaviour.

Always gonna be easier to hate than become educated about something to alleviate hate and become if not fond, at least marginally tolerant.
Apparently Goddess_Ashtara requires more than than you can offer. Just be glad you haven't run across her like.

I prefer normal women ... she's not my type.

she's normal. you aren't. normal people don't care who other people love. and i'm pretty sure you aren't anyone's type.

i feel sorry for you.

Thank you for defining 'normal' people for us all. :lol:

This applies to both DriftingSand and jillian. ;)
Tend to think homophobia doesn't even exist. Bigotry exists to be sure, but a phobia is a psychological term referring to an inordinant fear of something. Hating gays because they're gay isn't phobic behaviour, it's bigoted behaviour.

Always gonna be easier to hate than become educated about something to alleviate hate and become if not fond, at least marginally tolerant.

Oh, homophobia probably exists. There are some odd ones out there!

100 Weird Phobias That Really Exist | Nursing Degree Guide
Tend to think homophobia doesn't even exist. Bigotry exists to be sure, but a phobia is a psychological term referring to an inordinant fear of something. Hating gays because they're gay isn't phobic behaviour, it's bigoted behaviour.

Always gonna be easier to hate than become educated about something to alleviate hate and become if not fond, at least marginally tolerant.

All homophobes are indeed bigots.

Not all bigots are homophobes.

Many posters have evidenced "inordinate fear" of homosexuality.
What exactly is the definition of homophobic? Is seems a word used to the gay community anytime you do not buy 100% into the lifestyle.

I believe homosexuality is wrong based on my religious beliefs. I also do not relate to homosexuality and am a little disgusted by it. I do not like the in your face attitude that some homosexuals have. I do not want homosexual sex education taught to my children as school. Other than that I do not care.

Does this make me homophobic?

Since I don't know you, I'll just say I don't know. Sounds like you could use some education, though.

You can't provide a definition of homophobic and I need education? My point is that the homosexual community throws it out as an attack word.
Tend to think homophobia doesn't even exist. Bigotry exists to be sure, but a phobia is a psychological term referring to an inordinant fear of something. Hating gays because they're gay isn't phobic behaviour, it's bigoted behaviour.

Always gonna be easier to hate than become educated about something to alleviate hate and become if not fond, at least marginally tolerant.

All homophobes are indeed bigots.

Not all bigots are homophobes.

Many posters have evidenced "inordinate fear" of homosexuality.

The word homophobia is used to give some type of psychological credence. It is a word of intolerance used by the homosexual community against anyone who does not buy 100% into their lifestyle.

In my experience the least tolerant people I have ever met of homosexuals.

I cannot condone homosexuality because of my religious beliefs. However I did not buy into California's proposition 8 because I did not want to impose my religious beliefs on others. Nor do I want homosexual sex education taught to my children in school or have a pastor be forced to marry homosexual individuals against his religious beliefs.

As a personal aside, Jake Starkey is an extremely intolerant individual as I evidenced on a thread on a different topic some time ago. This is a problem with liberals as they preach tolerance, but are intolerant of others beliefs that do not match their own - hypocrisy. Conservatives do not suffer from such - they are just plain intolerant.

All forms of bigotry, racism, "phobias about race, homosexuality, etc."
can be cured by FORGIVENESS. This heals the wounds causing pain to be projected.
Everyone has been affected, directly or indirectly, and we all deserve support to be heard and to heal.
Forgiveness cannot be forced on people, but it is
See Guidelines from the Center for the Healing of Racism:

First Rule is NOT calling ANYONE a "racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, etc."
That makes the problems worse, everyone knows this, but people still do it.
It takes a MUTUAL commitment to change relationships and drop the verbal warfare.

You can't put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it.

Howey: you seem sincere in your passion and commitment to address injustices. That is courageous and I applaud you!
But until you heal your own pain, it will project onto your words and perceptions of others, and just set off more flame wars.

We don't need to burn down our own houses.
We need to put out these fires, and start cleaning up and rebuilding what's been destroyed by words of war.

On solid foundations built on trust, good faith relations and good will can be restored.
This is how racial and political divisions can be overcome.

I support you in your causes, it's clear you have heart and courage in what matters most to you.
But I cannot help you push more negativity when the opposite is needed here, more love, less fear.

We need more compassion, acceptance and healing.
The issues of injustice can be resolved in that spirit of rising above that which we oppose.

We need everyone's contributions and best efforts to make that happen. There is no room to kick anyone out when all hands are needed on board to save the ship from sinking. There is no time for the crew to be fighting and blaming with this much work to be done!

Take care, and I hope to support you in positive constructive endeavors that encourage teamwork to overcome fear that is causing racial, political and religious divisions.

King Jr. Martin Luther quote-Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each...

Dr. King said:
Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated.

Howey as long as you mentally "separate" yourself from the people you blame,
this perpetuates the fear that fuels racism and bigotry of all kinds, especially political division that profits off this like a "sport." The media makes money off the conflict, while the people continue to suffer. If you enjoy being "pimped politically" keep playing this game. But all the politicians egging us on will continue to benefit at the public's expense.

