Can lefty women raise real men?

Seems you priced yourselves out of the market. White people lost more people to death in the last decade than they made new ones while mixed race births are occurring at three times the national average. Seems everyone is getting some from white women except white men. 😄
Lol, blacks abort more babies than are born. So I guess you have no choice but to go after white women. If you want a good one.
Why are real conservative men allowing themselves to be demographically replaced in their own country? 😄

How is any conservative man being "replaced"? A Gallup poll taken last year shows that liberals remain the smallest group at 25%, while conservatives and moderates are still tied as the largest ideological groups.

U.S. Political Ideology Steady; Conservatives, Moderates Tie

Or maybe you were referring to sexual demographics? Well the 2021 population sex ration was 98 males per 100 females, so no "Great Replacement" here either.

Global population skews male, but UN projects parity between sexes by 2050

Perhaps you meant that we're being "replaced" by minorities? Well let's see: America is 75.8% White, 13.6% Black, and 18.9% Hispanic, so no "Great Replacement" here either.

Oh wait...I got it! We're all being replaced by faggots and cross-dressing freaks, right? Well let's see about that:

A Gallup poll shows that 7.1% identify as "LGBT", which pretty much covers all of those suffering from a sexual identity crisis. So apparently, 92.9% of us are absolutely normal.

LGBT Identification in U.S. Ticks Up to 7.1%

Apparently you just pulled that out of your ass, didn't you? Admit it. :laughing0301:
Most liberal 'women' are broken and unstable... I encourage them to have abortions at will, in the rare cases they get mounted and impregnated.

Besides, they're ugly as fuck.

liberals unfuckable.jpg
Then why are conservative men so afraid of diversity? And if you agree that real men are faithful to their wives why did conservatives vote for Trump, a serial philanderer?

The other option was a serial pedophile, with a minor in philandering who raised a crackhead...
Then why are conservative men so afraid of diversity? And if you agree that real men are faithful to their wives why did conservatives vote for Trump, a serial philanderer?

Yet another ignorant statement. Bill Clinton had sex with another woman, while he was in the White House. Donald Trump didn't do that, yet you call him a "serial philanderer" and wonder why nobody thinks you have an ounce of credibility?

Lol, blacks abort more babies than are born. So I guess you have no choice but to go after white women. If you want a good one.
You're an idiot cosplayer. The only demographic to lose numbers over the last decade according to the census was white people.
Can't say, the closest thing we had to 'leftist" mothers when I was a kid were those that voted for JFK. When their sons started to be sent off to Vietnam under LBJ that changed in a hot hurry.

The majority of soldiers who served in Nam were volunteers, and 'rich kids' went as well.

The study, funded by the US Army and MIT, found that affluent communities had only marginally lower casualty rates than the nation as a whole, while poor communities had only marginally higher rates.
The majority of soldiers who served in Nam were volunteers, and 'rich kids' went as well.

The study, funded by the US Army and MIT, found that affluent communities had only marginally lower casualty rates than the nation as a whole, while poor communities had only marginally higher rates.
The draft really liked our town for some reason.
How is any conservative man being "replaced"? A Gallup poll taken last year shows that liberals remain the smallest group at 25%, while conservatives and moderates are still tied as the largest ideological groups.

U.S. Political Ideology Steady; Conservatives, Moderates Tie
If you looked at that poll closer you'd have noticed a trend of younger voters getting more and more liberal and less conservative, supporting the idea that you are being replaced ideologically.
Or maybe you were referring to sexual demographics? Well the 2021 population sex ration was 98 males per 100 females, so no "Great Replacement" here either.

Global population skews male, but UN projects parity between sexes by 2050
And this gallup poll shows support for LGTBQ rights are the majority opinion. For same sex marriage its 71% to 28% who don't support it. Clearly the ideology of conservatism against gay marriage and gay rights is not only being replaced, its pretty much dead. 😄

LGBT Rights
Perhaps you meant that we're being "replaced" by minorities? Well let's see: America is 75.8% White, 13.6% Black, and 18.9% Hispanic, so no "Great Replacement" here either.
Lets look at some other numbers from the census.

2020 Census Illuminates Racial and Ethnic Composition of the Country

  • The White population remained the largest race or ethnicity group in the United States, with 204.3 million people identifying as White alone. Overall, 235.4 million people reported White alone or in combination with another group. However, the White alone population decreased by 8.6% since 2010.
  • The Multiracial population has changed considerably since 2010. It was measured at 9 million people in 2010 and is now 33.8 million people in 2020, a 276% increase.
  • Although the White alone population decreased by 8.6% since 2010, the White in combination population saw a 316% increase during the same period.
In other words pure whites have gone down in numbers because white men are incels and cucks, but everyone else, hispanics, blacks and asians, are breeding white women like we sacked your city. 😄
lol people have neighbors, kids in schools, etc. Nobody lives in a cave or in the wilderness, at least not for long.
Oh so in your mind a "conservative" mother only raises good wholesome law abiding children?
The draft really liked our town for some reason.

Well, it would be nearly impossible to affect every single town exactly the same. Around my neck of the woods the rich kids nearly all volunteered, so did the middle class kids.
So in your mind they can't?
No in the real world they don't.

How many criminals have had a mother that was "conservative"?

How many criminals come from families that vote republican?

If you can't answer these questions then your position cannot be proven with facts therefore it is nothing but a meaningless opinion

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