Can lefty women raise real men?

Lol, the leader of your party is an old white guy, who is a pedophile. I'd say you're the cuck. I really don't care, since I treat everyone the same till they give me a reason not too.
My party is the most diverse this country has ever seen, while yours has been a solid minority since 2004 and is aging, rapidly. 😄
My party is the most diverse this country has ever seen, while yours has been a solid minority since 2004 and is aging, rapidly. 😄
Yes and we are living worse off because you loons will put an overweight man that thinks he is a woman. In charge of health and mental health. Thanks for proving my point, cuck. You will do as you are told by the old white man in the Whitehouse.
Since the advent of civilization via agriculture, it has been women who made men be men. Men who wanted to act like self-indulgent children all of their lives had to turn to unfortunate females that they paid for and shared with hundreds of other men. In order to have relations with worthwhile women, they had to comport themselves in a certain way.

Decent men rarely stopped to analyze their behavior in that light. They simply followed the teachings of their parents and too pride in their respectful and protective attitude toward women.

Unfortunately, with massage parlors on every corner, free porn, online video conferencing with paid women, and more and more "men" turning to each other, including to other males who try to dress and act as women, the power that the female sex once had over men is sharply reduced.

I feel bad for women seeking real men these days. My four sons fit the bill, but that's only four. My daughter found a real man not related to her, which I was beginning to dispair of. My son in law works hard, adores my daughter, and wants to support her while she raises their children. That's how his mother raised him. My daughter found a real man, simply by accepting nothing less, as she was taught by her mother.

No, lefty women cannot raise real men. No real man wants the mother of his children to kill them in the womb. No real man wants his woman to be more dependent on government than on the sweat of his own brow. Sorry, but that goes beyond a political opinion.
No in the real world they don't.

How many criminals have had a mother that was "conservative"?

How many criminals come from families that vote republican?

If you can't answer these questions then your position cannot be proven with facts therefore it is nothing but a meaningless opinion

lol but your babbling is more meaningful . Sure, and all those flying pigs flying over are real too.
Since the advent of civilization via agriculture, it has been women who made men be men. Men who wanted to act like self-indulgent children all of their lives had to turn to unfortunate females that they paid for and shared with hundreds of other men. In order to have relations with worthwhile women, they had to comport themselves in a certain way.

Decent men rarely stopped to analyze their behavior in that light. They simply followed the teachings of their parents and too pride in their respectful and protective attitude toward women.

Unfortunately, with massage parlors on every corner, free porn, online video conferencing with paid women, and more and more "men" turning to each other, including to other males who try to dress and act as women, the power that the female sex once had over men is sharply reduced.

I feel bad for women seeking real men these days. My four sons fit the bill, but that's only four. My daughter found a real man not related to her, which I was beginning to dispair of. My son in law works hard, adores my daughter, and wants to support her while she raises their children. That's how his mother raised him. My daughter found a real man, simply by accepting nothing less, as she was taught by her mother.

No, lefty women cannot raise real men. No real man wants the mother of his children to kill them in the womb. No real man wants his woman to be more dependent on government than on the sweat of his own brow. Sorry, but that goes beyond a political opinion.

An education system run by left wing deviants has certainly feminized a lot of male kids. Add to that normalizing drug use via adderall and other dope as a substitute for discipline, rampant discrimination against males in the work force, declining incomes, and a tsunami of deviant porn aimed at kids and yeah, the culture wars are definitely lost.

It's fun to watch them try and dig their way out of the giant hole they've dug, since they destroyed their tax base and dumbed down their education system to cater to feral animals based on their skin color and other bullshit criteria.
It is not my business nor is it the nations business to know how others raise their kids. If you disagree you are wrong in every aspect.
Didn’t you watch Family Ties as a kid?

Since kids rebel against their parents, Lefty-hippy parents wind up with conservative, republican kids.
Well, I’ll just say that the odds are far better with a strong willed conservative Lady.. in my experience.
If they cut off their breasts and do penis implant surgery on their vaginas, maybe.
Why are you trying to revive a thread where you refused to discuss the topic and then ran away?
What, you don’t sleep, that would explain a few things..
..and I won’t be posting long tonight either, that’s the kinda thing that happens when you have a life.
I'd find it hard to believe that lefty women are able to raise real men!

The best they might do is raising moral and physical weaklings, snowflakes in other words!:dunno:

But that's just my personal opinion.

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