What exactly is the definition of homophobic? Is seems a word used to the gay community anytime you do not buy 100% into the lifestyle.

I believe homosexuality is wrong based on my religious beliefs. I also do not relate to homosexuality and am a little disgusted by it. I do not like the in your face attitude that some homosexuals have. I do not want homosexual sex education taught to my children as school. Other than that I do not care.

Does this make me homophobic?

Since I don't know you, I'll just say I don't know. Sounds like you could use some education, though.
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ALMIGHTY GOD MAKES THE RULES NOT little man. ==9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [f]effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 corinthians 6:9-10
Is the treatment a court order forcing the accused to perform multiple gay sex acts
to prove just how fabulous the gay lifestyle is?

All forms of bigotry, racism, "phobias about race, homosexuality, etc."
can be cured by FORGIVENESS. This heals the wounds causing pain to be projected.
Everyone has been affected, directly or indirectly, and we all deserve support to be heard and to heal.
Forgiveness cannot be forced on people, but it is
See Guidelines from the Center for the Healing of Racism:

First Rule is NOT calling ANYONE a "racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, etc."
That makes the problems worse, everyone knows this, but people still do it.
It takes a MUTUAL commitment to change relationships and drop the verbal warfare.

You can't put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it.

Howey: you seem sincere in your passion and commitment to address injustices. That is courageous and I applaud you!
But until you heal your own pain, it will project onto your words and perceptions of others, and just set off more flame wars.

We don't need to burn down our own houses.
We need to put out these fires, and start cleaning up and rebuilding what's been destroyed by words of war.

On solid foundations built on trust, good faith relations and good will can be restored.
This is how racial and political divisions can be overcome.

I support you in your causes, it's clear you have heart and courage in what matters most to you.
But I cannot help you push more negativity when the opposite is needed here, more love, less fear.

We need more compassion, acceptance and healing.
The issues of injustice can be resolved in that spirit of rising above that which we oppose.

We need everyone's contributions and best efforts to make that happen. There is no room to kick anyone out when all hands are needed on board to save the ship from sinking. There is no time for the crew to be fighting and blaming with this much work to be done!

Take care, and I hope to support you in positive constructive endeavors that encourage teamwork to overcome fear that is causing racial, political and religious divisions.

King Jr. Martin Luther quote-Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each...

Dr. King said:
Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated.

Howey as long as you mentally "separate" yourself from the people you blame,
this perpetuates the fear that fuels racism and bigotry of all kinds, especially political division that profits off this like a "sport." The media makes money off the conflict, while the people continue to suffer. If you enjoy being "pimped politically" keep playing this game. But all the politicians egging us on will continue to benefit at the public's expense.

What exactly is the definition of homophobic? Is seems a word used to the gay community anytime you do not buy 100% into the lifestyle.

I believe homosexuality is wrong based on my religious beliefs. I also do not relate to homosexuality and am a little disgusted by it. I do not like the in your face attitude that some homosexuals have. I do not want homosexual sex education taught to my children as school. Other than that I do not care.

Does this make me homophobic?

Since I don't know you, I'll just say I don't know. Sounds like you could use some education, though.

With all due respect, Emily (since you seem like a nice person), I'm not falling for all this Kumbaya shit.

Your prostelyzing about natural cures to homosexuality and quasi-religious essays on "forgiveness" are just as irrational as [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] and his constant scripture quoting.

You're merely quoting from another scripture.

Each of us, gay or hetero, are born that way. We are responsible for our own actions, be they right or wrong, and don't need a book or a flower child massage therapist wannabe telling us what to do, think, or say.

All forms of bigotry, racism, "phobias about race, homosexuality, etc."
can be cured by FORGIVENESS. This heals the wounds causing pain to be projected.
Everyone has been affected, directly or indirectly, and we all deserve support to be heard and to heal.
Forgiveness cannot be forced on people, but it is
See Guidelines from the Center for the Healing of Racism:

First Rule is NOT calling ANYONE a "racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, etc."
That makes the problems worse, everyone knows this, but people still do it.
It takes a MUTUAL commitment to change relationships and drop the verbal warfare.

You can't put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it.

Howey: you seem sincere in your passion and commitment to address injustices. That is courageous and I applaud you!
But until you heal your own pain, it will project onto your words and perceptions of others, and just set off more flame wars.

We don't need to burn down our own houses.
We need to put out these fires, and start cleaning up and rebuilding what's been destroyed by words of war.

On solid foundations built on trust, good faith relations and good will can be restored.
This is how racial and political divisions can be overcome.

I support you in your causes, it's clear you have heart and courage in what matters most to you.
But I cannot help you push more negativity when the opposite is needed here, more love, less fear.

We need more compassion, acceptance and healing.
The issues of injustice can be resolved in that spirit of rising above that which we oppose.

We need everyone's contributions and best efforts to make that happen. There is no room to kick anyone out when all hands are needed on board to save the ship from sinking. There is no time for the crew to be fighting and blaming with this much work to be done!

Take care, and I hope to support you in positive constructive endeavors that encourage teamwork to overcome fear that is causing racial, political and religious divisions.

King Jr. Martin Luther quote-Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each...

Dr. King said:
Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated.

Howey as long as you mentally "separate" yourself from the people you blame,
this perpetuates the fear that fuels racism and bigotry of all kinds, especially political division that profits off this like a "sport." The media makes money off the conflict, while the people continue to suffer. If you enjoy being "pimped politically" keep playing this game. But all the politicians egging us on will continue to benefit at the public's expense.

Since I don't know you, I'll just say I don't know. Sounds like you could use some education, though.

With all due respect, Emily (since you seem like a nice person), I'm not falling for all this Kumbaya shit.

Your prostelyzing about natural cures to homosexuality and quasi-religious essays on "forgiveness" are just as irrational as [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] and his constant scripture quoting.

You're merely quoting from another scripture.

Each of us, gay or hetero, are born that way. We are responsible for our own actions, be they right or wrong, and don't need a book or a flower child massage therapist wannabe telling us what to do, think, or say.

YES" You are responsible for our own actions, be they right or wrong" you will obey GOD OR satan!!! you choose and you alone are responsible for your own actions!!!
With all due respect, Emily (since you seem like a nice person), I'm not falling for all this Kumbaya shit.

Your prostelyzing about natural cures to homosexuality and quasi-religious essays on "forgiveness" are just as irrational as [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] and his constant scripture quoting.

You're merely quoting from another scripture.

Each of us, gay or hetero, are born that way. We are responsible for our own actions, be they right or wrong, and don't need a book or a flower child massage therapist wannabe telling us what to do, think, or say.

Hi [MENTION=42946]Howey[/MENTION]
1. I believe you when you speak for yourself, equally when other people speak from experience and say they are not the same people they were before and changed.
I believe them, too! One of my closest friends decided bisexuality was a choice and dropped it. But that's not true for you just because it applies to him. No one is the same.

I do not think you have the right to speak for them, nor them to speak for you.
I trust you to speak for yourself. For you it is not a choice, for others it wasn't natural for them and something else was. There's no conflict there because people are different.

As I described before, I even had a friend go through healing BEFORE coming out as transgender, and feeling alive for the first time. Another friend had the opposite experience and gave up his transgender feelings after going through healing. So I trust BOTH of t hem to tell me what is natural for them. And their answers and experiences came out different. That's fine. They're BOTH true. I have no problem with that.

2. I don't expect anyone to believe without seeing it the full extent of how spiritual healing can change people and society, so that's why I promote medical research to show how it works, and how the false practices fail and harm people. The natural effective practices will take over as proven, and prevent any further abuses from people who don't know the difference.

The best way I know to correct wrong answers in math is to teach the right ones.
And science corrects itself.
Likewise to get rid of fraudulent harmful practices, by studying the methods that work, everyone will choose that instead.

The reason I bring up spiritual healing is to replace conversion therapy that is wrongful,
it is not to target homosexuality, but get rid of abusive approaches that need to stopped.

Sorry this wasn't clear

For people who went through therapy and it worked for them, such people should retain that choice.
People need to know the difference.
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Is the treatment a court order forcing the accused to perform multiple gay sex acts
to prove just how fabulous the gay lifestyle is?

No, I think the treatment is being thrown onto a thread
with a bunch of people arguing that since they didn't choose to be gay

But then denounce Discrimination that assumes "all people of a group are the same."

If that's the punishment, then what was the crime again?
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Is the treatment a court order forcing the accused to perform multiple gay sex acts
to prove just how fabulous the gay lifestyle is?

No, I think the treatment is being thrown onto a thread
with a bunch of people arguing that since they didn't choose to be gay

But then denounce Discrimination that assumes "all people of a group are the same."

If that's the punishment, then what was the crime again?

CHOICE!!! You may feel you were born to steal,or lie or lust,or be a homosexual BUT YOU STILL CHOOSE AND THE SIN IS THE DOING OF THE ACT AND THE DREAMING OF LIVING IN SIN THAT IS SIN.
Asking whether homophobia (which technically means fear of sameness) can be cured is the wrong question. The question actually is whether all vestige of decency can be eradicated. Can an individual be so hypersexualized and degenerate that they will accept total perversion as a way of life.
Can queers keep their junk out of the public eye?Male gays fuck and suck each other off in children's parks all over this Country. They spread AIDS because they are to stupid to use protection and they screw anything that moves.

In a lot of locations children's parks are so trashed by Gay sex addicts that it is dangerous for them to play there.

Then we have the immoral nakedness of gay day parades where straights are forced to patrol as cops and fireman against their will. And the public is exposed to perverse sexual orientation on public display for no other reason then to shove that perversion in our faces.

You want acceptance? Keep your sex life IN YOUR BEDROOM or your house. You want acceptance? Stop parading around in public nude and displaying your perversion for all to see. You want acceptance? Have a little self control and stop screwing anything that moves in public places.

Why are you around children's parks?

The better question is, why is he looking for gay men in children's parks?

I am almost willing to bet a year's salary that typing that gave him an erection. :)

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